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NSTP1  Students of any baccalaureate degree course or

at least two-year technical vocational courses in

Introduction to NSTP public and private educational institutions shall
be required to complete one of the NSTP
 Republic Act 9163 enabled the establishment of components as requisite for graduation.
National Service Training Program for Tertiary In times of situations, as educated
Level students with an aim to promote civic person, we must lead other people who are not
consciousness among the youth and inculcate in educated or not trained.
them the spirit of nationalism and advance their Exemptions only apply to:
involvement in public and civic affairs. iii. Foreign students or aliens
Filipinos look upon one another. Aliens are loyal to
 NSTP provides us the knowledge how their country.
we can be part of the community or be
service to the country.  Student enrolled in the first semester of NSTP
 NSTP is a program designed to develop the shall undergo a Common Module phase which
youth’s physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual will focus on: citizenship training; drug
and social well-being and promote defense education; disaster awareness, preparedness,
preparedness and ethics of service while and management; environmental protection;
undergoing training in any of its three program and other national security concerns.
components. Its various components are  Young people are adventurous. Some
specially designed to enhance the youth’s active of them take drugs. Then, they become
contribution to the general welfare. plague on the society.
 Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)
A program institutionalized under Sections 38 and  NSTP 2 classes are mainly concerned with
39 of Republic Act No. 7077 designed to provide community engagement with the help of
military training to tertiary level students in order to partner communities and organizations. There
motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for will be reach out programs.
national defense preparedness.
 Some courses like seaman and  Graduates of the CWTS and LTS components of
criminology offer ROTC not NSTP. the NSTP shall belong to the National Service
 Literacy Training Service (LTS) Reserve Corps (NSRC) and could be tapped by
A program designed to train students to become the State for literacy and civic welfare activities,
teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school especially in times of calamities while graduates
children, out of school youth, and other segments of of the ROTC program shall form part of the
society in need of their service. Citizen Armed Force.
 NSTP1 is LTS. . Civic consciousness,  Examples of calamities are earthquake
nationalism, disaster and emergency or and typhoon.
war preparedness is also part of the  An act establishing the National Service Training
program. Program (NSTP) for tertiary level students,
amending for the purpose Republic Act No.
7077 and Presidential Decree No. 1706, and for
other purposes.
 The NSTP law is passed because there is
 Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) no imminent war and it would be more
It is composed of programs or activities contributory practical if
to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the subject is used in emergency and
the members of the community or the enhancement disaster awareness.
of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving  It is hereby affirmed the prime duty of the
health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, government to serve and protect its citizens. In
safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry. turn, it shall be the responsibility of all citizens
 You will be involved in community to defend the security of the State and in
works. fulfilment thereof, the government may require
each citizen to render personal, military or civil  If you are a highly introverted person, you are
service. likely to experience more stress in a sales
 NSTP shall inculcate in the youth patriotism, position than a highly extroverted person would.
nationalism, and advance their involvement in  So, if you are highly introverted, you should
public and civic affairs. United we stand. Divided either learn skills to cope with the demands of a
we fall. sales position that requires extravert-type
 Self-Awareness is having a clear perception of behavior patterns, or you should find a position
your personality, including strengths, that is more compatible with your personality.
weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and  Since few (if any) of those things pertain to what
emotions. Self-Awareness allows you to we value most, it's easy to spend too much time
understand other people, how they perceive on lower priority activities.
you, your attitude and your responses to them  When we focus on our values, we are
in the moment. We might quickly assume that more likely to accomplish what we
we are self-aware, but it isn’t a skill measured in consider most important.
binary of “got it” or “don’t got it” (on/off)  Our habits are the behaviors that we repeat
options. routinely and often automatically.
 Having awareness creates the  For example, if you are a manager who
opportunity to make changes in never consults your staff before making
behavior and beliefs. A simple quick decisions, that habit may interfere with
assessment of self-awareness might be: your ability to build your staff
Basic – Aware of your thoughts while members' commitment to the decisions
you have them. and their decision-making skills as well.
 Maslow and other scholars have identified a
UNDERSTANDING THE SELF. variety of psychological needs that drive our
 Having awareness creates the opportunity to behaviors such as needs for esteem, affection,
make changes in behavior and beliefs. belongingness, achievement, self-actualization,
A simple quick assessment of self-awareness might power and control.
be:  Needs cause motivation; and when
they aren't satisfied, needs can cause
 Basic – Aware of your thoughts while frustration, conflict and stress.
you have them.  Understanding your own feelings, what causes
 Having self-awareness allows you to see where them, and how they impact your thoughts and
your thoughts and emotions are taking you. It actions is emotional self-awareness.
also allows you to take control of your emotions,  Similarly, a person with high emotional self-
behavior, and personality so you can make awareness understands the internal process
changes you want. associated with emotional experiences and,
 Until you are aware in the moment of your therefore, has greater control over them.
thoughts, emotions, words, and behavior, you  Improvement projects should normally begin
will have difficulty making changes in the with an assessment of the gap between the
direction of your life. current situation and the desired future
 To become more self-aware, we should develop situation.
an understanding of ourselves in many areas.  Self-awareness will reveal a skills gap that you
 Key areas for self-awareness include our want to work on.
personality traits, personal values, habits,  Self-awareness helps you exploit your strengths
emotions, and the psychological needs that and cope with your weaknesses.
drive our behaviors.  For instance, if you are someone who is good at
 We don't normally change our personalities, "seeing the big picture" that surrounds
values and needs based on what we learn about decisions, but not as good at focusing on the
ourselves. details, you might want to consult colleagues
 But, an understanding of our personalities can and subordinates that are more detail-oriented
