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Biochemical Engineering Journal 32 (2006) 13–18

Cultivation of Spirulina platensis in a combined

airlift-tubular reactor system
Attilio Converti ∗ , Alessandra Lodi, Adriana Del Borghi, Carlo Solisio
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Genoa, Via Opera Pia 15, 16145 Genoa, Italy
Received 22 February 2005; received in revised form 5 July 2006; accepted 24 August 2006

This preliminary study aims at evaluating the efficiency of a bench-scale tubular photobioreactor by means of batch cultivations of Spirulina
platensis under light-limited conditions. The most interesting feature of this plant configuration is the use of an airlift system for biomass re-cycling
instead of traditional pumps to avoid the well-known problems of trichome damage owing to mechanical stress. A maximum cell concentration
of 10.6 g l−1 was attained after 15 days of cultivation using a photosynthetic active radiation of 120 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 . Although the system
operated in laminar flow under all the conditions investigated in this study, excess thricome stress was prevented only at relatively low air flow
rates (<4.5 l min−1 ), corresponding to culture speeds lower than 0.21 m s−1 .
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Tubular bioreactor; Spirulina platensis; Light intensity; Biomass growth; Culture speed

1. Introduction grow in open ponds, except in the tropics, so as its production

must be resumed once winter is over [10].
Spirulina platensis is a marine microalga whose cultivation is The use of a tubular bioreactor [11] can reduce these disad-
particularly attractive for several commercial purposes; it can be vantages owing to its particular structure. In fact, being closed,
used either as nutritional supplement for humans and animals [1] it is able to provide a controlled environment preventing con-
or as source of active principles in pharmaceutical and cosmetic tamination. Besides, thanks to its large outer surface exposed to
industries [2]. Moreover, this microalga has been successfully the light, it increases the surface/volume ratio with respect to
employing in integrated systems for wastewater treatment [3], other configurations and reduces the shadow effect, which is the
recovered and re-utilised [4] also as adsorbent material for heavy main cause of growth inhibition in open ponds. Finally, such a
metals [5]. plant configuration makes the control of the operational param-
For the above reasons, its large-scale production is of great eters easier, hence resulting in an increased biomass production.
interest; the most widely used systems are the outdoor cultures However, the peculiar fragility of the sheath of S. platensis and
that allow obtaining large amounts of biomass at low costs. its filamentous morphology [12,13] impose some constraints in
Nowadays, the commercial production of this microalga is car- the design of a photobioreactor. The experience gathered over
ried out almost exclusively in open systems [6–8], which do many years on the culture of this microalga in tubular reactor
not require either particular care or control of the environmental points out the diameter of the tubes, the length of the reactor
conditions (light and temperature). However, such systems did tube, the mixing of the culture and the circulation device as the
not allow reaching very high biomass concentration because of main factors influencing its performance [14].
the difficulty of maintaining the optimal temperature, easiness of The surface/volume ratio is mainly regulated by the diameter
contamination and limited exploitability of light due to low sur- of the tubes, therefore this factor has a strong impact upon the
face/volume ratio [9]. In addition, during winter, this alga cannot irradiation intensity on the culture. On the other hand, the tube
length influences the circulation of the cultivation medium inside
the reactor, i.e. the residence time. During biomass circulation,
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 010 3532593; fax: +39 010 3532586. the photosynthetic activity of the cells causes the oxygen con-
E-mail address: (A. Converti). centration to increase [15] and rate depends on light intensity,

1369-703X/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
14 A. Converti et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 32 (2006) 13–18

