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Lecture Notes



Prepared by:
Dr. Noor ul Hassan Zardari
Mob. 03480381039

Department of Civil Engineering

Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering,
Science and Technology, QUEST, Campus
Course Content
Reservoir Planning and Management

Types of reservoirs, Flood control reservoir Multi

purpose reservoir; Capacity of reservoirs, Storage zones
of reservoirs, Reservoir yield, Estimation of demands
and optimal reservoir operation, Flood routing or flood
absorption, Reservoir sedimentation, Silt control in
reservoir, selection of suitable site for reservoir;
Economics of combined project, Cost-benefit
consideration and general principle of optimizing capital


A reservoir is a large, artificial lake created by

constructing a dam across a river (Fig. 1). Broadly
speaking, any water pool or a lake may be termed
a reservoir. However, the term reservoir in water
resources engineering is used in a restricted sense
for a comparatively large body of water stored on
the upstream of a dam constructed for this
purpose. Thus a dam and a reservoir exist
together. The discharge in a river generally varies
considerably during different periods of a year.

Figure 1

An artificial impoundment
formed after a dam

• Purposes
– Conserve water
– Control floods
– Regulate stream flow
– Irrigation
– Water supply
– Hydroelectric power
– Recreation
Types of Reservoir

Purposes of Reservoir

If a reservoir serves only one purpose, it is called a single-

purpose reservoir. On the other hand, if it serves more than
one purpose, it is termed a multi-purpose reservoir.
Depending upon the purpose served, the reservoirs may be
broadly classified into five types:

1. Storage (or conservation) reservoirs

2. Flood control reservoirs
3. Multipurpose reservoirs
4. Distribution reservoirs
5. Balancing reservoirs
6. Auxiliary reservoirs
Types of Reservoir

1. Storage reservoirs

Storage reservoirs are also called conservation reservoirs

because they are used to conserve water. Storage
reservoirs are constructed to store the water in the rainy
season and to release it later when the river flow is low
store reservoirs are usually constructed for irrigation, the
municipal water supply and hydropower. Although the
storage reservoirs are constructed for storing water for
various purposes, incidentally they also help in moderating
the floods and reducing the flood damage to some extent on
the downstream. However, they are not designed as flood
control reservoirs.
Types of Reservoir
2. Flood control reservoirs

A flood control reservoir is constructed for the purpose of flood control. It

protects the areas lying on its downstream side from the damages due to
flood. However, absolute protection from extreme floods is not economically
feasible. A flood control reservoir reduces the flood damage, and it is also
known as the flood-mitigation reservoir. Sometimes, it is called flood
protection reservoir. In a flood control reservoir, the floodwater is
discharged downstream till the outflow reaches the safe capacity of the
channel downstream. When the discharge exceeds the safe capacity, the
excess water is stored in the reservoir. The stored water is subsequently
released when the inflow to reservoir decreases. Care is, however, taken
that the discharge in the channel downstream, including local inflow, does
not exceed its safe capacity. A flood control reservoir is designed to
moderate the flood and not to conserve water. However, incidentally some
storage is also done during the period of floods. Flood control reservoirs
have relatively large sluice-way capacity to permit rapid drawdown before
or after the occurrence of a flood.
Types of Reservoir

3. Multipurpose Reservoirs

A multipurpose reservoir is designed and constructed

to serve two or more purposes. Most of the reservoirs
are designed as multipurpose reservoirs to store
water for irrigation and hydropower, and also to effect
flood control.
Types of Reservoir
4. Distribution Reservoir

A distribution reservoir is a small storage reservoir to tide over the peak

demand of water for municipal water supply or irrigation. The distribution
reservoir is helpful in permitting the pumps to work at a uniform rate. It
stores water during the period of lean demand and supplies the same
during the period of high demand. As the storage is limited, it merely
helps in distribution of water as per demand for a day or so and not for
storing it for a long period. Water is pumped from a water source at a
uniform rate throughout the day for 24 hours but the demand varies from
time to time. During the period when the demand of water is less than the
pumping rate, the water is stored in the distribution reservoir. On the other
hand, when the demand of water is more than the pumping rate, the
distribution reservoir is used for supplying water at rates greater than the
pumping rate.

