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Completa con el present simple, present continuous, will o future continuous

1. There's a special bus to the conference center, which leaves (leave) the hotel
at 8 am.
2. We're going to Miami! This time tomorrow we will be sitting (sit) on a boat.
3. I think I will apply (apply) for a job when I have finished university.
4. I'm worried about the meeting because we will be speaking (speak) English
for the whole two hours.
5. My friends are having (have) dinner at my house tonight and I haven't
started cooking yet!
6. You should meet me at 7 o'clock, the concert starts (start) at 7:30.
7. I can't meet you on Saturday because a cousin of mine is coming from

Completa con la forma correcta del verbo en present simple o en present


The sun rises (rise) at 7:00 and sets (set) at 20:00 every summer.
What time is she going (go) to the doctor next week?
My wife and I are traveling (travel) to London in 3 days.
In the end, I am meeting (meet) my best friend tomorrow and not tonight.
There's no need to rush, the plane lands (land) at 4:30.
Are they coming (come) tonight?
My sister is celebrating (celebrate) her birthday party this weekend.
When does the party start (start)?

Maria Speaks English

¿Sabes cuál es la forma correcta?
Luis ______________ with us to the concert (come / comes / is coming)
He _____________ his friends later today (is meeting / meets / meet)
The bus ________ at 21:00 tonight (arrive / arrives / is arriving)
I _________ dinner with my boss tonight (am having / will have / has)
Sorry, I can't see you later, I ________ to my friend's place (go / goes / am going)

Completa las frases con las palabras del recuadro

Complain - learn - run - say - try - wash - not/accept - not/eat - not/tell

1. This cheese smells horrible. I’m not going to eat it.

2. I haven’t been trying hard enough. From now on I'm going to try harder.
3. I have to make a speech tomorrow, but I don’t know what I'm going to say.
4. 'The car is very dirty.’ ‘I know, I'm going to wash it'
5. I’ve been offered a job, but I'm not going to accept it. The pay is too low.
6. I'm going to learn a language, but I haven't decided which one yet.
7. One day I'm going to run in a marathon. It’s my ambition.
8. The food in this restaurant is awful. I'm not going to eat it.
9. Ben doesn’t need to know what happened, so I'm not going to tell him.

¿Qué crees que va a pasar en estas situaciones?

There are a lot of black clouds in the sky.

(rain) It's going to rain.
It is 8.30. Tom is leaving home. He has to be at work at 8.45, but the journey
takes 30 minutes.
(late) He is going to be late.
There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming in through
the hole.
(sink) The boat is going to sink.

Maria Speaks English

Amy and Ben are driving. The tank is nearly empty. It’s a long way to
the nearest petrol station.
(run out) They are going to run out of petrol.
Sarah’s car was badly damaged in an accident. Now it has to be
(cost a lot) It is going to cost a lot to repair the car.

Completa con will y un verbo que quede bien.

1. How are you going to get home?’ ‘I think I’ll take a taxi.’
2. ‘It’s cold in this room.’ 'Is it? I'll turn on the heating then.’
3. ‘Are you free next Friday?’ ‘Let me see. I'll check my diary.’
4. ‘Shall I do the washing-up?’ ‘No, it’s all right. I'll do it later.’
5. ‘I don’t know how to use this phone.’ No worries, I'll help you'.
6. 'Would you like tea or coffee?’ I'll have coffee, please.’
7. ‘Are you coming with us?’ ‘No, I think I'll stay here.’
8. ‘Can you finish this report today?’ ‘Well, I'll try but I can’t promise.’

Lee estas situaciones y escribe frases con I think I'll o I don't think I'll

It’s a bit cold. The window is open and you decide to close it. You say:
It’s cold with the window open. I think I'll close it.
You are feeling tired and it’s getting late. You decide to go to bed. You say:
I’m tired, so I'll go to bed. Goodnight!
The weather is nice and you need some exercise. You decide to go for a walk.
You say:
t’s a lovely morning. I think I'll go for a walk. Do you want to come too?
You were going to have lunch. Now you decide you don’t want to eat anything.
You say:
I don’t feel hungry any more. I don't think I'll have lunch.

