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ISHDO Performance & Learning Form

EMPLOYEE NAME: Yohannes Leta TITLE: M and E Director

SUPERVISOR NAME: Dr. Girmachew Mamo TITLE: Chief of Party


From: July/2021 TO: September/2021

Section One (1): PERFORMANCE GOALS: “What are you going to do?”
 In consultation with their manager, at the beginning of the appraisal period, employees should set 5 - 8 SMART objectives to be
accomplished in the next 12 months. Objectives should contribute to the success of organizational and departmental goals. All goals should
be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.
 Managers/supervisors should evaluate the extent to which the employee achieves SMART performance objectives. Employees will receive
an overall rating for this section.
The rating scale is:
o (5) Exceptional (Always): All the time achieves objectives and consistently exceeds them
o (4) Excellent (Almost Always): Always achieves performance objectives with rare exceptions
o (3) Good (Usually / Most of the time): Often achieves performance objectives
o (2) Fair (Occasionally): Sometimes achieves performance objectives
o (1) Unsatisfactory (Rarely): Rarely achieves performance objectives
Insert status (completed: in progress) with supporting RATING
evidence or reason for amendment to goal
1. Conduct 2 JISS & 2 DQAs at each Completed, 54
cluster offices, document action plan and Conducted more than 10 JISS & DQA in 3 LIPs (Dugda,
ODA, MENA). Compiled & analyzed the JISS report.
follow-up the status of the action plan Action plan followed to reduce the DQA issues and
until September 2021. supported other team to resolve SS issues.
Supervisor comments
Well done. Yohannes should lead planned approach to
conduct JISS and DQA using updated tools proactively .
2. Prepare FY 21 QIII, FY 21 APR reports Completed, 4
and submit for immediate supervisor. Progressively improved quality of M&E report writing.
Supervsior comments
Good progress. Consolidated narrative report and
quantitative report should be submitted to COP for
review timely without reminders. Timely and quality
comprehensive report submission needs attention
3. Review 2DATIM & 2CIRG reports and Completed, 4
submit for immediate supervisor. Both reports are submitted on time. Quality of the report
improved overtime.
Supervsior comments
Good progress . Same as above DATIM and CIRG
submissions has some up and downs interms of quality
and timeliness which needs significant improvement. He
needs to work with program teams to understand the
indicators . caregvers data as well needs attention
4. Review Activity LME plan & In progress, 3

ISHDO Performance & Learning Form
recommend revision on different parts of Activity LME plan revised, finding identified,
comprehend. I need to lead sharing of the revision to
the plan based on findings until USAID.
September 2021. Supervisor comments
We havent received feedback from USAID on M&E
plan. It is our reference for Monitoring our Plan and need
to be finalized ASAP.
5. Ensure all M&E tools are up-to-date and In progress, 4
lead revision of them based on LIPs RDQA & SS tool revised and need to develop Standard
Operating Procedure for both.
feedback as well as implementation
Supervisor comments
We are heading to year II almost halfway to project
end .The tools has to be finalized and utilized .
6. Review 6 HFR reports and submit for Completed, 5
immediate supervisor. HFR report generated by ISHDO prime and shared for
verification to sub-partners. This is part of real time data
entry using CommCare. Data quality issue minimized
Supervisor comments
He proactively sends reminder to Ips and generates HFR
data timely. Good ownership
7. Ensure all Indicators (MER, Custom & Completed, 4
other) are reported using approved Reviewed all indicator, confirmed on its definition and
reported for donor.
Performance Indicator Reference
Supervisor comments
Well done. MER and custom indicators are reported as
per the definition. There are missing custom indicators
and need to proactively follow-up the indicators to meet
the donor requirement. Need to align

8. Lead initiation of at least 2 change Ideas In progress, 3

on QI/QM activities, do PDSA cycle and I were directly involved in two QI projects: at Adama,
MENA for CAG performance improvement and at
document & share findings being with Woliso, ISHDO-sub in improving data quality (this is not
CHCT & OVC team until September progressing as planned)
2021 Supervisor comments
QI activities are the new initiative that Yohannes
spearheaded. However the progress and not as such
visible. He needs to follow-up on the outcomes and
lessons learnt to be shared among sub partners

In the space below, manager and employee should provide additional comments on the performance Goals Section of this appraisal.