biomass concentration and temperature. Since a high concen-

tration of dissolved oxygen affects both growth and protein
synthesis [16], the cultivation conditions should be selected so as
to prevent oxygen accumulation. Mixing is necessary to assure
a good exposure of biomass to light and an adequate distribu-
tion of nutrients. Finally, the selection of the re-cycling device
is crucial for the successful design of a bioreactor, since it can
exert a negative effect of mechanical stress on the cells [17]. The
airlift system is increasingly used for this purpose in the pres-
ence of very dense cultures of filamentous cyanobacteria such
as S. platensis, because it allows avoiding damages to the sheath
S. platensis cultivations were carried out in this work in two
bench-scale open ponds and one bench-scale tubular reactor, in
order to evaluate and compare the performance of these differ- Fig. 1. Experimental set-up of open ponds.
ent reactor configurations. The efficiency of the tubular reactor,
which was composed of a set of glass tubes disposed to form 2.3. Cultivations in tubular reactor
a “loop” and an airlift system for biomass re-cycling, was then
checked by varying the main parameters typically influencing The tubular reactor (Fig. 2) was composed of a set of 21 glass
the algal growth, i.e. the light intensity and the re-cycling flow tubes, each having a length of 1 m, inner and outer diameters of
rate. 12 and 14 mm, respectively. The tubes were arranged horizon-
tally with a slight inclination and placed on two parallel planes
2. Materials and methods so that they were not superimposed each other and could feel
the same light intensity. The culture was continuously mixed by
2.1. Microorganism injecting compressed air at the bottom of the tubes by means of
a pump blowing air into a vertical pipe used as a riser. A 3.0-l
S. platensis (UTEX 1926) was obtained from the Culture Erlenmeyer flask closed with cotton cap was used at the top of
Collection of the University of Texas. Cells were maintained photobioreactor as a reservoir and degasser. The air bubbles pro-
in the medium of Schlösser [19], whose composition was as vided efficient de-oxygenation by scouring the inner surface of
follows (per liter): 13.6 g NaHCO3 , 4.03 g Na2 CO3 , 0.50 g the tubes. The total volume of the culture (tubes plus reservoir)
K2 HPO4 , 2.50 g NaNO3 , 1.00 g K2 SO4 , 1.00 g NaCl, 0.20 g was 5.5 l, the illuminated surface area and the surface/volume
MgSO4 ·7H2 O, 0.04 g CaCl2 ·2H2 O, pH 9.6. All the nutrients ratio were 0.40 m2 and 135 m−1 , respectively. Culture tempera-
were dissolved in distilled water containing (per liter): 6.0 ml ture was monitored at 30 ± 1 ◦ C by incubation of the equipment
of metal solution (97.0 mg FeCl3 ·6H2 O, 41.0 mg MnCl2 ·4H2 O, within a thermostatted chamber. The pH was daily adjusted at
5.0 mg ZnCl2 , 2.0 mg CoCl2 ·6H2 O, 4.0 mg Na2 MoO4 ·2H2 O), 9.5 whenever it exceeded 10.0 by bubbling gaseous CO2 .
1.0 ml of micronutrient solution (50.0 mg Na2 EDTA, 618 mg Cultivations were carried out in the tubular reactor with the
H3 BO3 , 19.6 mg CuSO4 ·5H2 O, 44.0 mg ZnSO4 ·7H2 O, 20.0 mg aim of comparing the efficiency of this system with that of
CoCl2 ·6H2 O, 12.6 mg MnCl2 ·4H2 O, 12.6 mg Na2 MoO4 ·2H2 O) the ponds. For this purpose, preliminary experiments were per-
and 1.0 ml of a 1.5 ␮g l−1 B12 vitamin solution. formed at Xo = 0.15 g l−1 under the same conditions of light
A suspension collected at the latest exponential growth phase intensity and temperature as those employed in the ponds. Suc-
was harvested, filtered, washed with 0.9% NaCl solution and cessively, according to the literature [20,21], light intensity was
used to inoculate either the ponds or the tubular photobioreactor.

2.2. Cultivations in open ponds

Three batch cultivations were performed in quadruplicate in

two open ponds at different starting biomass concentrations,
namely 0.15, 0.30 and 0.50 g l−1 . Each pond (Fig. 1), having
a surface area of 0.13 m2 and a water depth of 5 cm, was contin-
uously illuminated by eight fluorescent lamps (40 W), located
at about 40 cm over its surface, furnishing a light intensity
of 55 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 . Culture mixing was assured by
paddled wheels at 25 rpm. Temperature was kept at the opti-
mum value suggested by the literature for S. platensis growth
(30 ± 1 ◦ C) [8,20] by means of electrical heaters. The pH, which
was daily monitored by a pH meter, never exceeded 9.5, hence
assuring bicarbonate availability for microalga growth. Fig. 2. Experimental set-up of the combined airlift-tubular reactor system.
A. Converti et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 32 (2006) 13–18 15

increased up to 120 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 and re-cycling flow

rate was progressively raised from 0.34 to 4.5 l min−1 to evaluate
the influence of these parameters on the reactor performance.

