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Shane G.


1. I.
2. E.
3. G.
4. F.
5. B.
6. J.
7. H.
8. A.
9. C.
10. D.
  Looking back:

Activity 1 :

Text A:
What is the main idea of the selection?
2. What details or clues support the main idea?

3. What arguments can you advance for and against the “old policy of retaliation?”


 Activity 1:
 Activity 2:

Common Quotations Agree Justification Disagree Justification

as Statements of

“Education is the most  / I think that education is the most

powerful weapon  which effective weapon you can use to alter
you can use to  change the world since it gives us the ability to
the world”. improve the economic and sociological
quality of life in modern society.
Education is powerful because no one
can deny that it allows us to make the
best decisions in life and carry out our
responsibilities appropriately. It refines
our perceptions and ennobles our

“Don’t let yesterday  take / This is something I agree with. We don't

up too much of  today.”  have to dwell on what happened
   yesterday, which led to today's misery,
-Will Rogers because yesterday isn't ours to recover
from. Yesterday is behind us, but today
is a gift.

“Love is the only / I agree because it is the significance of

force capable of forgiveness in our life that causes us to
transforming an enemy love one another, not how much he or
into a  friend”. she has done to you.

An argument is a claim or a set of claims with reasons and evidence offered
as support, a line of reasoning meant to demonstrate the truth or falsehood of
something. Analyzing an argument is to evaluate someone else’s argument. The
task presents a brief passage in which the author makes a case for a course of action
or interprets events by presenting claims and supporting evidence . Your job will
be to examine the claims made and critically assess the logic of the author’s position.
 Check your understanding:

Activity 1:

and Activity 2)
1. C.
2. B.
3. B.
4. D.
5. A.
6. B.
7. D.
8. B.
9. B.
10. C.

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