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Make an analysis of the general attributes of your classmates who will be your
audience for your speech delivery.
Sex: Male, Female
Age bracket: 15-17
Socio-economic status: Middle class
Educational background: Junior Highschool Graduate
Religion: Catholic, Born Again, INC.
Political Affiliation: N/A
Interests: Online games

II.Fill out the personal inventory below.

Name: John Mark Paralleon
Academic and Co-curricular activities: Sports
Pastimes/Hobbies: Playing MOBA games
Work Experience: Part time job (MMR Boosting)
Unusual Experience/s: Creepy experience in cemetery
Concerns/beliefs (Family, Moral, religious, political, social etc.): Science is different
when it comes to religion
Needs (Economic, spiritual, intellectual, physical, etc.): Physical exercise and Rest

A. Prepare an outline of one the specific topics you are interested in.
Name: John Mark Paralleon
Date of Speech: November 19, 2021
Duration of Speech (3 minutes)
Title: Addiction
General Purpose of the Speech: To inform the viewers that any things we do can ended
up in addiction. Like A person who playing video games few hours a day, after a month
a person who play less become more addictive in game.

I.Introduction of the speech (30 seconds)

Today I want to tell you about addiction, it’s not Drug addiction, it’s not Gambling
addiction, it’s all about Gaming disorder also know as Video game addiction. First lets
define what is video games and why a person become addictive playing video games.
Video game is a game that which we play through Computer or other device. The thing
why Video games is addictive because of its content.
II. Body of the speech (2 minutes)
Back in the day I used to be an athletic person. But now you can see me as a person
who can sit behind computer playing Online video games 8 to 10 hours a day. As you
can see me I’m a victim of online gaming.
The more a person spend time playing video games the more addictive it can get.
Games supposed to be enjoyable but it ended up makes you frustrated and stressed
out by this time it may affect the person relationship and mood. That addiction is a
serious problem because people become emotionally involved in virtual world. If you
think the Game is not worth of your time don’t hesitate to uninstall it. Game addiction is
like Drug addiction that may lead you to become a different person/can’t control
Here is the best way to not involve in Gaming addiction. Ask yourself what to do,
choose a sport, play some instrument, have a exercise routine and any kind of past
time which help you to discover you as a person. For those started this kind of addiction
do manage your time, always keep in mind that there is always a negative effect in any
kind of addiction.

III. Conclusion (30 seconds)

As I said before Video game addiction is like drug addiction but the best way to not
involved in online addiction is setting up time management and do some other activities
that can help you to improve as a better person. Reminder that Online games/Games is
a time consuming activity.

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