'Wo, Daf?: Grammar: Teln."

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la Grammar: Teln.".

1 Put the verbs In brackets Into the appropriate present tense.

o Our firm Itt t.uncnjng (launch) two new products 5 "Why ............................................................. .
next week. (you/feel) Armie's forehead?"
1 'wo, ... .. (he/ leave)?" "I . .................. (think) she's got a temperature:
"Because he ........... ........ (play) 6 The place 10()!(s like a bombsite! What .............. ..
football at 6:30 this evening: ., ............. , .......................... " .......... (do) all daf?
2 Dancers at the ballet school 7 Come on Johnl You .......................................... .
...... ............................ .......... (rehearse) for the (know) me since high school! You
performance since last November. ...................... (not/ really/ believe)
3 You .................................................................. I would do such a terrible thing.
(not/ really/ think) I'll eat this stew! It S The opposition party ....................................... ..
........... ... (smell) awful! (appear) to be making ground in the opinion pons.
4 ....... . (try) to complete 9 Randall ............... .. ... (kick) the ball
that jigsaw lor over three months now! into the net and it ........................... (be) a goal!

.................. _... __ .....

He has been 10 Berlin. He ".. been in Buenos A/res for He Ita tone 10 Toledo.
(- He has gone and come back.) a year. (- He lives Uwe.) (- He hasn't come back yer.)

2 FlII In the blanks with have been ro, have been 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present
in or have gone to In their correct form. Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

o I h.1t"" t-o Cambodia three times. Stonehenge 0) ".tt b",," (be) the subject of
1 Mrs Bates ..... ...................... . Cologne. archaeological deba te for many years. No one
She won't be back for at least three weeks. 1) ..... ........................ (yet/uplain)
2 Nick ............................... , .. " .. , ................ , Wales satisfactorily wt1y or how it was buirt, although teams 01
for three years now, studying for his degree. 2) . .. .......................................... ..
3 Why don't you ask Clare about the tropics? (excavate) the site for years and a team of American
She ................................. " ..... " ... ....... Thailand. scientists 3) ............................. ..
4 He ........................ . ........... , ......... visit (recently/ start) working in the area with sophisticateci
his father. I'm afraid )'OIJ've just missed him, new equipment. Popular theories 4) .. , ......... , .. " ........ ..
........... (.uggest) that Stonehenge was buirt as
a temple. but no one 5) .................... _................... ..
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present
(manage) to work out how the stones we re transported
Simple or Present Continuous.
there. A group 01 students from Bangor University
Terry PooIe 0) ifJ (be) an engineer who 1) .......... , ... 6) ................ " .. , .................. , .. , .. " ............ ,. (dIscuss)
(WOfk) for an intemational aid organisation. Although he the possibility of re-enacting the journey from Wales.
normally 2) .......... (work) in where such stones are to be found. overland to
Inctonesia. at present he 3) ........................ .. Stonehenge, and sponsors 7) .... " .................... ..
(, upervise) a project in Rwanda which ....... " ............... (come) lorward with offers of
4) (Involve) the OO<lrdination 01 financial assistance. The British Museum
local aid workers and engineers like himself. 8) .............. .. ......... " (also/ announce) a
Although he 5) ...................................... .. forthcoming 01 artelacts from the
('"Joy) the he 6) .. .. Stonehenge period, which they 9) ...... "",, ....
(doubt) the Pl'o;ect will be finished soon. .. ... " ...... " ........ "" ..... (gather) over the
last five years from al! over Northern Europe.

18 Grammar: Tens"s

8 Put the verbs in blackets into an appropriate 3 "You're looking miserable:

past tense. "I ....... on my thesis when my computer sllddenly
o He walk&:l (walk) to the front of the stage. took
A was working C would work
(take) a bow and to the audience.
B used to work o have been YiOrking
1 Her clothes were soaked because she ......... .
4 • Did you hear the rain last night?·
.............................................. (walk) in the rain.
·Yes, it ....... all night:
2 We ............................................ (notjenjoy) the
A had been pouring C has poured
play so we ..................................... (leave' early.
3 While you ....................................... (. ...p) .loan B was pouring 0 was poured
............................................ (try) hard to finish 5 "can't we just order a nice bit of cod?·
her dissertation. "Don't be ridiculous! we ....... all this wwt to eat
4 Susan and Tom .. (meet) fish and chips:
when they ........................ .. .... (study) A haven't been coming C aren't coming
in Edinburgh 20 years ago. B haven't come o hadn't come
S In June 1979 they 6 " I love your car:
(stilI/build) this shopping centre. " This old thing? We ....... It for fifteen years:
6 They ................................. (walk) to the water's A had had C have had
edge ............................................ (wade) In and B have been having 0 used 10 have
................................... (s wim) to the other side.
7 "What's wrong with Robert?"
7 While the soldiers ............................................. . ·1 don't know. He ....... up. slammed the door and
.......................... (advance) . they did not realise stormed out of the building:
that the enemy ..... .. ...... (plan) A got C was getling
a surprise attack. B has got 0 had got
8 The politician ........ .. ........... ..
8 "Mary is having difficulty fitting In:
(already/ finish) his speech by the time the TV
reporter ............................................ (arrive ).
"well. I guess she ....... to this tYPe of work:
A didn't use C doesn't get used
9 By the time Monica ............................. (get) to
the libfary. Elena .............................................. .
B isn't used o hasn't been used

