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Issues in Diaphragm Forming of Continuous Fiber

Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites


Centerfor Composite Materials

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Delaware
Newark, Delaware 19716

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University College Galway
Galway, Ireland

A literature survey is presented on sheet-forming methods and mechanisms for

continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics. The diaphragm forming process is
shown to be one of the more promising fabrication routes for complex-curvature
structures. The primary deformation mechanisms involved in the sheet-forming
processes are identified a n d discussed. Earlier approaches to develop mathemat-
ical models either have been kinematically based or have treated only one of the
primary deformation mechanisms. A promising constitutive model for the highly
anisotropic behavior of the composite a t forming temperature is examined. The
composite sheet is assumed to behave as a transversely isotropic Newtonian fluid
that is both incompressible a n d inextensible in the fiber direction. The second
section of the paper treats the experimental development of the polymeric dia-
phragm forming process for thermoplastic composites. The viscoelastic properties
of the diaphragm material are characterized by dynamic mechanical analysis.
The rate sensitivity of the phenomenon of shear-buckling during forming of
certain cross-ply a n d quasi-isotropic composite laminates is investigated, using a
shallow female mold. Finally, the interface condition between the diaphragm and
the composite during forming is examined.

INTRODUCTION Thermoforming of structural shapes from these

materials can be viable only if the results are pre-
igh performance thermoplastic composites have
H attracted considerable attention in recent years,
not only for their improved mechanical and physical
dictable and repeatable. The aim of the current re-
search is to develop a mathematical model of these
processes, which will enable the part designer to
properties, such as interlaminar toughness and en- assess the formability of given geometries a n d predict
vironmental resistance, but also because their chem- finished part thickness a n d fiber orientation. The
istry finally makes rapid automated production of model will include a method of calculating deforma-
composite structures a possibility. Thermoplastic tions and stresses in the material at each step in the
matrices with high volume fractions of continuous process, from forming initiation to cooling and part
carbon fibers may now be heated to the softening removal. Formed part characteristics such as local
point of the polymer a n d formed into complex-cur- fiber orientation, dimensions, a n d internal state of
vature components. However, if the process, known stress must be predictable in order for the processor
a s sheet-forming or thermoforming of thermoplastic to have confidence in the ability of the structure to
composites, is to reach its potential as a repeatable withstand service conditions. The issue of residual
and cost-efficient fabrication technique, a science stress development during cooling of complex-cur-
base must be developed in order to accurately predict vature composite shapes is currently a n active area
the finished part properties as a function of the of research (1-4), as this phenomenon is also found
processing parameters. in other, more traditional, fabrication processes.

246 POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1991, Vol. 12, No. 4

Diaphragm Forming of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites

Therefore, our attention will be focused on the actual

forming mechanics, viewed from both experimental
and analytical viewpoints. This paper first presents
a literature review of thermoplastic composite form-
ing process and mechanisms, followed by a discus-
sion of a suitable constitutive equation to describe
the composite behavior during forming. Finally, the
results of a n experimental program in one thermo-
forming process, diaphragm forming, are presented,
and suitable conclusions are drawn.

