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Estimating Mountain Goat Abundance using DNA from Fecal Pellets

Article  in  Journal of Wildlife Management · August 2011

DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.184

28 288

4 authors, including:

Kim G Poole Garth Mowat

Aurora Wildlife Research Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development


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Statistical Population Reconstruction for large mammals in British Columbia View project

Understanding landscape and human effects on wolverine abundance, distribution and connectivity in the Central and Southern Canadian Rockies ecosystem View

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The Journal of Wildlife Management 75(6):1527–1534; 2011; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.184


Estimating Mountain Goat Abundance

Using DNA From Fecal Pellets
KIM G. POOLE,1 Aurora Wildlife Research, 1918 Shannon Point Rd., Nelson, BC, Canada V1L 6K1
DARRYL M. REYNOLDS, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, P.O. Box 950 Stn. Prov. Govt.,
Sechelt, BC, Canada V0N 3A0
GARTH MOWAT, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Suite 401, 333 Victoria St., Nelson, BC,
Canada V1L 4K3
DAVID PAETKAU, Wildlife Genetics International, P.O. Box 274, Nelson, BC, Canada V1L 5P9

ABSTRACT Non-invasive collection of tissue samples to obtain DNA for microsatellite genotyping required
to estimate population size has been used for many wildlife species but rarely for ungulates. We estimated
mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) population size on a mountain complex in southwestern British
Columbia by identification of individuals using DNA obtained from fecal pellet and hair samples collected
during 3 sampling sessions. We identified 55 individuals from 170 samples that were successfully genotyped,
and estimated a population of 77 mountain goats (SE ¼ 7.4). Mean capture probability was 0.38
(SE ¼ 0.037) per session. Our technique provides one of the first statistically rigorous estimates of
abundance of an ungulate species using DNA derived primarily from fecal pellets. Our technique enables
managers to obtain minimum counts or population estimates of ungulates in areas of low sightability that can
be used for conservation and management. ß 2011 The Wildlife Society.

KEY WORDS abundance, British Columbia, DNA, fecal pellets, mark–recapture, mountain goats, Oreamnos

Non-invasive collection of tissue samples to obtain DNA for Brinkman and Hundertmark 2009), in part a result of time
microsatellite genotyping required to identify individuals and since deposition, sensitivity to weather factors, and DNA
produce estimates of population size has been used for many contamination by micro-organisms (Maudet et al. 2004,
wildlife species, mainly carnivores (e.g., Woods et al. 1999, Piggot 2004, Murphy et al. 2007, Brinkman et al. 2009).
Mowat and Paetkau 2002, Paetkau 2003). Non-invasive Mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) are an important
DNA sampling of ungulate populations is uncommon species in British Columbia (BC), valued by First Nations
(Eggert et al. 2003, Piggott and Taylor 2003, Maudet and recreational hunters and viewed as a symbol of rugged
et al. 2004, Van Vliet et al. 2008). Ungulate tissue samples mountains and true wilderness. Approximately half of the
obtained from carcasses have been used to examine genetic world population occurs in the province (Festa-Bianchet and
diversity and population or subspecies questions (McFarlane Côté 2008). Periodic surveys are required to update popula-
et al. 2009), and pellets collected in the field have contributed tion estimates to ensure that harvests are sustainable; how-
to understanding of phylogenetics and population genetics ever, in many situations accurate estimates of mountain goat
(Gebremedhin et al. 2009). Although population estimates populations are difficult to obtain. Helicopters are generally
have been obtained from collection of carnivore scat used to conduct total counts of mountain goats, with sight-
(Bellemain et al. 2005), only recently have pellets been ability correction applied afterwards for animals assumed
used to provide population estimates of ungulates using a missed during the survey (Poole 2007). No measures of
mark–recapture study design (Eggert et al. 2003, Valière variance are available with this technique. Other techniques
et al. 2007, Harris et al. 2010, Brinkman et al. 2011). used to estimate population size are less developed (Poole
Most DNA studies have obtained DNA from hair collected 2007). Reliable mark–resight techniques have not been well
using barbed wire or glue. Collection of fecal pellet samples tested and tend to produce wide confidence limits (Smith
(hereafter pellets) is attractive because of the ease of collec- and Bovee 1984, Cichowski et al. 1994, Poole et al. 2000,
tion, potential for obtaining large sample sizes, and reduced Pauley and Crenshaw 2006). Regression-based sightability
disturbance to the focal species. However, pellets may yield correction models have only recently begun to be developed
low quality and quantity of DNA (Waits and Paetkau 2005, for mountain goats (Poole 2007, Rice et al. 2009), where
group size, terrain obstructions, and vegetation cover are
Received: 22 April 2010; Accepted: 1 February 2011;
Published: 15 July 2011
principle factors affecting sightability. Our objectives
were to demonstrate the utility of a method to produce a
E-mail: DNA-based population estimate of mountain goats using