2.4. Analytical procedures

Cell concentration was determined by dry weight after fil-

tration through Millipore filters (0.45-␮m pore diameter) and
washing with 3.0N acetic acid solution to eliminate precipitates.
The light intensity was measured by an irradiometer (Delta
OHM, mod. HD 9021, Padua, Italy) as photon flux density
(PPFD). This parameter is usually converted in photosynthet-
ically active radiation (PAR) (␮mol photons m−2 s−1 ), express- Fig. 4. Biomass growth in tubular reactor at different light intensities. PAR
ing the effective radiation quantity that the alga is able to (␮mol photons m−2 s−1 ): (䊉) 55; () 80; () 120.
utilise. The measurements were performed at different points
of the plant surface to ensure an average illumination intensity. were then performed in tubular reactor, and the influence of light
The input of PAR (IPAR), expressing the quantity of radiation intensity and air flow rate on S. platensis growth were explored.
impacting on the reactor, was calculated as suggested by Watan- Fig. 4 illustrates the growth behavior versus time at dif-
abe and Hall [22] as the product of PAR (kJ m−2 d−1 ) and the ferent PAR values (55, 80 and 120 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 ).
illuminated surface (m2 ). For the conversion of PAR expressed The light intensity did not seem to influence biomass
as ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 to kJ m−2 d−1 , the conversion factor growth up to a cell concentration of about 1 g l−1 , while
18.78 kJ s d−1 ␮mol−1 for cool white fluorescent lamps has been a positive effect is evident beyond this threshold. Besides,
used [23]. PAR = 55 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 allowed producing a maxi-
According to Watanabe and Saiki [24], the photosynthetic mum cell concentration (Xm ) of only 6.5 g l−1 , hence evidencing
efficiency (%) (PE) was calculated as: a clear photolimitation effect; increasing the light intensity up
to 80 and 120 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 , biomass level increased,
rG HG × 100 reaching Xm = 10.6 g l−1 within 19 and 15 days, respectively.
PE = (1)
IPAR The different kinetics of these cultivations suggests that no
where rG is the maximum daily growth (gDB d−1 ) and HG the photoinhibition took place under the conditions investigated
enthalpy of dry biomass (21.01 kJ gDB −1 ) [25]. in this study. These results can be considered to be a signifi-
cant advance if compared with those obtained in raceway ponds
(Xm = 0.8 g l−1 ) [26], tubular airlift reactor (Xm = 4.2 g l−1 ) [17]
3. Results and discussions
and elevated panels (Xm = 5.0 g l−1 ) [27].
Since Xm did not increase further when raising the light inten-
Fig. 3 shows the behavior of S. platensis growth in ponds
sity from 80 to 120 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 , it is likely that a
at two different inoculum concentrations, namely Xo = 0.15 and
shading effect limited the biomass growth [29] when its level
0.50 mg l−1 . At given light intensity and temperature, a higher
exceeded a critical threshold. In fact, the amount of light that
inoculum level (Xo = 0.50 g l−1 ) allowed the system to reach the
impinges on the cells does depend not only on the surface
maximum growth (1.5 g l−1 ) in shorter time (about 10–15 d) than
exposed to radiation but also on the depth of the culture, if ponds
at Xo = 0.15 g l−1 (about 20 d). The dramatic increase in biomass
are used, or the degree of turbulence and the population density,
concentration observed in the tubular reactor at Xo = 0.15 g l−1
if the tubular reactor is employed [4,28], as the superficial film
in the same figure demonstrates the better performance of such
of biomass hinders the light through the inner biomass, thus
a configuration with respect to the ponds. The successive tests
preventing the optimal enlightenment.
Table 1 summarizes the main results of these tests, high-
lighting the performance of the tubular reactor in comparison
with that of the ponds (Table 2) in terms either of biomass pro-
ductivity or photosynthetic efficiency. A PAR increase from
55 to 120 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 resulted in a correspond-
ing increase in productivity from 0.29 to 0.62 gDB l−1 d−1 ,
whereas PE resulted to be practically independent of the
light intensity (PE = 8.0–8.1%), which is consistent with the
above suggested light-limited conditions in the tubular reac-
tor. These results also confirm that, at the same light intensity
(55 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 ), the tubular reactor allowed for bet-
ter exposition and higher photosynthetic efficiency with respect
Fig. 3. Comparison of S. platensis growth performed in tubular reactor (() to the ponds, where the cells likely experienced full light radia-
Xo = 0.15 g l−1 ); ponds ((䊉) Xo = 0.15 g l−1 ; () Xo = 0.50 g l−1 ). tion at the surface and darkness at the bottom.
16 A. Converti et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 32 (2006) 13–18

Table 1
Cell productivities obtained for Spirulina platensis cultivations carried out in tubular photobioreactor under different condition

PARa (␮mol m−2 s−1 ) IPARb (kJ d−1 ) Qx c (gDB l−1 d−1 ) vd (m s−1 ) μe (d−1 ) PEf (%)

55 413 0.29 0.05 0.17 8.1

80 601 0.42 0.05 1.7 8.1
120 901 0.62 0.05 0.19 8.0
55 413 0.18 0.21 0.13 4.9

Starting biomass concentration = 0.50 gDB l−1 .

a PAR, photosynthetic active radiation.
b IPAR, input of photosynthetic active radiation.
c Q , average cell productivity.
d v, culture speed.
e μ, average specific growth rate.
f PE, photosynthetic efficiency.

