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History 11

1. What is historical criticism?

Historical criticism is an examination to confirm the authenticity of a
historical data. Historical data are closely examined by tracing documents
and verifying events. This is to find if the data presented contains
truthfulness, no bias and consistency.

2. Discuss the importance of historical criticism.

Researches can’t use data that are not accurate and consistent since it is
required to contain pure fact to be reliable. With this being said, the
importance of historical criticism comes in. It is important because it makes
historical facts supported with historical details and such facts are deeply
analyzed and interpreted to build a strong and reliable information. With
historical data being closely examined, it brings us closer to the truth.

3. Do you believe that writing history is subjective? Why? Explain.

Yes, because history are recorded events where there are subjects (people)
who recorded the events. Even in finding sources, as much as possible, we
seek for primary sources to have firsthand information. I also believe that
writing history is subjective because it is based from the interpretation of
the author of the history.

4. How can the writing of history objective? Explain.

History is subjective but maybe we can write this objectively by just
addressing the facts but never choose a side even if you personally agree
with it. Deal with facts without any distortions by personal feelings and
interpretations. This avoids bias and in such way we can write it objectively.
5. What criteria do historical researchers use to validate their sources of
data? Discuss.
Historical researchers use historical criticism to validate their sources of
data since they just can’t use unverified and invalidated data in nonfiction
documents. Historical researchers may use external and internal criticism
to further examine historical data. In such way, they will have a clear
understanding about the content and authenticity of the data in addition to
the genuineness of the document. Historical researchers always seek for
accuracy and reliability to validate their sources of data.

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