Distribution reservoirs are rarely used for the supply of water for irrigation.
These are mainly used for municipal water supply.
Types of Reservoir

5. Balancing reservoir

– Usually of limited capacity

– Located d/s of a main reservoir
• To store water let down from the reservoir in excess of
that required for irrigation/power generation
• To provide flexibility of operation to the distribution
• at certain locations primarily for permitting regulated
supply to power penstocks with a view to cater for the
fluctuations of water supply to turbines
Types of Reservoir

6. Auxiliary Reservoir

– Also termed as compensatory reservoir

– Reservoir which supplements the storage of main

Investigation or studies needed before formation of a reservoir

 Site selection
 Site investigation
 Topographical surveys
 Geological investigations
 Foundation investigation
 Meteorological investigation
 Hydrological investigation
 Sediment studies
 Construction Material Investigation
 Communication
 Environmental Considerations (EIA studies)
 Sociological investigation
 Economic investigation
 Political Investigation
 Legal Investigation
Site Selection for Reservoirs

• Based on various topographical, geological and economical factors

– Narrow valley opening
• Short length dam
• Overall project cost low
– River valley should widen above the dam site
• To store more water/unit height
• Adequate capacity

– Good runoff from the catchment area

• minimum percolation losses
• Free from excessive silt load
– Soil in the catchment area does not contain harmful soluble salts
and minerals
– Nearest to command area
• To ensure minimum length of canal system
• Hence minimum water conveyance losses
Site Selection for Reservoirs

– Preferably deep
• Less evaporation loss
• Less land cost/unit capacity
• Less prone to weed growth

– Should not be much vegetated and marshy lands

• Water quality impaired

– As far as possible site should be away from the

• To prevent the sediment inflow

– Should have impervious rock formation

• To minimize leakage from the reservoir bed
Site Selection for Reservoirs

– Reservoir banks and adjoining hilly abutment should

be stable
• To prevent the occurrence of hill slides/soil material
movement in to the reservoir

– Acquired land to be submerged in the reservoir should

not be very valuable
• Less compensation costs

– Easily accessible through roads and railways

– Residential quarters for field workers accommodation

– Cost incurred should not be excessive

Site Investigations

• To ensure preparation of sound and economical

projects, it is necessary to have thorough and systematic

• It includes

– The study of various alternatives regarding the layout of the

scheme as a whole
– Details of alternative considered for the type and location of
various features of the project
– The final alternative selected shall be fully justified with regards
to the intended purpose
Site Investigations

• Topographical Survey
– To prepare the topographic map of the reservoir site

– This may involve various types of engineering surveys

• Plane table surveys
• Traverse survey
• Areal survey
• Photographic survey

– Prepare a contour map of site

– Determination of waterspread area enclosed between

successive contours
Site Investigations

• Area-Elevation Curve/Reservoir Area Curve

– A plot of water spread area vs. reservoir elevations

– Integrate the Area-Elevation curve to obtain the

Storage-Elevation/Reservoir Capacity Curve

– Increment of capacity between two elevations is

usually computed by Trapezoidal formula
Site Investigations

• Geological Investigation

– Geological and structural features

• Folds
• Faults
• Fissures
• Their nature and extent
– Water tightness of the reservoir basin
– Presence or otherwise of solution channels, sink
holes, etc.
– Existing and potential slide areas
– Assessment of valuable mineral deposits in the
– Groundwater condition
– Seismic conditions of the region
Site Investigations
• Foundation investigation

– To determine properties of foundation soil, hidden weak

spots and shear zones, depth of overburden

– Location and thickness of weathered, altered or

otherwise soften zones and their characteristics

– Structural weakness and discontinuities shall be

investigated besides contours of bed rock strata

– Comprises of:
• Exploratory bore holes
• Excavation of open pits and trenches
• Drafting or tunneling into the side of the valley
• Core drilling
Site Investigations

