Dont Escape, My Beloved Girl

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Don't Escape, My Beloved Girl By Carefree Life

Don't Escape, My Beloved Girl

Chapter 1

The sound of water came from the bathroom, and the erotic scent was still lingering in the bedroom.

Olivia looked at the tall figure through reflected in the rubbing glass. She picked up the nightgown on
the floor and put it on. Then she opened the window to let the smell out. And she changed the sheets
and cleaned up the used condoms on the floor.

When she bent down, she felt that her waist was sore and her legs were extremely uncomfortable.

He had just exerted so much strength that she could not bear it for a moment.

However, there was something wrong with him tonight. She wondered whether it was because of
something in the company.

But he never told her anything about the company, and she didn't like to ask.

Everett came out in a bathrobe.

Olivia said gently, "I've made the bed. You can sleep now."

Everett is the richest man in F City and even in the whole country. His investment company, SHS
Group, was famous across the country, where he had been an influential figure.

As for her, she was from an ordinary family. It was extremely lucky for her to marry him.

She could not help him at work, so she could only help him in life, so that he would not have to worry
anything other than work.

Everett walked over, opened the drawer, and handed her a document. "Sign it."

Olivia took it and was puzzled. "What is this?"

He never gave her files or anything like that.

But Everett didn't answer her. He lit a cigarette and sat on the sofa.

Olivia flipped through the documents and saw the words 'Divorce Agreement' in black. Her face
instantly turned pale.


He wanted a divorce...

The document fell to the ground. When Olivia looked at Everett, her voice trembled uncontrollably.
"You want...a divorce?"

A moment ago, they were doing the most intimate thing. But the next moment, he gave her the
divorce agreement. She felt that this was not true and that she was dreaming.


He blew out a smoke ring and the white smoke blurred his handsome features. She could not see
through him.

She knew that she was not good enough for him. But this year, he had treated her very well, and he
doted on her very much.

She never felt so happy.

She loved him, very deeply.

Everett frowned as if he was displeased with this question.

But he still said, "I'm in love with someone else."

Olivia backed up and fell against the bedside table.

A year ago, he was the almighty Mr. Weston in F City, and she was just a trainee who was struggling to
make her ends meet.

He found her and asked her to marry him. She asked why, and he said that she was obedient.

He needed an obedient woman.

And she agreed to marry him.

After that, she felt that she was in a dream. He took her to meet his family. Although his family did not
like her, he also married her despite opposition from many people. He gave her a grand wedding to let
the whole country know that he was married and he married a woman who seemed to be not right for
him. Whenever he came back from work, no matter how busy he was, he would take her out to shop
whenever he had time. He would solve all the problems in her family. He was like a good husband,
making her feel the warmth of family and the love of her lover.

But now, he said he was in love with someone else.

Olivia didn't believe it.

However, when she met his eyes which were the abyss, she knew that it was useless to say anything.

Her fingers clutched at the corner of the bedside table, and her nails broke. But she didn't feel any pain
at all.

She nodded. "Okay."Chapter 2

Olivia signed the divorce agreement. The next morning, the lawyer Mr. Cruz passed by and handed her
a thick document. "This is the alimony Mr. Weston gave you. There are properties, funds, stocks, and
cars in it. You might want to take a look."

Olivia looked at the document and pushed it back. "No."

Before they got married, she did not help him much, nor did she help him after they got married.

She doesn't deserve this stuff.

Said the lawyer, "Madam, this was Mr. Weston's order."

Olivia paused and looked at the lawyer. "Where is he?"

"Mr. Weston is on a business trip and will be back in a week."

"Mr. Weston said that he transferred the ownership this week. You will go to the civil affairs bureau
when he returns one week later."

Olivia nodded and looked at the document again. A few seconds later, she took it and opened it.

The lawyer saw her open it and began to elaborate. "madam, you'll get a lot. A mansion worth 100
million in northern suburbs, an apartment worth 50 million in the downtown of F City, three shops on
each of west street, south street, and north street, with the value of 600 million dollars, and..."

"Mr. Cruz." Olivia interrupted him.

Mr. Cruz looked at her. "Yes? madam."

"I don't want any of this. I only want the villa I'm staying in now, is that okay?"

This villa bred their recollections and was the only place she wanted.

Mr. Cruz called Everett, who was sitting next to Melody, who had gone abroad with him, at an altitude
of two thousand feet.

After hearing Mr. Cruz's words, the man lifted his eyes. His dark eyes were unfathomable. His thin lips
opened and closed, and his cold and heartless words reached the other end of the phone. "Let her be."

"Okay, Mr. Weston."

Seeing Everett hang up the phone, Melody smiled and held Everett's arm. "I seem to have caused you
"Not at all." Everett put his phone away and continued to read the magazine.

Melody saw that he was not happy or angry, but she knew that he was not in a good mood. She took
the magazine away from him and said domineeringly, "Everett, look at me."

Everett squinted at her. His eyes were deep and unfathomable, which made people feel scared.

However, Melody was not afraid. She had been with him for five years and had already understood
this man.

If she hadn't made a mistake, why would she allow him to marry another woman?!

"I'm back. If you don't cherish me, I won't come back no matter what you do in the future, okay?"

As usual, she was overbearing and powerful. This was her, Melody.

She was the woman Melody that he liked.

Everett lifted her chin and rubbed her chin with his fingers. The darkness in his eyes moved slowly,
"Melody, this is your only chance as well."

The paperwork was done quickly, and Mr. Cruz left. Olivia called him, "Mr. Cruz."

Mr. Cruz turned around, "Madam."

Olivia subconsciously held onto the contract of the villa that belonged to her. Looking at Mr. Cruz, her
eyes were filled with care and anticipation. "On the day we go to the civil affairs bureau, he will come
back and go with me, right?"

She wanted to see him again and take a good look at him.


That afternoon, Olivia rented an apartment in the downtown and began looking for work online.

This year she stopped working and became a housewife at home.

Now she's going out to work.

It's just that she was not a bachelor, she had graduated from a night school, so it was hard to get a
decent job.