Forming Techniques
The dominant forming methods currently under
development for thermoplastic composite materials
may be generally classified as sheet-forming proc-
Fig. 1 . Diaphragmformed 8-ply quasi-isotropic [0”/+45”/
esses. Okine (5)presents a n overview of the various -45”/90”], trailer shape.
sheet-forming techniques in use, including rubber
pad forming, matched-metal die forming, hydroform-
ing, vacuum forming, and diaphragm forming. He A review of the research in thermoplastic compos-
concludes that diaphragm forming provides the best ite forming reveals two other approaches to the prob-
control of fiber placement, although it has somewhat lem. The first, a s exemplified by Gutowski and his
longer cycle times than the other processes. The type co-workers, has concentrated on the forming of sim-
of process that may be employed for forming ad- ple 90” bends, using a matched metal die forming
vanced thermoplastic composites is limited by the process. Sol1 and Gutowski (14) found that the at-
fact that the continuous fibers may not be directly tachment of spring-loaded tensioning devices to the
held in tension without limiting formability. This is ends of the preforms acted to alleviate localized fiber
often desirable in forming situations to avoid buck- wrinkling on the inside of the bends. Trice and
ling and wrinkling of the material. An innovative Goolsby (15) have examined the forming of precon-
material form consisting of long aligned discontin- solidated APC-2 sheet into complex-curvature struc-
uous fibers has been developed to counter this draw- tures using a matched metal-die technique and con-
back (5, 6). allowing the material to be “stretch- cluded that the quality of finished parts tended to
formed in the fiber direction (7).However, the focus vary greatly with the processing parameters. How-
of this present research is in the area of continuous ever, temperature variations of 80 to 100°C were
fiber reinforcements; therefore we will only consider reported in the material prior to forming, substan-
forming processes that involve negligible fiber exten- tially outside the recommended 30°C processing win-
sions. dow (13) for APC-2 (360 to 390°C). Mold heating
Diaphragm forming is a technique in which the would be required to maintain a sufficiently uniform
composite laminate, consisting of discrete unidirec- temperature distribution in the material during the
tional laminae, is held between two deformable matched-metal die forming process. As typical metal
sheets known a s diaphragms, heated, and formed molds tend to be solid and quite heavy, heating can
against a tool by application of hydrostatic pressure. add a substantial time penalty to the process cycle.
Only the diaphragms are clamped during forming, Another problem with this type of forming is that the
thus allowing for inextensible fibers in the compos- initial contact area of the matching mold halves is
ite. The authors have developed a method of iso- very small, thus causing very high localized stresses
thermal diaphragm forming, using polyimide dia- and pressures in the laminate. These problems are
phragms in an experimental autoclave (8-1 l ) . Form- alleviated in the diaphragm forming process, a s the
ing of a variety of shapes has been carried out with forming is the result of uniform hydrostatic pressure,
continuous carbon fiber reinforced PEEK (polyeth- applied prior to mold contact, under isothermal con-
eretherketone),known as APC-2 [ 13).Figure 1 shows ditions.
a trailer geometry, complete with “wheel wells,” The second school of thought has advanced the
which has been diaphragm formed from a n 8-ply idea of “incremental forming” of thermoplastic com-
quasi-isotropic flat composite sheet (12). This exam- posites. Miller (16)has proposed a scheme of distrib-
ple illustrates the degree of geometric complexity that uted point forces and localized heating to induce
may be achieved by this process. The advantages of curvatures in large laminates. The idea is to move a
diaphragm forming are the degree of complexity localized heating area along the preform and incre-
achievable and the quality of consolidated material. mentally form a complex shape. However, as the
Drawbacks may include the length of the cycle time fibers are essentially inextensible, it is not clear how
(30 to 60 min) and the permissible deformation in a n isolated heated region could exhibit a radius of
the diaphragm material. curvature without either breaking the fibers in ten-

POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 7991, Vol. 12, No. 4 247

C. M . O’Brddaigh, R. B. Pipes, a n d P . J . Mallon

sion or causing fiber wrinkling in compression re- tant in the processing of fully impregnated thermo-
gions. Strong and Hauwiller ( 1 7), who also advocate plastic composites a s it is with thermoset composites.
a type of “incremental forming,” admit that some The relatively high thermoplastic matrix viscosity
fiber strain will occur. Overall, no data have been reduces significant polymer flow transverse to and
published to date to indicate that parts of any signif- along the length of the fibers, although small pools
icant complexity can be formed using this technique. of resin were observed by the authors (9)at the end
A recent paper by Thein, et al. (18).gave details of of plies that were diaphragm formed over a 90”bend.
the diaphragm forming of a n aircraft landing-gear Transverse squeeze flow (22)of matrix and fibers in
door. Equipment design was discussed and the con- a direction perpendicular to the fibers is a very im-
clusion was drawn that polymeric diaphragm mate- portant forming mechanism, dictating the final
rials tended to give better part thickness distribution thickness distribution of the formed part, as fibers
than metallic (superplastic aluminum) diaphragms. and matrix flow transversely in response to pressure
A short article by Krone and Walker (19) also dis- gradients.
cussed early attempts at stamping unidirectional and Figure 2b illustrates the mechanisms required for
woven thermoplastic composites with limited suc- the forming of multi-ply laminates. Interply (or inter-
cess. A more recent article by Ostrom, et al. (20). laminar) shearing occurs when a laminate is de-
discussed the forming of a n aircraft forward fuselage formed in a single-curvature manner. As the fibers
structure. Rubber pad forming and both metallic and are essentially inextensible, the discrete layers are
polymeric diaphragm forming techniques were used forced to slip past one another. Cogswell (21) notes
to produce one section of the fuselage. The conclu- that this shearing action occurs in a thin “resin-rich
sion of the work was that the metallic diaphragms layer” (thickness -
10 Km) that migrates to each
lamina surface during consolidation. An apparent
performed well but caused large variations in part
thickness, whereas use of polymeric diaphragms re- yield stress is also determined for this deformation
sulted in more uniform thickness profiles a t the ex- mode, followed by a n approximate Newtonian re-
pense of some out-of-plane buckling of the laminate. sponse. Furthermore, Muzzy (23)carried out a three-
point flexural loading on a single ply at processing
Deformation Mechanisms temperature and discovered a n initial elastic re-
Theoretical approaches to model the sheet-forming sponse that could correspond to this initial yield
of continuous fiber thermoplastic composites during stress. In their analysis of interply slip, Tam and
processing must simulate the important forming
mechanisms. The dominant characteristic of such a a 1. lntraply Shearing
material is the high stiffness of the carbon fibers in - 2. Resin Percolation
comparison with that of the viscous matrix. Flow
processes that occur at the polymer melt temperature
will be highly anisotropic, because of the continuous
reinforcements. Experimental studies by the authors 7 J
(9, 12) and by Cogswell and Barnes (21, 22) have - .. . . - _I

shown that in practical forming processes such as 7

diaphragm forming, the composite layup is essen- 7
tially inextensible in the fiber direction, with defor- 3. Transverse Squeeze Flow
mations being accommodated by shearing and trans-
verse elongational mechanisms.
Figures 2a and 2b illustrate the primary defor-
mation mechanisms that occur during forming of
complex-curvature components. Figure 2a depicts
the internal mechanisms involved when a single
composite ply is deformed. The first mechanism, in- Fig. 2a. Single-lamina deformation mechanisms.
traply shearing, is needed when a shearing strain
occurs in the plane of the lamina, thus allowing part
b 4. lnterlaminar Slip
conformity to complex-curvature geometries. Theo-
retically, there is no limit to the amount of shear
- 5. lnterlaminar
deformation in unidirectional laminae that can be Rotation
accommodated by this mechanism. Fabrics, by con-
trast, are usually interlocked a t fiber crossover F
points, limiting the shear strain to the locking angle
of the unit cell. Rheological studies of APC-2 by Cog-
swell (21)indicate a n initial yield stress for the intra-
ply shearing mode, followed by a n approximately
Newtonian response.
The second mechanism, resin percolation, is nec- 4 4
essary for consolidation, but is not usually a s impor- Fig. 2b. Laminate deformation mechanisms.

248 POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 7997, Vol. 72, No. 4

Diaphragm Forming of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites
Gutowski (24)noted the importance of resin-rich lay- ers (32.33).The assumptions of material incompres-
ers at intervals through the thickness in decreasing sibility and inextensibility in the fiber direction lead
the forces needed to deform a stacked elastic/viscous to what is known as the theory of Ideal Fiber Rein-
model. Clearly, this mechanism is essential in prac- forced Materials (I.F.R.M.).Several authors have used
tical forming applications, a n d h a s been observed by the simplified flow equations of the I.F.R.M. theory
the authors microscopically in a formed 90" bend (9). to obtain approximate solutions for processing prob-
The final mechanism, interlaminar rotation, is per- lems with continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics
haps of most importance in carrying out a sheet- of the type mentioned in the previous section (34-
forming analysis. Most complex-curvature parts re- 36). It is expected that this constitutive model will
quire a change of initial fiber orientation between provide the capability to model all of the important
adjacent plies. deformation mechanisms (except for resin percola-
tion) in forming analysis.
Previous Forming Analysis The following assumptions are involved in the
I.F.R.M. theory: Each composite ply is considered to
Kinematic analysis h a s proven to be useful in pre- be a transversely isotropic fluid continuum, with a
dicting fiber orientation, primarily because of the single family of reinforcing fibers continuously dis-
inextensibility of the fibers during forming. Smiley tributed throughout, acting only as the strong or
and Pipes (25, 26) carried out orientation studies of preferred direction in the fluid. The fiber direction is
single plies of unidirectional or woven fabrics, draped denoted by the local unit vector a, and the fiber
over axisymmetric shapes. This approach h a s been directions are assumed to rotate as material lines
expanded by VanWest, et al. (27, 28) to deal with during deformation. Using standard indicia1 nota-
arbitrary shapes. However, a purely kinematic analy- tion, with indices summed from 1 to 3, the rate of
sis cannot be expected to provide a full analysis of strain, or deformation rate vector d may be expressed
thermoplastic sheet-forming, a process in which the in terms of the Eulerian velocity vector, v as follows:
properties of the finished component a r e highly de-
pendent on factors such as forming rate a n d ply
stacking sequence. For example, experimental work
by several investigators (14, 29) h a s shown that
;(:; + -
d, =- -
2) ( i , j = 1.2.3)

