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In tho p1<'\'lauu:ho1pt,n, "~ Im>< J.·.it "'"h 11>< ,-•·r
or --1•• """"'""' 1hr onl""") /►- r.,.
"'·f''t IUn!l-t11or I" 1h.,, ltirot,&r function tr,nsbtor (HIT). h, n.111\f' ti tfttwnl hnlll• f,t1,:t ltlc,
m.afnnt)· imd m\non1~ an(L-r» t.'IL! ln Wph)'tlcal ~ - - ,-..-curt~ 1ni.l,"-• th., dt•\~, "- t\JI,~
ll\ (\l.~: ol Wll·pubr Ir,mJbh,t ooh· m..,1111\ c.1,.,....,.. t.t\l' pU1 in IN' ph\'UC.,I l"ffltl'ti" •,nth1n 1tw-
<ll,,icT Th< 111upnbr lt>Miltar b cocnmonl>· .._.n., u,. fidJ dk'<I tnn>t,l&lf ,,, I Fl In IL'T 1J1o
1,.:Urrm1 1,- CU\trvlk<J b) rkdrk hdd TI11tc~ tt fW'\l m.a.:ri ,1.a*a Oil ttc'ld rii«1 tr,1n,l,ton -'' 111.,. 11
Ill Fig 41
1,1 '"'"'""" r.,lct .m....11,.,_,., 01n or "fflf'') fl'Tl
(u) Th, ln,ul•tod g.11< lk•ld <11,<1 tr.1-tc>r{(G1'£1). II u•l'l>callrJ m,-t.11.,,u.. ..-ntlronduct,r
fu:ld olr«t IISlll<l.•l<V (MO!'ITT or ,lmrlf ~tOS-11. A M()jfff k lur1J~, ,ul,lh-,J,J t,,1u
l•I Ori-it-hon MOSft,,
!bl«.,,..111 \10SFl"r
W,• ,h.,U a,ruldn llu• JFrT hr,,1, ond 11~11 llw M®TI

°'J'l',llon oyp,, onl, MOSFH IIGFE1)





no,"' ol ma;mt)· Otn-fl onl~ h h, lhrrrfr'ltt • urupo!,u
1 lb .,pc!f,ltinn dt.-pt'nd.ti upon thli
:?. It nhlblb h'!lh Input _,toner, o/lN'cnl<Tol lOOMO for. 1FE1 >n<J ID'° to !011 11 tor th<
J fbi OI volt.1~,"-0Jntrolk.-d dniC\'.tnd N,t n,.m,nl'('OfltroUc.-d.. Ult- a con, t'l'llinn&I tr,m10-Wt
!:''°!!!,.._ __;IIIXlC-""S!!!!!!!!!!!_!;fl~ll£!!1fillJNCS,-f!:!!!!!:!!::!_!IB!Jl!!!i l~iN..!!!;:.,.,.~""'~',!&_!M1!!,!0!,_51ll!!!1!!•c!""~""::•::•:,_l~-=-"':::..!-~M~••;_~~~
O,.ln (DI
h It 11w 1<nnll\AI lhrough ,.hl,h uw a .,.,..t). corriffl lco-r 1hr bu. Tht,currmt mt<ru,g thobo,
o D ,.,1<1101l'd b> 11> Tio, drau, o, _ , . ,·ull•II"
ki('IUfd \'a-.llndW pGJlh\c~ Otsmorti•*live•
Uw, S. In Fig U v.,. • v 00 • Jutn ,upply D
Gatt ICI
,,.1,a, h•,..-d) d<JFCd tp'l
On both ,ld,,o o1
_ __,,.,
othtr pro«durt ilvaHabh.• for crf'iltinA ,,.,.
lun<;t,on• 11- lmpuniy "'II'""' .,.
cu,uM.dtd and the axnmon "'11\d\11 K tcm,C!d .u
g.11,- (Gl. Bd~•tffl.. thC' gata:. and .o\Utt a ,·oltA~ •-FCf
• -FIT
Ve,;" appl-,d on tl,edlrtdlon 10 n'V<N4'N> Ill<
r-~ JU.ncUan. Tik l':WTTfflt,; thr b,ar,1t C
dmotodby 10
(Junod !Cl
The ~·t)l'< m..:.,n.d botv...,... ll1t two~•,. <tJ!kW It call,s! ch.uYwl Th< --.,rlly mrri<n mo.,
m,m IIOllttt lo clrrun ltu,,,igh tht CNNld
Thecir,;Ull 1ymbot.ol1und pdYnttlfET •r, >hown on hg,-U (,1) ""'1 tb). 111e,·s,mc.,J U,,..,
tht" •)'n'lhol may be t.hough1 "" ch.lnrwl 1.rld ~1fff and dr.&ln arr aJMt'('t('d kt this Luic• n1t -.,u
,'IJ drm11 IM'ffff1'51.b ,,, Jnt~ti$'f'JHci 11. C'ittk-t ~-nd can t'IC! WtiCd l'I\ tOUrtt a, drain.