Poole et al.  Abundance of Mountain Goats Using DNA 1527

a mark–recapture study design and to compare these results mountain conducted prior to the start of DNA collection
with an aerial survey. provided a broad indication where mountain goats could
occur (D. Reynolds, unpublished data). Our sampling effort
STUDY AREA was systematic in that we sampled essentially all areas acces-
We conducted our study on the Mt. Meager complex in the sible by humans. Although sampling was biased towards
Pacific ranges of the Coast Mountains in southwestern potential goat habitat where a helicopter can land and
British Columbia (508 370 N, 1238 330 W). Climate was of humans can walk safely, we assumed all individual goats
the southern submaritime moisture regime (Green and move through milder terrain at some point in their daily
Klinka 1994). Potential summer goat habitat (approx. and weekly movements (cf. Poole et al. 2009).
90 km2, glaciers removed) primarily was made up of 2 bio- We instructed field crews to cover broad areas of potential
geoclimatic zones: the Mountain Hemlock zone and the goat habitat or trails searching for pellets and hair, but we did
Alpine Tundra zone above tree line. Tree line was generally not give them instructions on what route to follow or specific
located at 1,600 m, with mountain peaks extending to area to cover. We collected a GPS track file of movements
2,680 m. Glaciers covered approximately one-quarter of and sampling locations for each crew. Each crew walked up
the alpine area. July and January mean temperatures for to 5–6 km and covered up to 1–2 km2 of habitat. Samples
Whistler, 60 km southeast of the study area, were 15.98 C were most often collected along trails and near beds, which
and 3.08 C, respectively (Environment Canada 2010). were generally located in areas where goats had a clear view of
Whistler received an average of 1,230 mm of precipitation surrounding areas below them.
annually including 410 cm of snowfall. We emphasized collections of pellets, as preliminary testing
suggested that most hair observed in alpine areas at this time
METHODS of year was passively shed from the spring–summer molt,
Study design and methodology for the aerial survey generally with correspondingly lower success of DNA amplification
followed government standards (Resources Information than plucked hair (Gagneux et al. 1997; D. Paetkau, Wildlife
Standards Committee 2002, Poole 2007) and consisted of Genetics International, unpublished data). Pellets can be
a total count survey, with sightability correction subjectively roughly aged by color and dryness (e.g., Prugh and
applied afterwards. On 21 July 2009 we surveyed an area of Ritland 2005, Brinkman et al. 2010). To maximize the
potential goat habitat within alpine, open subalpine, and success of DNA extraction (Brinkman et al. 2009), we
forested cliff habitats, which generally included steep, cliff, instructed field personnel to attempt to collect only recently
or open habitat above 1,550 m elevation. We used a Bell deposited pellets (1–2 weeks of age). We termed pellets
206B Jet Ranger helicopter (Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., ‘‘fresh’’ if they were wet in appearance with a mucus sheen.
Fort Worth, TX) with pilot, navigator, and 2 observers, and ‘‘Recent’’ pellets in general appeared dark and shiny, but
we surveyed approximately 200–300 m in from the edge of lacked a wet appearance. We considered dull brown and
glaciers but not the ice mass centers. We flew roughly 150– dried pellets, or those with mold or vegetation growth,
200-m contour lines at 80–120 km/hr, 75–100 m out from ‘‘moderate,’’ ‘‘old,’’ or ‘‘dry’’ (collectively ‘‘older’’) and we
the hillsides. Based on past experience with goat distribution did not collect them unless younger pellets were not avail-
on the complex (D. Reynolds and S. Rochetta, BC Forests, able. Generally we collected 4 pellets from each pellet pile
Lands and Natural Resource Operations, unpublished data), and placed them in a paper coin envelope, which we labeled
we applied greater effort on the south side of the mountain with crew information and the GPS waypoint. Because goats
complex and less effort on the north side. We mapped tend to be in groups of >1 individuals and we had no reliable
approximate flight lines and survey coverage on 1:50,000 way of subsampling for a single individual, we collected
scale topographical maps and calculated the survey area. samples from all fresh and recent pellet piles observed,
We recorded goat locations and helicopter flight tracks regardless of adjacency with other piles. We also collected
with a hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS) unit some hair samples, primarily in areas of fresh mountain goat
and later downloaded the data to a computer. We classified sign (tracks) but no pellets. We emphasized hair snagged on
goats only into kids and non-kids (yearlings and older; alpine vegetation, hoping that hair pulled from an animal
hereafter adults) based on body size to minimize harassment would contain non-shed hair (with an attached root) and
and because more detailed age and sex classification from the would have greater success at DNA extraction than shed hair
air is not reliable (Smith 1988, Côté 1996, Gonzalez-Voyer on the ground (Gagneux et al. 1997). We collected 10 hairs
et al. 2001). for a sample and often collected a full envelope.
We conducted 3 1-day sessions of DNA sample collections. We stored sample envelopes in paper bags and within 36 hr
Originally designed at 3-week intervals, weather delays for of collection we dried them in a convection oven at approxi-
session 2 resulted in 26 days and 16 days between sessions (22 mately 65–708 C for 6–8 hr. We sent all samples to Wildlife
Jul, 17 Aug, and 2 Sep 2009). We instructed the 25–30 Genetics International (Nelson, BC, Canada) for microsat-
volunteers per session on sampling protocols prior to deploy- ellite genotyping. Samples were subjected to commercial
ment. We used a helicopter to place 12–16 crews of normally DNA extraction methods and then genotyped with an au-
2 individuals to cover all accessible goat habitat across the tomated DNA sequencing machine using publicly available
mountain complex, primarily on ridgelines and adjacent to microsatellite markers. We screened all samples for DNA
escape terrain. Previous surveys and an aerial survey of the analysis, except samples from 1 ridge system during session 2,

