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1. What are the Qualifications to Run as President of the Philippines? Do

you think the qualifications are enough? why? why not?

According to the Article VII, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution , an

individual may be elected as President if he posseses the following

1. Natural born of the Philippines

2. Registered voter
3. Able to read and write
4. At least 40 years of age on the day of election
5. Resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years immediately preceding

President, a powerful title associated with great responsibility. The

president serves as the head of a nation which means it holds the highest ranking
political position and act as the official representative of the country.Its job is to
implement and enforce the laws written by the congress and has the power and
responsibility to decide who works at the head of many different federal agencies
includes Department of National Defense and Department of
Education.Furthermore, president performs the duty as the head of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines—helps in making decisions regarding when or should
our country go to war and what the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guards
should do to protect our country. Thus, do the prescribed existing qualifications to
run as President of the Philippines enough? As mentioned , the president has lot
of power however is also tasked a lot of responsibility. The Article VII of the 1987
Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines contains the powers and duties of
the Philippine president and are as follows:

✓ Create issuances (executive orders, administrative orders, proclamations,

memorandum orders, memorandum circulars, and general or special
✓ Appoint heads of executive departments, ambassadors, military officials
(rank colonel or naval captain and above), members of the Judicial and Bar
Council, members of the Supreme Court and lower courts, and
chairpersons of the constitutional commissions (Civil Service Commission,
Commission on Elections, Commission on Audit)
✓ Appoint undersecretaries and assistant secretaries of executive
departments, upon the nomination of the secretary of each department
✓ Appoint directors and assistant directors of bureaus, regional and assistant
regional directors, department service chiefs, or any equivalent positions
as stated in the Constitution and the Administrative Code of 1987
✓ Head the National Security Council
✓ Supervise all local governments
✓ Act as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
✓ Suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, but only to persons
charged with rebellion or directly connected with invasion
✓ Place the whole or part of the Philippines under martial law, upon the
approval of Congress
✓ Grant reprieves, issue pardons, or remit fines/forfeitures after a
judgement has been passed
✓ Grant amnesties with the concurrence of a majority of all the members of
the Congress
✓ Contract or guarantee foreign loans on behalf of the country, with the
approval of the Monetary Board
✓ Certify the necessity of the enactment of a legislative bill to meet a public
calamity or emergency
✓ Approve or veto all bills passed by Congress
✓ Veto any item in an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill
✓ Submit a budget of expenditures and sources of financing to Congress as a
basis for the general appropriations bill
✓ Address Congress before or during the opening of its regular session
✓ Deport or decide the non-immigrant status of foreigners in the Philippines
✓ Direct the Solicitor General to acquire private property for public use
(eminent domain)
✓ Direct the Solicitor General to acquire properties from deceased persons
who have left no will and do not have any legal heirs
✓ Direct the Solicitor General to recover the ill-gotten wealth of public
officials or employees

President is a heavy and tough position—to rule and to decide for the overall
betterment and protection of the entire nation—thus, to be able to do this, one
must have the intelligence and wisdom to come up with good decision and wise
solution. Hence ,requirements to run as the Philippine president should not only
about being a natural born Filipino ,residing in the Philippines for 10 years and
registered as a voter, at least 40 years of age and can read and write, but rather
also give importance the educational background and work experience of an
individual who is running for the position.

Additionally,democracy is a system of governance which favors freedom of

speech, equal rights of every citizens, and a fair trial and considers or condones
the views of the majorities. Basically, a democratic nation—which includes the
Philippines, can be define as a nation which majority of power comes from the will
of the people. Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines (OP)
Vission, Mission states that, “The Office of the President shall be the embodiment of
the Filipino people’s highest aspiration for a government, one that promotes and
sustains an environment of peace and security, inclusive growth, public
accountability, genuine compassion and meaningful change towards a just social
order.” and must posseses the following core values:

• and
• Sincerity
• Excellence
• Respect/Responsiveness/Resourcefulness
• Vigilance/Virtue
• Integrity/Innovation
• Competence/Compassion
• Efficiency/Expertise

Therefore, a qualified president should not only good at implementing and making
intelligent decision for every existing problem of the nation ,but also a paradigm
of promoting peace and unity among its people, not the other way around. Must
have the heart and true compassion for its citizens—one who knows how to listen
and how to put empathy on every cries and opinions of its people. Moreover ,
services and laws should not only be in favor for the good of the powerful and
wealthy, but rather should be in favor for the good of every citizen.
2. What are the educational achievements of the candidates? Who
among them has the best educational achievement suited for the
Office of the President? who among them is the least suited for the
Office of the President?