However, she didn't care. She had self--knowledge.

Soon, she found a job as a sales rep for a cosmetics company and submitted her resume, then she got
an interview for the job tomorrow.

Olivia smiled and looked gentle. Everyone in this world could live without anyone.

She had to make a living and had no time to grieve.Chapter 3

The interview was very successful. Olivia had a good image, smooth skin, and gentle temperament.
She was very suitable for the position of cosmetics sales, so she started working on the same day.

She worked at the SH Building, which was the largest shopping mall in F City. It was mainly for high
and middle-class people, so it had a large daily flow of customers.
Olivia worked very hard. Every day, she was the first one to come and the last one to leave. During this
time, she learned about cosmetics, took notes, and observed how other sales sold them. She learned it
quickly and became familiar with it in a few days.

The manager was satisfied with her efforts.

On this day, after Olivia successfully sold a product and walked the guest out, her mobile phone rang.

Olivia said to the manager, "Manager, may I answer the phone?"

Bosses like hard-working employees, so naturally, the manager was very reasonable and agreed.

"Go ahead."

Olivia walked into the storage room with her phone. When she saw the word "Mother-in-law" on the
screen, the smile on her face froze and she became nervous.

A year ago, when Everett wanted to marry her, his parents strongly opposed to it, but no matter how
unsatisfied they were, they could not change Everett's mind.

They had no choice but to compromise, but in the eyes of the two elders, they had never
acknowledged her as their daughter-in-law. Everett was also very considerate and never asked her to
be filial to her in-laws. For the whole year, apart from the first time Everett brought her to the Weston
Family to meet the two elders, she had never seen them again.

Now that her mother-in-law called, it was impossible for Olivia not to be nervous.

"Mom." Olivia's voice was soft and gentle, making people unable to hate her even if they wanted to.
"I'll be waiting for you at O Ya Restaurant. Come over now."

The tone of her mother-in-law was not friendly, but she had a good self-constraint and did not lose her
temper on the phone.

However, her mother-in-law hung up the phone after she finished speaking.

Olivia looked at her phone and wanted to call Everett to tell him that his mother wanted to meet her

However, thinking about their current relationship, Olivia put her phone back in her pocket and came
out to ask the manager for leave.

Ten minutes later, Olivia arrived at the restaurant. The waiter led her to the private room.

There was no one else in the room except her mother-in-law, Leona.

Olivia walked over and greeted softly. "Mom."

Leona looked at her from her head to her feet, and then from her feet to her head. Her eyebrows
knitted tighter and tighter. "Have you forgotten your identity?"

She had business to deal with here and planned to visit her son by the way. However, before she
arrived at her son's place, she saw her daughter-in-law selling cosmetics in a cosmetics store.

When was the Weston Family so poor that they have to ask their daughter-in-law to do such a lowly
job outside?
Thinking about this, Leona became extremely unpleasant.

However, Olivia did not answer her. Instead, she looked at her in surprise.

Mom didn't seem to know about their divorce yet.

Leona's face darkened when she saw that Olivia was silent. "Are you listening to me or not?"

She was from a really disgraceful family, no wonder she was so unruly!

Olivia came to her senses. She quickly waved her hands to deny. "Mom, it's not like that. I..."

Leona interrupted her before she could finish. "What's the point to deny? I saw it with my own eyes!
Do you want me to come and embarrass you in public?" She continued, "Olivia, let me tell you, we
Weston Family can't afford such disgrace!"

Leona was furious.

She was already dissatisfied with this daughter-in-law, and now this woman was not sensible at all.
How could Everett take a fancy to such a woman?

The more Leona thought about it, the angrier she got. She stood up. "Go back immediately. Quit your
job. Be a good wife at home. Otherwise, don't blame me for making things difficult for you as your

Olivia frowned and felt a little anxious. "Mom, listen to me. It's not what you think."
Now, she was certain that her mother-in-law did not know about her divorce with Everett, but since
she had already signed the divorce agreement, and her mother-in-law was here, there was no need for
her to hide it.

However, Leona thought that she was going to argue and didn't want to listen to her. She took his bag
and left.

Olivia caught up with her, but unexpectedly, when she walked out of the room, she bumped into a

The waiter was carrying some food when she bumped into him. The food in his hand was spilled on
the floor and also on her clothes.

A strong and indescribable smell made Olivia felt extremely revolting. She couldn't help but cover her
mouth and vomited on the spot.

When Leona heard the sound, she turned around and saw Olivia vomiting with her hands covering her

When she suddenly thought of something, her expression changed and she rushed over.
"Olivia!"Chapter 4

Olivia was sent to the hospital's obstetrics and gynecology department. The result of the examination
came out very quickly. She was pregnant for six weeks.

Leona looked at the examination report and smiled happily. But what Olivia felt was complicated.


How could she be pregnant?

Every time Everett would wear the condom. How could she be pregnant when they were filing for a

It was so unbelievable that Olivia felt excited.

The baby belonged to them...

Leona called her father and her husband immediately. She was extremely excited.

However, Olivia got worried when she saw how excited the mother was.

Who would this baby belong to in that case she got pregnant before the divorce?

The baby would belong to her or the Weston Family. Or she should abort the baby?

She clenched her fists tightly.

No, she couldn't admit that she was pregnant!

Olivia said immediately, "Mother, I'm not pregnant!"

Leona looked at her as if she was looking at an idiot. She didn't want to talk with her right now.

She held her phone and went out.

She wanted to call Everett. But somehow, she couldn't get through to him.
Olivia saw her mother-in-law go out knowing that would be troublesome if she did not tell her that
she was about to divorce with Everett.

"Mother, I'm divorced from Everett. I can't be pregnant!"

Leona stunned, "What did you say?"

Hyatt Hotel, California, USA.

Davis went to the hotel to report it to Everett after answering Leona's call.

He was Everett's principal secretary.

The door was opened and Melody stood in front of him in a sexy silk night-robe.

Davis lowered his head and greeted, "Miss Johnson."

Melody looking at his expression said, "Go in. Everett is in the cloakroom."