In• "10M<I Ff.T tlw m.un """"'' , cam.,.,....J ot rl"11m5 ao llw)· on: 11w nu,jooi1y ,an;.,. i:I
11-typ,, Ji,• 1")•' p,ovM!,,, • path lo tl m.tlJ\<Um:111 TI,. .,.in cumr,t &o<urutoU.d by •pply,na
• - bias 10 both tlw,,.,. JUndiON
Whmdr.iln • ma<k-poodh-•lw• .... .-,dniog«h.mnrl) w,rJ.>d(Jn:r.lL< fOUm: ls 1-,ud
bu<od~ th< m,jor,11yca....,. mth,bar(-..01 ,1an 1lowlnil /roauouror to th< drain Pis-4 SI.II
ThJ.t flow ol tt«trons mau,taui dw dal.r\ c:uren.r le,,
Wbm tho Jiln<don b,twl'ffl th• ~at,, "1d ""urtta> """"' bl....i. th, width ol dq,loaon r,gi""
,nc....,....on ho<hsid..ot tho choMd IUld mh- lb< wldlh 011h<dwlnd Fig.◄.5 (b) O,,d'f'ls.'tk,o
1qc1<Ncm1.1lnow1 lmmObll. .h."11"'"'1 noodwamm"' lhc•l<ttron, IO pao through h.t••
th< clwultl of ...tum! width H<nc,, th, dr.ail\ =•
do,m•,..._ ln fig. -l.5!b) wo /ind thr
d'innrl is n.trrowf't .,, ~ dnin t'nd btull)C! lh1:• olfflDUr'II ol tt\'~ bi,:,.~ not 'ill'nr ttwughnut the
lrl'l!th 01,.... Junctitwt duo., po,,,.,Wdmp • .,,,. lt>l"'J¢1 hmcr thoi;,lt ,1,,,....,.,.1,1,,.i.,i..,....
•nd t~e duln t'l1d b man, tl\oU, th.ti r,,n.,.... th, ,.ow ,od end '°"""
(11 °'"""'1 lk= ~ I« t - ,,,,...,
f r,,-..11 ,.i-a1 v ,.. lho trtJ,r11tc.!.lrd iti.mri . i - ,rp,n In dllt 1,p,r, lho ..t... """
••u,;I,- n,, 1n<sUN1/,.,md,.,,. ..,_,..,llw• vf.; ,1t,.,..J IQ •I-•~.-....,,.
V0; In.., .i,,,.w IIMa,,,,.,.,.. n,. DYi,. 11111w -fol .. • ¥ON"l'r .,,ublo, ,..i..,, V'llt"
- q ~ ..-=,o,VVIII
IMI s.t,,,.- •rp;,, •• ,-di i/1 "P""
o,.,. • ffrlDI 1<nr wt.,, y It ,._i,.,117 ,qu.,1 IO V,- lllr flt><h ull •oli.r; [ V,..(,,1/ J),
■<>lltd dir ..,..-., o, ,-Jwffff1P'A n,. r,ndic« fflP"" fGr hlg, ~ ..ii.;
; C:JO and an bo-.! 1<x • cr"f'l-hl-!;wol-" ,mplilln
C.,j 8tcdb:,s ,.,...
'11w rrp,n wtwn the duln <IUrffll ,..., - ,n10ll7 wllh • ,Ugh! Ina,.., o1 11w
- ,,_. ~ ioa!ltd b,u, ~ •IP"'
l6! ,_ _ lu,. llYt VQ • U'I (IN p1r 1o-1 to fw-,t,I 11w r lunttJon 1t 1><A
rnl'n< - . I Y.,,_,. Vu.• 0, bdvnnd It ..,,,..iy,,p,, l!r d""' """""' lu • 0, . . _ !1w
...., - ,loo""' ..... . . , . _ _ , _ lr$cr ""1hr ..,,,.,,-- rv,... .,..,,.....i
du,n - ... .,.,..,.al,,o
In • ...,,,.....,_""""" - .....,,,. ..,.,,._ """'"
_,,, .od • -,_• dnd:'l't .,11-1 ,t,;u..-,,,,_ .. .,_,,111lii,47 'Tloor,p,n liodwt.,,
ti r- Aloi Ow n,rr, It c,dlod ,J:,,,ir ,,p,, - Cw tu ona.,.,, """'-' , _
Wf&Vch<,p lo .S... 10 l!br llaw ol a,md Ii, ~ wbt/1 dn,p ,JGrc W lmr,•h al th, <l-1