The following names are the official candidates who filed for the
position of Philippine president for 2022 election. The candidates are listed
according to their educational achievements—best to least.

1.) Maria Leonor “ Leni” Gerona Robredo

The 14th and incumbent Vice President of the Philippines , a Filipino

lawyer and social activist filed her candidacy for presidency of the Philippine
republic for election 2022. Leni Robredo attended the basic education department
of Universidad de Sta. Isabel ( University of St. Isabel) in Naga city, graduating
from elementary school 1987, and from highschool in 1982.In the year 1986, she
graduated with a degree in economics from the UP School of Economics at the
University of the Philippines Diliman.She then entered the school of law at
University of Nueva Caceras, and finished the degree in the year 1992.After then,
she took up her master’s degree at San Beda University—which then called San
Beda College.

The succeeding are the summary of Robredo’s educational achievements:

- University of the Philippines Diliman, with a degree of economics
- finished at University of Nueva Caceras
✓ Passed the bar exam for law school in 1996 on her second attempt
• Doctor in Public Administration given by Polytechnic University of the
Philippines (2015)
• Doctor of Humanities awarded by University of Saint Anthony in Naga City
• Doctor of Laws by University of the Cordilleras in Baguio City (2017)

2.) Panfilo “Ping” Morena Lacson

A lawmaker of the Philippines, 14th congress, Ping Lacson has decided to

leave the senate and has planned to run for the position of precidency for the
election 2022.Ping started his basic education at Bayang Luma Elementary School
and at Imus Institute for secondary education.In the year 1996, he earned his
postgraduate degree, Master’s in Government Management at the Pamantasan ng
Lungsod ng Maynila.He then entered the Philippine Military Academy(PMA) with
the help of his friend and graduated as part of the Matatag Class of 1971,then later
passed the board exam.After, he joined the Philippine Constabulary (PC) as a
young, idealistic rookie .He preceeded in joining the Philippine National Police
(PNP) after the PC decommissioned in 1991.

The following are the honorary awards he received:

1. Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, 2019
2. Ten Outstanding Policemen of the Philippines, Philippine Jaycees Inc., 1998
3. Special Medal of Honor, Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP)
4. Police Director of the Year, Regional Command (RECOM) 7, Cebu City, 1992
5. Adopted Son of Cebu, Cebu City Council Resolution, 1991
6. Philippine Constabulary Officer of the Year, Regional Command (RECOM) 7,
Cebu City, 1989-1990 and 1990-1991
7. Certificate of Academic Excellence, AFP Command and General Staff College,
8. PMA Alumni Cavalier Award (Special Operations), Philippine Military
Academy Alumni Association Inc., 1983
9. PC Metrocom Officer of the Year, Philippine Constabulary, 1982

3. Ferdinand “Bong bong” Romualdez Jr.

Son of the late president of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos, served the senate
from the year 2010 to the year 2016, filed his certificate of candidacy (COC) for
president on last October 6. Bong bong studied at La Salle Greenhills Manila and
Worth School Sussex, England where he finished his elementary and secondary
education respectively. He then completed his undergraduate degree with Special
Diploma in Social Studies at Oxford University England(allegedly). After, he
entered Wharton School of Economics, University of Pennsylvania where he
earned his Master’s Degree in Business Administration.
4. Francisco “Isko” Moreno Domagoso

Incumbent Manila City Mayor Isko Moreno also has decided to file a candidacy for
Philippine president. Yorme finished his secondary education at Tondo High
School while working as pedicab driver. He took up undergraduate degree in
Maritime Engineering at Philippine Maritime Institute.He then entered law school
at Arellano University.While doing his duties as the Manila’s vice mayor in 2007 ,
he finished a crashed course in Local Legislation and Local Finance at the
University of the Philippines(UP) Diliman together, he managed to take a course
in Public Administration at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila while fulfilling
his works in the office.He then pursued courses in leadership and governance at
the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Cambridge.

