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Executive Summary 01

Ensuring Structural Integrity of 01


Complying with Regulations 01

Governing Damage Tolerance

Understanding Damages and 02

Inspection Methods

F&DT Design Process 04

Evaluating Fatigue and Damage: 06

Our Expertise

Providing Comprehensive 11
Support for Challenging
Problems - The Cyient

Ensuring Resilient Aircrafts and 11

Passenger Safety

Authors 12

About Cyient 13

The primary
focus for setting
Executive Summary precise material properties and the intended
regulatory loads likely to be experienced by the aircraft
requirements is In the early 1970s, the United States Air over its lifetime. Therefore, proper structural
to limit structural integrity programs are designed to assure
damage and Force (USAF) developed a damage tolerance
enhance flight philosophy to help eliminate structural safety and maximize the life of an aircraft.
safety during the failures and cracking issues encountered
service life of the
aircraft. across various aircraft. The regulatory According to regulatory mandate, OEMs
requirements for the safety of aircraft have are required to design aircraft that meet a
drastically evolved and have become more design service goal (DSG) of specified flight
stringent based on significant service and test cycles with a reliability range of 95% to 100%.
experience since then. The primary focus is Different steps are involved in calculating the
to limit structural damage and enhance flight life of aircraft components for certification
safety during the service life of the aircraft. purposes. The certification procedures and
guidelines are defined in manufacturers’
In order to ensure structural integrity, original standard repair documents.
equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are required
to conduct fatigue and damage tolerance These guidelines/manuals/documents detail
(F&DT) studies across design, manufacturing, procedures for different types of repairs such
and in-service stages. These studies entail as structural, avionics, engine, and system. If
extensive evaluation, analysis using approved the repair falls within the purview of guidelines,
methods, and rigorous reporting that require the damage or non-conformance of the
significant resources, time, and effort. As a aircraft identified during inspection is cleared.
result, OEMs are increasingly outsourcing For damages outside the purview of guidelines,
F&DT analysis to experienced vendors in order the margin of safety for static loads, threshold
to reduce the pressure on in-house resources life, and inspection intervals for the damage
and optimize their utilization for core business are computed.
Typically, OEMs set up an aircraft structural
This paper demonstrates the process of integrity program during pre- and post-
performing F&DT analysis with regard to the manufacturing stages to ensure compliance
calculation of fatigue life and determining the and aircraft safety. F&DT analysis is an integral
crack growth period for an aircraft component, part of these programs that help ensure
in ensuring the structural safety of an aircraft. structural stability and reliability of aircraft
It also showcases our extensive capability in systems.
performing F&DT analysis studies for both
metallic and composite airframe structural Complying with Regulations
parts across pre- and post-manufacturing
stages of aircraft life cycle. Governing Damage Tolerance
Regulatory authorities such as the Federal
Ensuring Structural Integrity of Aviation Administration (FAA) mandate that
Aircraft aircraft need to be repaired and maintained
at regular intervals to ensure airworthiness.
All aircraft operators strive to continue Similarly, any type of repair in an aircraft
operating their aircraft beyond their intended requires adherence to certain standards and
design life in order to maximize profits. procedures. These standards are generally set
This requires aircraft to be designed using by regulatory authorities including the FAA and

Over the years, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in detectable, and barely visible impact damages
major airplane
accidents have conjunction with aircraft manufacturers. (BVID) to help with ultimate load computation.
highlighted The F&DT calculations need to adhere to
problems due to In addition, over the years, major airplane clause 25.571. For detailed information on
aging airplane
structures accidents have highlighted problems due to F&DT regulations, please refer to the FAA
including airframe aging airplane structures including airframe documentation.
structural fatigue,
and issues related
structural fatigue, and issues related to
to maintenance, maintenance, inspection, and repairs. As a
inspection, and result, to ensure continued airworthiness
Understanding Damages and
of ageing aircraft, FAA issued AASR 14 CFR Inspection Methods
Part 26 Subpart E that mandates damage
tolerance based inspections for repairs and Damages can occur during manufacturing and
modifications on airplanes. post manufacturing stages. Factors include
design, manufacturing and assembly errors,
environmental conditions, state of the aircraft,
According to Federal Airworthiness fatigue and corrosion of composite structures,
Regulations FAR25/CS25 requirements, the etc. In practice, aircraft damages can be
civil aviation (large aircraft) industry needs classified as shown in Table 1.
to comply with a certain set of standards.
These standards include clauses that specify
criteria for readily detectable, immediately

