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Former Member
May 1, 2013
| 1 minute read

Table comparison in BODS 4.1

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The Table Comparison transform  compares two data sets and produces the difference between them as a data
set with rows flagged as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. It also allows you to detect and forward changes that have
occurred since the last time a target was updated.
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In BODS 4.1, we can use filtering expressions in the Table Comparison transform to limit the rows that are
compared to the input data set. Without filtering, all rows in the comparison table are considered for comparison

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Without Filter:

It compares all  the rows from the comparison table against the input data set. Each and every row in the
comparison table is compared with the input table.
With Filter:

Limits the rows from the comparison table that are considered for comparison against the input data set. In this
screen shot, Comparison table “Key=3” is the only row compared against the input data set.

We can add the filter condition in the filter smart editor or clicking

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