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Waste Management 78 (2018) 426–433

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Characterization of household food waste and strategies for its

reduction: A Shenzhen City case study
Hui Zhang a,b, Huabo Duan a,⇑, Jelena M. Andric a, Mingwei Song c,⇑, Bo Yang d
College of Civil Engineering, Shenzhen University, 518060 Shenzhen, China
School of Chemistry and Environmental, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205, Hubei, China
College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A clear understanding of the characteristics of generated household food waste (HFW) is necessary to for-
Received 26 December 2017 mulate an effective food waste management policy. The present study has focused on the quantity and
Revised 6 June 2018 composition of generated HFW as well as the driving forces, and further explored potential means of
Accepted 6 June 2018
reducing HFW. The quantity of avoidable HFW generated in Shenzhen City in 2015 was estimated to
be two-fold greater than that in 2001, which consequently produced 1,378 thousand metric tonnes
CO2 eq. emissions during their ultimate waste disposal. This suggests that HFW prevention can yield
great environment benefits by reducing carbon emissions. Based on a survey in which 418 households
Household food waste
Waste composition
in Shenzhen City participated, it was apparent that both household size and income are the major drivers
Socio-economic factors to HFW generation. A substantial reduction in HFW generation can be achieved through improvements in
Questionnaire survey consumer behaviors, consciousness and attitudes. Priority should be given to the strategies that can
Shenzhen City increase people’s awareness of HFW induced problems, with the purposes to achieve a more sustainable
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction produced at 7% (Liu et al., 2013). Each person in China is responsi-

ble for 16 kg of HFW generated annually, equivalent to carbon,
China’s rapid economic development, accelerating urbanization water and ecological footprints of 40 kg CO2 eq., 18 m3 and 173
and improvement in living standards have raised the annual quan- gm2, respectively (Song et al., 2015). Since China represents the
tity of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated from around 31, world’s most populous country and the largest developing econ-
000 thousand metric tons (Kt) in 1980 to 191, 000 Kt in 2015 omy, a reduction in the amounts of FW generated at the household
(Gu et al., 2017). The sources of MSW generally include residential level could reduce the global demand for food production, conse-
households, markets, commercial locations, public areas, streets, quently reducing the pressure on natural resources such as water
temples and religious institutions. Approximately 80% of total and land (Liu et al., 2013). Therefore, it can be argued that reducing
MSW is generated by households among most cities in China the FW generated in China could make a significant positive contri-
(Cao, 2010; Gu et al., 2015). Household food waste (HFW) accounts bution to the achievements of a more sustainable environment,
for approximately 51–66% of MSW generated in China (Clercq both with respect to increasing food security and mitigating
et al., 2016; Gu et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2014). Including that pro- climate change (Liu, 2014; Wang et al., 2017; Xue et al., 2017).
duced along the food supply chain, it has been estimated that Since HFW consists of avoidable and unavoidable waste, it is
approximately half of all FW is generated at the household level necessary to make precise differentiation between them. In current
in developed countries such as Canada (Parizeau et al., 2015). literature, there are different definitions of avoidable and unavoid-
Although the rate of food loss in China is estimated at 19%, able HFW. The avoidable HFW relates to food products which could
household consumers account for the largest portion of total FW have been consumed and prepared but not eaten, food which was
left to spoil and other products of edible condition, which were
disposed for whatever reason (Bernstad and Andersson, 2015;
⇑ Corresponding authorsat: NO. 3688 Nanhai Ave, Nanshan district, Shenzhen, Hanssen et al., 2016). On the other hand, unavoidable HFW can
Guangdong, China.
be defined as waste produced during the preparation of food, along
E-mail addresses: (H. Duan),
with inedible items such as bones, shells, peels and etc. (Bernstad
(M. Song).
0956-053X/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Zhang et al. / Waste Management 78 (2018) 426–433 427