A smart woman was sensible.


Davis went straight to the cloakroom. Everett was standing in front of the mirror buttoning his shirt.
The man's exquisite feature was god's best masterpiece. He had a perfect figure and a pair of brooding
and mysterious eyes.

He had done business for many years. He was mature, successful and charming.

"What's up?"

Davis said, "Madam is pregnant."

His hands stopped and the atmosphere changed.

Even Melody who was leaning against the door and swilling her wine glass was stunned.

A minute later, Davis left. Melody smirked and looked at Everett mockingly. "Pregnant? What's going
on here, Everett?"

Everett took his suit Jacket and put it on. His tone as indifferent as ever. "An accident."

Melody dropped her glass on the floor. "An accident? You broke up with me and got married at
random just because Henry kissed me. Now that you've got another woman pregnant. What do you
think of me?"

Her pride couldn't be trampled on like this!

Especially not by Everett!

Everett finally looked at her. His eyes rarely became gentle. "Melody, I had given you the chance."
Melody laughed. "So, you're just taking revenge on me?"

Everett turned around and walked in front of her. The gentleness in his eyes faded and became cold. "I
told you, it was an accident."

Melody turned around and turned back two seconds later. The anger on her face had faded
completely. She returned to her confident smile. "Alright, I'll pay for my mistakes in the past. I won't
interfere with how you deal with them. But remember one thing. I can still live without you!"Chapter

Olivia was monitored. She would be followed no matter what she did.

She knew that her mother-in-law was afraid that she would take the child away with her.

Because she kept denying the existence of this child.

She was in panic.

She knew very well that she could not have this child.

No matter what she said, she would have no say.

However, no matter how scared she was, Everett still came back.

The next morning, Everett arrived at the ward.

He was dressed in a suit with a coat on his wrist. He was handsome and had an imposing aura.

He just showed up in front of her.

Olivia looked at him and felt as if it had been ages.

The guards left and closed the door. Everett took a stool and sat down in front of the bed.

His legs were crossed, and the boss's calm aura was completely exposed.

Olivia sat up subconsciously and reached out to hang the coat in his hand.

This had been a well-ingrained habit of hers in the past year.

But her hand froze in the air, because Everett had put his overcoat at the end of the bed.

The man looked at her belly, "Pregnant?"

It was a quiet conversation as usual.

Olivia curled her fingers and withdrew her hands. She lowered her head, "No, the test result was

By this time, she also insisted that she was not pregnant.

Everett looked at her face for a minute and said, "Abort it."

Abort it...
Olivia's eyes widened. She stared at Everett in disbelief.

This was his child, how could he ask her to abort it so easily?

No, she was not pregnant.

Olivia shook her head, "I... I'm not pregnant..."

She clutched the blanket tightly with her nails turning up and her knuckles turning white.

Even so, her breathing was heavy and her body was trembling.

She took a deep breath and suppressed her frantic emotions. She steadied her pounding heart, and
every word she said was firm. "Everett, I'm not pregnant."

"Believe me."

Everett looked at her for a long time and stood up. "I'll arrange the doctor for you. Have a good rest."

The man left and his straight back made people feel that they would be safe with him by their side and
that he was so reliable, but he said such cruel and merciless words.

Olivia's eyes turned red in the blink of an eye and her fingernails broke.

"I want this child. His surname will be Hadley in the future, not Weston. He will have nothing to do
with the Westons. Everett, is that okay?"
She knew how unreasonable and insensible her request was to Everett.

However, she couldn't do it. She really couldn't abort this child.

It's their child.

A child of his blood...

Everett raised his head slightly, and he turned cold in an instant.

"Olivia, you are being unreasonable."

The ward became quiet.

Olivia looked at him with reddened eyes.

She said, as if she had exhausted all her strength, "Everett, this is the only time I get unreasonable.
This is the only time, okay?"


Olivia fell on the bed and tears rolled down.

During this year, he had treated her so well that it was outrageous. Everyone outside said that she
must have had burned a lot of incense in her past life to get this man's love. She also felt lucky.

However, who would have thought that the person who once doted on her would be so heartless to
her at this moment?

A dream was a dream.

It was not true.

If you took it seriously, you would lose.Chapter 6

The doctor examined her quickly and arranged for her to have a operation.

Olivia didn't cry or make a scene. She just closed her eyes and waited for it to end.

If Everett had let her down, she would do everything to keep the child.

However, Everett treated her very well and made her willing to accept his cruelty s even if he didn't
love her.

However, she didn't expect her mother-in-law to come when she was about to be pushed into the
operating room.

"Stop right there!" Olivia opened her eyes.

Her mother-in-law came over angrily and pointed at the doctor. "Burke, are you really going to do

Dr. Burke was helpless. "Leona, your son doesn't want the child, and there's nothing I can do."

"He doesn't want it, but I want it! I will raise my own grandson!"

"What? Hurry up and send her back. Otherwise, our friendship for decades will be over!"

Leona said in a dominant manner. And Dr. Burke had no choice but to send Olivia back to the ward.

"Let's be Frank. If Everett comes to me, I will tell him it's because of you that..."

"Tell him! Let him come to me if there's anything wrong!"

"Alright, that's a relief to hear!"

When Olivia returned to the ward, she repeated the conversation between her mother-in-law and Dr.
Burke just now.

She covered her relatively flat abdomen and whispered. "Baby, you're still here, aren't you?"

It's not a dream. It's true?

Leona came here quickly, and said to her, "Since both of you don't want this child, I will keep it. From
now on, there will be someone taking care of you until you give birth to the child safely."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Olivia stopped her. "Mom."

Leona stopped and looked at her with displeasure.

Olivia clutched her abdomen tightly and stared at her. "Mom, if this child is born..."

Leona interrupted her before she could finish. "The child will have nothing to do with you. You and
Everett can do whatever you want."

Olivia grabbed her clothes in an instant.

It had nothing to do with her, but this was her child...

Olivia didn't know where her courage came from. She sat up. "Mom, can I take this child away?"

Leona stared at her in disbelief. "What are you talking about?"

