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Suppose there are three (3) contact tracers for finding possible infected of
COVID-19. The X contact tracer uses MS Excel to store the information of a
suspect. The Y contact tracer uses MS Access and the Z Contact tracer uses MS
Word. What will be the problem of heterogeneous methods of collecting data? How
do you solve this problem?

We can consider that the X, Y and Z contact tracers function just like silos since they
share the same task with different platforms. Moreover, they work just like silos as
they focus on individual tasks or functions, or both, rather than process and team.
Data heterogeneity is simply having different resources of potential data. In
accordance with this reason, the possible problem of situation is duplication and the
lack of control and integration. Supposed the three contact tracers do not have
access with the data that they will be gathering due to the variety of methods and
has the same task, the resolution to this is eliminating the probable duplication with
having the possible information branch out simply by giving the three contact tracers
with variety of assigned locations (e.g. X contact tracer mainly focuses on Baguio
City and La Trinidad, Y contact tracer is assigned in Bokod and Buguias, Z will
supervise the tracing in Mt. Province and etc.). With this solution, even with having
heterogeneous methods of collecting data, it could still have a dependent integrated
system with having the right organization of multiple databases or files.

2. Suppose the BSU registrar uses SAP software for business process automation
within the registrar office. The Office of Student Affairs uses Oracle’s Fusion
software and the Library uses Microsoft Dynamics software. Those application
softwares mentioned are ERP softwares. What will be the problem of this
hodgepodge systems? How do you solve this problem?

Having hodgepodge systems could lead to inaccessibility of data due to the reason
of having mixture of softwares that do not have the features of sharing data with one
another. With the absence of data accessibility and the need to manually access
and update each system just for the acquiring of data , it will be time consuming and
vulnerable to errors. The solution that I could implement in this circumstance is a
proposal which attains to have a consolidated management for these softwares
wherein it has a coordinated system in which all the systems could retrieve data. If
the organization will have a system wherein the other softwares will have the ability
to input, delete, search and update data, it would not only solve the conflicts of
having hodgepodge systems but also provides more convenience, efficiency and
productivity in the long run. Applying what I’ve learned from the past lessons last
semester, it is inevitable to apply multiple softwares such as keeping the traditional
ERP system along with the upgraded one (during the process of fully implementing
the new ERP system). Moreover, various organizations administer multiple
softwares yet still achieve their objective successfully with the proper
acknowledgment and assessment of technical strategies and methods aligned with
the organization’s goals.

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