and Andersson, 2015; Quested and Johnson, 2009). The definitions emission factor (CEF) related to various FW disposal methods. Con-
used above are consistent with this study. sequently, Monte Carlo simulations were performed to quantify
A few studies have shown that avoidable HFW component the final uncertainty related to the quality of avoidable HFW and
accounts for a large proportion of total HFW generated, e.g., approx- the associated carbon emissions resulting during final disposal.
imately 35–60% in developed countries (Edjabou et al., 2016; The Crystal Ball software package (Oracle, Redwood Shores, CA)
Hanssen et al., 2016; Koivupuro et al., 2012; SEPA, 2013; WRAP, was used with 10,000 cycles of random sampling.
2008, 2010); and HFW also brought out the environmental impact
(Chapagain and James, 2011; Quested and Parry, 2011). For example, 2.1. Household data collection and analysis
the average annual carbon footprint resulting from avoidable HFW
generation in the United Kingdom has been estimated to be 330 kg 418 completed questionnaires were returned for the question-
CO2 per person, which equivalent to one third of the per capita naires distributed to households situated in each of the four eco-
CO2 emissions associated with household electricity use nomic zones of Shenzhen City. The number of households
(Chapagain and James, 2011; Quested and Parry, 2011). Generally, represented within each district varied from 40 to 150 (a more
the fraction of avoidable HFW generated has been classified as specific description is shown in Section S1, Tables S2 and S3 in
100% preventable, whereas the unavoidable HFW fraction has been SI). The total of 17 questions, as shown in Appendix 1 in SI, were
regarded as unpreventable (Bernstad and Andersson, 2015). Sus- arranged into three sections. Section I presented questions related
tainable solutions for reducing HFW and its environmental impact to relevant background information of the household participants,
require a good understanding of the amount of HFW generated including regional characteristics, birthplace, household income,
and the driving factors, particularly the voidable HFW. The quanti- house price and household size (questions 1–6). Questions in sec-
ties of both total and avoidable HFW have been correlated with both tion II explored the nature of the HFW produced, including its
household size and household income (Koivupuro et al., 2012; quantity, the proportion of avoidable and non-avoidable waste
Mallinson et al., 2016; Porpino et al., 2015; Qu et al., 2009; Secondi and the composition of the HFW generated (questions 7–9).
et al., 2015), whereas the individual effects of those two drivers Finally, questions in section III investigated the influence of cul-
may differ between developed and developing countries. For exam- ture, the cost of food, consumer behavior, consumer consciousness
ple, the quantities of HFW generated by Danish and Norwegian and attitude (questions 10–16). As the majority of the respondents
households tend to be correlated to both household size and income provided no answer to the question of number 17, which
(Edjabou et al., 2016; Hanssen et al., 2016). However, low-income addressed the issue of how to reduce HFW, the responses to this
households in both Vietnam and Brazil have also been shown to question were not included in the analysis.
waste some food (Porpino et al., 2015; Trang et al., 2017). A number
of other factors have been identified to influence the amount of HFW 2.2. Calculation of avoidable HFW and its composition
generated, including waste composition, culture, food cost, con-
sumer behavior, consciousness and attitude (Hebrok and Boks, 2.2.1. The quantification of avoidable HFW
2017; Mallinson et al., 2016; Ponis et al., 2017; Secondi et al., The quantity of avoidable HFW was derived from Eq. (1), shown
2015). As for developing countries, such as China, previous studies below:
mainly focus on the quantity of restaurant waste or HFW (Wang Eq. (1): The quantity of avoidable HFW
Kelin, 2012; Wang et al., 2017). Rarely any study on avoidable Pn Pn 
HFW has been reported to date. GAHFW ¼ GMSW  RHFW  RAHFW ¼ GMSW  RHFW  Pn i¼1 i i
Shenzhen City is situated in a rapidly industrializing region in i¼1 i

