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Name: _____________________Semester:_______ Date: _______Signature _________

Q 1: Factors Affecting Wage and Salary / Employee Compensation

Internal Factors External Factors

Q2: List out any four Common goals of compensation policy :


Q3: What are the three ways that “Employees” himself/herself influence compensation?

1. 2. 3.

4. List out three principles of Wage and Salary Administration

1. 2. 3.

5. “_____________ means any economic compensation paid to the employer under some contract to
his works for the services rendered by them.”

6._____________ wages: It consists of wages paid in cash only. It does not include other benefits like
medical allowance, residence, transport etc.

7._____________wages: It consists of wages paid in cash along with other benefits like medical
allowance, residence, transport, children education etc.

8. _______________________________ (in 1957) propounded certain wage concepts such as need-

based minimum wage.

9. _______________________________ (in 1948) propounded certain wage concepts such as

minimum wage, fair wage, living wage
10. ________________ wage determined by considering the level of the national income and its

11. According to Dr. Akroyd, how much minimum food in calories should an adult intake________?

12. What are the four institutions through which Wages and salary fixed in India?
1. 2.
3. 4.
13. Name the act, which is most useful instrument for wage determination for unorganized sector

Ans: _________________________

Q 14. Wage boards in India are two types: 1. ____________ Board 2. _________ Board
Q15. Identify the year of Pay commission

Pay Commission Year Outcome

First Pay Commission In no case should they pay less than a living wage.
Second Pay Commission Norms for fixing a need based minimum wage setup.
Third Pay Commission Wage fixation based on Consumer price index
Fourth Pay Commission Examination of structure of All Govt Employees
Fifth Pay Commission Certain recommendation regarding restricting of pay scales
Sixth Pay Commission Suggesting revision of Pay scales of employees of Autonomous

Q16. Explain the following with examples

Direct Compensation Indirect Compensation

Q17. Frame work for wage calculation

Organized Sector Unorganized Sector

Q18: Minimum Wage:

Q19: Living Wage:

Q20: Fair wage:

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