• Meteorological Studies
– On watershed plan shall be shown
• Prominent orographic features
• Normal annual isohyets
• Location of rain-gauges stations in and around
• Gauge and discharge sites
• Inter-state boundaries
– Assessment of weighted rainfall in the catchment
– Collection and evaluation of data and frequencies of
heavy rainfall in the catchment and its neighborhood
– Determination of standard project storm or maximum
probable storm rainfall depth
– Mean monthly maximum, minimum temperature, average
wind speed, relative humidity percentage and percentage
cloud cover
Site Investigations

• Hydrological Investigations

– Essential for planning a storage project with respect to

the availability of supplies
• For the determination of
– Size of reservoir
– Height of dam
– Irrigation and power potential
– It includes
– Gauge and discharge observation data extending for at
least five years, preferably of 35 years at project site
– Hourly gauges and discharge during floods
– Determination of observed river hydrograph
– Rainfall-runoff correlation
Basic Terms and Definitions

A large number of terms are commonly used for reservoir

planning. These terms are defined below. It may be noted that
various terms are sometimes used to indicate the same

1. Full reservoir level (FRL)

The full reservoir level (FRL) is the highest water level to which
the water surface will rise during normal operating conditions.
The effective storage of the reservoir is computed up to the full
reservoir level. The FRI is the highest level at which water is
intended to be held for various uses without any passage of
water through the spil1way. In case of dams without spillway
gates, the FRL is equal to the crest level of the spillway [Fig
2(a)]. However, if the spillway is gated, the FRL is equal to the
level of the top of the gates [ Fig. 2(b)].
Basic Terms and Definitions
The full reservoir level is also
called the full tank level (FTL)
or the normal pool level (NPL).

Normal conservation level (NCL)

It is the highest level of the
reservoir at which water is
intended to be stored for various
uses other than flood.

The normal conservation level is

different from the FRL as the
latter may include a part of the
flood. However, if there is no
storage for flood up to FRL, the
normal conservation level and
the FRL become identical.
Fig. 2 (a&b)
Basic Terms and Definitions

2. Maximum water level (MWL)

The maximum water level is the maximum level to which the water surface will rise
when the design flood passes over the spillway. The maximum water level is
higher than the full reservoir level so that some surcharge storage is available
between the two levels to absorb flood.

The maximum water level is also called the maximum pool level (MPL) or
maximum flood level (MFL).

3. Minimum pool level

The minimum pool level is the lowest level up to which the water is withdrawn from
the reservoir under ordinary conditions. The minimum pool level generally
corresponds to the elevation of the lowest outlet (or sluiceway) of the dam.
However, in the case of a reservoir for hydroelectric power, the minimum pool level
is fixed after considering the minimum working head required for the efficient
working of turbines. The storage below the minimum pool level is not useful and is
called the dead storage.
Basic Terms and Definitions
4. Useful storage

The volume of water stored between the full reservoir level

(FRL) and the minimum pool level is called the useful
storage. The useful storage is available for various
purposes of the reservoir. In most of the reservoirs, the
useful storage is the conservation storage of the reservoir.
However, in the case of multipurpose reservoirs in which the
flood control is also a designed function, the useful storage
is subdivided into (a) the conservation storage for other
purposes and (b) the flood control storage for the flood
control, in accordance with the adopted plan of operation of
the reservoir.

The useful storage is also known as the live storage.

Basic Terms and Definitions

5. Surcharge storage

The surcharge storage is the volume of water stored above

the full reservoir level up to the maximum water level. The
surcharge storage is an uncontrolled storage which exists
only when the river is in flood and the flood water is passing
over the spillway. This storage is available only for the
absorption of flood and it cannot be used for other

6. Dead storage

The volume of water held below the minimum pool level is

called the dead storage. The dead storage is not useful , as
it cannot be used for any purpose under ordinary operating
Basic Terms and Definitions

7. Bank storage

If the banks of the reservoir are porous, some

water is temporarily stored by them when the
reservoir is full. The stored water in banks later
drains into the reservoir when the water level in the
reservoir falls. Thus the banks of the reservoir act
like mini reservoirs. The bank storage increases
the effective capacity of the reservoir above that
indicated by the elevation -storage curve. However,
in most of the reservoirs, the bank storage is small
because the banks are usually impervious.
Basic Terms and Definitions
8. Valley storage

The volume of water held by the natural river channel in its valley up to
the top of its banks before the construction of a reservoir is called the
valley storage. The valley storage depends upon the cross section of the
river, the length of the river and its water level.