5. Ronald “Bato” Marapon dela Rosa

Dela Rosa, former police officer, served as the Director of the Bureau of
Correction, and currently serving as a politician in the position of Senator of
the Philippines, has filed his candidacy for Philippine president. Bato earned
his elementary diploma at Bato Elementary School and then finished his
secondary education at Sta. Cruz National High School. After, he entered
Mindanao State University (MSU) where he took up Bachelor of Science
degree in Public Administration. In the year 1982, he left MSU and joined
the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) where he graduated as part of the
PMA Sinagtala Class of 1986. He earned his Master in Public Administration
in 1998 at the University of Southern Philippines in Davao City. He then
attained his PhD in Development Administration in the year 2006 at the
same University.
Bato also undertook several military courses as follows:
• Police Intelligence Officer Advanced Course
• Scout Ranger Orientation Course
• Police Safety Officer Course
• Police Officers' Comptrollership Course
• FBI Academy training course
• U.S Army Ranger School
• Air Marshal Instructors course

6. Emmanuel “Manny” Dapidran Pacquiao

Manny “Pac-man” Pacquiao, a politician, media celebrity and a famous

professional boxer.After competing and winning several fight inside the
boxing ring, the Philippine boxing icon fiercely decided to take a match with
the fist of the responsibility of ruling the country by filing his candidacy for
Philippine president.Due to poverty , kept him in earning his high school
diploma in his teenage years,however he managed to pick up where he left
off in his education.He received his high school diploma in the year 2007—
he was then 29 years old.He then soon enrolled at the Notre Dame of
Dadiangas University with the degree of Business Adminstration.In
preparation for his career as a lawmaker in the House of Representatives,
Manny entered in the Certificate Course in Development ,Legislation and
Governance at the Development Academy of the Philippines.While doing his
duties inside the senate, he managed to take an undergraduate degree in
Political Science, Major in Local Government Administration at the
University of Makati.

As mentioned above, the tasks of a President includes implementing laws , and

making good and wise decisions for the betterment and protection of the
nation.Hence ,the most qualified to take the position must have several and
enough educational attainment regarding the laws. Have good knowledge about
laws, well aware of the different existing laws, and knows how to make
one.Therefore among the list, Leni Robredo is the most suited for the position, her
degrees are aligned with laws and she is a lawyer herself. For this,I presume she
has wisdom on what or when it is good to implement a certain law for the
common good of every Filipino and of the country. On the other hand,Pacquiao is
the least suited for the position. His determination and effort to finish his
education is impressive however ,his degree and knowledge is not enough to
takeover the position.

3. What are the political achievements of the candidates? who among them
have done the most for the common good of the Filipinos? who among them
have done the least for the common good of the Filipinos?

The following are the names who have filed the certificate of candidacy (COC)
for Philippine president with their corresponding political achievements.

1.) Maria Leonor “ Leni” Gerona Robredo

2019 – Co-chairperson, Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs
2016 – Chairman, Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council
2016 – Vice President, Republic of the Philippines
2013-2016 – Congresswoman, 3rd District of Camarines Sur
✓ Former lawyer at Public Attorney’s Office
✓ Former private human right lawyer

1) Republic Act 10708 – The Tax Incentives Management and Transparency
2) Republic Act 10661 – National Children’s Month Act
3) Republic Act 10646 – Charter of the Quezon City Development Authority
4) Republic Act 10665 – Open High School System Act
5) Republic Act 10638 – Extending the corporate life of the Philippine
National Railways for another 50 years
6) Republic Act 10707 – Rationalizing and strengthening the probation
7) Republic Act 10643 – Graphic Health Warnings Law

1) House Bill 3432 – Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination
2) House Bill 4021 – Healthy Beverage Options Act of 2014
3) House Bill 4911 – People Empowerment Bill
4) House Bill 5829 – Act to declare the month of October as Breast Cancer
Awareness Month
5) House Bill 5841 – Agrarian Reform Commission Act
• Pro Transparency or Freedom of Information (She religiously filed her
Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN)
• Anti Political Patronage
• Anti Political Dynasty
• Anti Extra-Judicial Killing
• Pro Drug Rehabilitation of Drug Victims
• Pro Same Sex Unions
• Lower Electricity Prices