help us find situations in which we will thrive, when making major decisions
and help us avoid situations in which we will
experience too much stress.
 Leaders with well-developed emotional self- member.” The root of this word, in turn, means
awareness are more effective intuitive decision “fatherland.”
makers.  Today, nationalism is “the policy or doctrine of
 In complex situations, intuitive decision makers asserting the
process large amounts of sometimes interests of one’s own nation viewed as
unstructured and ambiguous data, and they separate from the interests of other
choose a course of action based on a "gut nations or the common interests of all nations.” 
feeling" or a "sense" of what's best. In short, nationalism is a kind of excessive,
 Jobs that don't suit your personality tend to give aggressive
you more stress than jobs that are more patriotism.
compatible.  Respect the Philippine flag and value the Filipino
 Be aware that you will need to work extra hard identity Being Filipinos, we should respect our
to develop the skills for that job, and there are Philippine flag and its purpose.
jobs that would be less stressful for you.  Be a productive citizen.
 Awareness of your psychological needs can  Be industrious and make ourselves productive,
increase your motivation by helping you not only for ourselves but for our country as
understand and seek out the rewards that you well.
really desire such as a sense of accomplishment,  Be aware of the issues in our country.
additional responsibility, an opportunity to help  We must be aware and updated on the
others, or a flexible work schedule. significant issues happening in the country.
 When we understand "what make us tick"--what  Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement.
gets us excited, why we behave the way we do, They are proud to be a Filipino and for the
etc.--we also have insight into what makes honors they bring to our country.
others tick.  Love our family, our neighbors, and our
 To the extent that other people are like you compatriots
(and, of course, there are limits to the Jesus said love your neighbor.
similarity), knowing how to motivate yourself is  A nation empowers itself depending on the
tantamount to knowing how to motivate others. beliefs, goals, ideals, aspirations, and values of
 Self-awareness is empowering because it can its citizens. In order to achieve national unity
reveal where the performance problems are and and progress, it needs the full cooperation of its
indicate what can be done to improve people.
performance  Filipino considers family as an important social
 The word patriotism is a noun that means structure that they must love and care. Close
“devoted love, support, and defense of one’s family ties results to the family still being intact
country; national loyalty.” regardless that the children are old and with
 The term often brings to mind people directly families of their own.
involved with the defense of a nation, namely  The use of “po” and “opo” in conversing or
military service members as well as state and addressing older people is a sign of a Filipino’s
local government representatives. respect for the elders. Filipinos do not send their
 Patriotism, however, can take many other forms elders to nursing homes because they still value
outside serving in the military and public office. . the worth and presence of the elders at home
 Individual acts of pride, such as displaying a  The Filipino community are very warm and
Filipino flag at one’s home, are also examples of hospitable. They even give “pasalubong”
patriotism. (welcome gifts) and “pabaon” (farewell gifts)
 The word patriotism is first recorded in the early to guests.
1700s. Interestingly, by the 1770s, the word  Filipino strengths and weaknesses. The Filipinos have
patriot could refer to “a member of a resistance the trait to laugh at themselves and their misfortunes
movement, a freedom fighter,” specifically or failures.
 This is a coping mechanism to balance emotional
those who fought against the British in the war
stress and to boost the capacity to survive.
for independence—associations that persist
 A remarkable quality of a Filipino is his capacity to
today. endure difficulties and hardships. Maybe related to
 This word ultimately derives from Greek the long suffering they endured during the man
patriotēs, “fellow-countryman or lineage colonization in Philippine history.
 Filipinos are globally recognized for their excellent  (1) The privacy of communication and
performance in any physical and technical tasks. This correspondence shall be inviolable except upon
is due to the desire for economic security and lawful order of the court, or when public safety or
advancement for one’s self and family. order requires otherwise as prescribed by law.
 Filipinos always show concern for the well-being of  Wiretapping is not allowed
others. They uphold the humanity of all people and  2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this or the
regard everyone with respect and empathy preceding section shall be inadmissible for any
 Filipinos are always ready to lend a hand, not only in purpose in any proceeding.
times of need (calamities or disasters) but also in  Evidence without search warrant is inadmissible
festive occasions (“fiestas”, baptisms and weddings).  No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of
The “bayanihan” spirit, or giving help without speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of
expecting something in return, of a Filipino is widely the people peaceably to assemble and petition the
admired. government for redress of grievances.
 Filipinostrengths and weaknesses. “Patigasan” – most Stopping people to write or speak is not allowed.
Filipinos find it hard to say “I’m sorry” or “pasensya
 Their precious pride always gets the best of them.
 Kanya kanya” - a trait which shows self-centeredness
and lack of regard for others.
 There are Filipinos who give priority to what they and
their families could have, rather than what they can
do to share their wealth and serve others better.
 Indebtedness “Utang Na Loob” – Filipinos are fond of
asking for personal favors from others.
 It is ingrained for them to acknowledge the person
who had helped them in times of need
 nterpersonal
 Relationships “Pakikisama” - every person wants to
belong toa group where they can share ideas, jokes
and feelings but sometimes it becomes a negative
thing when the group is the one that influences the
person to do unlawful or foolish things in order to
belong or to gain approval.
 This is usually evident in the Filipino youth where
peer pressure challenges someone’s morality.
 Lack of Self-confidence “Hiya” - the Filipinos are shy
to boast their achievements because they might be
regarded as show-offs.
 They prefer to just hide those achievements and call
the idea “being humble
 Bill of rights. No person shall be deprived of life,
liberty, or property without due process of law, nor
shall any person be denied the equal protection of
the laws.
 You cannot be arrested without warrant of arrest.
 The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable
searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any
purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or
warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable
cause to be determined personally by the judge after
examination under oath or affirmation of the
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and
particularly describing the place to be searched and
the persons or things to be seized.
 Authorities cannot go inside the house without search

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