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1. Also known as the New Stone Age

2. the Neolithic period in human development lasted from around
Answer: 10,000 BCE until 3,000 BCE
3. Phase likely began with a temple in southeastern Turkey at Gobekli Tepe circa 10,000
Answer: Neolithic 1
4. Began around 8800 BCE and is characterized by settlements built with rectangular mud-
brick houses with single or multiple rooms, the greater use of domesticated animals,
and advancements in tools.
Answer: Neolithic 2
5. Beginning around 6400 BCE, this period is characterized by the emergence of distinctive
cultures throughout the Fertile Crescent, such as the Halafian (Turkey, Syria, Northern
Mesopotamia) and Ubaid (Southern Mesopotamia).
Answer: Neolithic 3
6. The best known, most characteristic pottery of Tell Halaf, called Halaf ware, was
produced by specialist potters.
Answer: Halafian pottery
7. Neolithic art in Western Europe is best represented by its megalithic (large stone)
Answer: Neolithic Monument
8. Perhaps the best known megalithic henge is Stonehenge, located on Salisbury Plain in
the county of Wiltshire in south central England.
Answer: Stonehenge
9. One of the best known prehistoric sites in the United Kingdom, Avebury contains the
largest stone circle in Europe.
Answer: Avebury
10. The megalithic temple complexes of Ggantija on the Mediterranean islands of Gozo and
Malta are notable for their gigantic Neolithic structures dating to 3,600 BCE.
Answer: Ggantija, Malta

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