1528 The Journal of Wildlife Management  75(6)

which we randomly subsampled to reduce the sampling by using the amelogenin marker also used for bears (Ursus
half as a cost-saving measure. spp.; Ennis and Gallagher 1994).
We extracted DNA using the DNeasy Blood and Tissue We used closed mark–recapture models from software
Kit (Qiagen, Inc., Valencia, CA). For hair samples we Programs MARK and CAPTURE to estimate population
clipped roots from up to 10 hairs and then processed the size (Otis et al. 1978, White and Burnham 1999, White
samples following standard protocols (Paetkau 2003). For 2008). We pooled multiple captures of individuals into 1
pellets we placed 1–6 pellets, depending on size, into a test capture per session. Program MARK can be used to accom-
tube and covered them with Qiagen’s ATL digest buffer to modate variation in capture probability among capture ses-
wash off the mucus containing intestinal cells. We agitated sions (time variation) explicitly and between sex cohorts via
these tubes by gentle swirling several times during incubation the use of covariates. We fitted a series of models in MARK
and then removed the pellets after 1 hr. DNA purification that allowed various forms of time variation, including the
followed Qiagen’s protocol, with volumes of ethanol and use of sex as a covariate. We fitted full-time models to allow
buffer AL scaled in proportion to the amount of ATL left for variable capture probability among capture sessions,
after pellet removal (generally 500 ml). which is a common result among field studies. We also fitted
To identify individuals we used microsatellite markers reduced time models based on an examination of our capture
originally developed for cow (Bishop et al. 1994) and caribou results, no time variation as a null model for comparison, and
(Rangifer tarandus; Wilson et al. 1997) and selected from we tested for variation in capture probability between sexes
preliminary work on mountain goats pellets from the Stikine given the variation in home range size and behavior between
River area in northwestern British Columbia in 2005 (G. sexes (Festa-Bianchet and Côté 2008). Each model gener-
Mowat, BC Forests, Lands and Natural Resource ated a population estimate for each sex; we did not model one
Operations, unpublished data). We discontinued use of population estimate in MARK because single estimate mod-
marker Rt5 after session 1 because of low marker variability. els assume equal population sizes for each sex, an unlikely
Amplified alleles not seen in goats identified samples origi- proposition (Festa-Bianchet and Côté 2008). Program
nating from other species (e.g., moose [Alces alces]), which we CAPTURE includes models that accommodate random
removed from further analysis. The genotyping process fol- variation in capture probability among individuals (termed
lowed the template of Paetkau (2003), except that we ana- heterogeneity) and also includes a model that accommodates
lyzed samples of intermediate quality 4 times at all markers. both heterogeneity and time variation. Time models are
To summarize, after the first attempt at multilocus micro- negatively biased when heterogeneity among individuals is
satellite genotyping, we classified individual (single-locus) measurable (Otis et al. 1978), hence we did not want to
genotypes as high or low confidence based on a series of exclude the use of the heterogeneity models in CAPTURE if
objective (signal strength) and subjective (appearance) traits, modeling of the sexes separately did not appear to capture
after which we stratified both hair and pellet samples into 3 most of the heterogeneity in the data. We used Akaike’s
categories: 1) we culled samples with high confidence scores Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc)
for <3 markers, 2) we only reanalyzed high quality samples and model weights to aid in selection among plausible mod-
with 1 low-confidence score at the low-confidence marker, els in MARK to estimate population size. We used the
if any, and 3) we re-analyzed intermediate quality samples 3 closure tests in the software Close Test (Stanley and
more times at all markers and then used a quality index (sensu Burnham 1999) to test for losses or additions to the
Luikart et al. 2008) to cull lower quality samples. When population.
intermediate quality samples passed the specified quality
threshold, but had not yet produced 2 matching high-confi- RESULTS
dence scores for each marker, we applied additional rounds of During the aerial survey we used 2.2 hr of helicopter time
single-locus analysis until this standard was satisfied for all and surveyed 90 km2. Overall survey intensity averaged
markers or we culled the sample. This effort is consistent 1.4 min/km2, with greater effort on the south side of the
with the notion that error rates scale inversely with DNA mountain (1.7 min/km2) than on the north side (1.0 min/
concentration (Taberlet et al. 1996) and supported our strat- km2). We observed 60 goats in 15 groups, including 18 kids
egy of focusing data replication efforts on lower quality (30% of total goats). We observed no goats on the north side
samples. of the mountain complex. Group size ranged from 1 to 11
We conducted error checking by re-analysis of mismatch- goats and averaged 4.0  0.73 (x  SE). Based on other
ing markers in pairs of genotypes that matched at all-but-one research (summarized in Poole 2007, Rice et al. 2009) and
or all-but-two markers (1MM- and 2MM-pairs, respective- considering the survey effort and habitat, we subjectively
ly; Paetkau 2003). Genotyping errors normally create pairs of applied a sightability of 0.70 to derive an estimate of 86
genotypes that match at all markers but one (1MM-pairs) goats (60 adults and 26 kids).
and can therefore be corrected by re-analyzing the mismatch- Field crews collected 490 samples; 91% were pellet samples.
ing markers in such pairs (Kendall et al. 2009). This approach One sample was not a mountain goat, 77 pellet samples
has been shown capable of effectively preventing identifica- (16%) were not suitable for analysis (primarily crushed
tion of false individuals through genotyping error (Kendall or broken apart, or the inside exposed), 92 (19%) were
et al. 2009). Once individual identification was complete, we not analyzed (subsampling), and 150 (31%) failed during
selected one sample per individual for analysis of gender genetic analysis, whereas 170 samples (35%) produced high-