2.) Panfilo “Ping” Morena Lacson

• Senator: 2001 to 2013; 2016 to present
• Presidential Assistant on Rehabilitation and Recovery, 2013 to 2015
• Chief, Philippine National Police: Nov. 16, 1999 to Jan. 20, 2001
• Chief, Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force: June 26, 1998 to Jan.
21, 2001
• Project Officer, Special Project Alpha: 1996 to April 1997
• Chief, Task Force Habagat, PACC: 1992 to 1995
• Provincial Director, Laguna, PC: February to July, 1992
• Commander, Cebu Metrodiscom: 1989 to 1992
• Provincial Commander, Isabela PC: 1988 to 1989
• PC-INP Anti Carnapping Task Force: 1986 to 1988
• Metrocom Intelligence and Security Group: 1971 to 1986
• Anti-Money Laundering Act (RA 9160 as amended by Republic Act 9194)
• Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165)
• Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 (RA 9485)
• National Service Training Program Act of 2001 (RA 9163)
• An Act Increasing the Base Pay of the Members of the AFP (RA 9166)
• Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 (RA 9208)
• Anti-Cheating Act of 2007 (RA 9416)
• The Philippine Dental Act of 2007 (RA 9484)
• An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Law on Firearms, Light Weapons
and Ammunition (RA 10591)
• The law converting Imus, Cavite from a municipality into a city (RA
• The law that reapportioned Cotabato into three legislative districts (RA

• Senate Bill 40, Budget Reform for Village Empowerment Act of 2016
• Senate Bill 41, which seeks to establish a National ID system
• Senate Bill 42, penalizing a wide range of heinous crimes ranging from
drug-related offenses to treason, terrorism and human trafficking.
• Senate Bill 48, Expanded Anti-Wiretapping Act of 2016
3.) Ferdinand “Bong bong” Romualdez Jr.


Senator : July 2010 - present

Congressman : Second District, Ilocos Norte, 2007 - 2010

Governor : Province of Ilocos Norte, 1998 - 2007

Congressman : Second District, Ilocos Norte, 1992 - 1995

Governor : Province of Ilocos Norte, 1983 - 1986

Vice Governor : Province of Ilocos Norte, 1981 - 1983

✓ His political accomplishments involve various schemes and projects to

help improve lives of the citizens of his country.
• Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act
• Cybercrime Prevention Act
• Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act
• National Health Insurance Act.

During his term ,one of the important pieces of legislation he authored was the
Philippine Archipelagic Baselines Law (Republic Act No. 9522)

• Family Home Protection Act (2014)
• Anti-Rice Wastage Act (2013)
• Road Rage Law
• Good Will Act
• Arbor Day Act
4.) Francisco “Isko” Moreno Domagoso

• Manila City mayor (2019)
- Launched ‘Basecommunity’, ‘Binondominium’ and ‘Tondoninium’
housing projects for the city’s poor family
• Undersecretary of Social Welfare and Development for Luzon
Affairs(May 2018-October 2018)
• Chairman of the Board of the North Luzon Railways Corporation(July
2017-October 2017)
• Manila Vice Mayor (2007-2013,2013-2016)
• Manila Councilor, 1st District (1998-2007)


He was also known for his consistent and controversial stand against vandalism
and unauthorized tarpaulins.

LGBT+ rights

On October 2020, Moreno signed an ordinance protecting members of the LGBT

community from discrimination and abuse, including the denial of employment
and other opportunities based on the person's sexual gender identity.

City Services

1.) Moreno signed an ordinance that gives a monthly allowance of ₱1,000 to each
student of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila and Universidad de Manila.
Likewise, all Grade 12 students in all public schools in Manila will get a ₱500
monthly allowance to be received via "cash cards".

2.)Senior citizens, persons with disabilities (PWDs), and solo parents who reside
in the capital are entitled to a ₱500 monthly allowance. The elderly also would
receive ₱800 and a cake as a birthday gift from the city government, on top of their
₱500 monthly allowance.


Moreno's administration infrastructure projects include the redevelopment of the

historic Jones Bridge to restore it to its near-original architecture, the construction
of a 10-storey 384-bed building at the Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center, and the
redevelopment of Manila Zoo which is set to open in 2021.

Cleanup drive

1.) Moreno oversaw the cleaning of congested and besmirched streets of

Manila. He ordered the clearing of city streets from ambulant vendors to
address the city’s congestion problem and waste management.
2.) Moreno also spearheaded the cleaning of Manila's sewers and the removal
of dilapidated, rusting, and senescent barges off the Pasig River. He also led
the cleanup of waters around Baseco Compound, which took 10 days,
including weekends, to collect more than 30,000 kilograms of garbage.
Regular cleanup has been done in Manila Bay and Pasig River ever since.

