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Creating a strong sense

of belonging for all

Think of your experiences at work or in your personal life Given the increasing diversity of our teams, we cannot take
where you felt fully valued, understood and seen for all you a sense of belonging for granted. That is why we, as leaders,
bring to the table — your background, experiences and skills. colleagues and team members, need to be purposeful and
What was it about the situation, the environment, the people deliberate in cultivating a sense of belonging for all, to harness
that created your experience? How did this impact your sense its benefits for us as individuals, for highest-performing
of competence, confidence and success? ... Now, think of a teams and for our organizations. Everyone has opportunities
time when you did not feel valued, understood or seen for who every day to shape the belonging experience for ourselves
you are and what you can contribute. How is that experience and others. This requires applying inclusive behaviors and
and its impact on you different? norms, to make it clear to each person that their differences
matter and that they are an “insider” of the group and not an
Through this simple reflection, we remind ourselves how
significant the sense of belonging is and what a powerful
influence on performance it can be. When we feel a strong This guide is for individuals and teams to learn more about the
sense of belonging, we feel free to be ourselves and safe to value of belonging at work, and how to team and lead in ways
offer different points of view and dissenting opinions, and we that create a positive belonging experience for ourselves and
believe that our contributions matter. We feel like “insiders,” our colleagues:
a trusted integral part of a team, network or community. In
• Optimizing belonging increases the value of Diversity &
contrast, when our sense of belonging is low, we feel like
Inclusiveness (D&I)...........................................................1
“outsiders.” We feel vulnerable and guarded, we don’t speak up
easily or offer alternative perspectives and we contribute less, • Personal and business benefits of belonging research.........2
as it is not appreciated or does not seem to matter. The degree • Potential barriers to belonging .........................................3
to which we feel we belong (or don’t belong) can vary from • Practical tips and suggested actions to strengthen the
one person to another, one team to another, or even from one experience of belonging for yourself and others..............4-5
meeting to the next.

Optimizing belonging increases the value of Diversity & Inclusiveness

Diversity Inclusiveness
Teaming and leading inclusively helps
Diversity is about Inclusiveness is about leveraging differences
others experience psychological safety and
differences. At EY, to achieve better business results. We are
we think broadly committed to creating an environment where trust, which leads to a feeling of belonging.
about differences all of our people feel — and are — valued, are The more someone feels they belong, the
(e.g., background, able to bring their differences to work each day more likely they will behave inclusively.
education, and contribute to their personal best in every
gender, ethnicity, encounter.
Value and optimize diversity by demonstrating
generation, The value of belonging
inclusive leadership behavior:
working and
• Be aware of your own preferences and biases For individuals For organizations
thinking styles,
religious • Be open to other perspectives for decision- • M
— otivation • Innovation
background, making • P
— erformance • Business
sexual • Seek out perspectives different from your own outcomes performance—
orientation, • Adapt your style to work with others • Physical and mental • Quality
ability, technical effectively health • Highest-performing
skills, service
• Enable everyone to contribute • Career outcomes teams
line, sector and
function). • Make success possible for all
Personal and business benefits of belonging

A strong sense of belonging can lead to better collaboration, retention and business performance. When we feel we belong,
we are more motivated and engaged. It significantly reduces stress levels and improves physical health, emotional well-being
and performance.
Highest-performing teams are diverse and inclusive groups of committed, passionate people, brought together by a shared
vision and deeply invested in each other’s success. As individuals, they bring their unique experiences, backgrounds and
perspectives. As a group, they form the right mix of talent. Inclusive teams build a sense of belonging for all members,
elevate a high-trust culture and provide psychological safety by encouraging members to voice diverse opinions, share
nontraditional views and ask better questions.

The people I work with make me feel like I belong to a team(s).

This newly added EY Global People Survey (GPS) question revealed that the majority of our
people globally experience a sense of belonging on their team(s). This is a positive result
and will serve as our baseline. However, because our goal is to have a fully inclusive culture
where all EY people feel that they belong to a team, we have an opportunity to improve. GPS
Source: EY Global results also show some difference and less-favorable responses for some underrepresented
People Survey, 2017
demographic groups, including those who identify as having a different cultural background
than others on their team(s). This tells us that some groups of people are having fewer
positive experiences at EY.