Manufacturing Damages • Oversize hole

are addressed by establishing • Porosities (≤ 2.5%)
a damage tolerant design with • Cure and processing tolerances
appropriate safety/knock-down • Incorrect fastener pitch
• Alternative fastener type
• Part out of tolerance
• False cut
• Deep countersunk
• Alternative material used
• Loss of edge landing
Post-Manufacturing Damages • Corrosion damages
are effectively addressed through • Fatigue cracks
detailed F&DT calculations • Dents
• Gouges
• Nicks
• Debondings between skin and core (sandwich)
• Free edge damages (Delaminations, notches, loose
fibers, etc.)
• Impact damages
• Scratches
Table 1 | Typical damages encountered during manufacturing and post-manufacturing stages

When a damage Damage Inspection Intervals Inspection Methods
is identified in an
aircraft during
inspection, it is To address these different types of damages F&DT analysis is performed by considering
either repaired and to obtain an economically viable solution possible cracking scenarios in the structure.
according to
for the component, OEMs need to ensure The following inspections are carried out
and guidelines long inspection periods or long replacement depending on the structure criticality and
provided in intervals.
economic situation of operator.
standard repair
To achieve long inspection periods, the
designer must take the following factors into • General Visual Inspection (GVI)
account: • High Frequency Eddy Current (HFEC)
• Improved inspection procedure • Low Frequency Eddy Current (LFEC) and
• Using a different material with better • Electro Magnetic Inspection (EMI)
mechanical properties and a penalty on
the cost When a damage is identified in an aircraft
• Redesigning to lower the stresses during inspection, it is either repaired
• Utilizing redundant systems to prevent according to procedures and guidelines
catastrophic component failure provided in manufacturers’ standard repair
documents, or a new repair is approved as
Summary of few in-service inspections from shown in Fig. 1.
Joint Service Specification Guide (JSSG-2006)
Appendix is shown in Table 21.

Degree of Typical Inspection Check damage identified during inspection

Inspectability Interval

In-flight evident
One flight*
Check standard repair documents
for repair guidelines
Ground evident One day (two
inspectable flights)*

Ten flights* Clear damage as per guidelines, if repair
falls within the purview of guidelines
Special visual or
One year
inspectable Compute margin of safety for static loads,
threshold life, and inspection intervals for
Depot or base level ¼ Design service the new repair
inspection lifetime

In-service non- One design service

inspectable structure lifetime
Submit for static and fatigue approval
* Most damaging mission

Table 2 | Inspection intervals Fig. 1 | General repair guidelines

A structure is said
to be damage
F&DT Design Process Safe Life: One of the earliest methods to be
tolerant if it resists used, it is based on the premise that once
fracture from the Damage tolerance is a function of the material a component reaches a specified number
already existing of cycles it is replaced with a new one. This
cracks for a given
property and construction of the structure.
period of time. An existing crack in the structure may not be method takes into account only fatigue life
potentially dangerous under normal aircraft issues and has severe economic implications,
operating conditions. A structure is said to be as a component is replaced irrespective of
damage tolerant if it resists fracture from the the number of additional fatigue cycles it can
already existing cracks for a given period of time. withstand. Nowadays, this approach is only
used for critical components of an aircraft such
However, it is assumed that the crack can as the landing gear.
extend in a sub-critical manner through fatigue
and stress corrosion. Therefore, deploying a In order to obtain a safe and economically
damage tolerant design process addresses viable component, a different approach was
two aspects in a cracked structure. needed. As a result, damage tolerance design
(DTD) was introduced in the 1970s.
• Determination of fracture load that can be
sustained for a specified crack size Damage Tolerant Design: As a relatively
• Prediction of the duration of time required recent philosophy in structural design,
for a ‘sub-critical’ crack to grow to a it is defined as “the ability of an aircraft
proportion that could cause fracture at a structure to sustain anticipated loads
given load (e.g. limit load) in the presence of fatigue,
corrosion, or accidental damage until such
damage is detected through inspections (or
Damage tolerant structures can be divided into malfunctions) and repaired”. In the DT design
two major groups: philosophy, it is assumed that flaws already
• Slow crack growth: This category includes exist in the structure as manufactured, and
all types of structures with single and that the structure may be inspectable or
multiple load paths. These are designed in non-inspectable in service.
such a way that the initial damage grows at
a stable, gradual rate, and does not grow Under this approach, several aspects are
into a size large enough to cause structural taken into consideration during qualification
failure. Safety is assured through a slow rate of aircraft components in order to ensure safe
of growth. structures. These include:
• Fail safe: Usually structures are comprised • Obtaining the residual strength as a function
of multiple elements or load paths. This is to of crack dimension
contain damage caused by a failing load path • Determining maximum allowed crack length
safely, or arrest a rapidly running crack at a
tear strap or other deliberate design feature. • Determining maximum elapsed time for the
crack to grow to a critical condition
Safe Life and Damage Tolerant Design: • Identifying the extent of pre-existing crack
Two Approaches to Prevent Premature permitted in the structure
Failure • Defining inspection interval for replacements
of the damaged portion or proof testing the
Conventionally, two approaches – safe life and typical process followed for a repair as shown
damage tolerant design are followed to assure in Fig. 2
that the components don’t fail prematurely
due to fatigue.