'"..,.. t.a,,, l!br ~ , . , . _ 5loa lt,r '"""'tut ■ r:itn al tbr dt- l'!>d tlwn•I ti-.- ""1:.
..., al tt, ,t,_.1, ... • , . . oun ~o• , I"...!, d..-1 oum •-•rid::'• ""'"""lniP
IDU• Ill 11w ,!wn ffli Tl>r ,,_.,s - I -dly""""",, r1.1 .,....,,do,,dj Jl,r a,mr,t ~l M
..,,... ...-,wi!!io..-anrv... 1,.,,,,., .. _...,,, ..IIPllon•ak,,
UIMIJlorlk■ J0..drJMr 1QtZ::C- tdl,p 'V~ t0dlltlt"""" tlW'tffrTM'b'ft2~.dowJI
oci:,<111w,....~lhm•iav-lo..-,._..1romd1.mi,,,...,,,whldl....,. t,,
~-.....iop,,-... ■aadr,.,,.w.a, --1uo1"9!h'"f"'<l"'-'"'"'vCl'.-1v,
_ _ _ ..,..Vu ._.,-,,,..,aMl"- mo"l""t,md,Mw"- rJ,,cvn,_lt
rJI -,.u d,opP bul la .t:bd "°""'
Mid 11,r prd, di"""' ID, o,lln ,.,._ tA IVc,: 1hr
..,_.,....,,,,__ ,,.,_ltbt...:-.W-l!•tudw111C•~---

-- for-. . , :~ .,..,,.. W..atbY,,, 11anoood ~ tt. .... ,Ju,,n<f:,, 111Vr;,vt'

◄ '.,,,,,C.,,'71t,_d".v,_'lhit•k<,,_.,...,,,~,,t1.,f'4!J=namlod..
. , it, t . \ d ,rll,d, ti laodl d-6 ~ ..Ju,;, Ya,..J 11w .,.,,.. 1iiM c,I ,t,, ,!Ilk
C-,.,lon n,, JfF.T ""' t,,u,, • • - .. ~ •tJ:nl), , _ . . . , , _ "'""'
,,_,, ;u1 W•~larlr:Nliy .. ,,_,~_,,rt,.,downtrt)t111
A,;a k-,,i. t,p., 1 ,,,,._ r~1 fY,J,
,,,. .,._, , .., -~ 1,, 1,;,r " ' ~ Hbp v, "" .., ,.,,,..,,,,.. 1rr 1a ,,,..., .,
k1vt t I • dtti ll,.. ,-•1 VG6 P'""
I D• .t,« ,,J~ lr Jro,n nanm l
~• J-ll,....,1'1.llff \'\l!l. -l'
\·a,; • ~ C,O<>lf>....... ..