Furthermore, we assume the material to be incom-

buckling during forming of certain shapes is sensi- pressible and inextensible in the fiber direction. We
tive to forming rate. This evidence indicates that a thus have the following constitutive equation (32):
constitutive approach is needed to predict the
stresses and deformation throughout the process.
Though there h a s been no comprehensive treat-
ment of the forming mechanisms of Fig. 2, individual
mechanisms have been modeled. Smiley and Pipes where p T and p,. are the transverse and longitudinal
(25, 26) carried out a squeeze-flow analysis for the shear viscosities of the material.
direction transverse to the fibers, allowing predic- The components of the stress tensor are denoted
tions of finished part thickness. Tam and Gutowski b y av and the Kronecker delta is denoted by 6, (6, =
(24) used a linear viscoelastic model to predict the 0, i # j a n d 6, = 1, i = j ) . The kinematic constraint
stresses involved in forming a unidirectional 90" equations of incompressibility and inextensibility in
bend. Individual plies (or fibers) were modeled as the fiber direction result in the appearance of two
elastic beams separated by viscous layers, and the arbitrary stresses in the constitutive equation, a
analysis was carried out for small deformations using hydrostatic pressure p , a n d an arbitrary tension
simple-beam theory. The analysis was limited in that stress, T,in the fiber direction. These stresses are
the results were valid only for three-point bending of arbitrary as they are not found from the deforma-
the laminate. This approach was extended by Talbot tions, but rather by solving the boundary-value prob-
and Miller (30)to a n array of point forces, though the lem for the stresses. A more familiar arbitrary stress
viscous layers were omitted. I t is difficult to see how is the hydrostatic pressure, which appears in the
this simple beam-bending method can provide the constitutive equations of isotropic incompressible
basis for a general-purpose forming model. The de- solid or fluid mechanics. The constraints of incom-
velopment of constitutive equations for materials pressibility. a n d inextensibility in the fiber direction,
with inextensible reinforcements, which can account as well as the assumption that fibers rotate as ma-
for all the important forming mechanisms, is re- terial lines, give the following equations (33):
viewed in the next section.
Continuity: - = 0 (3)
Constitutive Equations
Constitutive relationships for anisotropic materials lnextensibility: a,aJdO= 0 (4)
reinforced by inextensible fibers have been developed dai au,
by Spencer (31). Initially developed for elastic and Fiber rotation: - = a k - (51
dt ax,
plastic materials, this approach h a s been recently
extended to highly anisotropic viscous fluids by Rog- Assuming the fibers to be initially straight and par-

POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 7991, Vol. 12, No. 4 249

C. M. O'Bradaigh, R. B. Pipes, and P. J. M a l l o n

allel and to lie in the z-y plane at a n angle 8 to the x- EXPERIMENTAL

axis, a = (cos 0, sin 8 , 0 ) ; m = cos 8; n = sin 8; the
Diaphragm Forming Process
constitutive equation (Eq. 2 )may be written in matrix
format a s follows (where we have used engineering Diaphragm forming of thermoplastic composite
shear strains for convenience): laminates h a s been developed on the principles of
vacuum forming of thermoplastic sheet. However,
Tm2 - p - with fiber reinforced composites, up to 700 kPa (100
Tn2 - p psi) is required for consolidation a n d complete form-
+ -P
ing. Therefore, a pressure chamber or autoclave is
generally required for forming. Since the presence of
inextensible fibers precludes any clamping of the
material edges, tension must be maintained on the
lay-up to prevent problems such as wrinkling and
buckling during forming, while accommodating
L2; movement of the fibers. This is achieved by placing
cz2= 2pT(1- 2 2 ) + 4pLn2 the lay-up between two thin, deformable dia-
C33 = 2pT: C44 = pT(1 - n2) + pLn2 phragms, which are clamped around the edges, while
C55 = pT(1 - m21 + pLm2;c66 = p L the composite is unrestrained. During forming, the
c16 = c2 6 = 2(pL- pT)mn
stretching diaphragms transmit tension into the
composite, as well as maintaining a pressure seal.
C45 = ( p L - ~ ~ l m n
Figure 3 illustrates the manner in which the lay-up
The constraint equations a n d the fiber rotation equa- is held between the two diaphragms and then at-
tion may also be rewritten as follows: tached to a mold.
The polymeric diaphragm forming work reported
au av aw here has been carried out in a specially designed
Continuity: -
+ -= 0 (71 autoclave (8).which is depicted schematically in Fig.
4. The autoclave features independent control of the
au primary forming parameters, temperature, pressure,
Inextensibility: cos20 - and pressurization rate. The autoclave h a s internal
dimensions of approximately 12 inches in diameter
by 24 inches in length, and is rated for operation at
450°C and 2 MPa (300 psi). Figure 5 shows the
autoclave, which is gas-pressurized a n d cooled, along
ae au av with a personal computer-controlled data acquisition
Fiber rotation: - = - + tan 8 - (9) system with remote-controlled flow meters for auto-
at ax dY
matic control of pressurization rates. Typically, the
where u, u, a n d w are the components of velocity in autoclave is preheated to forming temperature as the
mold is being attached to the door. Once the vessel
the x, y. and z directions respectively.
Equations 6 through 9 form a set of kinematic and h a s reached temperature, the door is closed and the
cycle begins. A typical temperature-pressure cycle is
constitutive equations, which may be solved in con-
shown in Fig. 6; most cycles are completed in 60 min
junction with the relevant equilibration equations to
or less, depending upon the rate of pressurization.
obtain solutions for processing problems of continu-
ous fiber reinforced thermoplastics. Suitable test Forming of a variety of APC-2 structural shapes
methods to characterize the two material viscosities, h a s been carried out in the autoclave with excellent
p T and p,,, are currently under development. Attention
control of part quality (9, 12). Parts formed have
has been focused primarily on dynamic measure- included the trailer geometry (Fig. 1 ) . a dish-shaped
ment of the material parameters in a planar torsional
model (371.Independent testing by Groves (38)a n d
Clamping Ring
by Scobbo and Nakajima (39) of APC-2 composites
indicates a ratio of longitudinal to transverse shear / 2 2 /
viscosities of between 1.5 and 1.7. Cogswell (21) re-
ports values of longitudinal a n d transverse shear
viscosities of 6,000 N-s/m2 and 3,500 N-s/m2. A finite
element formation for the I.F.R.M. Newtonian fluid
model shown above h a s been formulated by O'Bra-
daigh and Pipes (40).The details of the formulation,
however, are beyond the scope of this paper. Finite
element analysis is particularly suited for treatment
of complex shaped domains a n d could provide the
Bottom /
I a Mold Base

basis for a general-purpose thermoplastic composite Fig. 3. Tool assembly procedure f o r double-diaphragm
sheet-forming model. forming.

250 POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1991, Vol. 12, No. 4

D i a p h r a g m Forming of C o n t i n u o u s Fiber Reinforced T h e r m o p l a s t i c C o m p o s i t e s