Diversity & Inclusiveness drives performance

Teaming and leading inclusively helps create environments where people are likely to
safety is feel they belong. When people feel they belong, they are more likely to model inclusive

behaviors. This “virtuous” cycle optimizes the business benefits of D&I:

Business performance Team collaboration Innovation

higher 8 points 3.5x

among employees who higher gross margin
more likely to
perceived their leaders 8 points contribute to their full
demonstrated empowerment, higher retention better innovative potential
accountability, courage and
humility behaviors most often. 4 points Source: Sylvia Ann Hewlett,
Melinda Marshall & Laura Sherbin
higher revenue growth Source: Driving Retention and with Tara Gonsalves, Innovation,
Source: EY Business Linkage Performance Through Employee Diversity & Market Growth, Center
Source: Catalyst research, 2015
Research 2017 Engagement, Corporate Leadership for Talent Innovation, 2013
Council, 2008

People at high-trust companies report:

Less stress
Resulting in

Less burnout
More energy higher
106% productivity
More engagement

Source: “The Neuroscience of Trust” by Paul J. Zak, Harvard Business Review, January 2017

2 | Creating a strong sense of belonging for all

Potential barriers to belonging

Like an iceberg, many aspects of our


identity may not be visible to others. To be er

recognized, valued and appreciated for who Appearance Age
we are and how we see ourselves, consider

ty l Re


sta onom


the following. on s ion

ti y
Ph bili


ice li



We each have multiple aspects of our identity. Our Role/


differences matter and make us unique. Heritage function
For example, someone’s identity may include being a

Life Personality


man, father, artist, accountant, immigrant and introvert.



experiences profile

Distinct aspects of our identity may become more


relevant in different circumstances.


Political views

How much we share of our personal lives, and when and orientation
how we do it, may differ from one individual to another. Thinking style Talents
For some markets, an appropriate personal interaction Gender
can include laughing with people and understanding their identity Skil Perspectives
home situation or their history from their childhoods. This
Beli Wor

isi n/
may vary in different markets, as cultural differences, efs k styl

div atio

personality traits (introverts/extroverts) and identity

impact how we communicate. Sharing signals that we

care and are open is key to elevate less-visible attributes,
strengths and experience to the surface.
Iceberg model source: adapted from Prof. Gary
Sometimes we can feel uncertain about belonging. Weaver, American University, Understanding and
Coping with Cross-Cultural Adjustment Stress
Individuals who identify as members of groups that are (University Press of America, 1986).
underrepresented in teams or organizations (e.g., women
in senior ranks, those of a different cultural background
than the majority of a team, LGBT+, foreign nationals,
experienced hires) may question whether their differences

are valued and if they belong. This can result in people
feeling additional stress and using their energy to fit in
with dominant norms and cover up their differences, and
can lead to perspectives that prevent people, teams and It’s important to be yourself
organizations from realizing the benefits of belonging.
This can be particularly significant for members of because being anybody else is a
historically marginalized and/or stereotyped groups,
where trust of a majority group should not be taken for
lot harder work, and you’re going
granted. Trust in a supportive environment needs to be to use up a lot of bandwidth to do
developed over time and explicitly demonstrated and
communicated consistently. it. When you actually begin to be
The experience of belonging isn’t static. Our yourself and uncover that to others,
environment matters.
The environment we experience on our teams and in
you plug yourself into a power
meetings can make us feel more or less like we belong. source that hugely benefits both
Consider when you are invited to share your views, or
when people support your flexibility needs. Compare this you and your organization.
to a meeting where your ideas are ignored, or where only
some people are afforded flexibility. Through our actions,
Kenji Yoshino
we can shape our environment for ourselves and others Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor
by building trust and psychological safety on our teams — of Constitutional Law, New York
making fewer assumptions about people based on what is
University School of Law
visible to us, and helping reveal more of what is “beneath
the waterline” for ourselves and others.
Check out the following pages for practical tips to boost
Creating a strong sense of belonging for all | 3
Practical tips and How I feel when I belong
suggested actions Welcomed, valued, Safe Connected
to strengthen understood

the experience • I’m onboarded in a • I can be myself. • I► have a network that

thoughtful way. supports me professionally
of belonging for • M
► y team engages me in
• Differences in my experience,
background and point of view and personally.