The net increase in the storage capacity after the construction of a

reservoir is equal to the total capacity of the reservoir up to FRL minus
the valley storage. However, this distinction between the net storage
capacity and the total storage capacity is not of much significance in a
conservation or storage reservoir where the main concern is the total
water available for different purposes. But in the case of a flood control
reservoir, the difference between the net storage capacity and the total
storage capacity is quite important because the effective storage for flood
control is reduced due to the valley storage. The effective storage is
equal to the sum of the useful storage and the surcharge storage minus
the valley storage in the case of a flood control reservoir.
Basic Terms and Definitions

9. Yield from a reservoir

Yield is the volume of water which can be withdrawn

from a reservoir in a specified period of time. The
time period for the estimation of yield is selected
according to the size of the reservoir. It may be a
day for a small reservoir and a month or a year for a
large reservoir. The yield is usually expressed as
Mha-m/year or Mm3 /year for large reservoirs. The
yield is determined from the storage capacity of the
reservoir and the mass inflow curve.
Basic Terms and Definitions

10. Safe yield (Firm yield)

Safe yield is the maximum quantity of water which can be

supplied from a reservoir in a specified period of time
during a critical dry year. Generally, the lowest recorded
natural flow of the river for a number of years is taken as
the critical dry period for determining the safe yield.
However, there is a possibility that a still drier period may
occur in future and the yield available may be even less
than that determined on the basis of past records. This
factor should be kept in mind while fixing the safe yield.
There is generally a firm commitment by the organization to
the consumers that the safe yield will be available to them.
It is therefore also called the firm yield or the guaranteed
Basic Terms and Definitions

11. Secondary yield

Secondary yield is the quantity of water which is available

during the period of high flow in the rivers when the yield is
more than the safe yield. There is no firm commitment (or
guarantee) to supply the secondary yield. It is supplied on
as and when basis at the lower rates. The hydropower
developed from secondary yield is sold to industries at
cheaper rates. However, the power commitment for
domestic supply should be based on the firm yield.

12. Average yield

The average yield is the arithmetic average of the firm yield

and the secondary yield over a long period of time.
Basic Terms and Definitions

13. Design yield

The design yield is the yield adopted in the design of a

reservoir. The design yield is usually fixed after
considering the urgency of the water needs and the
amount of risk involved. The design yield should be such
that the demands of the consumers are reasonably met
with, and at the same time, the storage required is not
unduly large. Generally, a reservoir for the domestic water
supply is planned on the basis of firm yield. On the other
hand, a reservoir for irrigation may be planned with a
value of design yield equal to 1.2 times the firm yield
because more risk can~ be taken for the irrigation water
supply than for domestic water supply.
Some useful definitions

Storage Zones of a Reservoir

• The various zones of storage in a reservoir

– Flood Storage
– Live Storage
– Dead Storage
– Valley Storage
– Bank Storage

– Each of these storage zones is provided to serve a

specific purpose
Some useful definitions

Flood Storage

• Storage between FRL and MRL

– For temporarily storing part of the flood

– Effective flood storage is the difference between the

amount of water stored in the reservoir during the
period of flood peak reduction and the amount of natural
valley storage during the same period
Some useful definitions

Live Storage

• Storage capacity above dead storage level

• Assures the supply of water for specific period to meet the

actual demand of the project
– Irrigation
– Power generation
– Water supply

• Depends on
– Variation of natural stream flow
– Evaporation losses
Some useful definitions

Dead Storage

• Level below which a reservoir is not depleted

• Space provided for

– Accumulation of sediments
– Minimum drawdown

• Generally 10-25% of the gross storage

Determination of the Required Capacity

The capacity required for a reservoir depends upon

the inflow available and demand. If the available
inflow in the river is always greater than the
demand, there is no storage required. On the other
hand, if the inflow in the river is small but the
demand is high, a large reservoir capacity is
required. The required capacity for a reservoir can
be determined by the following methods:

1. Graphical method, using mass curves.

2. Analytical method
3. Flow-duration curves method
Determination of the Required Capacity

Graphical method

(a) Storage required for uniform demand.