China. It represents a national low-carbon demonstration city. As ð1Þ

a forerunner of China’s booming economy, the megacity has been
In which GAHFW and GMSW represent the quantities of avoidable
confronted with a multitude of environmental challenges, includ-
HFW and total MSW generated in Shenzhen City, respectively,
ing severe land scarcity and environmental problems associated
which are measured in thousand tonns (Kt) annually; RHFW repre-
with the management of MSW. Shenzhen City hosts a population
sents the proportion of HFW (%) in total MSW (see Table S4 in SI);
of 11.9 million people, but with a significant lower per capita land
RAHFW is the proportion of avoidable HFW (%) in total HFW; Ai repre-
area (0.17 m2) and higher per capita gross domestic product GDP
sents the proportion of avoidable HFW (%) within the total HFW; Bi
(25,790 USD) compared to other highly populated mega cities in
represents the number of relevant households. Parameter i varies
China and the national level (Table S1 in Supporting Information
from 1 to 4 according to the proportion of HFW which is avoidable:
(SI)). Thus, taking Shenzhen City as a case study, the aim of this
<30%: i ¼ 1; 30–50%: i ¼ 2; 50–70%: i ¼ 3; >70%: i ¼ 4(Table S2).
study was to determine the quantity, composition of avoidable
HFW, driving forces behind HFW generation and possible strate-
gies to reduce the amount of HWF generated. 2.2.2. The composition of avoidable HFW
Accordingly, the main research questions are as following: According to the definition of avoidable HFW, cereal products
(rice, pasta and bread) belong to avoidable HFW, whereas other
What are the amount and composition of avoidable HFW? components of HFW comprise a mixture of unavoidable and void-
Whether socio-economic factors contribute to the generation of able waste (Table S2). Packaging wastes and drinks are mixture of
HFW? impurities and wasted drinks (avoidable HFW), and the quantifica-
How these factors affect plausible strategies for reducing HFW? tion of packaging wastes are based on an investigation shown in
section S2.1 in SI. The composition of avoidable HFW was derived
2. Methods and data from Eq. (2), shown below:
Eq. (2): The composition of avoidable HFW
A survey was conducted during April to July 2017 in Shenzhen Gc ¼ GHFW  Rc ð2Þ
City (Guangdong Province, southern China) to identify major dri-
vers of HFW. Data from 418 questionnaires were analyzed statisti- GHFW  Rj
cally using routines implemented in IBM SPSS Statistics v24. Gj ¼ ðGAHFW  Gc Þ  ð3Þ
Uncertainty exists for the values of some variables used in Eqs. GHFW  Rj
(1)–(4), e.g., the percentage of HFW in total MSW and the carbon
428 H. Zhang et al. / Waste Management 78 (2018) 426–433