Poole et al.  Abundance of Mountain Goats Using DNA 1529

Table 1. Session effort and individual mountain goat captures as identified from DNA analysis, Mt. Meager complex, British Columbia, 2009.
New captures Males
Session No. pellet samples No. hair samples Captures No. % No. %
1 105 23 35 35 100 13 37
2 228 11 26 14 54 10 38
3 115 8 27 6 22 8 30
Total 448 42 88 55 22 40

confidence scores for all 7 remaining markers. Prior to re- Capture probability was highest in the first session and
analysis in the context of error checking, the dataset con- detection of new individuals declined linearly (Table 1). Both
tained 11 1MM-pairs, all of which we found to be caused by general closure tests suggested a closed population (P > 0.3).
genotyping error (there were no 1MM-pairs in the final Modeling results suggested that capture probability (p) was
dataset). The 6 2MM-pairs in the dataset were all replicated detectably higher in session 1 (time1; pt1 ¼ 0.54,
during error checking, indicating that they were not created SE ¼ 0.075) than sessions 2 (time2) and 3 (time3;
by genotyping error. pt2¼t3 ¼ 0.41, SE ¼ 0.054) and that overall female capture
We identified 55 individuals from 170 samples assigned probability was higher than males (p(female) ¼ 0.52,
individual identifications (Table 1). For mark–recapture SE ¼ 0.062; p(male) ¼ 0.34, SE ¼ 0.082). None of these
analysis, we pooled data for individual captures for each effects was strong as shown by the similarity in model
session, yielding 88 unique captures among sessions. The weights. We estimated 40% of the population were males
largest number of individual captures occurred in session 1, (Model 1 in Table 2), the same ratio as observed in our
with smaller but similar numbers captured in sessions 2 and raw data. Mean capture probability was 0.38 per session
3. Of the 27 individuals captured in session 3, 21 (78%) were (SE ¼ 0.047; range 0.34–0.45).
recaptures from sessions 1 and 2. Six individuals were cap- The population estimate in the top time-varying model in
tured in all 3 sessions. We detected each genotype an average MARK was Nb ¼ 64 (SE ¼ 6.0, 95% CI 58–85, CV ¼ 9.3;
of 3.1 times (SE ¼ 0.31); 33% were captured only once Model 1 in Table 2), although we believe this estimate was
(Fig. 1). Males comprised 40% of the individuals we identi- conservative. The time varying model in CAPTURE (Mt)
fied (Table 1). Based on the small size of some pellets, we produced an equally low estimate (Nb ¼ 65, SE ¼ 4.8, 95%
assumed 14 individuals were kids. CI 60–79, CV ¼ 7.4). We were not convinced that the
above time models were able to model all sources of capture
20 variation; therefore we considered heterogeneity models
18 using CAPTURE. We selected the Jackknife heterogeneity
16 model (Mh-Jackknife) in CAPTURE to estimate population
14 size (Nb ¼ 77, SE ¼ 7.4, 95% CI 68–96, CV ¼ 9.6);

12 the Mh-Chao model produced a similar estimate

10 (Nb ¼ 74, SE ¼ 9.2). We rejected the Mth-Chao model,
8 which accommodates both heterogeneity and time variation
6 in captures, as it produced an estimate with 3 times greater
4 variance (Nb ¼ 84, SE ¼ 23.0).
2 Genotyping success was lower for hair samples (32%,
0 n ¼ 38) than for pellet samples (56%, n ¼ 282). We iden-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tified 9 individuals from 12 hair samples. Four of these
No. of captures individuals (3 M, 1 F) were only detected in hair samples
Figure 1. Frequency of number of captures for individual mountain goats
and only once each. For extracted pellet samples, field clas-
(n ¼ 55) identified through DNA samples, Mt. Meager complex, British sifications of fresh, recent, and older were associated with
Columbia, 2009. success rates of 91%, 67%, and 27%, respectively. Proportions

Table 2. Top ranked candidate closed time models from Program MARK fitted to mountain goat detection data from the Mt. Meager complex, British
Columbia, 2009, based on Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc), model weights (wi), number of parameters (K), deviance, and their point estimates (sexes
combined) and standard errors. We modeled sex as a covariate of capture probability in models 2 and 5.
Modela DAICc wi K Deviance Point estimate SE
1. p(time1, time2 ¼ time3) 0.00 0.330 4 23.68 64 6.0
2. p(sex) 0.09 0.316 4 23.77 67 8.6
3. p(.) 0.91 0.210 3 26.69 65 6.2
4. p(time1, time2, time3) 2.10 0.116 5 23.65 64 6.0
5. p(time þ sex) 4.91 0.028 8 19.92 66 8.3

p, capture probability; time, capture probability was separate for each sampling session; time1, sampling session 1, etc.; (.), constant capture probability.