The following procedure is used when the mass demand curve is a

straight line.

1. Prepare a mass inflow curve from the flow hydrograph of the site
for a number of consecutive years including the most critical years
(or the driest years) when the discharge is low. Fig. 6 shows the
mass inflow curve for 4 consecutive years.

2. Prepare the mass demand curve corresponding to the given rate

of demand. If the rate of demand is constant, the mass demand
curve is a straight line, as shown in the inset in diagram in Fig. 6.
The scale of the mass demand curve should be the same as that of
the mass inflow curve.
Determination of the Required Capacity

Fig. 6
Determination of the Required Capacity

Draw the lines AB, FG, etc. such that

(i) They are parallel to the mass demand curve, and

(ii) They are tangential to the crests A, F, etc. of the mass curve.

The points A, F. etc. indicate the beginning of the dry periods marked by
the depressions.

3. Determine the vertical intercepts CD. HJ, etc. between the

tangential lines and the mass inflow curve. These intercepts indicate the
volumes by which the inflow volumes fall short of demand, as explained

Assuming that the reservoir is full at point A, the inflow volume during
the period AE is equal to ordinate DE and the demand is equal to
ordinate CE. Thus the storage required is equal to the volume indicated
by the intercept CD.
Determination of the Required Capacity
4. Determine the largest of the vertical intercepts found in Step (4). The
largest vertical intercept represents the storage capacity required.

The following points should be noted.

(i) The capacity obtained in the net storage capacity which must be
available to meet the demand. The gross capacity of the reservoir will
be more than the net storage capacity. It is obtained by adding the
evaporation and seepage losses to the net storage capacity.

(ii) The tangential lines AB, FG; etc. when extended forward must
intersect the curve. This is necessary for the reservoir to become full
again, If these lines do not intersect the mass curve, the reservoir will
not be filled again. However, very large reservoirs sometimes do not get
refilled every year. In that case, they may become full after 2-3 years.

(iii) The vertical distance such as FL between the successive tangents

represents the volume of water spilled over the spillway of the dam.
Determination of the Required Capacity
(b) Storage required for Non-uniform Demand (Variable demand)
If the demand rate is not uniform, the
mass demand curve is a curve instead of
a straight line as assumed above. The
following procedure is used.

The mass demand curve is superposed

on the mass inflow curve such that it
chronologically coincides with the latter
(Fig 7).In other words, the mass demand
for the period 1950-51. must coincide with
the mass inflow for 1950-51, and so on.

The vertical intercepts are then

determined between the mass demand
curve and the mass inflow curve, where
the demand curve is higher. The required
storage capacity is equal to the maximum
of the vertical intercepts so obtained. Fig. 7
Determination of the Required Capacity

(c) Storage required when the demand is equal to the average discharge of
the river.
If the reservoir is to be
designed such that its yield
is equal to the average
value of the discharge of the
river for the entire period,
the following procedure is

1. Join the end points of the

mass inflow curve by a
straight line A B to
determine the average
discharge of the river over Fig. 8
the entire period of the
curve (Fig. 8).
Determination of the Required Capacity
2. Draw two line A’ B’ and A” B” such that they are parallel to the line AB
and also tangential to the mass curve at the lowest point C and the
highest point D respectively.

3. Determine the vertical intercept between the two tangents. The required
capacity is equal to this vertical intercept.

If the reservoir having this capacity is assumed to have a volume of water

equal to the intercept A ‘A at the beginning of the period (in 1950), then the
reservoir r will be full at D and empty at C.

The following points may be noted.

