Exercises-UNIT 7

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Rеmе, Ьеrwh,еп...

Past Simple (2): regular and irregular verbs a Adverbs: regular and irregular
Time expressions: lп, at, оп, ago a Special occasions

Past Simple (2) Regularand irregularverbs
1 Look at the photos. What is the'Clipper Race'?

2 Read the text. put the чеrьs in Ыackets in the past


Look at the questions and answers about Robin

Кпох-JоhпstопЪ Clipper Race. Complete the
questions with the чеrЬs frоm the Ьох.
It started очеr 20 уеаrs ago and
arrive sail ýtart do feel lеаче take think is the rчогId's longest and hагdеst
l А When did Knox-}ohnston first sal soIo
sailing challenge.
round the world? ноw did it start?
В In 1969. In 19б9, the Englishman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston'became
2 А How lопs the iournev (Ьесоmе) the first реrsоп to sail solo, non-stop rоuпd the world.
him? It'_ (take)Y\m очеr 10 months. In the уеаrs after
в очеr ten months. this amazing achievement, Sir Robin'_ (lvanf) mоrt
people to lеаrп to sail, so heО_ (srcrr) the famous
3 А When the Clipper Race Clipper Rоuпd the World Уасht Race,
В In 1996. The first rасе
4А Which town _ the еiяht yachts The first rасе 5- (Ье) in 1996, with eight 60-
from? foot yachts. Оп 16 October they а11 u_ (leave)
В Plymouth. Plymouth, England and 7_ (Ьеgiп) their long
journey асrоss the oceans. The route included the Galapagos,
5А When the winning уасht Hawaii and the Azores. The winning yacht, called Arlcl,
back in Plymouth? finally (arrive) back in Plymouth пеаrlу
В Nearly а уеаr later, one уеff lаtеr, on 14 September 199'l . The сrеw members
9_ ffeel) completeiy exhausted. 'We rarely
6А How_ the crew members 10-(slееp)propеrly,'sаidсrеwmеmbецЕlizabеtt
at the end ofthe rасе?
Bluck. 'It was very cold, чеry wet, and very exciting.'
В Vеrу tired.
The rасе today
7А When the 1оrrу driчеr, ВоЬ Baker The interest in ехtrеmе sports and adventure challenges
the Сliрреr Race? continues to grоw. It's expensive to take part in the Clipper
ВА fewyears ago. Race, but it's very рорulаr. This is because all kinds ofpeople
want а new and special challenge in their lives. Last уеаr
8А What ВоЬ _ before hе
пеаrlу 20,000 реорlе 11_ (apply) to do it. ВоЬ
did the race?
Ваkец а 1оrrу driчеr who 12_ (do) it а few years
В That yachting was а rich mапЪ sport. аgo,said,.Ialwауs1з-(thiпk)thatyaсhtingwаsi
riсh man's sport, but it's not at all'.
ФЕt Listen and check.

44 Unit 7. RеmеmЬеr when ...

Negatives Questions
4 Read the first line about the rасе and Knox-|ohnston. 5 Match а question word in А with an answer in В.
Соrrесt еасh line, using the prompts to write two
sentences. А в

1 The Clipper Race started in 1998. 1 When? а_ А sandwich.

2 Why? Ь 1 Last Sunday.
(lt / not start / in l998 / lt / start 1996) 3 Who? с Му uncle David.
lt didn't start iп 998. lt started iп 1996. 4 What sort? d_ ln Paris.
е -_
5 Where? 16.
2 The first race left from Southampton. 6 How old? f Because l wanted to.

7 How? 9-З0.
(It / not leaye / frоm Southampton / It / leave
8 Whattime? А Mercedes.
9 What? i _ 9.З0 a.m.
10 How mапу? j _- З hours.
11 How muсh? k_$45
The crew mеmьеrs in the first rасе were all mеп. 'l
2 How long? l Ву рlапе.
(Тhеу / not Ье / all mеп / Тhеrе / Ье / wоmеп too.)
Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Knox-}ohnston sailed to South Africa.

l school l did lWhen / start / you / ?
ь whеп did vоu start school?
(Не / not sail / South Africa / Не l not hаче l В When I was five.
епоugh mопеу)
2 morning lyou ltime / get / up / What / this / did / ?

В At seven оЪlосk.
э Не met his wife when he was eighteen.
dinner / night lhауе lWhat / you / last l for l did l ?.

(Не l not meet his wife / whеп lhе lЪе l А

eighteen / Не / meet her / when / he / Ье / eight) в chicken сurrч.

did / today l уоа l How/ travel / here / ?