Heated Pressure Vessel ber reinforced thermoplastic shapes under ideal iso-
thermal conditions, which would not generally be
found in a production situation. The major issues
that have been addressed in the development of this
process are the occurrence of instabilities in the com-
posite and the issue of diaphragm elongation and
durability. These issues will be dealt within the re-
mainder of the paper.
Diaphragm Material Characterization
Mechanical properties available for Upilex films
Fig. 4 . Schematic of polymeric diaphragmforming inside are generally for temperatures between 25 and
a n autoclaue. 250°C. Room temperature tensile moduli of 3700
MPa and 8830 MPa are reported (41) for Upilex-R
and Upilex-S, respectively. Upilex-R is reported to
have a glass-transition temperature (Tg)of 285°C and
could thus be expected to behave in a viscoelastic
fashion in some range above this temperature. A s
diaphragm forming of most thermoplastic composites
would occur at temperatures above 250°C (360 to
390°C for APC-2), it was decided to carry out dynamic
studies of the diaphragms at temperatures up to
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) of Upilex-R
film of 0.005-in thickness was carried out on a Du
Pont 983 DMA system. With the use of a set of
horizontal clamps, the film was deformed cyclically
in a tensile mode, with a range of frequencies from
0.5 to 2.0 Hz. The experiment was repeated at 5°C
increments between 35°C and 400°C. with results
shown in Fig. 8. A s expected, the transition temper-
Fig. 5. Diaphragmforming autoclaue at the University of ature is approximately 280°C. The initial storage
modulus of 3740 MPa agrees well with the tensile
data (41). and this value drops by two orders of
magnitude to 55 MPa in the region between 340 and
400°C. The loss modulus at forming temperature is
at approximately 10 MPa, which would give a Tan 6
value of about 0.16 to 0.18 (Tan 6 = Loss Modulus/
Storage Modulus). This value of Tan b indicates a
significant viscoelastic response for the Upilex-R di-

I/ Vacuum

O b 110 $0 3'0 ;o ;o Qo
Time minutes

Fig. 6. Typical temperature-pressure-vacuum cycle for

diaphragmforming .

structure (44). corrugated sections, a n d a series of

male and female hemispherical shapes of varying
depth (12). Figure 7 shows a n APC-2 [0"/90"],, full
hemisphere part formed in a female mold at a pres-
sure of 60 psi. The polymeric diaphragm materials
used in the process have included Upilex-R a n d Upi-
lex-S (4l), two high-temperature polyimide films.
Forming h a s also been carried out using superplastic
aluminum diaphragm materials. Overall, the equip-
ment h a s allowed a systematic investigation of the Fig. 7. Diaphragm formed 16-ply cross-ply [0"/90"],,full
process window for sheet-forming of continuous fi- hemisphere shape.

POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1991, Yo/. 12, No. 4 25 1

C. M. O ' B r a d a i g h , R. B. P i p e s , and P. J . Mallon
aphragm material at forming temperature. DMA re-
sults for the Upilex-S material are not yet available.
Shear-Buckling Study
Compressive stresses can occur during diaphragm
forming of certain geometries and may lead to buck-
ling of the entire laminate or localized fiber wrinkling
in the plane of the laminae. Observations (12) of the
forming of cross-ply and quasi-isotropic sheets into
the shallow hemispherical mold in Fig. 9 have shown
that under certain conditions, a series of symmetric
wrinkles form at f 4 5 " to the directions of reinforce-
ment. A cross-ply part is shown in Fig. 10, with
symmetric buckling on the +45" lines. A photograph
of the cross section, taken perpendicular to the direc-
tion of the surface ply, is shown in Fig. 11. This
illustrates the fact that the instability occurs
Fig. 10. 16-ply cross-ply [0°/900]4,
p a r t exhibiting s h e a r -
throughout the thickness, with each ply and both buckling on +45" lines.
diaphragms assuming the same buckled shape.
Preliminary results have shown this buckling to be
a function of the original preform dimensions and
the forming rate. Larger ratios of preform size to
formed hemispherical area and faster forming rates
increase the tendency for shear-buckling to occur
(12, 29). This is explained by a consideration of the
deformation mechanisms involved. A s pressure is
applied on the flat sheet, the central region of the
sheet is forced downwards into the mold, causing a n
increase in its area. However, since no material
Fig. 11. Cross section along surfaceLfiber direction
stretching can occur in a direction of reinforcement, through buckled p a r t i n Fig. 10.
the inextensible fibers are forced to move inwards
from the outer edges of the sheet. This inward dis-
placement of entire fibers is primarily resisted by
intraply shear forces, which can be resolved into
symmetric forces at 45" to the reinforcements, re-
sulting in the shear-buckling. For a given size of
central forming region, a n increase in the preform
size will mean a greater area of resistance to the
moving fibers, and thus greater compressive
stresses. If the composite behaves as a linear viscous
body a t forming temperature, the stresses will be a
function of the shear rates, and reduced forming
rates should lead to a reduction in compressive
stresses and, therefore, instabilities.
Figure 12 shows two 16-ply quasi-isotropic parts
that were formed into the shallow female mold, using
Upilex-R diaphragms, at approximate rates of 12 psi/
min and 6 psi/min. The part formed at the faster rate
exhibits significant shear-buckling, this time with
eight buckles at the appropriate 45" to each direction
Fig. 8. DMA results f o r 0.005-in-thickness Upilex-R.
of reinforcement. In these experiments, nickel-
coated tracer fibers were embedded in the center ply
Clamping Ring of the each lay-up before forming. X-ray examination
of the formed shapes was then carried out to illus-
trate any in-plane fiber buckling that may occur.
Figure 12b shows a n X-ray of the part formed at the
faster rate, with clear indication of shear-buckling.
The part formed at the slower rate exhibited no visi-
ble out-of-plane shear-buckling, but did have some
slight in-plane fiber buckling, as shown in Fig. 12d.
Fig. 9. Shallow f e m a l e hemispherical section mold. These results clearly indicate the dependence of this