in which C c and Rc represent the quantity of avoidable cereal 3.2. The influence of socio-economic factors on FW generation
products and its percentage in total HFW, respectively; Gj repre-
sents the quantity of other various components of avoidable Variation in the proportion of food ending up as FW existed
HFW; Rj represents the proportion of the total HFW taken up by among the surveyed households. Approximately 19%, 46%, 31%
each of the various components; the parameters j indicate cereal and 4% of households reported wastage rates of <10%, 10–30%, 30–
products (rice, pasta and bread), animal-derived waste (meat, 50% and >50%, respectively (Fig. 3). At least some of this FW was
bones and shells) and vegetables and fruits (Table S2). avoidable in every household: the proportion was <30%, 30–50%,
50–70% and >70% in 8%, 26%, 46% and 20% of households, respec-
2.2.3. The environmental impact of avoidable HFW tively (Table S2). Household incomes fell into four groups (A–D), at
The environmental impact of avoidable HFW was modeled <10,000, 10,000–20,000, 20,000–30,000 and >30,000 Chinese yuan
using Eq. (3) shown below: per person per year, respectively. Figs. 4–6 illustrate that socio-
Eq. (3): Amount of carbon emission resulting from the various economic factors are responsible for FW generated at a household
components of HFW level. Figs. 4 and 5 show that income level is positively correlated
with FW generated and its avoidable component; for example,
CEAHFW ¼ GAHFW  Pi  CEF i high-income households (Group C and D) produced a larger propor-
i¼1 tion of avoidable FW (10–50%) than that of the middle-income group
PMSW i (Group B, 10–30%) or low-income group (Group A, 0–30%) (Fig. 5). An
¼ GAHFW   ð1  RREC Þ  CEF i þ GAHFW  RREC  CEF z influence of household size was also evident, as the proportion of
avoidable HFW increased with the number of household members:
ð4Þ in households comprising more than four members, the proportion
in which CEAHFW represents the carbon emission associated of avoidable FW was generally in the range of either 10–30% or 30–
with total avoidable HFW annually, in units of 104 tons; x, y and z 50%), whereas households comprising two or three persons reported
represent the alternative HFW disposal methods (x = 1, y = 1: sani- a 10–30% range, and single member households reported a propor-
tary landfill; x = 2, y = 2: incineration; x = 3, y = 3: simple landfill; tion of <10% (Fig. 6). A summary of drivers behind socio-economic
x = 4, z: biogas utilization based on anaerobic digestion technology); factors influencing HFW is given in Table S6.
Pi represents the percentage of avoidable HFW from alternative
HFW disposal methods in the total avoidable HFW; PMSWi is the 4. Discussion
amount of MSW disposed of via different methods annually in units
of 104 tons; RREC is the recycling rate of MSW (%) (see Table S4 in 4.1. Quantity and composition of avoidable HFW in Shenzhen City
SI); CEFi represents the carbon emission factor (CEF) of HFW from
different disposal methods mentioned above, e.g., CO2 eq. emitted 4.1.1. Generation of avoidable HFW
from the disposal of 1 ton of FW (see Table S5 in SI). Two methods have been widely applied to quantify HFW, which
is of relevance to the calculation of avoidable HFW generation at
3. Results the regional level based on Eq. (1). One method is based on the
generation rate of FW and the other on the proportion of MSW rep-
3.1. Estimate of avoidable HFW resented by HFW (Clercq et al., 2016; Gu et al., 2017; Song et al.,
2015; Zhang and Fu, 2010). The former varies considerably accord-
Based on Eq. (1), the proportion of avoidable HFW was esti- ing to the literature, ranging from 11 g to 490 g per capita per day
mated to be 56%. The total quantity of avoidable HFW produced (Song et al., 2015; Zhang and Fu, 2010), whereas the latter has been
annually was calculated to have risen from 549 (±45) thousand shown to be relatively stable in China at 45%–65% (Clercq et al.,
metric tons (Kt) in 2001 to 1,673 (±144) Kt in 2015, equivalent to 2016; Gu et al., 2017; Huang, 2012; SMEHA, 2014; Tai et al.,
an annual growth rate of 8% (Fig. 1). Fig. 2(a) shows the composi- 2011; Xiong, 2014). Thus, the latter method was used in the pre-
tion of avoidable HFW generated, with the individual contributions sent study. According to Eq. (1), the average yearly avoidable
also increasing over time. In 2015, the largest component of avoid- HFW generation of Shenzhen City (1673 Kt) was higher than the
able HFW comprised cereal products (514 ± 180 Kt), followed by corresponding values of Finland and Sweden, although it must be
fruits (375 ± 173 Kt), vegetable matters (274 ± 161 Kt) and considered that the populations of Finland and Sweden were
animal-derived wastes (256 ± 159 Kt), packaging wastes and approximately 50% and 80% of that of Shenzhen City, respectively
drinks (254 ± 157 Kt) (Fig. 2(b)). (Katajajuuri et al., 2014; SEPA, 2013). This overall estimated quan-
tity of avoidable HFW generation represents around three- to five-
fold the quantity of annual restaurant waste generated by other
mega cities such as Beijing City (417 Kt) and Shanghai City (586
Kt) (Wang et al., 2017). Our study was also compared to total
HFW production in Chengdu City (1780 Kt) in 2015 with a high
population of 14.66 million (Wang Kelin, 2012). Looking forward,
if the present study were to be extended to the national level,
the continued growth of both the economy and the population of
China will, without major intervention, inevitably result in further
increases in the annual production of both MSW and HFW, along
with further losses due to FW at the consumption stage. This trend
has implications for food security and environmental sustainability
not only within China, but globally (Wang et al., 2017).

