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1. What is E-commerce?

Answer: E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the activity of electronically buying or selling

of products on online services or over the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies
such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet
marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory
management systems, and automated data collection systems. E-commerce is in turn driven by
the technological advances of the semiconductor industry, and is the largest sector of
the electronics industry.

2. What is E-commerce technology?

Answer: Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic

funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing,
electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection

The fundamental technologies that are used in E-commerce is given below-

● Internet connection related technologies (Router, Wi-Fi).

● Computer,
● Mobile/ Telephone,
● E-mail,
● Social media,
● Electronic funds transfer,
● Inventory management system,
● Automated data collection system,
● Web technologies,
● Collaboration tools,
● Electronic data interchange (EDI),
● Customer relationship management.
3. What are the benefits of E-commerce?

Answer: Technology isn’t strictly reserved for multichannel brands. While it’s true that global
retailers use robust platforms, eCommerce technology is also a great tool for emerging, growth-
minded brands.

No matter the size of your company, the right technology can deliver several organizational

1. Better Inventory Management – Solid inventory management should be at the top of your

priorities list. Technology enables you to better manage inventory by giving you constant
visibility into inventory levels, alerting you when certain items are running low on stock
and need to be reordered. You can also see which products haven’t sold units in a while
and are taking up valuable warehouse space.
2. Smoother Return Processes – Returns come with eCommerce territory, so it’s important
that you have a smooth, hassle-free return process in place. Use eCommerce technology
to help you easily process customer returns. You can also link systems so when an item
has been returned and rescanned, inventory levels are immediately updated to reflect the
returned unit.
3. In-Depth Reporting – Ever wonder how well your logistics and fulfillment processes are
performing? With eCommerce software, you have the answers. Logistics KPIs and
warehouse numbers are easily accessible on a comprehensive solution. These insights
allow you to see which areas of your logistics strategy are performing well, and which
areas could use a little tweaking.

4. How many types of E-commerce?

Answer: There are many types of E-commerce and all of them represent a different purchasing

1. Business-to-Business (B2B): B2B E-commerce refers to all electronic transactions of

goods and sales that are conducted between two companies. This type of E-commerce
typically explains the relationship between the producers of a product and the wholesalers
who advertise the product for purchase to consumers.
2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C): B2C E-commerce deals with electronic business
relationships between businesses and consumers. Many people enjoy this avenue of E-
commerce because it allows them to shop around for the best prices, read customer
reviews and often find different products that they wouldn’t otherwise be exposed to in
the retail world.
3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C): This level of E-commerce encompasses all electronic
transactions that take place between consumers. Generally, these transactions are
provided by online platforms (such as PayPal), but often are conducted through the use of
social media networks (Facebook marketplace) and websites (Craigslist).
4. Consumer-to-Business (C2B): Not the most traditional form of E-commerce, C2B e-
commerce is when a consumer makes their services or products available for companies
to purchase. An example of this would be a graphic designer customizing a company
logo or a photographer taking photos for an e-commerce website.
5. Business-to-Administration (B2A): This E-commerce category refers to all transactions
between companies and public administration. This is an area that involves many
services, particularly in areas such as social security, employment and legal documents.
6. Consumer-to-Administration (C2A): Another popular E-commerce category is C2A.
E-commerce encompasses all electronic transactions between individuals and public
administration. Examples of this include taxes (filing tax returns) and health (scheduling
an appointment using an online service.
7. Business-to-Peer Networks (B2P): This would be the provision of hardware, software
or other services to the peer networks.
8. Administration-to-Business (A2B): Government sites offering information, forms and
facilities to conduct transactions for business organizations.
9. Administration-to-Consumer (A2C): It is a case of E-government. Government sites
offering information, forms and facilities to conduct transaction for individuals, including
paying bills and submitting official forms online such as tax returns.
10. Administration-to-Administration (A2A): A2A transactions within countries linking
local government’s together and also international governments especially within the
European Union. Which is in the early stages of developing coordinated strategies to link up
different national systems.

5. What is electronic payment system?

Answer: E-payment system is a way of making transactions or paying for goods and services
through an electronic medium without the use of check or cash.

Cash Payment System:

● Direct debit is a financial transaction in which the account holder instructs the bank to
collect a specific amount of money from his account electronically for payment of goods
or services.

● E-Check is a digital version of an old paper check. It’s an electronic transfer of money
from a bank account, usually checking account without the use of the paper check.