1530 The Journal of Wildlife Management  75(6)

of these categories differed among sessions, with 84% of 2007, Harris et al. 2010, Brinkman et al. 2011) and suggests
extracted samples from sessions 1 and 3 being classified fresh the technique can be applied to other situations where direct
or recent in the field, as compared to 17% of extracted observation of individuals is difficult or estimates are impre-
samples from session 2. This was reflected in session-specific cise. Our DNA-derived estimate was precise (CV ¼ 9.6), a
genotyping success rates of 68%, 31%, and 63%, respectively. result of the 3-session design and high capture probabilities.
Heavy precipitation occurred in the week prior to session 2 Precision of estimates will vary with population size, number
collections (59 mm) compared to the week prior to sessions 1 of sessions, and capture probability (Mulders et al. 2007) and
and 3 (0–3 mm). will likely be unique for most situations.
Heterozygosity of the 7 markers we used to identify indi- Our DNA-derived estimate was 28% higher than the raw
viduals averaged 0.66 (excluding Rt5; Table 3). The proba- count we obtained during the aerial survey and 10% lower
bility that 2 randomly drawn, unrelated individuals would than the corrected estimate based on 0.70 sightability. We
share the same genotype (PID) was 1.78 106, and the based the 0.70 sightability on past experience in similar
probability that full siblings would have identical genotypes habitats (Poole 2007), but we admittedly subjectively select-
(PSIB) was 0.00315. Only 1 of 12 pellet samples collected on ed it. The DNA-derived estimate, which suggested sight-
snowfields and run for genetic analysis produced a viable ability of 0.78 during the aerial survey, appears reasonable
genotype. and has the advantage of providing a quantifiable level of
The DNA-based estimate cost nearly 6 times more in base confidence.
costs than the aerial survey derived estimate (Table 4). The Properly designed mark–recapture studies require that all
cost difference would have been higher if volunteers had not individuals in a population have a non-zero probability of
been used during the DNA inventory, but the pellet collec- capture. If the pellets or hair of some individuals have no
tion could not have been realistically conducted using only probability of being collected, then population estimates
agency personnel. In addition, use of volunteers increased would be negatively biased. Sampling effectiveness also
local engagement in wildlife management. requires that encounter rates with viable samples be maxi-
mized. Limitations on safe human travel resulted in a thor-
DISCUSSION ough but comparatively small portion of the mountain
Non-invasive pellet and hair collections provided samples of complex and potential mountain goat habitat being system-
sufficient quality to identify individual mountain goats using atically sampled each session. However, given the time be-
DNA and produce a statistically robust population estimate tween sessions it seemed probable that most animals
for the Mt. Meager complex. Our study is one of the first potentially could have traveled to ridgelines or slopes where
estimates of abundance of an ungulate species using DNA sampling occurred. Examination of movements of GPS-
derived from fecal pellets (Eggert et al. 2003, Valière et al. collared mountain goats over a 14-day period in August

Table 3. Measures of variability for 8 loci we used to genotype 55 mountain goats (33 for Rt5), Mt. Meager complex, British Columbia, 2009.
BM1225 0.62 0.67 5 0.23 0.50
BM203a 0.76 0.75 6 0.11 0.40
BM4107a 0.64 0.60 5 0.21 0.49
BM4513a 0.75 0.76 6 0.11 0.40
BMC1009a 0.61 0.69 4 0.21 0.50
Rt1b 0.57 0.60 6 0.22 0.52
Rt27b 0.61 0.64 6 0.21 0.50
Rt5b 0.46 0.45 3 0.35 0.61
x 0.63 0.65 5.1
Overall probability of identity 1.78E06 0.00315

HE, expected heterozygosity; HO, observed heterozygosity; A, number of alleles; PID, probability of identity; PSIB, probability of sibling identity. Probability of
identity calculated using Kalinowski et al. (2007).
Bishop et al. (1994).
Wilson et al. (1997).