(already/ do) all the research. • "Every Christmas Eve all the family .... .. the tree

9 Choose the correct Item.
,. A would have decorated
B would decorate
When I lived downtown.
almost every nigh\.
C had been decorating
D used to decorating
.. ..... to the cinema

A was going C have been going

o ·Where·s Christine?·
B went D had been going
·1 don't knoW; she .... the office fifteen minutes
11 Sue .. ..... from a severe bout of flu at the time.
A recovered C would recover
@ left C has left
B used to recover 0 was recovering
B had left 0 had been leaving
12 "How's Peter doing?·
1 "W'tt; didn't Madelioe shOw up at the party last night?·
"I don't know. I ....... from him for months:
"When I called her at 11:00, she.
A have to hear C haven't heard
A was still studying C would stili sludy
B didn't hear 0 don't hear
B had still been studying 0 still studied
1.3 "Ted is so inconsiderate:
2 Did you know that Oscar Wilde ....... in Paris during
"What ....... you S<'f1 that. George?"
his final years?
A is making C makes
A has been living C had been living
B was making 0 had made
B had lived o lived

Grammar: Tenses

10 Put the verbs In brackets Into tlMt appropriate 5 "Will you ....... with the audio-video equipment by
past tense, 12:30 pm?
"Possibly, bot 111 let you knOW beforehand:
If it 0) /uadll't. N61l (not/ be) for Louis, Joan's trip to
Paris 1) ........................................................... (be) A finish C be finishing
a complete disaster. She 2) ...................................... . B finished o have finished
................. (not/ meet) him before, but she 6 "George is in hospital:
3) ................................ (be) certainly glad that she "Yes, I've heard he ... good progress:
had by the end of her stay. The first thing thal A makes C Will make
4 ) .................................... (happen) was that the B is making o would make
hotel where she 5) .................................... (plan) to
stay 6) ................................................ (not/ receive) 7 "I'm getting nl'f work permit next week:
her booking, so they had no room for her. Then, as she "It's about time. You ....... here for tv.Q months by
7 ) .................................... (try) to get a taxi 10 take _:
her 10 another hotel, someone on a motorbike A are C will have been
8) ........................................ (snatch) her bag with all B will be o have been
her tickets and credit cards in it. As her French
8 ·How do you like your sushi?·
9) .. . ... (be) quite rusty, she 10)
.... ............ ... (not/know) how 10 explain what "Well, it's really different. It'S the first time I
U) ........................ . ......... (happen) . It was Japanese food:
then that Louis 12) A have eaten C am eating
(approach) her and 13) ......................... . B eat o have been eating
(Introduce) himself.
9 "Wasn't sacking Mary rather harsh on his part?"
"Not really; he .. her several times in the past:
A had warned C warns
B was warning D will warn
10 "Where's Jonalhan?"
"He ....... to the travel agenrs:
U Choose the torrect Item.
A has been C has been going
o "Tina is still looking for a decent flat: B has gone D had gone
"How lOng ....... ?
A was she looking C had she looked
B is she looking @ has she been looking
1 "Has Paul come to terms with his examination
results?· 12 Complete the exprlltSslons with words from the
"Yes. He ....... the fact that he'lI have to resit: Jlst below.
A had accepted C accepted
B has aC«!pted D has been accepting • flout • devour • imitate • mow • raze
• concede • squirm • interrupt • heal
2 "Did you really have an awful time at the Jordans?"
"Yes. I ....... I'll ever visit them again: o to squirm with embarrassment
A don't think C wonl be thinking 1 to .. a wound
B am not thinking D think not 2 to .... ....... defeat
3 Gerald just can' t ....... working shifts. 3 to .. a meal
A used to C get used to 4 to. ....... a city
B be used D used to be 5 to ................ the grass
6 to ...................... a speech
4 Alison feels healthier and fitter than she
7 to ...................... the law
A had C were
8 to.. ............................ sb's behaviour
B would D used to


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