Fig. 1. The total quantity of avoidable household food waste (HFW) generated in
4.1.2. Composition of avoidable HFW
Shenzhen City over the period 2001–2015 (error bars indicate one-time standard As shown in Table S2 in SI, packaging wastes and drinks were
deviation). grouped into a single composition of HFW. In order to estimate the
H. Zhang et al. / Waste Management 78 (2018) 426–433 429

Fig. 2. The components of avoidable household food waste (HFW) generated during the period 2001–2015 in Shenzhen City.

Number of households Number of households

400 16
<30% 30%~50%

129 100 50%~70% >70%


44 48
200 50 40
192 >50% 34 30 30
30%~50% 14 16
10 11
7 6 7
100 10%~30% 1
Income Income Income Income
Group A Group B Group C Group D
Percentage of wasted food in total food
Fig. 5. The proportion of avoidable food waste (FW) in relation to household
Fig. 3. The proportion of purchased food disposed of as food waste (FW).

Number of Households
Number of households
100 94 <30% 30%~50% 50%~70% >70%
<10% 10%~30% 94
80 30%~50% >50%
54 53
50 40
60 54 55 30
24 25
48 14 12 11 13 13
5 6 4
40 0
40 33 persons persons persons persons
1 2~3 4~5 >5
10 11 Fig. 6. The proportion of avoidable food waste (FW) in relation to household size.
7 6
3 2 4 4
0 2010 and vegetables wasted during postharvest handling and stor-
Income Income Income Income
age stages in 2011, respectively (Xue et al., 2017). Because of the
Group A Group B Group C Group D
100% urbanization rate in Shenzhen City, approximately 90% of total
Fig. 4. The proportion of purchased food disposed of as food waste (FW) in relation food supplied to Shenzhen City is imported from other regions (Yang
to household income. and Zhang, 2016). The amount of avoidable vegetable HFW genera-
tion in 2015 was approximately six-fold that of vegetable products
avoidable composition of HFW, two methods were applied to ana- produced locally (63 Kt), and the amount of avoidable animal-
lyze the quantity of wasted drinks. Based on the surveys described derived HFW was over ten-fold the total sum of locally-produced
in section S2.2 in SI, the quantity of wasted drinks was 253 Kt, which meat and marine products (444 Kt) (SZSBU, 2016). Therefore, reduc-
is similar to the result obtained by questionnaire survey (254 Kt) in ing FW can contribute substantially to the sustainable provision of
section 3.1. This suggests the ‘value’ based on a questionnaire survey food to Shenzhen City.
is reliable. Specific calculations are shown in section S2.2 in SI. When
compared to the national level, the amount of avoidable cereal HFW 4.2. Environmental impacts of avoidable HFW
(rice, pasta and bread) and vegetable HFW considered in our study in
2015 was more than 2% (21, 600 Kt) and 3% (14, 000 Kt) of cereals FW has been considered to be a component of MSW in China
wasted during agricultural production and harvesting stages in (Cheng et al., 2007). Thus, it has not commonly been quantified
430 H. Zhang et al. / Waste Management 78 (2018) 426–433