1 s1nn-•£J l• • lana•,., \k\"11'-"" 11 • 'H".,.,..nti'

UIC\i Wt 1hr runc nol r.-Lo and tV Mfl\,trit
ii \fl}' high anpUI smrrd.ann· .1nd hfflc'c
._ 1n • n,.IIO'W."t·,...... dt1W11 no C\IJlt'fi, Ii tu,,
- . - ~...h .,., r<f'l'WIY ca!!,d n:r "'"" '
..u..blo fur bo1n1; u,a1 1n tlr.tronl< . . nJ u'f"Gf ~•u •.t0 ilan .11: 1 ate .,~
1, "i1Dl,· reT .,,.,1.a.1i.. W..hinf111,1npJ•nR"a lowo
....u.. lll'f'Mi<r In inltJCr.,._i kn> "' lhn·. .., u'<d In~
~ b It '1mf>I<, 10 i,bri a,,. JnJ om- f"" bo 'I'""'
KAl&!o Wltp ,UKln Md n-in1rutrr f f l ( ' I I
bif 1i d a, .,.,.._... 1., Nf a;,..t...,tlon In.-. hkh Nr-11
.)r tt.11\',~liw m11 h;- utiru
~ 1, , -

i■,■ PARAMETERS c,,i ii.] l'•of• fnac

fl p, o#FFI' f n' ~1 nac wn .ut Thrm .ai:n rar•f flfte'
(I} At Jr.11n n"I , 4 l•)T ran, con di~ t,.
,..1 Am1.W1011... l>do r /1.
hJ AC cl,au. rt!h1 UMt' t,J.
,{1Wilff lNfl). T IU ~ " " " " '
llll~ l\ffl1 I\ lht Nt1t1
,.(' If J111Ml'IIIU ,l•,IUI n:i,i,I 11,tt,,Jf dll l1J\'Tlf
,l,_ i,,1 ut' lh.>1 b
'-.JI Of/. ,,., .,..,J lcbi; r•,l, ./•"" '10l lll.t ,1., _,,_

., .1•~r,.l 0 ..-
on lohN1 b ,'On('l"lt\rdl II \,~• ti\ 1nJ Jru
Thb II u. uall> n·,hu tt,J (• tar 1:1 Ow:- "J'IC'l.:1!1c.1\i
d,ar .._- u.,.- n. lhlt IN) l'tdillir\111
•olui;<-vwnd IOIO I<\' 11,c. ...,o/ u-.,ll urc,u o/ 11,t ~ n..,..'Ut o/J nln -ltv ff)'
io.l, 1gr, J'fl. -•lly .h11 ,,1n i,,,.. .,ldf 1-,u
Lo,p tqt,1 C hum 10 IJl iu huod rnlt •~ ""Ii·' .,tun,.
.c:tM<t ,_,_
Oil TnnM ond• rf•.nt t ta..J for •ulll. U CWN
jt" hM, 1hr dr-.1, (Wff llt ll irwa und t, tr~u c:u: ncw
Thar «iotn ~ 1h.n Uw ~k uliiUl O\Yt'
-c., JI u, br Jcltn t,l .t, ,OU. ~, IHl'U lff71
-IM.T., ..
n,, , _ . , . , ,..,,.m,,,~1 --~r M"t f 'P'"' "'S,...,.,. • ,., ,.,,, o! - du"l
l.lo'c.,l.d _
t "···
, , _ , . , roh'S' Tiu! It
MM ll 1.llpl. IO Utt ..wll m1n,v

,. ·,~-r-~:l..- \' 11,ut In hUll rr I

Thi, " •ho -1~ ...... .!rd in 11,r "'?" ' · - \ ' a , • 0 &nd \'o, • 15 '/'
dl"nl.'_.'°'~ 11lmo,..1 hnur h· woh .in tncm w: 1n V,,,;)
UUI uort lliaU •• fxt. , t,11
h • "fmnl ., lltt ,_,,,, ,f - d. , "1 mlq t I.l I i,s/ "' I~ ...a,_.,.. ,-, .<ara
• 112it~1;::?'~ • 0~ • IO-'fl '-.
r lh.,t
rolt.J.\·rUVcsJ ,1 t1Jt1•f,,11f Jr-,1111om•1
In) I.· [.:~pa.•.l.-
(m,., .,. ■ ,, • l()'l .. ll, • U>'• 1lJ Au
r$ll(f,tCI llWdillOt,