5.) Ronald “Bato” Marapon dela Rosa

• Extended Producer Responsibility Act (2021)
• The Private Secuirty Services Industry Act
• Marawi Seige Victims Compensation Act of 2021
• Isaac Tolento Memorial Medical Center
• Isabela Tourism Council
• Bureau of Immigration Modernization Act
• Treaties and International Agreements
• Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Act 2021
• Increasing the Minimum Age of Access for Tobacco Products
• Marine Mammal Act

6.) Emmanuel “Manny” Dapidran Pacquiao

• National Bible Day
• OFW Handbook
• Philippines Sport Training Center
• Sarangani Sports Training Center
• Lone Legislative District of General Santos City
• Aboloshing the Road Board
• Universal Health Care Act
• Extended Maternity Leave
• Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development
• Philippine Identification System Act
• Free Internet Access Program in Public Places
Among the list , Panfilo”Ping” Lacson has the most impressive performace in
political attainment. However,Leni has done the best for the common good of the
Filipinos because her laws focus on children, marginalized and the poor.However,
Bato dela Rosa has the least when it comes to political achievement. He was not
able to pass a bill into a law.

3.) In the current covid19 pandemic who among the candidates have done
the most contribution in addressing this health emergency? who
among them had done the least contribution?

1.) Maria Leonor “ Leni” Gerona Robredo

✓ She opened free dormitory for frontline health workers in Cubao ,Quezon
City and Cebu City together her Angat Buhay partners. She opened the free
dormintory on 26th of March 2020, just a week after the first imposed
✓ In March 2020, she started the free shuttle service for health workers.
Starting on August 4,2020, the free shuttle service operated eight routes
passing several major hospitals across Metro Manila. On July 6,2020, she
started the free shuttle service in Cebu City with starting of three routes.
✓ She launched the Bayanihan E-Eskwela on October 5, 2020 which aims to
provide instructional videos for teachers, parents, and students to help
them transition to distance learning. These instructional videos are
accessible in Youtube.
✓ Leni introduced a free mobile antigen testing program called “Swab Cab” in
areas with rising Covid-19 cases to help Local Government Units (LGUs)
stop the transmission of the virus particularly Metro Manila, Bulacan,
Rizal, Laguna, and Cavite.
✓ Leni launched the Vaccine Express on the 21st of June 2021 for the rollout
of vaccines to target sectors and communities.She started the vaccination
for trycicles, pedicab and delivery riders in Manila in coordination with
Manila City mayor Francisco “ Isko” Moreno. The Vaccine Express was
expanded to other cities—Naga City and Iraga City in Camarines Sur, San
Pedro City in Laguna, San Fernando City in Pampanga, Capas in Tarlac, and
Cagayan de Oro City, among others, with the participation and help of the
✓ Launched hot meals for health workers and other frontliners
✓ Started free food packs for the rural and urban poor and public
transportation drivers.
✓ Distributed P14 million worth of University of the Philippines corona virus
tests kit to testing laboratories.
✓ P20.43 million worth of gadgets for students attending online classes
✓ No less than 42,000 Philippine-made personal protective equipment sets.
✓ Assistance to locally stranded individuals.

2.) Panfilo “Ping” Morena Lacson

Lacson has no any record of Covid-19 response amidst Pandemic. There is, but his
response focused on expressing his disappointments and frustrations at the
corruptions that have emerged within other Government agencies.
Amidst Pandemic ,he focused more on investigating and questioning the poor
Pandemic response of the Government and the anomalies and corruptions
particularly inside the Department of Health.

3.) Ferdinand “Bong bong “ Romualdez Marcos

✓ Proposed to make Covid test kits cheaper

✓ Urged Local Government(LGUs) to spearhead efforts in increasing
locations where people may avail the test kits to every barangay
✓ Two weeks before he filed his Certificate of Candidacy (COC), he
donated 13,000 rapid antibody test kits to the first district of Quezon

4.) Francisco “Isko” Moreno Domagoso

✓ Built 16 quarantine facilities for his Manila constituents

✓ Established a Covid-19 field hospital
✓ Established two swab laboratories
✓ Dialysis area for Covide-infected patients
✓ Storage facilities for vaccines
✓ Distributed food boxes to Manila residents to cushion the impact of
the pandemic.

5.) Ronald “Bato” Marapon dela Rosa

Has no record of pandemic response

6.) Emmanuel “Manny” Dapidran Pacquiao

✓ Donated five buses to the Metropolitan Manila Development
✓ Donated 600,000 face masks to multiple government agencies
✓ In partnership with FundLife,he distributed “safe at home” packs and
provide digital vocational training to vulnerable girls in Cebu and

Among the list, still Leni has the best projects and services done in addressing
Covid-19 Pandemic. Despite that Office of the Vice President (OVP) receives
among the smallest budget in the bureaucracy , she managed to stretch the budget
to fund her pandemic response activities.And with help of volunteers and donors
who trust her competence and integrity, she was able accomplished numerous
effective and relevant pandemic response. However, Bato dela Rosa has the least
contribution when it comes to addressing the Covid-19 pandemic, he did nothing

5.) Find out what are their statement of values and beliefs (Platform) which
are a roadmap for where they want us to be when elected. Whose platform
you are attracted the most? why? whose platform you are least attracted?