yourself and others discussions and decisions. are valued. • I feel genuinely connected
with members of my team.
• M
► y opinion matters. • My colleagues care about
me. • I feel invested and purposeful
at work, which makes
With focused me also feel willing and
intention, openness motivated to contribute
above and beyond, both
and some specific professionally and personally.
actions, we can
help create positive How I can create a stronger sense of belonging for others and myself
experiences of
belonging for
What I can do for others: What I can do for others: What I can do for others:
ourselves and others.
• Check in on new members • Be an active ally. Identify • Look for ways the team can
Your teaming and of my team and address — with support each individual’s
leadership matter! • Be open to, recognize permission — the behaviors personal and career
and incorporate new that make people feel aspirations, needs, interests
approaches and ideas that they are not valued, and styles
• Encourage people to offer dismissed, interrupted • Pay attention to how people
diverse or dissenting or overlooked in team build relationships, and help
opinions. Ask, “What settings expand their connections by
points of view have I not • Be explicit about sharing my networks
yet considered?” the importance of • Look out for those who
understanding and valuing may feel left out or like an
What I can do for myself:
cultural and stylistic “outsider.” Give them the
Set up time to connect with
individuals on my team. differences opportunity to lead on an
Be open about why this is What I can do for myself: engagement and to share
important to me. I may want Ask for perspectives from their views
to share my background and multiple team members and What I can do for myself:
experiences. share my thoughts during Be clear that differences are
meetings, even if they differ an asset, openly share and
from other opinions. leverage them on my projects.

Creating space to unearth the multiple identities [someone has] is
one of the tasks of leaders and creates the sense of belonging.
Dr. Valerie Purdie Greenaway
Professor in the Department of Psychology, Columbia University and Columbia Business School

4 | Creating a strong sense of belonging for all

How I feel when I belong

Trusted Inspired Supported to achieve my Elevated


• I’m given opportunities to • I see role models around me. • My team understands and • I have a sponsor who
challenge myself and gain • The purpose of my work and supports my aspirations. advocates for me.
more visibility. challenging projects motivate • I have the flexibility I need • I experience engaging,
• Decision-making processes me. to achieve professional and challenging work. I learn new
are open for my input and personal growth. things that are stimulating
understanding. and useful for my career.
• I see a promising future at

How I can create a stronger sense of belonging for others and myself

What I can do for others: What I can do for others: What I can do for others: What I can do for others:
• Engage personally and • Observe and ask what • Role model by sharing • Information is power;
align expectations early motivates a person (what my own flexibility stories, make sure I share with all
on in relationships: be motivates me might not not just business results members of the team (not
present, curious and seize motivate someone else) and metrics only a select few)
daily opportunities to • Provide “gold standard” • Openly address • Look for opportunities to
communicate that I value feedback to each person discomfort and stigmas position new team members
and care about others on my team. about working flexibly, for high-profile projects
• Be open and transparent • Communicate my support: and challenge the • Rotate team members to
about the reasons for “I believe in you and trust status quo; ask whether lead, and bring them to
my decisions, and be that you can achieve preferences or traditions meetings for exposure to
transparent with what I your career and personal keep us from being senior executives or key
prioritize aspirations” flexible in our ways of clients
• Be consistent and • Show support through working; define what • Visibly sponsor people
accountable: maintain actions (e.g., invite to is actually required to who are different from
consistent behavior, even join a project, give a better inform decisions me, and set expectations
under pressure; model challenging assignment, about what could be for others to do the same.
inclusive behaviors; and offer regular touch points changed Be transparent about
reinforce and reward the to encourage questions) What I can do for myself: why I am advocating for
accountability of others When joining a team or their development and
What I can do for myself:
What I can do for myself: starting a new project, advancement
Reflect on aspects of my
To increase the trust that communicate my two to
role that I appreciate, and What I can do for myself:
others have in me, deliver three areas of project
consider ways to do more Perform at a high level,
on my promises and focus to a senior person
things that motivate me. contribute a distinct personal
regularly engage in on the team and ask
Embody the leadership brand and add value to my
transparent, open dialogue what they expect me to
characteristics that I admire sponsor’s network

To find out more, visit

Creating a strong sense of belonging for all | 5

EY | Assurance | Tax | Strategy and Transactions | Consulting

About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, strategy, transaction and
consulting services. The insights and quality services we deliver help
build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the
world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our
promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in
building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our

EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of

the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is
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about how EY collects and uses personal data and a description of the
rights individuals have under data protection legislation are available
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This news release has been issued by EYGM Limited, a member of the
global EY organization that also does not provide any services to clients.

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All Rights Reserved.

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This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to
be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for
specific advice.

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