не had two children. В Ву train.
(Не / not hаче / two children / Не / just hауе / it / long / How / take / did / ?
one daughter) А
В An hour.
was / \{ho / the / yesterday/ with l girl' l saw / I /

Не won €6000 prize money in his first race.

(Не / not win 16,000 / Не win / €5,000)
В Mv sister!
did / go / hоmе / Whу lyol l ear|y l ?.

не rvon his second solo round the wоrld rасе В Because I felt sick.
in 2007.
8 рhопе / much / How / cost / did / уоur / ?
(Не / not win l his second solo rасе / Не l come / л
в €300.

ОЕ Listen and check,

Unit 7 . Rememberwhen... 45
the conversation,
Time expressions
7 complete the questions in
wllb iп, at,
S @ Complete the time expressions
Йоr r,о preposition (-),

1 оп Saturday
Z _summer
3 _last night
4 _the twenty-first century
5 _eight оЪlосk
7 _the 12th Маrсh
9 _Monday morning
10 _ 2018
11 .- my birthday
|2 _the 1990s
lЗ _thе weekend
|4 _last уеаr
15 ..- the afternoon

Time поw,
9 Г5ТГfrfir.rп Look at thе Time thеп алd tbe
Howlong ago was it?
Howlong agc

6 p.m.
1 5 p.m,


3 Monday Thursday

4 Мау1 May'l4

5 January June

6 September 2'l st September 28th


ФЕ Listen and сhесk,

46 Unit7 , Rememberwhen ",

А History of the Early 1895-1910 Silent movies

lп 1905, the first cinema, or 'Nickelodeon', opened
in Pittsburgh, and Ьу 1907 there Were about 4,000
'Nickelodeons' iп the US. The films Were Short
(Sometimes just one minute lопg) and Silent, but

there was usually а pianist to ассоmрапу them. Film
shows lasted about half ап hour.
The first moving picture shows Later films became longer and were оftеп Bible
started iп theatres in England, Stories, Until 1_910, the actors Wеrе not named. With
:.ance, and the United States at the longer films, their names Started to appear on
the end of the 19th century. sсrееп. The idea of 'film stars' was born.

1910-1927'HOIIYWOOD' is Ьоrп!
ln the early years, American films were made in or
пеаr New York, but in 1910 many film companies
moved to california because of the sunshine and the
Scenery. Westerns - films about cowboys - became
very popular, and California was the perfect place to
Ву 1914 American films wеrе чеrу popular, and
Hollywood became а 'movie factory'. lп the 1920s
studios made about 800 .films а year, 82% of the 1i
World'S filmS. Hollywood's Silent movie Stars, Such aS
Ё::: ::] Charlie chaplin and BUSter Keaton, became famous
throughout the World.


t927-L940s The сOmiпg of SOUND!

Hollylvood made its first movie with sound in
L927, ll was called The Jazz Singer. Ву the end of
1929 пеаrlу all films wеrе 'talkies'. Now began what
is often called 'The Golden Age of Hollywood', with
its rich, famoUS, glamorouS film StarS such as Clark
Gable, Greta Garbo, Humphrey Bogart, and Judy

History of the Еаrlу Сiпеmа 11 Read the rest of the text. Complete the questions and the answers.

тш R.ead the first part of the text'1895-1910i | 'Where were the first American films made?' 'Iп NewYork ]
Complete the questionswith did, wag or wеrе. 2 '_did the film companies mоче to California?'
- hen complete the answers.
'Because оf :
, 'Whеп did thе first moving picture
3 '_ kind of film Ьесаmе popular?'
shows start?'
did Hollywood Ьесоmе a'movie factory'for
At the end of the 19th century I
the world?'
] 'where and whеп the first 'Ву_]
сiпеmа ореп?'
'In _, in
'_ films did the studios make ечеrу year?'
'How mапу'Nickelodeons
there in the US Ьу |907?' 6,-twomoviеstаrsbесamеfаmousthroughoutthe
About world?'
'How -] the film shows last?'
'Buster Keaton and
About ] 7 '_did Hollywood make its first sound movie?'
5 'What kind of stories _ they 'In
often tell?' 8 '_ wеrе some of the film stars of 'The Golden Age
stories.' of Holl1.wood'?'
(EjE Llrt"n and check.
Clark Gable, Greta GаrЬо, Humphrey Bogart and

Unit 7. Remember when ... 47

VосаЬчlаrу Everyday English
Adverbs Special occasions
'l Complete the sentences using the adjective once and the ОЕ Listen and complete the conversations.
adverb once.
1А ТhаtЪ itl ItЪ }апuаrу lstl
quiet quietly В _New_everyonel
А Нарру New YеаrI
Quiet ,please. Тhеrе is an ехаm in progress.
to the old уеаr! НеrеЪ
2 Аmу talks so gujetly . I can never hеаr what shеЪ to the _1
All Сhееrs!