Alternation of light and dark periods were considered to be as Mixing of the culture and then its rheological properties
a crucial factor for a stable, high density culture of S. platensis are very important for the operation of the bioreactor, because
[1]. During the dark period, some of biomass is in fact con- they influence nutrient supply, exposition to the light and mass
sumed by respiration [30], the consumed fraction consisting of transfer conditions [11]. So, culture circulation inside the airlift-
reserve materials such as carbohydrates and lipids. Since the tubular reactor system becomes one of the main factors to be
heterotrophic metabolism in the absence of light is notoriously taken into account to improve its performance, especially in
quicker than the autotrophic one and energetically more prof- terms of productivity.
itable, it is possible that its occurrence would be fundamental to In order to evaluate the effect of culture speed on the behavior
guarantee a long-term survival of photosynthetic organisms. In of S. platensis culture, this parameter was gradually increased
this sense, turbulence in outdoor systems may represent the most from 0.05 to 0.21 m s−1 by increasing the air flow rate from 0.33
practical way to create an intermittent pattern to illuminate cells to 4.5 l min−1 . According to Torzillo [11], these values were
[31]. Such a necessary light–dark alternation was ensured in tested at two extreme biomass concentrations, namely at very
our system by lateral illumination in addition to the secondary low (about 0.05 g l−1 ) and high (10 g l−1 ) biomass levels. These
motion caused by the centrifugal effect in correspondence of authors did in fact demonstrate that S. platensis cultures behave
tube curvature [32]. as Newtonian fluids at biomass concentrations of about 2 g l−1 or
During the growth in the tubular reactor, the microalga lower, while over 4 g l−1 they showed a pseudoplastic behavior.
showed a tendency to settle in the tubes, probably due to the Moreover, the experiments performed in the bioreactor revealed
high biomass level; in order to reduce this disadvantage, a fur- that an increase in biomass concentration up to 10 g l−1 led to an
ther test was performed under the same conditions (Xo = 0.5 g l−1 extensive entanglement of the culture; therefore, a progressive
and PAR = 55 ␮mol photons m−2 s−1 ) but increasing the culture rise in the air flow was needed to favor its disentanglement.
specific upward velocity from 0.05 up to 0.21 m s−1 so as to For high biomass concentration (X = 10 g l−1 ), the relation
assure better mixing in the tubes. Biomass concentration reached valid for the non-Newtonian fluids was then assumed according
a maximum (Xm = 2.75 g l−1 ) after 13 days (data not shown) and to Metzner and Reed [33]:
decreased slowly. The unsatisfactory productivity and photo-
synthetic efficiency (Qx = 0.18 g l−1 d−1 and PE = 4.9%, respec-  Dn v(2−n ) ρ
NRe =  (2)
tively) obtained under these conditions (Table 1) suggest a state K 8(n −1)
of mechanical stress ascribable to excess flow rate, which was
confirmed by the microscopial observation of necridia (sacrifi- where NRe is the Reynolds number for non-Newtonian fluids,

cial cells) in the trichome that lost its cellular content becoming D the inner diameter of pipes, v the culture speed, ρ the culture
colorless [12]. density, n the flow behavior index and K is the consistency

Table 2
Cell productivities obtained for Spirulina platensis cultivations carried out in open ponds under different conditions

Xo a (gDB l−1 ) PARb (␮mol m−2 s−1 ) IPARc (kJ d−1 ) Qx d (gDB l−1 d−1 ) μe (d−1 ) PEf (%)