Maria Speaks English

¿Cuál es correcto?
1. ‘Did you call Max?’ ‘Oh no, I forgot. I call / I’ll call him now.’
2. I can’t meet you tomorrow morning. I’m playing / I’ll play tennis.
3. ‘Please don’t go yet.’ OK, I’m staying / I’ll stay a little longer, but I have to go
4. I’m having / I’ll have a party next Saturday. I hope you can come.
5. ‘Remember to lock the door when you go out.’ OK. I don’t forget / I won’t
6. Do you have any plans for the weekend?’ ‘Yes, we’re going / we’ll go to a
7. ‘Are you doing / Will you do anything tomorrow evening?’ ‘No, I’m free. Why?’
8. ‘Do you do / Will you do something for me?’ ‘It depends. What do you want
me to do?’

¿Dónde crees que estarás a estas horas? Escribe frases sobre ti usando
I'll be.... I'll probably be... I don't know where...
De libre elección. Te dejo lo que he escrito yo.

1. (next Monday evening at 7.45) I'll probably be out with my friends

2. (at 3 am tomorrow) I'll probably be sleeping at home.
3. (at 10.30 tomorrow morning) I'll be teaching English online.
4. (next Friday afternoon at 4.15) I don't know where I'll be next Friday.
5. (this time next year) I'll probably be recording TikToks this time next
6. (in 2025) I'll probably still be teaching English online to my wonderful
7. (10 years' time) I don't know where I'll be in 10 years' time.
8. (next Saturday night) I'll be going out with my friends.
9. (in six months) I'll probably be living in Madrid.
10. (in the next 24 hours) I'll be working online and preparing materials for
the course.

Maria Speaks English

Elige will o going to

Liam: Where are you going with dad's tools?

Lisa: He asked me to get them for him. He is going to put up some
pictures in my bedroom.

Olivia: I've just cooked a lovely apple tart. Who would like a slice?
Meredith: Great! I will have some please.

Edward: I've left my wallet at home.

Bella: Don't worry. I will lend you some money.

Melinda: So, what are your plans for this morning?

John: Well, I am going to do some studying and then pop into town to do
some shopping.

Sentence transformation - Completa la segunda frase para que tenga el

mismo significado que la primera. Usa will o going to. No uses más de 3

I plan to travel to China this year.

I am going to travel to China this year.

I might stay in tonight as there's a good film on TV.

I think I will stay in tonight as there's a good film on TV.

Let me wash up as you cooked dinner.

I will wash up as you cooked dinner.

Maria Speaks English

I've decided to paint the living room a relaxing pale-green color.
I am going to paint the living room a relaxing pale-green color.

Tim plans on seeing the doctor later about his bad back.
Tim is going to see the doctor later about his bad back.

I might call Sarah to see if she wants to go out.

I think I will call Sarah to see if she wants to go out.

Seguimos con will y going to. ¿Sabrías decir cuál queda mejor?

A) We don’t have any bread.

B) I know. I am going to get some from the shop.

A) We don’t have any bread.

B) Really? I will get some from the shop then.

A) Why do you need to borrow my suitcase?

B) I am going to visit my mother in Scotland next month.

A) I’m really cold.

B) I will turn the heating on.

A) Are you going to Marco’s party tonight?

B) Yes. Are you going too? I will give you a lift. (to give sb a lift = acercarle en
coche a algún sitio)

A) What are your plans after you leave university?

B) I am going to work in a hospital in Africa. I leave on the 28th.

Maria Speaks English

A) ☎ (The phone rings)
B) I will get it!

A) Are you ready to order?

B) I can’t decide … Okay, I will have the steak, please.

A) Are you busy tonight? Would you like to have coffee?

B) Sorry. I am going go to the library. I’ve been planning to study all day.

A) Why are you carrying a hammer?

B) I am going to put up some pictures.