Receiving request for structural repair (SR)
Static and fatigue approval

Compute baseline
Static checking fatigue life and
understanding SR

Collection of repair
geometry and load data

Any ambiguity in the Yes Send to client for

Computation of
margin of safety proposed repair correction

Discussion with client

for resolution, in case of
negative margin, if any

Check repair

Within limit Out of limit

Compare with DSO

Minor repair Compute fatigue life
(Design service objective)


DT analysis will
be needed to
Minor repair Major repair provided new
inspections as per
new DT results

Fig. 2 | F&DT design process

While the fatigue
stress survey is
Evaluating Fatigue and Damage: OEMs share Finite Element Model (FEM) to
used to select Our Expertise represent the general structural architecture
the critical stress of the component for which the fatigue loads
locations, the are to be extracted. These fatigue loads
fatigue spectrum We have been providing comprehensive
is used in fatigue support to Tier 1 OEMs in carrying out F&DT are then used in fatigue stress surveys and
and crack studies for close to a decade. The F&DT spectrum generation. While the fatigue stress
analyses. process starts with the identification of survey is used to select the critical stress
primary structural element to suggest the locations, the fatigue spectrum is used in
appropriate inspection methods. Our in-depth fatigue and crack propagation analyses. Above
expertise in F&DT in pre-production and in- process is detailed in the section below.
service phases is summarized as follows:
Primary Structural Elements (PSE)
F&DT Study Across the Aircraft Life Cycle This tabulates the PSE with their respective
analysis type. Depending on the type of
Following are the steps involved in F&DT study
analysis, fatigue or DT is performed for that
on an aircraft across the life cycle as shown
sub -component. Typical examples of PSE are
in Fig. 3.
fuselage beams, wing spar, pressure bulkhead,
frames, fuselage skin, etc.

Primary structural
elements (PSE)

Stress survey and


Damage tolerance Spectrum

evaluation generation

Fatigue life Local stress

evaluation analysis

Fig. 3 | Typical F&DT steps in an aircraft life cycle

The necessary Stress Survey from an actual aircraft or through computer
concentration This identifies the highest stressed element of algorithms. A typical process of isolating
factors used in the component. stress cycles from a spectrum is shown
fatigue analysis in Fig. 4.
are obtained
from the A stress survey of maximum principal/shear
standard design stress is carried out on the component to Stress spectrum (using maximum principal/
handbooks. When
the structure is
determine the critical location. The stress at shear stress) is generated by employing the
complex then 2D the critical location is extracted for further specified number of load cases associated
and 3D FEMs are processing. with various flight missions. This process
establishes the locations identified for the
Spectrum Generation extraction of fatigue stresses.
A component in service is exposed to varied
loads through time, which is referred as the During the repair stage, the same spectrum
spectrum. The spectrum differs in properties generated during the design phase of
and shapes depending on the structural part the component is used. For the repaired
it belongs to such as wing, tail, or fuselage. component, a new threshold life is calculated.
For instance, the spectrums for wings and While prescribing the new inspection intervals,
tails are more complex in shape than the the already exhausted life is deducted from the
ones for fuselage. Before making any fatigue new threshold life.
calculations, it is critical to identify this
spectrum. Local Stress Analysis
Three-dimensional Finite Element Models
Load spectrum must be identified for the (3D FEM) are built to assess the local stress
specific part of the aircraft in order to achieve distribution around the locations identified.
accurate fatigue results. It can be done in two Maximum principal/shear stress is extracted at
different ways—either from data collected these locations for fatigue analyses.

