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Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality

Item Answer
Choice of Training Modality Simulation
Define in your own words (2-3 sentences) Simulation, in my opinion, is an act or
process that allows trainees to
experiment with different parameter
values and see what happens. It can also
be a technique for imitating someone or
doing what they say.
Complete name of Course (must be an Bachelor of Science in Tourism
example of your choice of training) Management
Link to the URL of a course that matches Flight Attendant Training |Evacuation Emergency
your choice (make sure the link is live) - YouTube
One reason why you chose the course I picked this profession because I am a
type of person who loves to travel, and
my goal is to travel around the world. I
also think that it will give me a lot of
opportunities that can challenge my ability
to travel.

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