How could a divorced woman take the Weston Family kid away?

Did she even know what she was talking about?

"This is my child. I want to raise him up by myself. I..."

"Shut up! This child has blood flowing from our Weston Family. How could I let you take him away?
Olivia, don't make deals with me. Listen to me, I can give you money, but you can't take this child

Her mother-in-law left angrily, and Olivia smiled bitterly.

She knew how naive her thoughts were, but she felt painful thinking that this child would have
nothing to do with her in the future.

SHS Group, the skyscrapers towered into the sky. The view on the 56th floor was broad enough to look
down on everything.

It was the tallest building in F City and was a symbol of power and status.

Everett stood in front of the large French window and looked down at the row upon row of tall
buildings. His eyes were deep.

Knock, knock.

There was a knock on the door, and then Davis came in.

"Mr. Weston, I heard from the hospital that your mother had taken Miss Hadley away."

His dark eyes moved, and a layer of coldness covered his eyes. "When?"

"An hour ago."Chapter 7

That day, Olivia was taken to the Capital by Leona, and they went to the most strict and sophisticated
private hospital.

Four nurses and two doctors gave her the most careful and thorough examination.

She let them check her like a machine.

It was getting dark.

Olivia leaned against the bed, her hands touching her stomach as she looked out the window at the

In ten months, no, eight months, the baby will be taken from her.

She would never see her child again.

Was this what she wanted?

That night, Olivia had a nightmare. She dreamed that Everett was standing in front of her. He said,
"Olivia, do you know what will happen if you are not obedient?"

Thus, she was forcefully brought into the operating room. The doctor put on the gloves and held a
scalpel as he slashed at her stomach.


Olivia screamed in fright and sat up all of a sudden.

The nurse came immediately. "Madam."

However, Olivia was still in the nightmare. She pushed the nurse away. "Don't touch me!"

She shrank backwards and looked at the nurse warily, "You can't touch my child!"

Seeing her like this, the nurse quickly rang the bed bell.
But Olivia quickly got off the bed and then ran out.

She wanted to leave this horrible place!

But when she opened the door and saw everything outside, she stopped.

She calmed down.

It was a dream. It was not true.

It was reality now.

However, if she was still here, that dream would come true.

She couldn't stay here.

She had to leave.

Together with her baby!

The doctor came over to check on her. After confirming that she was fine, he asked a nurse to stay in
the ward to keep an eye on her.

Olivia looked at the nurse and said, "Can you take me out for a walk?"
The nurse looked at her suspiciously.

Olivia said, "I had a bad dream and felt very uncomfortable. I wanted to go out for a walk, just
downstairs. I will not go out."

The nurse thought of how she acted just now and said, "Alright, but you can't go out for too long. You
need to rest more now."

"Okay, thank you."

Soon, the nurse led her downstairs. She gripped the corner of her coat and looked around without
making any sound.

The two of them walked into the path ahead. Under a big banyan tree, Olivia suddenly covered her

The nurse held her immediately. "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

"My stomach hurts. Ah, it hurts..."

"How? This..."

The nurse panicked and then she looked around.

Olivia said quickly, "Go get the doctor, quick!"

"Alright, I'll go right away. Stay here and don't move."

"Mmm, it hurts... My child... My child..."

She bent down in pain, and the nurse did not dare to delay. She immediately ran into the hospital. As
soon as Olivia saw her running into the hospital, she took off her coat and put on the sweater inside.
Her long hair was tied into balls and she quickly walked out.

Almost as soon as she left the hospital, the nurse came down with the doctor.

However, when they reached the big banyan tree, they found that there was nobody.

Olivia trotted when she got out of the hospital.

As she ran, she looked around and quickly turned into an alley.

She had to go where there was no surveillance cameras.

So they wouldn't find her.

And at this moment, the hospital was in a mess and everyone was looking for Olivia.

Even Leona was here.

"You can't even keep a woman in. What's wrong with you?"

The doctors and nurses were scolded so much that they didn't dare to speak. They lowered their heads
and endured the scolding.
Leona pointed at them angrily. "Why are you still standing there? Find her! Even if you turn the
hospital upside down, you have to find her!"

"Yes, madam."

Soon the doctors and nurses dispersed, and Leona stood there with anger in her eyes.

Olivia, see what would happen when they found you!

At this moment, a luxury car was parking outside the hospital.

A man got out of the car. It's Everett.Chapter 8

Standing still, he looked cold and heartless in black.

He looked up at the hospital with empty eyes.

He walked in, followed by two bodyguards.

Leona was watching surveillance videos in the surveillance room, but no matter how she watched
carefully, it was as if he had disappeared without any trace. She couldn't find her.

Just as she was about to lose her temper again, a cold voice came from behind. "Lost?"

Leona froze and looked at the cold person who standing at the door.

Many times, she suspected that he was not her biological son.
He always put on a serious and solitary look. She didn't know who he looked like.

"Don't be so sarcastic. Hurry up and look for her. I don't want the descendant of the Weston Family to
be homeless!"

"She won't be."

He was indifferent and she could not feel any emotions from his voice, but it made people feel scared.

"What do you mean?"

Olivia was hidden in an old residential building.

Perhaps God had seen that she was pitiful and was helping her too. She hid at the corner of the stairs
and soon met a charitable old lady.

She asked the old lady to take her in, and she said yes.

And it's only when she lived in the old lady's house that she found the old lady had no children, she
was a single person.

Since then, Olivia had lived in the old lady's house.

For three months, everything seemed to be steady and calm.

Olivia began to look for part-time jobs to earn money.

It's all in small places.

As time passed, she still did not dare to relax her vigilance.

One day, she delivered food to a private villa.

There were many people in the villa, and it seemed that they were having a party. The party was a

Olivia took the food in and wanted to leave.

However, just as she took several steps, a man stopped her. "That auntie, come here for a while."

Olivia stopped and looked over.

A man in a flowery shirt, shorts, and cigarette was waving at her.

Olivia walked over. "Sir, what's the matter?"

"Go and buy some pastries for me. I'll give you all this money." As the man spoke, he took out a stack
of money and gave it to her.

