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Name:Pendong,Noraisa M

• Research for a sexual problem that the following may experience. Describe
how it occurs and can be treated.
Common Sexual Problems

You can have problems at different points during sex. Men may experience:

1.Lack of sexual desire

Loss of libido (sex drive) is a common problem that affects many men and women at
some point in their life. It's often linked to relationship issues, stress or tiredness, but
can be a sign of an underlying medical problem, such as reduced hormone levels.

• Healthier lifestyle choices. Improve your diet, get regular exercise and
enough sleep, cut down on the alcohol, and reduce stress.

• Change to a new medication, if the one you’re on is affecting your libido

• Testosterone replacement therapy
• Counseling
Your doctor may recommend therapy if the issue is psychological. In many cases, a low
libido points to a desire for a closer connection with your partner -- one that isn’t sexual,
but still intimate. It can help to talk through these issues with a therapist, either alone or
with your partner. If the issue is depression, antidepressants can help. Some of them
actually lower your sex drive, though.
2.Inability to get or keep an erection
Erectile dysfunction (or impotence) is when you cannot get or keep an erection that
enables you to have sex. Most cases of erectile dysfunction have a physical cause. It is
normal for men to experience erectile dysfunction from time to time, perhaps from
tiredness or drinking too much alcohol
Diet,Exercise,Sleep,Weight loss,Psychotherapy,Sex therapy,Stress reduction,
Alcohol reduction.
1. Sexual arousal disorder: Difficulty becoming aroused
Sexual interest/arousal disorder is characterized by absence of or a decrease in sexual
interest, initiation of sexual activity, pleasure, thoughts, and fantasies; absence of
responsive desire; and/or lack of subjective arousal or of physical genital response to
sexual stimulation—nongenital, genital, or both.
Depending on the underlying cause, treatments often include medication, therapy, or a
combination of both. Some medication-related treatments include: Hormone therapy. If
the underlying cause is hormonal, hormone therapy may help treat low estrogen or
testosterone, vaginal dryness, or pain during intercourse
2. Anorgasmia: Orgasmic disorder, or inability to have an orgasm
Anorgasmia is the medical term for regular difficulty reaching orgasm after ample sexual
stimulation. The lack of orgasms distresses you or interferes with your relationship with
your partner
In many cases, a doctor may recommend a person who has orgasmic dysfunction try
sex therapy or couples counseling. A certified sex therapist can offer psychotherapy that
focuses on concerns related to sexual function, feelings, or dysfunctions. Sex therapy
can be done on an individual basis or with a partner.

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