● Electronic billing is another form of electronic funds transfer used by companies or

businesses to collect payments from customers over electronic method.

Credit Payment System:

● Credit Card is another form of the e-payment system which required the use of the card
issued by a financial institute to the cardholder for making payments online or through an
electronic device without the use of cash.

● E-Wallet is a form of prepaid account that stored user’s financial data like debit and
credit card information to make an online transaction easier.

● Smart card is a plastic card embedded with the microprocessor that can be loaded with
funds to make transactions and instant payment of bills. It is also known as a chip card.
6. What are the E- commerce

Answer: E-Commerce has become one of the most popular mediums of transactions in the
recent years. While it does offer quite a lot of benefits to both buyers and sellers, it is not
totally free from disadvantages. E-commerce’s drawback are-

1. Security: One of the main limitations of E-Commerce is security. In most cases,

people are hesitant to provide their personal and financial details in spite of advanced
data encryption security systems in place.

2. Lack of Privacy: To some extent, the privacy of a customer is compromised in E-

Commerce. There are still lots of sites that do not have the advanced technology to
protect sensitive information.

3. Tax Issue: In case of different geographical locations, sales tax becomes an issue.
Many a time sellers have faced problems in the computation of sales tax.

4. Fear: In spite of popularity, there still resides an element of doubt in the mind of
people when it comes to online shopping.

5. Product Suitability: In many cases, the original product may not match with the
picture or specifications in the E-Commerce site. This absence of ‘touch and feel’ creates
a discouraging effect.

6. Cultural Obstacles: As the process of E-Commerce encompasses customers across

the globe, the habits, traditions, and culture differ. There may also be linguistic problems
and all these may lead to issues between the seller and buyer.

7. High Labor Cost: To get all these in the right shape, companies have to shed a good
amount of money and employ a talented pool of people.

8. Legal Issues: A lot of legal compliances and cyber laws that need to be taken care of
in an E-Commerce business.

9. Technical Limitations: E-Commerce requires advanced technology platforms for

better performance. Some limitations, such as lack of proper domain, network and
software issues and so on can affect the seamless performance of an E-Commerce site.

10. Huge Technological Cost: Last but not the least; a lot of money needs to be invested
to be built up the technical infrastructure needed to run an E-Commerce business.

7. What is computer network?

Answer: A group of connected computers that communicate, exchange information and share

8. What are the benefits of Networks?


● Users access programs and data.

● Simultaneously Users share printers and scanners.
● Users communicate more easily.
● Users backup their data more easily.

9. How many types of networks are there?

Answer: There are two types of network. These are-

● Local area network (LAN): A LAN network is the type of network that all small
businesses with just one office would use. It covers a small region of space, typically
a single building. They typically have a lot higher bandwidth capability than a WAN
or a MAN. And they are usually run and maintained by the business.
● Wide area network (WAN): A WAN is a long distance network. It connects systems
together throughout a country, or even to outside the country.

10. What is network topology?

Answer: Network topology is physical or logical layout of cables and devices that connect
the network nodes.

11. How many types of network topology are there?

Answer: There are many types of topology. These are-

● Bus topology: A bus network is a network topology in which nodes are directly
connected to a common half-duplex link called a bus.

● Star topology: A star

topology is a topology for a Local Area Network (LAN) in which all nodes are
individually connected to a central connection point, like a hub or a switch.

● Ring topology: A ring topology is a topology for a Local Area Network (LAN) in
which every device has exactly two neighbors for communication purposes.

● Mesh topology: Mesh

topology is a type of networking
where all nodes cooperate to distribute data amongst each other.

12. What is database?

Answer: A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed

electronically from a computer system. Where databases are more complex they are often
developed using formal design and modeling techniques. The database management system
(DBMS) is the software that interacts with end users, applications, and the database itself to
capture and analyze the data. The DBMS software additionally encompasses the core facilities
provided to administer the database. The sum total of the database, the DBMS and the associated
applications can be referred to as a "database system". Often the term "database" is also used to
loosely refer to any of the DBMS, the database system or an application associated with the
13. What is computer security?

Answer: Computer security is the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft of
or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or
misdirection of the services they provide. Basic security issues of different information systems
are described below-

● Software security: The software security can be threatened by different ways as

outlined below-
▪ During its development.
▪ During its deployment.
▪ During its operation.
▪ During its sustainment.
● Data security: The data security can be threatened by different ways as outlined
▪ Disk encryption.
▪ Hardware based mechanisms for protecting data.
▪ Data masking.
▪ Data erasure.