separately by environmental protection agency. HFW in particular 2008). As shown in Table S8, the percentage of avoidable HHFW
has been categorized as MSW during source collection and final from most households in our study are significant higher than that
waste disposal. In certain other waste recycling pilot cities such of Sweden in 2012 and Finland in 2010 (Table S8), which are both
as Shenzhen City, the rate of MSW separation during waste collec- around 35% of food purchased (Katajajuuri et al., 2014; SEPA,
tion remains low, as shown in Table S6, at <50% and <80% in 2013). The percentage is comparable to those reported in certain
approximately 20% and 70% of households, respectively. Even if other developed economies with a corresponding value of 56–
the separation of HFW at source was implemented efficiently, 64% (Edjabou et al., 2016; Hanssen et al., 2016; WRAP, 2008,
the facilities for disposal of FW remain largely insufficient. For 2010). Some of these differences may be due to distinctive patterns
FW with high moisture (80–90%) and organic matter (about 90%) of food consumption (Hanssen et al., 2016). Moreover, avoidable
content (Grandhi and Appaiah Singh, 2016; Jin et al., 2015), proper HFW could be reduced if managed better. Given the extent of the
waste management and treatment may allow both the mitigation avoidable HFW generated in China, substantial potential exists
of greenhouse gas (GHG)-emissions and possibilities for bioenergy for its reduction by altering consumer behavior. Any such reduc-
production. For example, hydrothermal carbonization and anaero- tion, in conjunction with improvements in waste management,
bic digestion technologies are suitable for the treatment of organic would not only deliver an economic saving, but would also con-
matter in FW, which can be converted into solid biofuel, biodiesel tribute to food security and help alleviate the negative environ-
and electricity (Basso et al., 2016, 2015; Wen et al., 2016; Zhang mental impact of FW disposal.
et al., 2014). However, most HFW produced in China has been dis-
posed of by landfill (sanitary landfill) and incineration, and worry- 4.4. Socio-economic factors influencing the amount of HFW generated
ingly, more harmful disposal methods (mainly simple landfill) and the drivers
were used over the past 15 years. Approximately 5% of material
disposed of using these technologies was recycled in 2015, and The present study has confirmed that both household size and
even in Shenzhen City, the percentage of recycled material was income are positively correlated with the quantity of both total
only 6% in 2014 (Xiong, 2014). The environmental impact of these HFW and avoidable HFW, as shown in a number of cognate studies
disposal methods can be assessed in terms of their GHG emissions. (Edjabou et al., 2016; Hanssen et al., 2016; Koivupuro et al., 2012).
According to previous studies, 1 ton of HFW buried in a sanitary How do these factors affect the generation of avoidable HFW? In
landfill site or a simple landfill site generate 0.873 t CO2 eq. and the present study, based on the case of Shenzhen City, the drivers
0.790 t CO2 eq., respectively (Chen et al., 2013; Hao et al., 2017; behind socio-economic factors, documented in Table S6 in SI, were
Kim and Jung-WkKim, 2010; Wang and Geng, 2015), whereas the firstly explored to determine the amount of HFW generated in
same amount of waste disposed of via incineration and biogas uti- China. The drivers include cultural attitudes, the cost of food, waste
lization based on anaerobic digestion technology produces 0.708 t composition, consumer behavior, consciousness and attitude.
CO2 eq. and 0.097 t CO2 eq., respectively (Chen et al., 2013; Jin
et al., 2015). These data sources are shown in section S3, section 4.4.1. Cultural attitudes
S4 and Table S5 in SI Estimates on HFW generated in the United Kingdom have sug-