Seeing so much money, Olivia's eyes lit up and took it immediately. "Alright, I'll send it to you soon!"

The baby had been around for more than four months, and it's getting bigger. She had to save money
in advance to prepare for the birth.
Olivia took the money and trotted away.

As soon as she left, someone walked over.

"Why does that woman look so familiar to me?"

Hearing his words, the man took a puff of his cigarette and put it between his fingers. "Harry, I don't
think that she's familiar to you, but you're interested in this auntie, right?"

Harry shook his head. "No, let me think about it. I've definitely met this woman before. Where have I
met her before?"

When the man saw that he really thought about it, he patted his shoulder and said meaningfully,
"Think about it carefully. If you can't remember, that auntie will come back later. I'll send her to you.
Take your time to think about it."

Harry ignored him and continued to search Olivia in his mind.

His intuition told him this woman was important.

Olivia went to the XQ Bakery.

XQ Bakery was a high-end dessert shop.

Not only was the desserts exquisite, but also had a unique taste.

Olivia calculated the money in her hand. She left a few hundred dollars and the rest of the money was
for pastries.
This shop had delivery service, but she still followed them and sent the pastries to the villa.Chapter 9

She sent the pastries over and went to find the man who asked her to buy them. "Sir, the pastries are

The man held a glass of wine in his hand and looked at her carefully. Her long hair was pulled back in a
ball, but it hung loosely at the back of her head because of her busy schedule, and a lot of shredded
hair fell as a result.

She had no makeup, and her face was small, but her skin was red due to the sunlight. And her eyes
were big and bright.

She was wearing jeans, sneakers, and a loose t-shirt with a round neck. So, there was nothing on her
that was worthy looking at.

If there was really something different, it was a sense of freshness.

What was new?

It was her poverty, of course.

"Alright, I'm very satisfied. Wait a minute."

He went to get Harry.

If his friend liked a woman, then he would send her to him.

Olivia didn't know what the man wanted her to wait for, but she wondered if he thought that she had
served him well, so he was prepared to tip her, so she stood there and waited.

The man walked up to Harry and pointed at Olivia, who was out of place at the party. "Here, your
favorite aunt."

Harry didn't figure it out so he just stopped thinking about it. Now, he was holding a model in his arms
and kissing her.

When Harry heard what he said, he immediately let go of the model and looked over.

However, he could only see half of Olivia's face as she didn't look this way.

Harry immediately walked towards her.

The model called him in displeasure. "Harry!"

She wanted to chase after him, but was blocked by the man. "Hey, little temptress, your Harry is
obsessed with some aunt now. How about you accompany me?"

The model immediately leaned over coquettishly. "Of course I am willing to."

The two flirted and Harry came to Olivia to take a closer look.

Olivia was shocked as a person suddenly appeared in front of her. "You..."

"Have we met somewhere before?"

Harry interrupted Olivia and looked inquiringly at the her.

Olivia shook her head immediately. "Sir, we haven't met before."

The person in front of her was tall and thin, and he was not very well-looking, but he was obviously

There was no one else among the rich she knew but Everett.

After Olivia finished speaking, she lowered her head. "Sir, I still have work to do. I should go now."

She saw what the men and women was doing in the corners of the party. Some were kissing and some
were having sex directly.

It was not a good place. She needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

After Olivia finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Harry watched her leave. As she walked into the sunlight, something suddenly occurred to her and she
clapped her hands. "I remembered!"

She let out a sudden sound and everyone around looked at her, but Harry didn't care. He immediately
took out his phone and ran out.

At this moment, in the makeup room of the studio.

Melody sat in the chair and was drinking a glass of lemonade.

A man was leaning against the dressing table next to her. He was wearing a black shirt, and the button
on his shirt collar was opened to the fourth button, showing the casualness of him

The man curled his lips and crossed his legs, throwing off an aura of evilness.

"Melody, as you friend, I'm worried about you now."

Melody had exquisite makeup on her face and was dressed in the latest fashion of luxury brand O'Dell.

She was a model, a designer and a hit in fashion circle.

She's got a runway show in ten minutes.

Her red lips curved slightly, and her cold eyes were sharp. "Your presence here worries me instead."

"Oh, is it because of Everett?" A cold light flashed in the man's eyes.

Melody sneered. "Henry, I've already made myself clear. If you keep hanging around me, we can't
even be normal friends."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Henry looked at her graceful back and smiled widely. "Melody, I am here as a friend to remind you
that that woman ran away with the child of the man you love most. And don't forget that that woman
has been with Everett for a year and they have done a lot of things that you and Everett didn't do."

"And maybe Everett wants to let her off on purpose. Otherwise, with Everett's ability, how could he
not even find a woman?"
Melody clenched her hands.

Henry walked over and stopped beside her. He bent over and leaned closer to her ear. "Melody, the
things between men and women are quite similar. Think about it for yourself."

Then Henry left. Melody's eyes were filled with emotions.

After knowing that the woman was pregnant, her heart felt like it had a thorn in it, and she couldn't
pull it out no matter how hard she tried!

Henry got into the car and started the engine. And then his phone rang.

He turned on the bluetooth and turned the wheel. "Hello."

"Big brother, it's Harry. I saw that woman today!"


"Everett's wife!"Chapter 10

Olivia felt uneasy after leaving the villa. She still remembered the way that man looked at her.

Therefore, after leaving the villa, she went back to the place where she did her part-time job and
resigned from her boss.

Originally, the salary would only be paid at the end of the month, but she worked hard and was not
effeminate. She did it very well, so the boss paid her the salary for this period of time. Olivia said
immediately, "Thank you, boss!"
"You're welcome. Come back when you're done with your family matters. I still want you to work."


Olivia left quickly and returned to the old lady's house in the community.

However, when the door was opened, Olivia saw the person sitting on the sofa. Then the things in her
hand fell to the ground.

"What are you doing? Let go of me! Let go of me!"

Olivia was taken out of the community and was forced into a car.

Harry looked at the closed car door and said to the person on the phone, "I got her. Brother, what
should I do? Tell me!"

