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American 3

Ticket inspector ˈtɪkət ɪnˈspɛktər

rent = the money that you pay each month to sb

Knock on the door

I wondered .... = I thought

Sth to do with sb/ sth = related to sb/sth

run down = run toward down

phone box

phone = call (V)


desperate ˈdɛspərɪt = disappointed

go away ‫دور شو‬

get lost ‫گم شو‬

rudely = when you behave in an impolite way

a bit = a little
upset ˈʌpˌsɛt = sad

feel like + verb + ing

I feel like watching a film.

I feel like going out.

Hitchhike ˈhɪʧˌhaɪk

anymore = more than this

I don't give you money anymore.

make it home = go home

Mobina: Teacher I want to be the top student.

Ms. Jafari: I hope you make it.

Listening 5.2

ever since then = from that moment


offended əˈfɛndəd = upset and annoyed


decent ˈdisənt = good‫درخور شایستعه‬

passenger ˈpæsənʤər = s1 who travels

main thing = the most important thing

go after him = follow him

I appreciate əˈpriʃiˌeɪt = I am thankful

rush rʌʃ = go somewhere quickly

nearly = almost

complain = nag

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