According to Eq. (3), the calculated annual environmental gested that 40% of HFW is generated from the preparation of an
impact of HFW disposal is approximately 1378 Kt CO2 eq. excessive quantity of food (Kim and Jung-WkKim, 2010; Quested
(Table S7), representing approximately half of carbon emissions and Johnson, 2009; Thyberg and Tonjes, 2016). There is an assump-
originating from urban roads in Shenzhen City (Mao et al., 2017). tion that this is less of an issue in developing countries, where
Even for HFW utilized as a biological resource via anaerobic diges- preparing smaller volumes of food to some extent avoid wastage
tion (AD) at a percentage of 100%, 162 Kt CO2 eq. of carbon emis- (Pearson et al., 2013). Chinese culture however places a strong
sion was emitted in Shenzhen City in 2015. If the impacts of emphasis on hospitality, which places pressure on most house-
waste generation on climate, water and land resources are consid- holds (83–92%) to over-cater when guests are being entertained.
ered in total life-cycle periods through modeling upstream and If no food remains on the table at the end of a meal, the perception
direct emissions associated with production of HFW based on the is that the host prepared (or ordered) insufficient food, leading to a
study by Song et al. (2015), households in Shenzhen City in 2015 loss of face (mianzi in Chinese) (Wang et al., 2017).
were responsible for annual total carbon footprints of 3446 Kt
CO2 eq. This number is approximately 10% of carbon footprint for 4.4.2. The cost of food
cereals or meat, almost half of carbon footprint for fruits in Subsa- With a rise in income, food wastage has no longer been seen as
hara Africa (Fao, 2013). The present study clearly shows that the an important social issue since the cost of food represents a falling
carbon emission of HFW during life-cycle periods was significantly proportion of total income (Thyberg and Tonjes, 2016). Data shown
higher than that of final disposal periods. Consequently, we can in Table S6 support this assertion: the proportion of households for
conclude that although modern alternatives for food waste treat- which the purchase of food required an expenditure of >30% of
ment can result in avoidance of carbon emissions through energy household income has shown a decreasing trend consistent with
recovery to some extent, HFW prevention yields far greater bene- household income level, ranging from 84% in Group A to 11% in
fits by reducing environment impact compared to the disposal of Group D. In contrast, households for which wasted food comprises
waste via anaerobic digestion. In addition, substantial water and >30% of total food has increased from 53% (Group A) to 26% (Group
land resources could be saved. These results are consistent with D), suggesting that high-income households were quite prepared
other studies conducted in developed countries such as south Swe- to waste food.
den (Bernstad and Andersson, 2015).
4.4.3. Waste composition
4.3. Avoidable HFW results in comparison with that of other studies The components of surveyed FW can be classified into animal-
derived waste (meat, bones and shells), vegetable and fruit mat-
Compared to other developed countries, for the majority of the ters, cereal products, packaging wastes and drinks (Table S2). There
sample households in the present study, the relative amount of were significant differences in the relative contribution of these
wasted food was higher than that in the Netherlands (8–11%) over components among income groups. Higher-income households
2008–2009 (Parfitt et al., 2010) and comparable to that of the tended to produce a greater volume of vegetable and fruit matter
United Kingdom (31%) and the United States (25%) (WRAP, than less prosperous households did; therefore, this component
H. Zhang et al. / Waste Management 78 (2018) 426–433 431

