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Name: Pops T.

Fernandez BSED-3
Midsummer Night’s Dream Reflection

“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream” by Edgar Allan Poe
The video I have watched by Isseult Gilliespie widen my knowledge about the comedic
play of Shakespeare entitled Midsummer Night’s Dream. Moreover, it is well known as
one of Shakespeare’s comedic masterpiece and widely regarded as a sparkling
romance farce.
According to Isseult Gilliespie, it’s one of Shakespeare’s friskiest works filled with
trickery, madness and magic. Taking place over the course of a single night,
Midsummer moves at a rapid pace. The storyline structured around the collision of
distinct groups and detailed breakdowns of patterns that eventually linked to every
character. As what Isseult claimed, Shakespeare uses these patterns to mock the
characters’ self- obsession and question authority with a comic twist. The self-
obsession of the characters reflects the realistic misbehavior of a person where they
became foolish just for the sake of their self-satisfaction like for the matters of love. The
authority which Shakespeare is trying to convey is questioning the fact of who is truly
controlling our lives and how are we willing to be controlled.
Love, Illusions, and Magic are just some underlying themes within the play. The
dominant theme in the play is the subject of love. Although the play is charming and
amusing, it also has a clear subtext of disrespectfulness and darkness, a disturbing
underlying feeling that is closely tied to its romantic themes. For example, when Helena
is romantically in love with Demetrius, but he is in love with another woman who is
Helena’s best friend named Hermia. That unrequited love is common but how
Demetrius insulted, and mistreated Helena is not normal and acceptable at all. He is
cruel to her to the extend that he is ready to inflict pain towards her even though the
innocent woman is just stupidly loving him. The play perfectly portray how love can
make a person nonsensical behavior just all for love. In the same manner as from the
remarkable line of Lysander in the play, “The course of true love never did run smooth”.
The next notable theme found on the play is Illusion. The character of Puck has a great
distribution to the illusions occurred in the play. He is the responsible of putting the spell
to the hopeless romantic characters that complicate the situations in which they are all
entangled. When Queen Titania is under the illusions from the spell, she fell in love to
Nick Bottom despite of having a donkey head cause by playful Puck. But when the spell
disappeared, she is disgusted by the face of Nick Bottom and the idea of being crazy in
love with him. From that sense it infers a contemporary issue where physical
appearance is being the standard in terms of liking or loving someone. Indeed, Isseult
was right that Shakespeare’s play reflects his contemporary concerns.
Furthermore, although it implicates a variety of topics and matters about life, it still ends
with the idea of life is but a dream. This thought is mind- boggling and make you wonder
of things that surrounds you. Certainly, this comedic masterpiece of Shakespeare opens
the mind of the people from their perception of life, whether what you see is true or
Name: Liana Trish Fernandez Grade 3- Subli



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