Henry played with the lighter and curled his lips habitually, "Take her to the Golden Night."

"Alright, brother!"

Harry got in the car and said to the driver, "To the Golden Night."

Olivia heard him and struggled, "Who are you? What are you going to do?!"

She didn't know this person, she didn't know what he was going to do to her.
Harry turned to look at her. He looked at her from head to toe and finally gazed at her face, "To be
honest, I don't think you're gorgeous. You're way worse than Melody. You two are just like two
extremes. She is always the goddess, and you're the clown."

He pointed at the sky and the ground.

"I really don't understand why Everett married you and let you be the mother of his child. It's really..."

Harry shook his head and turned around.

Olivia's face was pale, Everett...

"Did Everett ask you to do all these?"

"Everett?" Harry laughed, "You think too much."

Olivia panicked. If it wasn't Everett, then who was it?

Melody, he just said Melody!

"You were sent by Melody?"

She asked eagerly, although she did not know who Melody was.

However, she had never offended this person before. She hoped that this Melody would let her go.

Harry didn't want to talk with her anymore and he lit a cigarette.
Olivia felt more and more uneasy. She looked out of the window and saw the car driving towards a
place that she didn't know about. Beside her, there were two tall and powerful men sitting on the left
and right side of her. There was no way for her to escape.

What should she do?

The car stopped in the Golden Night an hour later, and it was already dark.

The night was coming.

When the door opened, Olivia caught an opportunity and rushed out.

However, how could a pregnant woman like her outrun several men? She was quickly caught by them.

Olivia struggled, "I don't know the Melody you're talking about at all. I've never offended her. Let go
of me! Let go!"

Harry ignored her and asked someone to bring her in.

Soon, Olivia was thrown into a hall of white marble tiles.

The dark lights around were lit up instantly.

The whole hall was as bright as it was still daytime.

Olivia also saw the surroundings clearly.

People, tables, chairs, bars, bleachers, music equipment, and all kinds of expensive drinks.

And, steel pipe.

This place was extremely luxurious and expensive.

The atmosphere was quiet, and everyone looked at her.

Olivia lay on the ground and covered her stomach tightly. She stepped back, but there were two men
behind her, who blocked her way completely. She had no place to retreat.

She was afraid and full of fear, but she struggled to stand up.

Baby, don't be afraid, mom will protect you, mom will definitely protect you!Chapter 11

The surrounding crowd voluntarily made way for Henry.

At the same time, two people came out from upstairs.

Melody was still elegant even in ordinary clothes. Everett, who was wearing a shirt and a pair of
trousers, had a good figure and was handsome.

Melody looked at Olivia below. A strange light flashed across his eyes.

Olivia, it was really her!

"Melody, I have a surprise for you. When I bring Everett with me in an hour, you will know if Everett
really loves you."

An hour ago, Henry called her and said this.

Then she brought Everett.

Henry, you really haven't let me down.

"Oh, I don't know where I found this woman." Melody said and sat down on the sofa.

Everett, that woman's down there. You want to save her?

Everett stood in front of the fence and looked down, his eyes misty.

At this moment, no one knew what he was thinking. Even Melody, who had known him for so many
years, could not see through his heart.

Henry came to Olivia and grabbed her chin. Olivia avoided him and glared at him vigilantly. "Who are
you? What are you going to do?!"

Henry's hand remained frozen in the air as he pinched Olivia. He curled his lips and looked around.
"Mr. Weston's ex-wife is indeed unusual!"

In an instant, everyone burst into laughter. Olivia's face darkened. "I don't know what you're talking

After she finished speaking, she ran around.

However, wherever she ran, she was stopped and pushed. Soon after, Olivia was pushed to the

Henry squatted in front of her and his hand landed on her stomach. "Oh, Mr. Weston's child is still

"You are not allowed to touch me!"

Olivia trembled, shook off Henry, and covered her stomach with hands. "I tell you, you are breaking
the law! I'll call the police! Call the police!"

"Well, call the police? She said 'call the police'?" Henry looked around.

The laughter around them grew louder. Olivia's eyes turned red, and tears rolled in her eyes.

She knew too well what she was going through.

But there was no way. No one could save her.

She had to save herself.

Before she could come up with a solution, Henry stood up. "I heard that Everett has been looking for
you for a long time just to find his child. Now, it is here. Do you think we should get it down for our
Mr. Weston?"

After saying that, he looked at the person on the second floor.

"Right? Mr. Weston."

Olivia shuddered and slowly raised her head.

The man was wearing a white shirt, whose color didn't match the environment here.

He held a glass of red wine, his lips thin, and eyebrows sharp.

Even if he didn't say anything now, his appearance made the surroundings quiet down.

Domineering, powerful.


Her husband.

Her favorite man.

There he was...

Olivia's heart tightened, and her nails penetrated her palm.

So, you've been watching, right?

Melody looked at Everett and then Olivia.

Her eyes were red and wide open. Her tears were flowing, which aroused love and affection.

What a pair of beautiful eyes!

Unfortunately, she came from the wrong family.

"Come on, you guys, let's see how we can get our Mr. Weston's child down. Anyone who manages to
do it will enjoy free alcohol on the Golden Night in the whole coming year."

Henry pointed at the people surrounding Olivia, his peach blossom eyes full of bewitching charm.

However, no one moved.

Although they heard that Everett and Olivia were divorced, the child in her womb was still Everett's.

They didn't dare to touch her.

Henry smirked. "Two years."

"Three years."

The huge venue was completely silent.

Everyone lowered their heads.

Henry lowered his head. He smiled.

He unbuttoned his expensive wristwatch, threw it to the ground, rolled up his sleeves, and acted
carelessly. "Since none of you dare to help Mr. Weston, I will."

After speaking, he kicked at the belly of Olivia.Chapter 12

Olivia quickly rolled to the side and dodged the kick.

Henry was stunned, then looked at Everett on the second floor. "Mr. Weston, you have a sassy wife."