Table 4. Cost comparison (CDN$ in 2009) between aerial survey and DNA-based inventory of mountain goats on the Mt. Meager complex, British Columbia,
Aerial survey DNA inventory
Item Units Cost ($) Units Cost ($)
Helicopter costs ($1,000/hr) 5 hr 5,000 14 hr 14,000
Agency personnel and contractors ($500/day) 3 people 1,500 6 person-days 3,000
Volunteers 0 person-days 60 person-days
DNA supplies and laboratory costs 3 sessions 20,000
Total 6,500 37,000

Poole et al.  Abundance of Mountain Goats Using DNA 1531

from a southeastern British Columbia dataset (Poole et al. small pellets that likely originated from kids. Sample effort
2009) suggested most animals traveled over a 2-km-wide was similar among sessions and the risk of a behavioral
area, and some up to 7 km. No areas of alpine habitat response very small, so the most likely form of variation
(glaciers excluded) on the southern slopes of the mountain was heterogeneity. Heterogeneity was likely, given the vari-
complex where most mountain goats were known to occur ation in range size and movements among age and sex classes
were >1 km from an area sampled by a crew. We captured and random influences such as non-systematic field sampling
Mt. Meager complex mountain goats detected more than and variation in genotyping success.
once during the study an average of 1.0 km (SE ¼ 0.15; Geographic closure, an important assumption of mark–
range 0.01–3.5 km) apart at the most distant locations. recapture models, is violated if there is movement of indi-
Given the high capture probability (0.38), we assumed viduals on and off the study area among capture sessions
most individuals in the population traveled to areas where (White et al. 1982). Tests indicate population closure during
sampling could be safely conducted at least some time during our study. The Mt. Meager complex is a block of habitat
the capture sessions. surrounded on 3 sides by deep, forested valleys. High-eleva-
During the aerial survey conducted prior to the DNA tion connections exist only to the southwest. Biologists
study, 3 groups accounted for 43% of the animals observed knowledgeable with the area have not detected mountain
(7–11 individuals/group). The gregarious nature of moun- goats in the area immediately adjacent to the Mt. Meager
tain goats and tendency for nursery groups (females with complex (D. Reynolds and S. Rochetta, unpublished data).
young) to be larger than bachelor groups during summer Mountain goats residing on the mountain during the sum-
(Festa-Bianchet and Côté 2008) suggests that grouping may mer may remain there year round, but the degree of seasonal
influence population estimates because of clumped distribu- interchange or dispersal between adjacent areas is not known.
tion. However, in the central portion of the sampling area, Dispersal is most common with sub-adult males during late
we captured 43 goats at least once among the 3 sessions, but summer (Festa-Bianchet and Côté 2008).
only 6 individuals were captured in every session. Movements As expected (Gagneux et al. 1997; D. Paetkau, unpublished
of groups and changes in mean group size occur over summer data), genotyping success from pellets (56%) was higher than
(Festa-Bianchet and Côté 2008), which would tend to alter from hair samples (32%), confirming that mountain goat
group composition and dynamics. Thus, group movements, sampling should concentrate on pellet collection during
dynamics, and mixing of individuals during a summer may summer. However, we detected 4 of the 55 individuals
