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Answer the following questions:

1. What is the importance of science and technology in the society?

In today's world, science and technology have a vital role to play in modern society. Science helps us to
get a greater understanding of the world we live in and the cosmos that surrounds us, whereas technology raises
our quality of life and provides us with new options for exploration and communication that we can fully use.
Science education keeps you sane by giving you a sense of what is conceivable in nature, explaining
mechanics and all-natural events.
Technology, sometimes known as engineering, is the art or science of turning scientific concepts into
devices or gadgets that make humans' lives easier. As a result, having a sense of it piques your interest in science.
Understanding society exposes you to its benefits and drawbacks, as well as its needs and upcoming
changes over time, transforming you into a businessperson and indicating where to apply your scientific
knowledge and technical skill for the advancement of society.
Science drives the society to further reach new heights and new era with the all the new discoveries and
the uses of technology that made their life much easier and their work more efficient. Society also did the vice
versa, it shaped science in response to its demands during difficult times, as well as the demand for quick
technological growth, which necessitates the use of scientific exploration to meet the ever-increasing economy
and labor loads of the time.

2. What is the advantage and disadvantage of science and technology to the society?
The advantages of Science and Technology are:
1. It will make our life easier.
2. It helps us organize our daily activities.
3. This helps our work can be done faster.
4. It helps us to communicate more easily with others.
5. This helps us to better know and understand other cultures and societies.
Scientists are able to build anything that can tremendously increase the quality of life by discovering
science; for example, computers, telephones, televisions, planes, and so on. People can reach their goals much
more easily now that these advancements have been discovered. As we all know, science has greatly aided our
country. It has the potential to transform a small, impoverished country into a progressive one. Science is our sole
chance in the fight against sickness. Many diseases and diseases that were once believed incurable diseases and
diseases would be conquered if not for the achievements of science and the tireless work of scientists. Benefits
are revealed on a regular basis because the technology is so popular and profitable.
Technology is the science of application. You may make your regular task easier by utilizing technology.
To understand how to use technology, you must read about it in every aspect of life, including business,
education, health, and communication. In the case of education, for example, teachers utilize multimedia instead
of chalkboard and graphics to save time in the classroom. A computer in a business contains information on all of
his clients. Humanity has reaped several benefits thanks to science. The tremendous advancements in medicine
have allowed us to increase our life expectancy and lower the infant mortality rate.
Mechanization, better seeds, improved irrigation systems, and insect management have all contributed to
boost farm output. Railways, contemporary liners, jets, and automobiles have made our lives more pleasant while
also providing excellent prospects for modern economic growth and industrialization. The computer's creation
aided the calculation process in the laboratories.

The disadvantages of science and technology are:

1. it can be easily handled by irresponsible people.
2. We will be too dependent on that. When technology fails, we are helpless (in one way or another)
3. Sometimes it affects our health and our lifestyles (we will be complacent and lazy.) Chemicals are dangerous)
4. It destroys our simple and healthy life (the traditional lifestyle I miss).
5. Invasion of our private life.
On the one hand, science and technology have brought us with a lot of wonders, yet there are also
drawbacks to science and technology. For starters, he has elevated our worry levels. Second, when technology
gets into the wrong hands, it may have a detrimental influence on society, as seen by the growing prevalence of
cybercrime, hacking, data theft, and pornographic websites. Third, technological advancements have given
terrorists more options and possibilities. Furthermore, technology has reduced our physical exertions, allowing us
to live in greater luxury and ease. Economies that are slow to integrate new technology are regarded as poor
economies, and their global advancement is limited.
Science is to blame for pollution and has provided us with the nuclear weapon, which poses a threat to
our own existence. However, the issue here is not with science, but with man's determination to exploit science's
discoveries. Science is neither good nor evil on its own. It's a method of methodical knowledge acquisition.
The downside of modern mobile phones is that they allow too many people to connect with us at once. In
a variety of methods, it may generate frauds and spam. Young people have also become so enamored with
technology that they might spend much too much time with them. Production has a drawback in that it consumes
a lot of energy. The devices take a lot of energy to run. As a result, we will require more fuel, resulting in a
significant amount of waste and pollution in our environment. This is the most devastating cost of our time's
technology. We can't escape the drawbacks that come with technological advancements.


In a Long Bond Paper make a portrait containing the concepts you have learned from this chapter and add relevant past
and present issues you can find that are related to the topic. Provide an explanation or justification in another bond paper.

Answer the following questions: 

1. How do social and human issues influence science?

Science is influenced by a variety of factors, some of which are caused by humans, such as social and
human difficulties. Science was compelled to build and discover new things for social connection and long-
distance communication, such as the telephone, signals, radio, television, and the internet, as a result of the
influence of societal difficulties. Human issue, on the other hand, are quite diverse due to several fields such as
medical, technology, engineering, economics, and livelihood, yet they all share the same objective of discovering
and producing new things for our species' continued growth.