0.15 55 134 0.050 0.12 5.9

0.30 55 134 0.054 0.098 6.4
0.50 55 134 0.060 0.081 7.1
a Xo , starting biomass concentration.
b PAR, photosynthetic active radiation.
c IPAR, input of photosynthetic active radiation.
d Qx , average cell productivity.
e μ, average specific growth rate.
f PE, photosynthetic efficiency.
A. Converti et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 32 (2006) 13–18 17

index. In this equation, n and K can be considered as the degree Table 3

Different fluid dynamic conditions tested for Spirulina platensis cultivations
of non-Newtonian fluid behavior of the culture and the culture
performed in the airlift-tubular photobioreactor
consistency, respectively.
For Newtonian fluids, n = 1 and K reduces to viscosity of the Air flow rate Culture re-cycling Culture speed
(l min−1 ) flow rate (l min−1 ) (m s−1 )
fluid, therefore for low biomass concentration (X = 0.05 g l−1 )
the relation valid for the Newtonian fluids may be applied: 0.33 0.34 0.05
1.0 0.78 0.11
Dvρ 2.0 1.07 0.16
NRe = (3)
μv 3.5 1.34 0.20
4.5 1.40 0.21
where μv is the culture viscosity (kg m−1 s−1 ).
The parameter K is defined as:
3n − 1 n be sufficient to assure good mixing of the culture, avoiding cell
K = K (4) damage.
The plant configuration proposed in this study did not allow
where K (dynes sn cm−2 ) is the power law constant of the expo- even at the highest tested flow rate reaching turbulent regime
nential equation of Ostwald-de Waele: conditions, which were considered by some authors to be crucial
to ensure significant productivity increases [34,35]. Neverthe-
τw = K(γw )n (5) less, it was demonstrated that the optimal conditions of turbu-
lence regime were very narrow (2680 < NRe < 4000) in the spe-
being τw (dynes cm−2 ) is the shear stress and γw (s−1 ) is the
cific photobioreactor they utilised and that a turbulence excess
shear rate.
was deleterious for the culture [35].
It should be noticed that the n parameter appearing in Eqs.
As described in Table 3, an increased air flow rate (from 3.5
(4) and (5), denominated power law index, corresponds to the
to 4.5 l min−1 ) did not result in any significant increase either
non-Newtonian behavior index (n ) of Eq. (2).
in the culture re-cycling flow rate or in the culture speed. This
Assuming for n and K the values calculated by Torzillo
suggests that the best operating conditions for the tubular photo-
for a biomass concentration of 10.2 g l−1 , namely 0.540 and
bioreactor would be those of a laminar regime preventing culture
0.577 dynes sn cm−2 [11], it was possible to evaluate the fluid
damage. The next effort will deal with improvement of the bub-
dynamic behavior of the system under the above two limit con-
bled section so as to minimize cell damage at high culture speed.
ditions (Fig. 5). The values of the Reynolds number were low in
both cases, even when the maximum air flow rate was applied
at the lower biomass concentration, hence indicating that the 4. Conclusions
system always worked in laminar flow. It was suggested that the
Reynolds number should be higher than 2100 to assure turbu- The main novelty of this work was the simultaneous use of a
lence flow [17]; therefore, these conditions could be only get tubular photobioreactor with slightly inclined tubes, so that the
at very high concentration of biomass, but a high air flow led fluid circulation was guaranteed by the simple gravity force, and
to cells damage probably produced in the bubbled section, and an airlift system to prevent shear stress to a culture of S. platensis.
during bubble disengagement. Because significant increases in The experimental biomass concentrations obtained under differ-
the culture speed (from 0.05 to 0.21 m s−1 ) did not imply any ent conditions were higher than those reported in the literature
proportional increase in the culture re-cycling flow, it can be for analogous systems and much higher than those obtained in
deduced that low culture speeds (0.16 m s−1 or lower) should open ponds.
The results presented in this study confirm that, under light-
limited and laminar flow conditions, the air flow rate in the
airlift system for S. platensis re-cycling appreciably influences
biomass productivity and photosynthetic efficiency of a tubu-
lar photobioreactor. In fact, if from the one hand, turbulent
conditions should favor the cultivation because of enhanced
mass transfer, from the other hand, they can induce cell dam-
age when filamentous microorganisms like S. platensis are used,
hence requiring an optimum compromise between these oppo-
site requirements.
The proposed plant configuration proved to be very promising
under the suboptimal conditions investigated in this preliminary
study; therefore, in order to get a clearer picture of its potential, a
set of additional fed-batch tests will be performed in next work,
varying the light intensity, the regime conditions and comparing
Fig. 5. Dependence of the Reynolds number on the culture re-cycling flow rate the results with those of tests to be performed alternating dark
at different biomass concentrations: () 10 g l−1 ; (䊉) 0.05 g l−1 . and light periods.
18 A. Converti et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 32 (2006) 13–18

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