252 POLYMER COMPOSITES,AUGUST 1991, Vol. 12, No. 4

D i a p h r a g m Forming of C o n t i n u o u s Fiber Reinforced T h e r m o p l a s t i c C o m p o s i t e s

Fig. 12a. 16-ply quasi-isotropic [0"/+45"/-45"/90"], part Fig. 12c. 16-ply quasi-isotropic [Oo/+45a/-450/900]s part
formed at approximately 12 psilmin, exhibiting eight formed at approximately 6 psilmin, exhibiting some
shear-buckling sites. Severity of buckling would be rated slight in-plane instability. Severity of buckling would be
as a 10 on a scale of 0 to 10. rated as a 1 on a scale of 0 to 10.

Fig. 12b. X-ray of 16-ply quasi-isotropic [0"/+45"/-45"/ Fig. 12d. X-ray of 16-ply quasi-isotropic [0"/+45"/-45"/
90"]. part shown in Fig. 12a. Nickel tracer fibers were 90"]hpart shown in Fig. 12c. Nickel tracer fibers were
embedded in the center ply prior toforming. embedded in the center p l y prior toforming.

instability mode on forming rate, a n experimental rates are assumed to be lower in thicker laminates
result that cannot be explained by purely kinematic formed at the same pressurization rates as thinner
analysis of the process. laminates the results of Fig. 13 are even more strik-
A s mentioned, the processing equipment includes ing. One method of ensuring constant shear rates in
remote-controlled flow devices, designed to give ac- parts of different lay-up and thickness would be to
curate control of the pressure ramp. This method of control the forming displacement rate directly. This
flow control was used to form a series of cross-ply technique h a s been employed by Monaghan and Mal-
laminates of varying thicknesses at precise pressur- Ion (42, 43). with related results being present by
ization rates. The severity of the shear-buckling was Monaghan, et al. (44).
rated qualitatively on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 The final factor in determining the stress level in
denoting very little buckling a n d 10 denoting the the composite during forming is the stiffness of the
most severe case, i.e., sharp wrinkles extending from diaphragm material. Figure 14 shows two quasi-
the forming area to the outer edge of the sheet. Figure isotropic laminates formed at 19 psi/min. The spec-
13 shows the results of this study, and illustrates the imen on the left was formed with Upilex-R, which
increased buckling found at faster rates a n d thicker h a s a storage modulus of approximately 55 MPa a t
laminates. However, laminates of different thick- 380°C and exhibits significant laminate buckling,
nesses will behave with different displacement rates whereas the specimen on the right, formed with Up-
for the same pressure history. Therefore, if the shear ilex-S, is completely free of any buckling or wrin-

POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1991, Vol. 12, No. 4 253

ing. Figure 16 shows the same specimen directly
16-ply - 4 5 6
after forming and removal from the chamber. Figure
17 shows a photograph of this hemisphere compared

with a similar part that was consolidated as a flat
10 severely buckled
panel. The circular grid h a s been deformed into a n
12-ply 1 4 5 S.....significant buckling elliptical one, with the minor axis of the ellipses
Buckling buckling occurring in the fiber direction.
8-PlY 1 2

Fig. 15. 8-ply unidirectional [O0l8 part and diaphragms.

each inscribed with polar grids, shown attached to full
hemispherical female mold, prior toforming.

