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Smart Planet 4 Unit 5 Extra

Name Class Date

1 Complete the sentences with modal verbs and the verbs in the box.

1 You hungry after all that food!

2 We out later – it depends how we’re feeling.
3 Those vitamins you good. After all they’re very expensive!
4 It looks as though it this afternoon, so perhaps we’ll stay at home.
5 I’ve heard that some herbs all kinds of diseases.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of must, have to or not have to.
1 I take Rob to the dentist’s yesterday.
2 You come to the gym with me if you don’t want to.
3 I really start my fitness training now if I want to go trekking this summer.
4 everyone wear a uniform at your school?
5 We tidy the house this weekend before our visitors arrive.

3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 eat / You / such / mustn’t / lot / a / junk / of / food

2 can’t / you’ve / finished / You / your / go / until / out / homework

3 take / into / library / the / can’t / You / drinks

4 here / your / You / use / mobile / in / phone / can’t

5 on / much / Internet / You / spend / mustn’t / time / so / the

4 Circle the correct options.

We’re lucky because we 1 do much homework every day but things 2 change next year because we have
lots of exams. I know I 3 allow myself to get distracted, which is difficult when the weather’s good. Surely it 4
be that difficult though! Well, I’m not so sure but I know I 5
pass all my exams if I want to go to university.

1 a don’t have to b mustn’t c couldn’t

2 a have b might c can’t
3 a couldn’t b don’t have to c mustn’t
4 a mustn’t b can’t c may not
5 a can b may c have to

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5 Complete the words. You have the first letter to help you.
1 I’ve got a s a , so I can’t walk at the moment.
2 Paul had a bad reaction to an i b when he was camping.
3 Your face feels very hot. Do you think you’ve got a t ?
4 Let me get you some cream for that w on your finger.
5 Laura comes out in a r whenever she eats strawberries because she’s allergic to them.

6 Complete the sentences with weight, diet or shape.

1 Lisa’s lucky because she’s never had a problem.
2 Alan’s in good because he’s been going to the gym regularly.
3 I’m on a strict at the moment, so I can’t eat a lot of my favourite foods.
4 Mum says she only has to look at a cake and she puts on !
5 You’ll need to get in if you want to go trekking this summer.

7 Circle the correct options.

I like to have a well-balanced 1 , so I eat plenty of fresh food and try to avoid anything processed. Whenever I do
eat fast food, I tend to get bad 2 but it hasn’t always been this way. I used to be in bad 3 when I was younger
but I’ve lost a lot of 4 and feel so much better and I don’t get 5 in the winter any more.

1 a diet b shape c weight

2 a cough b rash c stomach ache
3 a weight b diet c shape
4 a shape b weight c diet
5 a colds b sprains c warts

8 Circle the correct options to complete the conversations.
1 A: I’m feeling so unfit at the moment. 4 A: take regular exercise.
B: B: I agree.
a Why don’t you join the gym with me? a Why don’t you
b It would do me good to join the gym. b It would do us good to
c You could do with the exercise. c We could do with
2 A: I don’t have time to go to the gym every day. 5 A: meet after school and go together.
B: B: That’s a great idea.
a Get up! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. a We could
b Go on! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. b How about
c Go down! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. c Shall we
3 A: meet up tomorrow and go along?
B: OK, why not?
a How about
b We could
c Shall we
9 12
You hear two friends, Anna and Mike, talking about fitness. Fill in the missing
information. Write ONE or TWO words, or a number.
0 The local gym is starting lots of courses and activities nextmonth .
1 The local gym is offering and as well as weight-training and cycling.
2 Anna is interested in and because she wants something relaxing.
3 The open day is on .
4 Mike has put on weight since his accident.
5 Mike suggests meeting at o’clock.

10 Read the online forum about health issues.

I don’t know if anyone can help me but ever since I was very young I’ve suffered from
skin problems. The doctors haven’t been able to work out what causes my rashes but
they’re really painful and itchy, especially when it’s hot. I’ve tried various diets but
nothing seems to work. 1 I must admit that I haven’t tried any alternative therapies yet
but perhaps I should. Hannah

I’m really into alternative therapies, not things like snails and candles which are a bit
too ‘way out’, but aromatherapy and acupuncture. 2 Of course it’s easier for
doctors to prescribe medication but I think we should look at the whole person when
someone is ill. John

And as they say, ‘you are what you eat’. I like to eat foods that are known to have
great benefits, like lemon and garlic. Surely it has to be better to try natural remedies
rather than drugs? I always start the day with the juice of a lemon in some warm water.

Diet has to be one of the main causes of ill-health. It makes sense that you won’t feel
well if you fill your body with processed food. 4 Until I started doing research into
the food industry, I had no idea, so now I’m much more careful and I read all the
labels! Tom

Of course food is important but so is exercise. One of the reasons so many people
have a weight problem is lack of physical exercise. I know it can be hard to find time
because we’re all so busy with exams and studying but there are so many benefits
apart from the physical. 5 I think
schools should allow more time during the week for P.E. Sally

Complete the forum with the sentences (a–e).

a Yes, I also believe that we should consider all aspects of a person.
b There’s nothing like a kickboxing session to get rid of stress and anger!
c I think that if the Chinese have been using needles for thousands of years, there must be something in it.
d I just have a long list of foods to avoid!
e It’s amazing how much sugar and salt is hidden in all kinds of foods like bread and cereals.
11 Write a leaflet about an activity. Use the prompts below to help you. Write at least 150 words.
• what the activity is
• the benefits
• how you can start
• the clothes and equipment you need
• any possible problems


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