Completa con will o going to

1. She is visiting (visit) London next week.

2. These shoes are really dirty. I will clean (clean) them!
3. She will be (be) eighteen on Monday.
4. It's very hot in here. I will open (open) the window.
5. I have got a special plan for the weekend. I am going to (learn) how to make
a cake.

Completa con will o going to. Sí, otra vez. ¡Es muy importante tenerlo claro!
A) Why are you turning on the TV?
B) I’m going to watch the news. (I / watch)

A) Why are you filling that bucket with water?

B) I am going to wash the car. (I / wash)

A) I don’t know how to use the washing machine.

B) It’s easy. I'll show you. (I / show)

Maria Speaks English

A) I’ve decided to paint this room.
B) That’s nice. What color are you going to paint it? (you / paint)

A) Where are you going? Are you going shopping?

B) Yes, I am going to buy some things for dinner tonight. (I / buy)

A) What would you like to eat?

B) I'll have a pizza, please. (I / have)

A) This food doesn’t taste very good, does it?

B) No, it’s horrible. I'm not going to it. (I / not / finish)

A) Did you call Lisa?

B) Oh, no. I completely forgot. I'll call her now. (I / call)

Une las frases 1-8 con las frases A-H.

1. Why don’t you come to the party with us? a He’ll get what he wants.
2. That ceiling looks dangerous. b He probably won’t remember me.
3. He’s looking very tired. c It’s going to be a nice day.
4. This table is too big. d It looks as if it’s going to fall down.
5. The weather forecast is good. e It’s going to be 200 meters high.
6. Jack is very determined. f You’ll enjoy it.
7. They are building a new skyscraper here. g I don’t think it will fit in the room.
8. I haven’t seen Ben for ages. h I think he’s going to fall asleep.

1-F 5-C
2-D 6-A
3-H 7-E
4-G 8-B
Maria Speaks English
Completa las frases con las opciones de la cajita.

Be watching - will be landing - won't be playing - will be starting - won't

be going - be going - will you be doing

1. I'll be going shopping later. Can I get you anything?

2. Emily is not well, so she won't be playing volleyball tomorrow.
3. Little Emma will be starting school soon. She’s growing up fast
4. The match is on TV tonight. Will you be watching it?
5. What will you be doing in your new job? The same as before?
6. I won't be going to the wedding. I’ll be away on holiday.
7. Please fasten your seat belts. The plane will be landing in 10 minutes.

Completa las frases con el future continuous o future perfect

1. Don’t phone between 7 and 8. We’ll be eating then. (we / eat)

2. Tomorrow afternoon we’re going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.30.
So at 4 o’clock, we'll be playing tennis. (we / play)
3. Sarah will meet you at the station when you arrive. She'll be waiting
(she / wait) for you.
4. The meeting starts at 9.30 and won’t last longer than an hour. You can
be sure that it will have finished by 11 o’clock. (it / finish)
5. Do you think we will still be living in the same place in ten years’
time? (you/still/live)
6. Lisa is traveling in Europe and so far she has traveled about 1,000 miles.
By the end of the trip, she will have traveled more than 3,000 miles.
(she / travel)

Maria Speaks English

6. If you need to contact me, I'll be staying at the Lion Hotel until Friday. (I /
7. Ben is on holiday and is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like
this, he will have spent all his money before the end of his holiday. (he /
8. I’m fed up with my job. I hope I won't be doing it much longer. (I / not / do)

Elige el mejor final para cada frase

1 By 2020 the world’s population will …

a) have reached eight billion.
b) be reaching eight billion.

2 In the next twenty years people will …

a) have talked to their houses.
b) be talking to their houses.

3 By 2050 scientists will …

a) have invented glasses on which we watch videos.
b) be inventing glasses on which we watch videos.

4 By 2025 some things won’t …

a) have changed.
b) be changing.

5 Before the end of the twenty-first century we will …

a) have found life on other planets.
b) be finding life on other planets.

6 In 2020 we will …
a) have worn the same clothes.
b) be wearing the same clothes.

Maria Speaks English


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