Fig. 14. Effect of diaphragm stqfness on shear-buckling.

Left: 16-ply quasi-isotropic [O"/+45°/-450/90"], female A
part formed with Upilex-R at 19 psilmin. Severity of
buckling would be rated as a 9 on a scale of 0 to 10. Right:
16-ply quasi-isotropic (O'/+450/-450/900],female A part
-formed with Upilex-S at 19 psilmin. Severity of buckling
would be rated as a 0 on a scale of 0 to 10.

kling. The published data on Upilex-S properties to

date (41, 44) would suggest that this material is ap-
proximately 10 times stiffer t h a n the Upilex-R a t
forming temperature. This experimental result indi-
cates that increasing the stiffness of the diaphragm
material can serve to alleviate shear-buckling sub-
Fig. 16. 8-ply unidirectional [O0I8 part and diaphragm,
each inscribed with polar g ri d s, shown afterforming into
Diaphragm/Composite Interface Conditions full hemisphericalfemale mold.
A s stated earlier, the purpose of the diaphragm is
to keep the composite material in tension during
forming. Little attention h a s been paid to the manner
in which this tension is transmitted from the dia-
phragm to the laminate. In his analysis of superplas-
tic aluminum diaphragm forming, Smiley (25) as-
sumed that the diaphragm and composite behave
independently. However, this would assume a fully
lubricated condition at the interface. To investigate
this condition, a high temperature metallic marker
(Berol 0Prismacolor) was used to inscribe a series of
polar grids and radial lines on the surface ply of a
unidirectional 8-ply lay-up. Identical lines were in-
scribed on the top surface of the top diaphragm, Fig. 17. Left: 8-ply unidirectional (Oo/8 part, inscribed
which is used to form the part. The lay-up with the with polar grids prior to processing, consolidated as a
f l a t laminate. Right: &ply unidirectional [O0lx part in-
polar grids inscribed, shown in Fig. 15, is attached scribed with polar grids prior to processing,formed into
to the full female hemispherical mold prior to form- .full hemispherical female mold.

254 POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1997, Vol. 12, No. 4

D i a p h r a g m Forming of C o n t i n u o u s Fiber Reinforced T h e r m o p l a s t i c C o m p o s i t e s

More surprisingly, Fig. 18 shows the same lines namically and found to behave in a viscoelastic fash-
that were inscribed on the diaphragm, and it is clear ion a t processing temperature. A n instability
the pattern is identical to that of the part. The dia- phenomenon in the composite, known as “shear-
phragm on the left, by contrast, was formed on its buckling,” was investigated and found to depend not
own into the same mold, resulting in a n axisymmet- only upon geometrical factors, but also upon forming
ric pattern. Therefore, even though a release agent rate, diaphragm stiffness, and part thickness. Fi-
(Frekote-FRP) had been applied to the diaphragm nally, the deformations of diaphragm and composite
before forming, the composite and diaphragm defor- were seen experimentally to be strongly coupled,
mations are seen to be strongly coupled with a sub- even in the presence of a release agent.
stantial no-slip condition at the interface. It is be-
lieved that this coupling occurs through shear in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
resin-rich layer between the surface ply and the di- The authors would like to acknowledge I.C.I. PLC,
aphragm. who have supported this research through a graduate
Composite Sheet Forming Fellowship. We are grate-
CONCLUSIONS ful to the following students for their experimental
Sheet-forming processes for fabrication of ad- assistance: Martin Fleming, Basil Regan, Michael
vanced thermoplastic composite structures are the Louderback, and Russell Brill. Our thanks are also
subject of much interest. Processes under consider- due to Joe Sosnowik of Hercules Inc. for carrying out
ation include diaphragm forming, matched metal-die the DMA studies.
forming, and rubber-pad forming. Methods of analy- REFERENCES
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256 POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1991, Vol. 12, No. 4

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