Fig. 4 | Typical isolation of stress cycles

Critical location Fatigue Life Evaluation F&DT Study in the Post-manufacturing
data, gathered
using fracture The necessary stress concentration factors Phase: A Case Study
mechanics used in fatigue analysis are obtained from the
principles, forms standard reference sources. However, 2D and
the basis for The post-manufacturing F&DT analysis
carrying out 3D FEMs are utilized for generating stress processes are demonstrated using a case
Fatigue life and concentration factors when the structure study of aircraft wing skin and frame assembly.
Damage tolerance
is characterized by complex geometry and
loading. Frame assembly fastener locations are
fatigue critical regions as shown in Fig. 5. Skin
Damage Tolerance evaluation and frame assembly is analyzed using finite
Damage tolerance evaluation is performed element analysis.
as stipulated in sections CS 25.571 (a) and
(b) and is supported by test evidence. The The results are filtered for determining the
damage tolerant design caters to the damages critical element. Fatigue load spectrum
likely to occur at multiple sites during the containing different load case combinations
design phase. Crack propagation analysis is developed to represent fluctuating stress
is performed at the location of absolute acting on the structure.
maximum principal/shear stress by taking
into account stress intensity factors. Crack Critical location data, gathered using fracture
propagation analysis locations are selected mechanics principles, forms the basis for
based on fatigue life and PSE classification. carrying out Fatigue life and Damage tolerance
analysis. Convenient inspections are provided
Inspections for maintenance depending on the F&DT
The development of a maintenance program results and the operator’s willingness to invest
for every new type of aircraft should in inspection methodology.
include frequency and extent of inspection
procedures, before it is introduced into In Fig. 5, the frame in the skin—frame
service. The frequency and extent of assembly is subjected to a crack at a diametric
inspections are determined from the results location of a hole. When an operator finds this
of the fatigue and damage tolerance analysis damage, it is repaired using standard repair
studies. procedure. The strength of the joint is restored
The inspection plan includes: by installing a repair doubler.
• Threshold Inspection (TI) - First
recommended inspection The above repair needs static and fatigue
• Inspection Interval (II) – Subsequent approval. Static check is done first and the
inspections aircraft is approved to fly.

The type of inspection (GVI etc.) will depend on Within a fixed time frame (as per FAA guidelines)
the detectable crack length. Typical examples fatigue approval needs to be provided. The
are: F&DT analysis is performed by considering
• Large cracks through close visual inspection the pre-manufacturing data of that assembly.
The joint analysis is performed by taking
• Medium and small cracks using specific NDT
into account the appropriate configuration.
The critical load transferred at the fastener
The detectable crack lengths in real life location is identified. The fatigue life is
are sufficiently large for all the inspection evaluated at the critical location by considering
methods. cross sectional area, surface condition, and
material properties.
Fig. 5 | Crack on the assembly of skin—frame construction with repair doubler as repair

Finally, the inspection program detailing

additional inspections is issued for the repaired Determine ground-
Predicted life =
structure for its safe maintenance. air-ground (GAG)
cycle for entire load
A typical process for fatigue life calculation and
crack growth analysis is detailed below.

Fatigue Life Calculation

The fatigue life is calculated as demonstrated Calculate fatigue life
Using min and max
in Fig. 6. stresses, compute
utilization ratio
D = ∑𝑖=1(𝑛𝑖/𝑁𝑖)
mean and alternation
for 1000 cycles using
Miner’s rule

Plot cycles vs. stress Calculate alternating

Read stress @ and mean stress
1000 cycles @ 1000 cycles

Fig. 6 | Fatigue life calculation

Crack Growth Analysis
Fig. 7 shows the various steps involved in crack growth analysis.