• ,. o o I • • •

_.lJ lc:t-:-.,.::..8..

lc,N_. • 11
-lO - TS
u • ..
,., Vttl() Ir
t11-<.1'. pnc,xolam,t.,- b 0 1n<luffldMil>l ~ ,..SU
nu-~ ml p<t,.um,J MOSl'lrr ue lurdic:r ol two l)t-
(1) Tht Enh.\otttnenl MOSFET
fill ll1't D,,pll'~on MOS~cl'
Follo\ving are the main points of difference beh\•een field effect transistor and bipolar transistor.
FIT ~T 7
1. Its operation depends upon the flo.v of 1. Its operation depends upon the flow of -
majority onJy. both the majority and minority earners.
2. High input resistance. 2. Lo~ input resistance as compared toFET.
3. BasicaJJy voltage control device. 3. Bas1caJly current controlled device.
4. Less noisy. 4. More noisy.
5. The carriers move through the channel by 5. Carriers move through the base by the
the drift p~ocess. process of diffusion.
6. Thermally more stable. 6. Thermally Jess stable.
Exampl e 4.6. A co111nzon sour,ce FET amplifier has a load resistance R 1 = 500 Kn is the a.c. drain
resistance ( = r4) and am1,lificai1011 fnclor ( = µ) of the FET are 100 k.Q and 24 respectively. Calcu1JZtl 1M
voltage gain of the an,pli.fier. (P.U. 2001}
S o lution . Given, RL = 500 k:fl, rd= 100 k!l, µ = 24, Av=?
, _ µR 1 _ 20x500xl0 3 12000
Weha~e IAv f - r4+RL - 100x]03 +500x10 3 = 600 = 20 Ans.
·~ '
t11ni..o ,, •UOSFtT
A - - 1 "P" o1 \IO,ITT c.m t,, mad, 11, ., lht 'bl...- .-'MT cl "4 UD • ~ II
dillw,J t.t,....,. L._, IOWft and tht drAIII. wt:I, ,i,,. """''IT' ol Ullf""IJ .. l&ll'd for tlw ~
a.I - dUlmlm. \\ilh t!,n dn-n, c t ~ dra;n ammt le.,,., Oo,., lo<,.,., p ~
_,.,.,. "c. •II. u t:.r ;:a» •all.Ip- .. .,,.J, pa,,oli\<.rqotr.•~ lit lndsx>d ln111t
<Nnnrl ~ U,, 5'l: ol ti..- p!r ai-,t In Fiji I~~ tlw <Utfflll In & m b~.. _,
_ , , . omen ho!,. k>r • p-t)'f'< """""11, tho - , J ""S'h•< du,:., :NU lllr d>alrlli ....
m>d"'1r<·~• ...i t/lo--Jropo .. \'"".lt..- r-i,,e T h t ~ o f c:hq,,
.. lbcdwmcl ....,.,. ... fflffl!'Y~ol ffl.llCll\1l"wttn. .!,id, ...-.....,,., lo<"""""""~
· · · - \OifFr XOit In R;. l.!! Iha~1,,,c,.,,. ol tht ,.ius,, d"'f' du,., lht d D U \ ~ ...
<h.m.-wlll'glal\-lht.ii:&ona - ~ -tlw rcgiannoartht-. Thi. pba ........,
is-.,.,... IDUul ol ~""<Ufflng U'I • JfF[ •l ,ht Jrun...J ol dllech.amcl. A>• """"of
b.:~ lht1'11L! ............ ~ g j th.Jrrlmm"""'• ~ll.'6ni ...i I),, !TIT ... qwt,-.i.,


