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I provided a lesson on Math, especially about the addition to Kg 2 students.

I started the
lesson with the morning routine. First, I told the students to say with me the day of the week
then tell me what day is today (Wednesday) some of the students said that today is (Tuesday)
I told him yesterday was Tuesday today is? Then they stared remember the day. Then I asked
the students to give me words begging with the W letter, each student give me different word.
Second, I told the student to count with me the months of the year, the students were good,
and they were saying in the right sequence, then I asked them we are in any month everyone
said we are in October. After that I wrote the date, month and year the students they said for
me and I am writing on the board. The last step in the morning routine is (good morning
song) all students they come on the carpet and they interactive with the song.

Then I start with the math (addition) I said for the students we will learn about add an put
together, then I show them the pals and equal on the computer the students said the name of
the math signs. Thereafter, I said for the students: who can tell me the math sentence? I pick
some students to say the sentence and they use the shapes; I think this it’s will be better if I
use real object like fruit or animals. The last thing I did was I played a song about counting,
but some students they did not stand up to interact with the song and was supposed to I stop
the song and say 123 all eyes on me and push the chair. After that I explain the activity for
whole class.

Activity 1: Apple tree

It's was good activity but, if I did more than one tree it will be better because the number of
the students in this class is big. However, the students were enjoyed in this activity and I
thought it was the best activity among the all activities.

Activity 2: seeds of the watermelon

I thought this activity was very easy but it was not easy for the students because they could
not know how to do the finger painting, they can do the math question and write the answer
but when the do the finger painting they confuse and they did not understand how to do the
finger painting. I think that because they did not have an art lesson and the did not know how
to do the art technique, but I'm supposed to teach them this technique.
Activity 3: Addition box
The idea of this activity is good, but some things must be changed in order to be easier for
students. I used two types of fruits each student uses a type; it would be better if I choose one
type of fruit and do two box each student has one box. This method will help me to see if the
student understands the activity and I will check their answers while they write the answer on
the card in which the question.

I assessed the student understanding through website activity. The students were good at this
assessment, I think this assessment method is good because the students feel it is a game and
they don't feel nervous if they don't answer and all students they answer together.

I used Jerome Bruner theory specifically (Symbolic) when I let the students think to answer
the questions. In the begging of the lesson when I told for the students to give me the addition
sentence and on the conclusion when I let the students to solve the math questions.
Thereafter, I used Zoltan P. Dienes theory when the students play with the addition box and
the apple tree, students will play and study at same time.

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