2А It was mу birthday yesterday.
J Моrris has really =-- teeth.
В I know. Did you get my _?
4 I failed mу piano ехаm because I played so
А Yes, thank уоu. It was very funny.
careful carefully В And you wеrе ten years old. Did
to what I'm saying. ItЪ very
you have _? а
Please listen
А Yes, twenty friends and they brought mе
important! --- lots of _.
Ве _ children when you cross the road.
В Great! I hаче _ for you, too. you
аrе. Нарру
slow slowly [оr yesterday.
А Oh, wowlThanks!
7 Please speak mоrе _,I dont understand.
8 I аm а really runner. I always соmе last зА Anna! Congratulations1
on sports day.--
в Thankyou very much,
beautiful beautifulIy А WhепЪ the ?

а в We dont kпоw for surе. Possibly

9 You hаче house. I love уоur kitchen.
10 Тhе children sang at their Christmas
concert. -- А Can I see your engagement _?
в Of сочrsе. Do you _?
Complete the sentences with an irregular adverb А Аhl ItЪ beautiful. I cant wait for mу
from the Ьох. Dont forget to say _ to Раul from mе.

м fast wеll еаrlу |ate

4л Morning, Мummу. Here you аrе!
1 George worked realJry hard and passed all his exams. BreaКast in bed.
2 Paul gets the six o'clock train every morning. в Thankyou. What а lovely
не oIsets uD чеrч
.] Beckv is alwavs for school. She needs ап А Would you like milk in
аlаrm clock. tea?

Тhе police gave Наrrу а speeding ticket because в Yes, please. MmmI
he drоче too А НеrеЪ а big bunch of _, too.
You speak English very _ l в I аm lucky.
А I'm the lucky one because уоu'rе mummyl

*Ё сО online for mоrе skills and language practice.

48 Unit 7. RеmеmЬеr when ...

Grammar underline the соrrесt answer.

1 Complete thе sentences with а уеrЬ frоm the Ьох in the negative,
1 Did уоu likelliked the film?
2 I поt gol didп't goto university.
епjЁу ýtay раýý Ьflу g0 hаче
3 We lost the rпаtсh Ьесачsе wе played really
I went shopping, but everything was too expensive. badlbadly.
l didn'tbuv anйhins.
4 It was mybirthday iп! оп|лпе L5.
Му wife and I had а quiet weekend at hоmе.
5 What didldayou do last weekend?
We апуwhеrе.
6 Тhеrе waslwere about 150 people at the
Unfortunately I опlу got 35% iп mу ехаm. wedding.
I'm а very s/awlyfslow reader. It takes mе
Pete went to а parýl, but it wasnt very good. months to finish а book.
Не _ thеrе. Не went hоmе,
sаrаh failed her ехаm because she
э I saw }еппу in town, but I was чеrуЬusу. didп't w ork l w о rke d hard.
I time to talk to hеr.
6 Му раrепts' holiday was alt{ul. It rained ечеrу day.
They it. put the words in Йе correct colrrmn.

put the words in thе correct order in thtse sentences,

ЬаС sl€w}y €{týa*,*tday actor
] we / played / alll аftеrпооп / tennis at six oklock beautiful early last year

we рtачеd tеппis all аftеrпооп.

fast birthday glamorous carefully rich
iп 2019 American mочiе оп 20th Мау
] did / what / get up / mоrпiпg / this / time l уоu l ? quietly Hollywood exciting

Adjectives Adverbs
wrote l I / some / emails / morning / this
bad slowly

go / work/ to / didn1 l I l апl was / I l holiday / week l

because / last

5 parents / married / in l got / mу / 1983

Nouns Time expressions
qпеmа оп Saturday
6 ,Tou l did lrцhеrе / school / to l ga l ?

" didnt / to / go l ТimЪ / wе / раrtу / were / because l too / we /


S lTent/ universiф l to l |l 1990s /the / in

9 did / whyl go / уоu i shops / the l to / ?

diddt l big l we / live / hоusе / | l а l уоъпg l wаs l when / in

fr* Со опliпе to Checkyour progress.

Unit7 . RеmеmЬеrwhеп., 49

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