-- I

f"-s.-L:::.p()Wtn.!~M0SRT11clllh.qj! efll•,.._.•,-,-.
A MOSFET ol tl..-d~I)'!" fU"' J..a,kd .,., .i,ot,,aprr:,l<d aun.mNnmnCI\I mode.
II is only.,.._. 10 •pph• l nt'g>b\-. pl\' wol~ to that pallb"' di.a,,......,
tllduttd uilO tho f"hobXol •f wt'II~ '«Outt ~t.-i( t:1,., ~m"' 1\-..-h
l'')l"'d,.w,cl, In du.-. tho<onduan"II\ ol lll<ch.wwl~ u"1 hC\IITCftl ri>oON>\·t ns11tll\tt d""""" •llh .., - "'i.,;.'n on_,- wt,m

0t, \'Oll-,~T< d\u""""'to UI du, ,i..,.., :m,,<d ,n Rg. U.3 lot .nd lht tnndt, . -....1 11- dn _ _ ., • thin ""i;IN>)•uJ ..

on.d n<pbu ""'J"''ll\-dy ,houJJ t,, not..!. The JIW\U--

au>ra-g,,cnanfis. 413. (1,.)Thtdoplc "'"'WmNn<ffll<I\I "'P"'............i.,. eovc::,ll''"'"'T
~ it,,
a.!ojfn,ll.rtc. \'a, ol1 &I "hid, Ip 1> l'l'du<cd _,,.,... l!'«llitd ~lnaluc, •• •
,.,,_rtt poh~•,i,llin, lthn ol mnrour,J - - ~
~lo&, c1>mn1trci1H)· .l\·,ul.1blt photlX.'anJiacta,~ C'tll,, UT
Nt1Uf1cturcd frocn cadmh,un ,utrhldt ((JS). -. lud\ l•
\'~ Th.u pie- \'Olll&t,· ccwtdf'Oi°dt il" thl." rn1cb-oif \'Ohl&" \"r of .l rFfT ,n~u,-, 10 l,st,tIn,...,,
l,,~i< 'J'ffll""' Othtr ...1cn1t. ""t
Thr ~ - i> •Pfli<.1l>lo an l"""'f'lo Abo ., tlw ~ M05FET, "'-'< JUdt • '"" i,,,.-,mon1, U>od " ' ~ . J...m•cdl, incluJ< Ira.I
dc\i«' 1hr "i;n. ol .U cumnb .w! ,-al\J,..,. "'lht ,...i,.,..rt>f'Cfl' clw><ttruuc» « Fli; Cl '""" I'< .ulf'haJdl'b:,"). lt...S "inu<l< (n,St -"'I 1ood ldlwld, illlfr~
m-.-d. ~ ~ - - ~ t 1nlr.-l ~gh~ natl,,- ,is,l,I,, 'Fl',,..,,
CdS phol"""iJu,:u,-, ml, tCdS «lhl ._.,, ""'" -

Ol(..,.c:~.- • - • f.tam•t

.... light Jtr<,, ......... (I.DR). 1lwy ,..,_.. ",mill
the.,• ., ~-oil lf'ffl'III f.1"11"., tht hum.,n l'J• .nJ ,,. ' - - - - - -- - - '
....,..... ""'l"'~
, .. u • ~ · ...

The dn:,,it J)1Phol •.n4 comtnKti.on of photucwnllvni,,.. Otil

ll&hl ....,..,. •1'""11>~ If\ dw lonn ol • '"'1.< •tnr. ,ip.,;;i:nl - - • Jw ,l\,lf'<'J

15 • J_-• •
t..... \\ Ith pN>Urtn-r <ido for ,><IJl\l pNO«- •JI-or rb,n< """' "") I'< mdu.W ~""'
-,d,ot lbt' >ll1p ,U\' bn,ughl OUI .,.,,,_~I""....,•. lhr ...... ffii l.11>
Vcilt/'J .....
-3 t"hococondu<ti,t ttll dmalt
Th, dmul di.tjtr.un kW dw • rt,o,,-...-l"'-11\' cell u .h .,_.., 0\ fig 4l5

n. usu., Ihri.!.-..d•••o....,--.d a, .._..,.._~LWYa,,• 1C\-1b•~~n .. hdL-..,..,

.-sano-ltl.&-.. za,...,.~ ...-

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