Manger Comments:
Yohannes has shown good progress on most of his planned activities. He needs to be more responsive and proactive to the continuous
needs of the project especially of quality issues. Understanding the variables and the specific needs of the project has to be given
attention from his side and fine tuning the deliverables. Documentation and reporting to donor and stakeholders need to be improved

Employee Comments: Most of the objectives were met as planned. Activity LME plan revision, Quality Improvement & SIMS will be
my priority on the current fiscal year.

Section Two (2): Core Values: “How are you going to behave to achieve your goals Using ISHDO core values ?”

ISHDO Performance & Learning Form

 (5) Exceptional (always): Employee fully and consistently demonstrate achievement of this core value in every aspect of his/her job.
 (4) Excellent (Almost Always): Employee adequately demonstrate this core value in the performance of every aspect of his/her job.
 (3) Good (Usually/most of the time): Employees adequately demonstrate this core value in the performance of most aspect of his/her job.
 (2) Fair (Occasionally): Employees adequately demonstrate this core value in the performance of some aspect of his/her job.
 (1) Unsatisfactory (Rarely): Employee do not demonstrate this core value in any aspect of his/her job.


Participatory approach Employee comments: Based on my role: I tried to participate 5

An act of engaging   everyone who has a stake in the in all relevant meetings, share reports for relevant team,
intervention to have a voice, either in person or by encourage participation, execute deliverables as part of a team.
I believe in working together seamlessly to be effective as a
representation. Promote ownership and commitment team. I never missed regular CHCT & OVC team as well.
of the communities and government bodies involved Supervisor comments
and actively participate to enhance both the quality
Yohannes tries his best to engage relevant staffs in issues
and relevance of the interventions.
related to M&E supervision, review meetings. Etc
You may need to improve engaging with RHB M&E to share
reports ,data’s of interest to government partners

Non-Discriminatory Employee comments: 4

Act of non-discrimination in a way which respects Supervisor comments
the views, rights and behavior of people from Yohannes is doing well with regard to Non discriminatory
minority groups and celebrates their diversity. attitude.He has no problem with minority groups and terat
diversity with equality
Employee comments: 4
Supervisor comments
Move and act free from any political considerations I haven’t observed any debates or engaging in discussion for
or issues of political nature in serving the beneficiary different political views. he doesn’t mix his work and views or
community. Understand people political views and political opinions
not engage in any of debates on their political views.

Employee comments: 4
Supervisor comments
Be open and transparent in your actions, decisions He expresses his views and opinions honestly and openly.
and communications with both the people we work Encouraging to be more transparent in his action and
with and those we serve. Ensure that we are honest communication.
and open in our interactions and decision making.
Accountability Employee comments: 4
An act of making people experiences consequences Supervisor comments:
for their performance or actions. Ensure and make He ensures people to be liable for their actions but he needs to
people are liable of their own actions and show good
reinforces this to his extension at area program offices
or bad actions will face any consequences.
Volunteerism. Employee comments: 4

Engage or encourage practice of volunteering your Supervisor comments:

and one's time or services, as for charitable or I note his kind volunteer act in the inhouse initiatives . Hoping
community work to support the community in need that this will extend to the community work etc
in terms of time, money and knowledge.

ISHDO Performance & Learning Form
OVERALL RATING FOR SECTION 2: ______4.17_______

In the space below, manager and employee should provide overall additional comments on the competencies section of this appraisal.

Manger Comments: He is overall doing well in terms of fulfilling ISHDO core values . he might need to do some improvement as
stated in my comments in core values.

Employee Comments: Overall I tried to apply ISHDO core values in my day-to-day activities. I need to excel in other ISHDO core
values including participatory approach which I performed well in the assessment period.


“How are you going to meet your development needs?”

Development Capacity Building Estimated Scheduled Mid-Year Comment Year-End Comment

Objective/goal Interventions: Describe cost Time
Training, Seminars, Rotational
Assignments etc.
To visualize ISHDO data Power BI training by Project 500USD
without any support from HOPE or IntraHealth (ASAP)
Project HOPE . Hence,
enable CEFs access & use
their actual data using
Power BI


Other Performance information

In the space below, manager and employee should provide any additional information regarding performance at the YEAR END:
Manger Comments:

Employee Comments:

Overall Performance Rating:

Overall Performance Ratings are made up of 70 % of your section 1 score, and 30% of your section 2 score.

See below:

ISHDO Performance & Learning Form
Section 1 score: 3.2 x 0.7 = 2.24

Section 2 score: 4.0 0.3 = 1.2

Sum 3.4 (Final Rating)


Nov. 2, 2021

Employee’s signature Date Supervisor’s Signature Date

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