1.) Maria Leonor “ Leni” Gerona Robredo

“The challenge we face is clear to everyone. We’ve seen the lies and the
abuse. They have the money and the machinery.”
Leni showed her concern over the vigilantism and violence associated
with the Duterte administration's war on drugs despite her support of
the policy. She later condemned the widespread violence committed,
adding her opposition against the culture of fear that does not
value human rights.As she run for the position of Philippine
president,2022, one of her platforms is to end the regime of those who
are in position who inflict violence and abuse of power whom she
described them as ‘old’ and ‘rotten’ types of politicians. By ending this
type of government, she hopes to hand back to ordinary Filipinos the
power to make change.

2.) Panfilo “Ping” Morena Lacson

Similar with the platform of Robredo, Lacson aims to restore the trust of
Filipino people in the Government by ending the corruption and abuses
among politicians.He seeks to run for the position of Philippine president
as he wants to lead the country to rise again from sag. “ Ang tamang
pamumuno ay dapat pangunahan ng leadership by example.Hindi sa salita
kundi sa gawa” ,a line from his speech on his candidacy launch for 2022
elections. He believes that he is ready and, his beliefs and attributes are
highly qualified for the position. As he said,”No leader can succeed if he
cannot practice what he preaches” he then added that we need a leader
who fights for the right and who defies unlawful acts.

3.) Ferdinand “Bong bong’ Romualdez Marcos

"It is this manner of unifying leadership that can lead us through this
crisis, get our people safely back to work for all of us to begin to live our
lives once again. And that is why I am today announcing my intention to
run for the presidency of the Philippines in the upcoming May 2022
elections," and the added, “I will bring that form of unifying leadership
back to our country. Hangad kong ibalik ang mapagkaisang paglilingkod
na nagbubuklod sa ating bansa (My wish is for a return of unifying
service that will bind the country)". Basically his platform is also close
with the two presidential candidate mentioned above.Moreover, he
promised to continue the vision of his father and what he have left

4.) Francisco “Isko” Moreno Domagoso

Moreno’s campaign centers on pandemic response.

5.) Ronald “Bato” Marapon dela Rosa

He runs for he wanted to continue the legacy of President Duterte.

6.) Emmanuel “Manny” Dapidran Pacquiao

“I accept your nomination as the candidate for president of the Republic

of the Philippines. It is now the time for the oppressed to win. It is now
the time for our nation to rise from poverty. It is now the time for a clean
government where every centavo goes to Filipinos”, his speech in his
national assembly. Thus , his platform is for the poverty, oppressed , and
corrupt politicians which he opt to end.
Although the platforms of the candidates are close to each other, I am still
more attractive to the platform of Leni Robredo. The platform of Lacson
and the rest are also good and impressive,however I am into more with
the candidate that her words are seen and put into actions. The least
attractive is the platform of Bato dela Rosa. You should run with the aim
to give change and serve for your own country , not for a person nor a

6.)After answering numbers 1-5, who are you going to choose? is your
choice ethical? why? why not?

With the facts presented above, Leni Robredo is the most qualified.She is my
choice, she has my vote.She is an ethical choice, for she has an intelligent mind and
great strategies , she has the heart for her people , and values integrity more than
selfishness. Our country has had enough with the corruptions , abuse of power ,
and violence of the politicians who are in position—made worse when the
Pandemic started. This 2022 ,we need a leader who knows how to listen,cares for
the oppressed and poor, a leader not only who has a good heart but also competent
and has a brilliant mind to lead. That is what we need ,that is what our country

7.) What concrete actions you are going to do to promote your presidential

Social media is the most convenient platform to dessiminate information to

others especially we are amidst Pandemic.As student I can promote my
presidential bet not in the way of forcing others to cast their own presidential bet
and change into mine but rather I will deliver the facts they need in order for them
to be enlightened. I will not throw and show hatred towards them just because of
their political choices , but rather I will talk and help them in choosing the
deserving president in a nice way. Division is not the solution , just good
conversation is needed.

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