14. What is computer virus?

Answer: A computer virus is a malicious program that self-replicates by copying itself to another
program. There are many types of computer virus-

● Boot Sector Virus: This type of virus infects the master boot record and it is challenging
and a complex task to remove this virus and often requires the system to be formatted.
Mostly it spreads through removable media.
● Direct Action Virus: This is also called non-resident virus, it gets installed or stays
hidden in the computer memory. It stays attached to the specific type of files that it infect.
It does not affect the user experience and system’s performance.
● Resident Virus: Unlike direct action viruses, resident viruses get installed on the
computer. It is difficult to identify the virus and it is even difficult to remove a resident
● Multipartite Virus: This type of virus spreads through multiple ways. It infects both the
boot sector and executable files at the same time.
● Polymorphic Virus: These type of viruses are difficult to identify with a traditional anti-
virus program. This is because the polymorphic viruses alters its signature pattern
whenever it replicates.
● Overwrite Virus: This type of virus deletes all the files that it infects. The only possible
mechanism to remove is to delete the infected files and the end-user has to lose all the
contents in it. Identifying the overwrite virus is difficult as it spreads through emails.
● Space filler Virus: This is also called “Cavity Viruses”. This is called so as they fill up
the empty spaces between the codes and hence does not cause any damage to the file.

15. How networks attack?

Answer: Without the security plan a PC may be subjected to be following types of attacks-

● Eavesdropping: In eavesdropping an attacker has gained access to data paths in the

network to listen in or interpret the network traffic.
● Data modification: An attacker can modify the data in packet without the knowledge of
the sender or receive.
● Identify spoofing: In the context of information security, and especially network
security, a spoofing attack is a situation in which a person or program successfully
identifies as another by falsifying data, to gain an illegitimate advantage.
● Denial-of-service attack: Distributed Denial of service attack is an attempt made by the
hacker to block access to a server or a website that is connected to the Internet. This is
achieved using multiple computerized systems, which overloads the target system with
requests, making it incapable of responding to any query.
● Sniffer attack: Sniffing attack is a context of network security, corresponds to theft or
interception of data by capturing the network traffic using a sniffer (an application aimed
at capturing network packets). When data is transmitted across networks, if the data
packets are not encrypted, the data within the network packet can be read using a sniffer.
● Application-layer attack: Application layer attacks are designed to attack the
application itself, focusing on specific vulnerabilities or issues, resulting in the
application not being able to deliver content to the user.

16. What is hackers?

Answer: Hackers are individuals or programs that attempts to gain access to a system without
permission or knowledge. A computer hacker is any skilled computer expert who uses their
technical knowledge to overcome a problem. Today, mainstream usage of "hacker" mostly
refers to computer criminals. People are breaking into computers using programs written by
others, with very little knowledge about the way they work. This usage has become so
predominant that the general public is largely unaware that different meanings exist.

17. What is firewall?

Answer: A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and
outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. Basically there are four types
of firewalls-

● Packet filters: Packet filters operate at a relatively low level of the TCP/IP stack,
blocking packets unless they match the established rule set.
● Application proxies: Application proxies firewalls work on the application layer of
the Internet protocol suite and may intercept all packets traveling to or from an
● Circuit gateways: It works at the session layer of the OSI Model. It acts as a virtual
connection between the remote host and the internal users by creating a new
connection between itself and the remote host and also changes the source IP address
in the packet and puts its own address at the place of source IP address of the packet
from end users.
● Hybrid: A hybrid firewall may consist of a packet filtering combined with an
application proxy or a circuit gateway combined with an application proxy firewall.

18. What is encryption and decryption process?

Answer: Encryption is the process of translating plain text data (plaintext) into something
that appears to be random and meaningless. Decryption is the process of converting cipher
text back to plaintext. To encrypt more than a small amount of data, symmetric encryption is
used. A symmetric key is used during both the encryption and decryption processes. To
decrypt a particular piece of cipher text, the key that was used to encrypt the data must be
used. The goal of every encryption algorithm is to make it as difficult as possible to decrypt
the generated cipher text without using the key. If a really good encryption algorithm is used,
there is no technique significantly better than methodically trying every possible key. For
such an algorithm, the longer the key, the more difficult it is to decrypt a piece of cipher text
without possessing the key. It is difficult to determine the quality of an encryption algorithm.

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