outweighed that of animal-derived wastes. Similar results also amount of HFW generated, which can be concluded to be as
show in developed economies such as Norway (Hanssen et al., following:
2016). According to Ponis et al. (2017), consumers favoring fruit
and vegetable matter tend to discard less food than those favoring (1). Cultural attitudes Cultural attitudes toward hospitality with
high protein foods. However, in the present study, the higher- a sense of achieving mianzhi in Chinese households often
income households, which favored vegetable and fruit matter over results in over-preparation of food and leftovers. In this con-
animal-derived foods, appeared to generate more HFW than the text, it is believed that policy makers and various forms of
low-income households, possibly because abundant fruits are social media can play crucial roles in decreasing the amount
available in south China during April and July, some of which have of food waste by emphasizing the importance of saving food.
large proportions of inedible parts such as heavy peel and numer- These strategies can possibly eventually change the existing
ous seeds such as watermelon, dragon fruit, coconut, longan and cultural attitudes by changing consumer consciousness and
litchi. These differences suggest that unique cultural factors influ- attitude (also see the fourth item below).
ence the composition of HFW. In addition, packaging wastes and (2). The cost of food High food prices would inevitably reduce
drinks were also important components of HFW, especially for FW produced by households, but would also negatively
middle-income households (Group B), comprising 25% ± 13% of affect low-income households. A high rate of waste separa-
total HFW, and significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the proportion tion is currently achieved in some high-income residential
of vegetable FW, indicating that waste reduction could be achieved areas (Table S6); therefore, a strategy for reducing avoidable
by decreasing the use of packaging material. HFW among high-income households would be for local pol-
icy makers and waste management sectors to charge a high
fee for disposal of avoidable HFW for high-income
4.4.4. Consumer behavior, consciousness and attitude
Some of the variations in the quantity of HFW generated related
(3). Waste composition It has been estimated that half of the
to household income possibly attributable to differences in con-
food packaging waste produced has resulted from over-
sumer habits, behavior, consciousness and attitude (Table S2).
packaging of food products, including confectionaries, bread,
The greatest potential for the reduction of food waste in the devel-
moon-cake and fruits (Cheng, 2017; Ren, 2015). Conse-
oped world lies with consumers (Parfitt et al., 2010), as consumer
quently, consumers should be encouraged to purchase food
behavior is considered to be the primary driver of FW generation in
products with reduced packaging, which possibly is an
developed economies (Hebrok and Boks, 2017; Ponis et al., 2017).
important means of practicing source reduction of HFW.
In present study, shopping list was frequently used (65–70%) by
(4). Consumer behavior Many consumers do not plan their
low- and middle-income households Group A and Group B, respec-
shopping, which often results in excess food purchasing
tively, whereas half of the households in the high-income groups
and overstocking. Education to promote behavior changes
(Group C and D) reported no planning for shopping, a practice
such as the formation of a habit that uses a shopping list
which often results in overstocking (Hebrok and Boks, 2017). Addi-
can be useful for reducing HFW to some extent.
tionally, >90% of surveyed households in Group C and Group D tend
(5). Consumer consciousness and attitude Programs should be
to dispose of leftovers that could still be safely consumed, whereas
implemented to raise the consciousness and change con-
a relative low percentage (60%) of households in Group A admitted
sumers’ attitudes toward food waste prevention and reduc-
to this. This mean that the results of the present study are in line
tion. Educational campaigns can focus on the moral issues
with results from consumer surveys in some developed countries,
associated with food wastage and the benefits of HFW
and the high proportion of HFW generated could be attributed to
reduction, such as environmental benefits and sustainable
impulse buying and not re-using leftovers (Hebrok and Boks,
resource management.
2017; Koivupuro et al., 2012; Mallinson et al., 2016). The present
study shows wealthier consumers are more frequently to dispose
5. Constraints and further research
of unused food, which is consistent with the findings of some other
studies (Hebrok and Boks, 2017).
The present study have some constrains. As with any question-
To some extent, consumer behavior is determined by consumer
naire, the reliability and accuracy of the data can be compromised
consciousness and attitude. Guilt and health concerns were also
by various limitations, e.g., a good memory and the honesty of the
reported as important drivers of generated HFW (Grandhi and
participants (Hallström and Börjesson, 2013). Additionally, a gen-
Appaiah Singh, 2016; Parizeau et al., 2015). The present study also
eral ethical consideration associated with food can influence the
showed that most low-income households (68%) exhibit strong
responses of participants, these were proved to be related to char-
feelings of guilt associated with discarding surplus food, whereas
acteristics of each household, such as the range of age, educational
high-income consumers usually show a perception that recycling
background and gender (Hanssen et al., 2016; Parizeau et al., 2015;
left overs carries some health risks (Grandhi and Appaiah Singh,
Secondi et al., 2015). Consequently, the further household studies
2016), which has led to a higher percentage of discarded left overs
should be conducted in suburban areas of the city to cover a wider
in high-income groups (>70%) compared to the other groups (32–
range of single-family household characteristics, and direct weigh-
ing of HFW are suitable for the study on the amount of HFW per
person per year do as Wang et al.’s study (2017). Given the existing
4.5. Strategies for reducing HFW knowledge gap for the characterization of generated HFW and the
associated drivers in China, as well as the limitations of existing
Strategies for the reduction of waste have frequently been studies and the fact that local circumstances and cultural norms
ignored in waste management. Various 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) influence HFW generation, further studies should be conducted
policies have been effectively adopted in China, which reduces to extend knowledge to a regional or national level. The underlying
waste at its origin; however, there is currently no strategy for reasons for the generation of avoidable HFW should be addressed
the reduction of HFW. The generation of HFW is dependent on in detail in subsequent studies.
combinations of multiple and complex factors; therefore, in the As a robust decision support tool in solid waste management,
present study, waste prevention strategies are placed in the con- life cycle assessment (LCA) methods have been applied to analyze
text of drivers behind socio-economic factors influencing the environmental impacts of HFW minimization in recent years
432 H. Zhang et al. / Waste Management 78 (2018) 426–433

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