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Reading Comprehension

Text A

16 June, ? Sunday
Dear Diary,
It’s Father’s Day the day after tomorrow. My brother Victor and I wanted to make something special for
Dad. We decided to make him a key ring.
This morning, we went a stationary shop and bought all the materials we needed. Then we went back home
and started making the gift at once.
First, I drew the patterns we wanted to make on a piece of paper. Victor cut the patterns out. Next, he pinned
the patterns to some cloths and cut them out. We chose cloths with different colours so that they key ring
would be colourful. After that, I sewed all the pieces together. Before I sewed the key ring up, Victor helped
stuff it with some cotton and added a key ring loop on the top. Finally, we put the key ring into a nice gift
box and wrapped it with a ribbon. It looked wonderful!
I can’t wait to give Dad the gift. I’m sure he’ll love it!

Circle the best answer.

1. On which day did Cherry write the dairy?
A. Monday
B. Friday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday
2. Cherry and Victor did NOT need _____________ to make the key ring.
A. cotton
B. glue
C. needles
D. scissors

Fill in the blanks.

3. How did Cheery and Victor make the key ring? Put the steps in the correct order. Write number 1-4.
_____________ added a loop _____________cut the patterns from the paper
_____________ pinned the patterns to the cloths _____________sew the clothes
4. Read line 12: ‘...and wrapped it with a ribbon’. The word ‘it’ refers to __________________________.
Text B
? By Katy Fong P.9
How can we stay healthy? First, we should avoid eating unhealthy food. Eating too much fatty food is bad
for our health. If we eat too many snacks like crisps, sweets, ice cream and chocolate, we will get fat easily.
Being overweight may lead to diseases such as heart disease.
We should drink enough water to stay healthy. Water helps carry aways waste from our blood. We need to
drink eight glasses of water every day.
It is necessary to do exercise too. Exercise like swimming, running, skipping and roller skating can help us
become stronger and healthier. When exercising, we breathe harder and so our hearts become stronger too.
Besides, we should not stay up too late. If we do not have enough sleep at night, our body will not be able to
rest. This will cause many health problems.
Finally, we should protect our eyes. If we stay too long in front of a computer without taking a rest, our eyes
will get very tired and dry easily. We will suffer from eye problems easily.

Circle the best answer.

1. What is the best title for the article?
A. ‘Different health problems’
B. ‘How our body works’
C. ‘Tips for a healthy lifestyle’
D. ‘What happens to our hearts’

2. According to the article, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Enough sleep can help reduce health problems.
B. Exercising does not strengthen our hearts.
C. Getting too fat is bad fro our hearts.
D. Using a computer for too long will harm our eyes.

Answer the questions in complete sentences.

3. Why should we not eat too many snacks like crisps and sweets?


4. How does water keep us healthy?


Text C
Daily News 7 October, Tuesday
More children found to have kidney stones after drinking contaminated milk
By Alyssa Kwan
A 10-year-old boy was found to have kidney stones after drinking milk produced by Healthy Cows Group.
The milk was contaminated by waste products.
The authority said a public meeting that two small stones were found in the boy’s kidneys. Luckily, they are
small and can pass out of his body naturally. Therefore, it was not necessary for him to stay in hospital.
The boy’s mother said that she bought the milk when it was on sale at the supermarket. The milk was
produced by Healthy Cows Group. Her son drank three cartons every day. This new case raises the total
number of children with milk-related kidney stones in Hong Kong to seven. Compared with Hong Kong,
only two children were found to have this problem in Macau in the past two weeks.
A spokesman from the government said people ought to drink other brands of milk which have passed safety
tests or switch to other drinks like soya milk.

Fill in the blanks.

1. The boy did not need to stay in hospital because _____________________________________________


2. Besides the boy in the news report, ________________ children were found to have milk-related kidney


3. Gina is writing an email to her cousin Sandy. Read the news report again and complete the email. Use

only ONE word for each blank.

Dear Sandy,

One more boy fell sic after he drank the milk from Healthy Cows Group. His mum bought the milk from the

supermarket when there was a (a)___________________. That’s terrible! My mum said she’s going to listen

to the government’s advice and buy me milk produced by another (b)___________________ these days.

Something terrible happened to Sally at school one day. When Sally was walking down the stairs from the
third floor, her classmate Bob accidentally hit her on the back. She lost her balance and feel down the stairs.
She broke her left leg and her right arm was bleeding. She had a bruise on her right leg too.

‘Ow! That hurt!’ groaned Sally. Her teacher Miss Chau called the ambulance immediately.

Sally had to stay in hospital for a week. In the ward, she met Karen, who broke her arm in a car accident.
They talked for long hours. They left the hospital on the same day.

The doctor told Sally that she had to stay at home for a month so that her leg could recover. Sally could not
go to school. She was upset. Karen went to visit her. She told Sally interesting stories to cheer her up. They
played board games and watched cartoons together.

When Sally could walk again, she joined some interest classes with Karen. They visited many places
together too. Since then, Karen has become Sally’s best friend.

Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. Why did Sally break her leg?



2. How did Sally fell after she fell down the stairs? Give on piece of evidence to support you answer.



3. Why did Karen have to stay in hospital?



4. What did Sally do with Karen after her leg recovered?



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