have been large enough to minimize potential bias. identified (3 M, 1 F) only in hair samples, suggesting that
Adult males tend to be more sedentary and make larger use hair sampling can beneficially supplement pellet collections.
of forested habitats than nursery groups during summer in G. Mowat (unpublished data) obtained 33% genotyping
some populations (Festa-Bianchet and Côté 2008). Our success for analysis of mountain goat pellets conducted in
sampling would not have detected bachelor groups if they 2005. As shown by Brinkman et al. (2010), advances in DNA
had been localized in areas not covered by sampling crews. extraction laboratory protocols for pellets likely contributed
However, 40% of the genotyped individuals in our study to our high genotyping success. In addition, differences in
were males, similar to the average 38% adult males compared genotyping success among pellets classified by age clearly
to all adults in the Caw Ridge, Alberta, population between demonstrate that DNA quality can be assessed in the field to
1999 and 2003 (Festa-Bianchet and Côté 2008). In addition, optimize laboratory costs and effectiveness. Brinkman et al.
we detected only a male in 2 areas of sampling, and 2 out of 3 (2010) found similar results for decreased genotyping success
individuals identified in a third area were males, suggesting over time and recommended field classification of Sitka
we sampled at least some bachelor groups. Thus it is unlikely black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus) pellets in coastal
that we missed a significant segment of the male population Alaska. We were unable to quantify actual pellet age with
because of behavioral isolation. Similarly, we believe 14 of age category, and DNA degradation will vary with exposure
the individuals we sampled were kids (based on small pellet and environmental conditions, but it is likely that most
size), which is only slightly lower than the 18 kids we successful samples were <2 weeks of age (Brinkman et al.
observed during the aerial survey, again suggesting no major 2009).
bias in DNA sampling. Genotyping success during session 2 (31%) was far lower
We suggest that our model selection was robust. The than in sessions 1 and 3 (63–68%). It is likely that heavy rain
passive nature of sample collection and the approximately events in the week prior to collection in session 2 resulted in
systematic sampling effort negated either form of behavior rain washing off some of the mucus, which contains the
response (trap-happy or trap-shy), and therefore we did not epithelial cell DNA from the outside of pellets, or increased
consider behavior models during model choice (Harris et al. DNA degradation rates (Brinkman et al. 2009). Almost all of
2010). Although we used individuals identified from both the pellets collected on snowfields failed during genotyping
hair and pellet samples, our emphasis on collection of pellet procedures, which was surprising, as we believed that cooler
samples would probably have helped to overcome any het- conditions would slow DNA degradation and increase gen-
erogeneity in detection as a result of sex or age differences in otyping success rates (Belant et al. 2007, Harris et al. 2010).
the timing of shedding of hair (Côté and Festa-Bianchet Maudet et al. (2004) found much lower genotyping error
2003). Kids do not shed in their first year and would gener- rates in wild ungulate feces sampled in winter compared to
ally be missed in hair collections, but we frequently collected spring but attributed the difference to diet resulting in lower