Then, he turned to Olivia with sinister eyes, "But it's okay. I have plenty of time to play with her

After saying that, he strode towards Olivia.

Olivia had already stood up and rushed towards the people surrounding her.

She had to push them away, so that she could have the chance to leave.

But soon her hair was grasped.

Henry threw her on the floor.

This time, he threw her so hard that she fell straight on the ground.

But when she fell, she covered her belly tightly with her hands.
Even so, the moment she laid on the ground, she felt pain in her belly.


Her baby...

Henry stepped on her hand with one foot. "Do you think you can protect it with your hands like this?"

"That's impossible. Unless our Mr. Weston opens his mouth, I will definitely... Ouch!"

Olivia suddenly sat up and bit his leg.

Henry's face darkened instantly as he kicked Olivia's belly with the other foot.


Olivia curled up.

Blood quickly flowed from her legs.

Henry lifted his pant leg and saw a row of bright red teeth marks on his left leg. Blood was flowing
from the teeth marks.

"Oh, she's not only strong, but also wild."

In the next moment, all his feet came for the belly of Olivia.
Olivia covered her belly tightly and the pain spread from her belly to her whole body.

It hurt. It hurt so much.

It's like her bones and flesh were torn apart.

She raised her head and looked at the man sitting on the second floor who kept the same expression
on his face. She opened her mouth, "Everett, this is your child. It's more than four months and it's a
fetus now..."

"It moves in my belly. It's very good and obedient. Never bothers me. It is really good. I beg you, let
me have it..."

"You can punish me as you want. I only wish you to keep it. Even if you ask me to die, Everett..."

He held the wine glass in his hand and swayed it gently. The wine in the glass was like red silk,
wrapped around his slender and fair hands, as nonchalant as ever.

It seemed that everything happened down there had nothing to do with him.

Olivia shed tears.

She knew that he wouldn't care. If he wanted to, he would have done it already.

However, she still held hopes.

After all, it was his bloodline, his child.

"Everett, I'm begging you. For the sake of our one-year marriage, save our child. I beg you..."

Melody frowned and looked at Everett opposite her. She stood up. "Henry, that's enough."

Henry finally stopped, and a pool of blood was already under Olivia's body. It's harsh when the crystal
lamp shone on her.

"Melody, it's not good for you to be so kind."

Melody's face darkened. "It's none of your business!"

After saying that, she quickly went downstairs and made a phone call. "Come over now and send..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Henry snatched her phone away.

"Henry!" Melody was angry.

Henry curled his lips and looked at Everett on the second floor. "Our Mr. Weston hasn't said anything.
Why are you so anxious?"

"Henry, I'm telling you, don't go too far!"

"I go too far? I'm just helping you. Who doesn't know that you're the one our Mr. Weston wants? He
only married this woman to change your mind. Now that this woman has his child. If he doesn't settle
it properly, how could you stay together well in the future?"

"Right? Our great Mr. Weston."

Olivia was shocked and her eyes widened. She looked at the people on the second floor.

At this moment, all her pain disappeared. And everything surrounding became far away from her. The
only thing left in her line of sight was that man.

Everett, was it true?

I was just a pawn for you to save the one you loved?Chapter 13

All eyes were on Everett, who was on the second floor.

Finally, he stood up and went downstairs.

He came to Melody and held her in his arms. "Let's go."

From beginning to the end, he did not look at Olivia.

Joy welled up in Melody's eyes, but she pretended to be worried, "Let's send her to the hospital. No
matter what happened, she's still your ex-wife."

"It's fine."

Melody's joy instantly filled her face, and she could not help but smile.

He really only had her in his heart.

The two of them turned and left.

A weak voice fell into their ears.

A voice very soft, very gentle.


Melody stopped and frowned. She quickly turned to look at Olivia on the ground.

Her hair was messy, her face was pale and almost transparent, and there was no color on her lips.

But her eyes were bright and clear.

She looked at Everett word by word. "Have you ever loved me? Even for a while."

Everett looked at her. Her shadow was completely reflected in his dark eyes and dyed his black eyes


Olivia nodded and slowly released her hand that was covering her stomach.

She had to listen to his answer herself before she gave up.

Indeed, the poor couldn't afford to play games with the rich.
Olivia, you were so pathetic.

The person who was the stubborn and strong a moment ago was now lying on the ground like a dead
person, silent.

Everett's dark eyes moved and he left with Melody in his arms.

Melody was content.

It was the most comfortable night of the year.

"Everett, let's get engaged."


Henry narrowed his eyes at the people who had left, with a somber look.

"Throw her out."

Everett had won the game.

Olivia was thrown out, covered in blood. Nobody took care of her.

Anything could happen in The Golden Night.

Olivia opened her eyes.

In the night sky, the stars were bright and a crescent moon hung on it.

The memories of this year flashed through her mind, and then they slowly faded away from her

Everett, I wish I never knew you, if I could.

A white car was driving on the road. Soon, the person in the back seat of the car said. "Dan, stop the

"Yes, young master."

The car braked slightly and the door opened. Brayden immediately ran over.

"Miss? Hey miss, are you okay?"

Dan came to him. "Young master."

"Dan, she seems to be seriously injured. We need to send her to the hospital."

Dan looked at the gold-plated words "The Golden Night" and said, "Young master, it's none of our
business. We'd better leave."

Brayden's face turned serious instantly. "Dan, I might leave her alone if I didn't see her. But I can't just
leave since I have already seen her!"

After saying that, he picked up Olivia and got into the car.
Dan sighed. Young master was always so kind.

The car quickly drove into a hospital nearby. Brayden carried Olivia into the hospital, but when he put
her on the bed and saw her face, his eyes widened.

"Olivia..."Chapter 14

The doctor arrived soon and got Olivia to the emergency room.

Brayden grabbed the doctor. "Why is she bleeding so much?"

"From the current situation, she suffered a miscarriage caused by a heavy blow. We need to operate
on her immediately."

Brayden backed up. "Miscarriage..."

After Olivia was quickly pushed into the emergency room, Dan came over. "Young master, I'll get
someone to handle this. You should go home first. Your mother is waiting."