Required crack growth behavior inputs

1. Initial crack size For crack length l1,
2. Stress spectra at the location of analysis Calculate Δk w.r.t. Fig 8, crack growth stress
3. Crack propagation and intensity factor for each cycle in the spectrum
4. Fracture toughness of the material

Calculate number of flights Determine dl/dN (rate of Determine total change in

for each Δki = (No. of change of crack length per crack for each stress cycle
cycles/ No. of flights) flight, inch/cycle) in the spectrum

Determine total Δl1 for Repeat calculations for all

Calculate number of flights
all cycles in the flight and increments of crack growth
vs increment of crack
average crack growth rate and determine average
per flight crack growth rate

Number of flight cycles =

(final length – Initial length)/
average crack growth rate

Fig. 7 | Crack growth analysis

Fig. 8 | Variation ΔK vs. spectrum loading

With our extensive Computation of Fatigue Life and Crack Comprehensive services: We provide end-to-
and domain Growth Rate end F&DT analysis services across the aircraft
expertise, we life cycle.
are capable
of providing
As a certification requirement for the repair
various alternate carried out on the skin-frame assembly shown Accelerated cycle time: We leverage our
solutions for above in Fig. 5, a typical repaired assembly is in-house productivity improvement tools
challenging field
problems with a shown in Fig. 9. and re-useable solutions to help reduce data
quick analysis cycle time by 20% to 30% depending
turnaround time. on the type of problem.

Optimized cost and operational efficiency:

We create standardized processes by
Repair Doubler combining industry best practices that in
turn helps improve operational efficiency and
reduce costs.

Ensuring Resilient Aircrafts and

Passenger Safety

UP Aircraft fatigue and fracture can result in

accidents and incidents for commercial fleet
operators, resulting in high costs involving
human life and damage to brand reputation. In
Fig. 9 | Repaired skin-frame fact, structural failures have been attributed
to the most fatal and catastrophic accidents
in the past. As a result, F&DT has become a
Typical output of F&DT exercise would be critical design consideration and a regulatory
• Predicted life requirement to ensure structural optimization
• Average crack growth rate (inch/flight) and air safety.
• Number of flights required for the crack to
become critical However, robust fatigue and damage tolerance
design and analysis requires extensive
expertise in failure and fracture mechanics,
Providing Comprehensive Support material science, structural mechanics, and
for Challenging Problems - The analytical work. OEMs that partner with
Cyient Advantage experienced vendors can effectively leverage
their expertise to help improve the rigor
Drawing upon our extensive experience and and efficacy of fatigue analysis, maintain
domain expertise, we are capable of providing compliance, and enhance passenger safety.
various alternate solutions for challenging field
problems with a quick turnaround time. Our
extensive experience as the chosen partner
for the OEMs and Tier 1 clients enables us
to bring unparalleled value to each of our

Padmaja Reddy K is a Team Leader working S S Subramanya Sastry is Deputy General
with the aerospace and defense vertical at Manager, Aerospace and Defense at Cyient.
Cyient. She is a graduate in Mechatronics, from A post graduate in Civil Engineering from
Hyderabad. She has 7 years of experience UVCE Bangalore with specialization in
in F & DT and stress analysis of metallic and structures, he has 28 years of experience
composite airframe structures. in aerospace engineering. Prior to Cyient,
he had served as a Principal Consultant at
Bhargav Yandra is a Senior Design Engineer QGSL and Scientist, National Aerospace
working with aerospace and defense vertical Laboratories, Bangalore. He is a Fellow of the
at Cyient. He is a graduate in Mechanical Institute of Engineers (India); Fellow of the
Engineering. He has 4 years of experience Indian Institution of Production Engineers
in F & DT and stress analysis of metallic and (India); member of International Working
composite airframe structures. Group, NAFEMS, UK; Honorary Chairman,
NAFEMS India Composite Working Group;
Member, NAFEMS India Council; Expert
member, NAFEMS Panel on Certification for
CAE professionals; Life Member, Aeronautical
Society of India; Life Member, Indian Society
of Advancement of Material and Process
Engineering (ISAMPE), and Life Member,
Engineering Design and Analysis Forum,
India. He also mentors students at various

About Cyient Contact Us
Cyient (Estd: 1991, NSE: CYIENT) provides North America Headquarters
engineering, manufacturing, geospatial, Cyient, Inc.
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their organization’s culture and requirements.
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© 2017 Cyient. Cyient believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change
without notice. Cyient acknowledges the proprietary rights of the trademarks and product names of other companies mentioned in this document.



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