1532 The Journal of Wildlife Management  75(6)

DNA content during spring compared with winter. sampling of the same pellet groups and movement into and
Although we had greater difficulty aging pellets on snow- out of the study area. Given the apparent reduction in
fields, our low success may be related to the high moisture genotyping success following heavy rain events, it may be
encountered on snowfields during summer temperatures prudent to delay collections to allow sufficient deposition of
with melting conditions that degraded the DNA or rinsed pellets with quality DNA.
the mucus coating from pellets.
Aerial surveys of ungulates provide minimum counts to
which sightability correction factors can be applied to ac- Acknowledgments
count for animals assumed missed; no variance can be asso- Peter Kiewit Sons Co. provided funding for this project by
ciated with the count unless repeat surveys are conducted. donation to British Columbia Conservation Foundation,
Accuracy of aerial surveys for mountain goats is known to who administered the project under the guidance of J.
vary among surveys, likely related to changes in sightability Neilson. Blackcomb Helicopters provided safe flying to
(Gonzalez-Voyer et al. 2001). Differences in habitat, topog- and from the mountain. We thank the approximately 55
raphy, and animal behavior may also influence sightability volunteers, primarily associated with the Pemberton Wildlife
among areas (Poole 2007). However, although costs were Association and BC Forests, Lands and Natural Resource
roughly 6 times greater, non-invasive sample collection and Operations, who enthusiastically participated in the field
DNA genotyping in a mark–recapture design produced a study. We especially thank A. Mitchell for logistics and
statistically rigorous estimate with a quantifiable level of A. McEwan for organizing so many keen volunteers. We
confidence around the estimate. Situations where aerial in- are grateful to J. Benson, Wildlife Genetics International, for
ventories are not practical because of low sightability or small her interest and diligence with this project. M. Festa-
population size may be more appropriate for a DNA-based Bianchet, D. Forsyth, G. Kuzyk, and 2 anonymous reviewers
methodology to estimate population size. Examples of ap- provided helpful comments on earlier drafts of the
plicable situations may include mountain goats living in manuscript.
forested river or canyon habitats, small populations of goats
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1534 The Journal of Wildlife Management  75(6)

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