2. As a student what are the advantage and disadvantage of technology? Give some examples.
To relate it to a student like me. Technological advancements have made the world a great and convenient
place to live in. There is no denying of how they make lives better and easier, especially in the fields of
education. but, like most things, technology also has its drawbacks
Tools, such as computers, mobile devices and the internet, are now integrated into the educational system.
While they are beneficial in certain academic aspects, they also have negative implications.
Based from my experience, one advantage of using technology, especially the World Wide Web, is that it
has the capacity to bring isolated learners together in “virtual” groups without the limitations of space or time .
Unlike in a traditional classroom context, teachers using the Web for teaching purposes enjoy the opportunity to
teach and interact with disparate groups of learners located in diverse locations around the world.
Recent discoveries in Web-based technologies ensure that students like me are now able to interact with
the teachers in real-time and to share resources across the network. In my learning experience, we have made
use of virtual classrooms to reach out with my classmates and teacher without necessarily making physical
contact, not mentioning that we also have made use of the Web to get learning materials that can be useful to us.
This implies that online technologies avail a safe and secure framework where learning, communication,
and exchange of information can take place.
Based from my perspective, results in a lack of interest in studying is one of the disadvantages of
technology. Because everything is now accessible online or through data saved in a computer or mobile devices,
students are likely to develop poor studying habits and a lazy attitude towards education. some of them may even
think they can skip school because they can find answers and lessons online. Who needs teachers when you have
internet and Google, right?
This can also lead to students like me forgetting the basics of studying, we would rather rely on
computers and the internet, instead of our books and the input from our teachers. Most of us will misspell words
because we often use spell checkers. rather than solve mathematical equations the traditional way, we would
seek assistance from computers or look for the answers directly through search engines. When it is time to take
the tests in the classroom and without any form of technology students are likely to fail.
On the whole technology is a blessing in disguise. It offers ease and comfort and makes life more
comfortable; it is more addictive too. The use of machines and devices has made our life more convenient and
easier on the other hand it has made us suffer too. Technology is taking us away from nature. We have become
machine men with machine minds, we hardly find time to enjoy the nature around.
3. Considering the current state of our society, do you think science literacy among people has contributed to
the growth of our economy?
In my opinion, our understanding of science was a firm foundation that our predecessors helped establish
to underpin what we see in society now. All of their inventions and discoveries paved the way for today's
technology, medicine, machines, and economy, on which we rely. It is acceptable to state that science literacy has
enabled us to live in a society with a rapidly rising economy that is self-sustaining and capable of reaching greater


Answer the following questions. Write your answers in whole sheet of paper. For those who used online platform,
you may submit your outputs in the google classroom. For those who used modular approach, submit this 1 week after
the test administration.
1. Describe the relationships of science, technology and society.

One of the most important notions I've heard while taking this course, as cliche as it may sound, is that
science is one of the greatest gifts’ mankind has ever had. Science pervades practically every area of our lives,
from our behaviors to the inventions we build and the judgments we make; as a result, it has a significant impact
on us. Without science, we would be without knowledge, which is the most vital aspect of our lives. We would be
unaware of our own actions in our daily routines and of the events taking place around us if we did not have it.
We would also be incapable of resolving the issues we are facing.

Nevertheless, I personally believe that science cannot take all credits for the betterment of humankind.
Despite the numerous scientific contributions, science and technology are part and parcel of human life. The
technological advancements around us are products and applications of all science. Due to its constant and
continuous evolvement throughout the years, its wonders can be found anywhere we look. As a matter of fact, the
way we live, work and operate today is influenced by technology. Since it appears to be beneficial for several
individuals and it is difficult to function without them. I have realized that technology could be considered as a
common good.

Considering all the impacts of science and technology, it is obvious that society is a fortunate steward.
Fortunate in the sense that the inventions and innovations are typically deemed favorable for them; and stewards
because they have the opportunity to help others grow with it. To mentioned, humans co-evolve with science and
technology; hence, it has the power to transform each and every one of us. Having said that, it becomes society’s
responsibility to learn how to properly utilize these tools in their daily lives. Moreover, the development of
science and technology is dependent on society’s ideas and doings, as well as its wants and needs. Although
science and technology are advantageous to us the majority of the time, one important note to remember is that it
may also have adverse impacts depending on how we perceive, value, and utilize it. Having said that, society is
held accountable for all the possible consequences despite being the primary beneficiaries of science and
technology. As fortunate stewards, it becomes their responsibility to manage and protect the available resources
around them for the betterment of the community.

Furthermore, the effects of the inventions and innovation on our lives will be up to the discretion of the
society. Dissecting the complex subject matter has made me realize that Science is a gift, Technology is a
common good, and Society is a fortunate steward.

2. Describe the significance of learning science, technology and society.

“Students’ engagement with different perspectives on societal issues concerning the impact of science and
technology on everyday life”. (Fensham, 1988).

By taking this subjecvt, I have gained new insights and learnings regarding the significance of science,
technology, and society in my life. Admittedly, I barely acknowledged the beauty of science as it was only
perceived as a subject before. Now, I see science as a blessing in disguise as it is the reason why everything
around us is possible. Moreover, I became less ignorant about it; thus, making me realize that science should not
be taken for granted. Currently, I see its wonders wherever I look. On the contrary, I learned to appreciate
technology more than I ever did before. I realized that the inventions I am using in my life are not merely tools or
objects that can be disposed of. These things are the very reason why I am experiencing comfort and convenience
right now. Without technology, doing daily tasks will be sluggish for me. Taking this into account, I consider
myself to be privileged enough for having access to these things. However, as mentioned earlier, I also have to do
my part as a steward to look after them. Additionally, I must be cautious of my actions and ensure that I am using
science and technology only for the betterment of society. It is my job to maximize these things without having to
abuse them.

Overall, this course truly helped me envision a better future. Taking all these learnings in mind, I would
be able to transform todays for better tomorrows. Undoubtedly, this once perceived as subject and mere
requirement, STS, is now considered a life learning experience. I was able to determine the most acceptable
representation for my learnings.

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