Brayden shook his head. "No, I'll go back later."


"No buts!"

He was so agitated that his voice became louder.

Dan was surprised to see the gentle master become so stern, but he quickly said it, "Yes."

He turned around and left.

Brayden suddenly stopped him. "Wait."

"Young master, what do you need?"

"Just tell my mother that I have something urgent to attend to and will be back tomorrow. Then get
someone to bring me a change of clothes."


"Don't let anyone know what happened tonight."

"Don't worry, young master."

After Dan left, Brayden sat in a chair and looked at the emergency room, memories unfolding before
his eyes.

In a flash, three years had passed since he saw her again.

Everett sent Melody to the entrance of the luxury apartment. Melody did not get out of the car.
Instead, she hugged him and pouted her lips.

However, when the kiss was landing on that thin lips, Everett tilted his head.
"It's too late."

Melody looked at him. The car was dim and she could not see his expression clearly.

"I know. Don't leave tonight, okay?"

She reached into his shirt and unbuttoned it.

"Everett, don't you want me?"

"I want you. Very much."

As she spoke, she stepped onto his lap, hugged his neck, and her red lips landed on his eye and brow.

Just then, they saw the flash.

Melody frowned.

Everett looked ahead. "No hurry."

Melody was unhappy, but she knew that he was doing it for her own good.

She got up and sat aside. Everett opened the door, got out of the car and walked towards the person
in front of him.

The man hiding behind the tree immediately ran away with his camera, but was quickly caught by
"Do you give me the film or do you want me to take it myself?" His eyes were pitch-black, and just
looking at them made people feel scared.

The reporter took the film down to Everett with trembling hands.

Everett took it and looked at the man. "Your work permit."

The man said immediately, "Mr. Weston, trust me. I won't expose what happened tonight!"

"Don't make me repeat."

The reporter gave his work permit to Everett who looked at it and threw it to him.

The reporter then quickly left.

Everett turned and walked towards Melody.

Melody looked at the man who was walking towards her with a craze in her eyes.

In her lifetime, she would never stop loving him.

"I'll watch you go in."

Melody hugged him. "Everett, this whole year I have been worried that you would belong to another
woman and that you would not love me anymore."
"Now, I have given up all my pride to love you. In the future, no, for the rest of my life, I will only love

"Everett, I love you."

"I loves you."

The night was getting darker and the car was parked in the villa.

Everett got out of the car and walked in.

However, after two steps, he stopped and looked at the dark villa in front of him.

It's not his marital home with Olivia, just another property of his.

Was he so delusional that he should think this was his and Olivia's marital house?

He looked up at the second floor.

It was pitch black.

There was no warm light as there used to be.

He unbuttoned his shirt and walked in.Chapter 15

Olivia opened her eyes. After a while, she touched her abdomen.
It's as flat as ever.

The baby was gone.

"You're awake?" There was a voice. Olivia's eyes moved and she looked over.

Brayden was walking over in a casual shirt and trousers.

He was holding something in his hand. When he saw that Olivia was awake, he immediately put them
down and looked at her.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Seeing that Olivia was staring at him without any other acts, Brayden asked.
His eyes filled with worry.

Olivia's shriveled lips opened. "Thank you."

Thank you for saving me.

Brayden was stunned and said, "Do you... Remember me?"

Olivia shook her head. "I don't know who you are."

Brayden smiled bitterly.

That was true. Three years ago, he had only met her once, but after that, he had been paying attention
to her for a long time. However, before he had even taken the initiative to approach her, he had
leukemia and went abroad.
"Don't talk yet. I'll call the doctor."


The doctor came quickly, gave Olivia a simple examination, and said, "You are very weak and you need
to rest well."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome."

She's not dead, and life should go on.

She's gonna live.

After spending half a month in the hospital, Olivia was discharged.

After leaving the hospital, Brayden arranged for her to stay in one of his apartments.

He told her they used to go to the same college, and she remembered who he was.

A music genius. It's Brayden who was a talented person in the music department.

He saved her in the past.

Three years later, he saved her once again.

"Stay here during this time. Recover from your miscarriage and then think about other things when
you are well."

In this half a month, he didn't ask her anything but took care of her.

"Brayden, thank you."

She didn't expect such a good person would appear when she was so miserable.

She's grateful.

Brayden smiled gently. "You've already said a lot of thanks. There's no need to say anything else."

"I will repay you."

The grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by a gushing spring.

She would repay the kindness for the rest of her life.

Brayden suddenly said, "How about marrying me?"

Olivia was stunned. Seeing her expression, Brayden turned around and picked up water with a cup. "I
am just joking."

"I can do anything for you other than this."

From the time they spent together, she knew that he was a rich man, and she was afraid of rich

Brayden put the cup with warm water in her hand and looked serious. "If you really want to repay me,
then get well and live a good life."

She hadn't laughed in the past half a month.

Not even once.


Brayden's phone rang.

"I have to take a call."


Brayden walked to the balcony with his phone. "Mom."

"Where have you been, son? When will you be back?"

His mother had been very nervous about him ever since he suffered from that serious illness.

"I have something to do now. I'll go back later. What's wrong?"

"You've been back for so long and haven't gone to see your grandfather yet. It's time for the family
banquet today. Let's go back together tonight and let your grandfather take a good look at you."

"Alright, I'll be back."

Brayden turned and went into the living room, Olivia said, "You don't have to worry about me. I will
take care of myself."

"Ok, I've hired a servant. She'll come over later."

"No need, I can take care of myself..."

"I've already done it. If you feel that you owe me too much, you can pay me back when you earn
money in the future."

Brayden made Olivia unable to refuse.


Not long after, the servant came over. Brayden told her the rules and left.

Olivia sat on the sofa for a long time. After a long time, she picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, who's that?"

"Mr. Cruz, it's me, Olivia."

Chapter 16

In the evening. In the Weston Family's house.

After dinner, Wade looked at his children and grandchildren sitting below him with joy on his face.

Children and grandchildren are all grown up. They are all excellent and shining talents.

He was satisfied, fairly ...

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