(i) If the reservoir is empty in the very beginning at A, it would be empty

again at point E, F and K.
(ii) If the reservoir is full in the very beginning at A, it would be full again
at E, F and K. During the period AE, there would be spill of water over the
Example 1- Reservoir storage capacity
Example 1- Reservoir storage capacity

Fig. 10
Analytical Method for Determination of Storage Capacity

As discussed in the preceding section, the mass inflow, the storage

capacity and the yield are interdependent. Because the inflow to a
reservoir is variable and at times less than the demand, the storage
reservoir is required. The storage capacity should be adequate to supply
the water equal to the demand during the critical period. The greater the
demand, the larger will be the storage required. However, for a long
period, the total outflow volume from the reservoir must be equal to the
total inflow volume minus the volume of water lost and wasted during the
period. In other words, the reservoir does not produce water. It is a sort
of water bank in which the total credit and total debit during the period are

The capacity of the reservoir is determined from the net inflow and
demand. The storage is required when the demand exceeds the net
inflow. The total storage required is equal to the sum of the storage
required during the various periods. The following procedure is used for
the determination of. storage capacity.
Analytical Method for Determination of Storage Capacity

1. Collect the stream flow data at the reservoir site during the critical
dry period. Generally, the monthly inflow rates are required.
However, for very large reservoirs, the annual inflow rates may be

2. Ascertain the discharge to be released downstream to satisfy water

rights or to honor the agreement between the states or the cities.

3. Determine the direct precipitation volume falling on the reservoir

during the month.

4. Estimate the evaporation losses which would occur from the

reservoir ‘The pan-evaporation data are normally used for the
estimation of evaporation losses during the month.

5. Ascertain the demand during various months.

Analytical Method for Determination of Storage Capacity

6. Determine the adjusted inflow during different months as follows:

Adjusted inflow = Stream inflow + Precipitation – Evaporation –

Downstream Discharge

7. Compute the storage capacity for each months.

Storage required = Adjusted inflow -Demand

The storage would be required only in those months in which the

demand is greater than the adjusted inflow.

8. Determine the total storage capacity of the reservoir by adding the

storages required found in Step 7.
Example-2 Reservoir storage capacity

The monthly inflow and monthly pan-evaporation during a critical dry

year at the site of a proposed reservoir are given below.

The net increase in pool area is 500 ha and the prior rights require the
release of the full stream flow or 10 ha-m, whichever is less. Assume
that 40% of the precipitation that has fallen on the submerged area
reached the stream earlier and 60% of that directly falls on the
reservoir. Determine the storage capacity. Take pan coefficient as 0.80.
Example-2 Reservoir storage capacity


The solution is given in the tabulator form below.

Example-2 Reservoir storage capacity

Explanation Columns (1) to (6) are the given data

Required capacity = total of column (10) = 1103 ha-m

Flow duration curve

 A cumulative frequency curve that shows the

percentage of time that specified discharges are
equaled or exceeded.

 Simplest and most informative mean of

showing the low flow characteristic of an
unregulated stream

 Is a cumulative frequency distribution

Flow duration curve
Flow duration curve

The y-axis is the flow rate in m3/s, or sometime in liters per second for
smaller rivers. When the flow duration curve is constructed all of the
flow rate data is sorted into descending order, then the highest flow
rates are plotted on the left of the curve, then progressively lower flow
rates to the right until the very lowest flow is plotted at the extreme
left-hand end. The x-axis is the ‘percentage exceedence’. This is
normally the difficult part to understand. For a given percentage
exceedence it shows the flow rate equaled or exceeded for that
percentage of time. For example, if you look at the 50% percentage
exceedence on Figure and read off the flow rate at that point you will
see that it is 1.1 m3/s. This doesn’t mean that the flow rate in the
river is 1.1 m3/s for 50% of the year, it means that the flow rate is 1.1
m3/s or more for 50% of the year. The or more is important because
it is clear from the shape of the curve that apart from the instant that
the line crosses the 50% mark it is always more than 1.1 m3/s.
Flow duration curve

The x-axis is always plotted as a percentage exceedence

from 0 to 100%. This is so that any data set spanning
any interval can be plotted. The data set may span 10
days or more likely several decades of data from a local
river gauging station. Generally speaking flow duration
curves present long-term annual data, so the flow rates
read off them are the annual flow characteristics. The
percentage exceedences are often called ‘Q values’, so
Q95 is the flow rate exceeded for 95% of a year and
Q10 the flow exceeded for 10% of the year. The data set
can also be analyzed using a spreadsheet to work out the
average (arithmetic mean) of all of the flows, and this is
called Qmean. The Qmean is normally somewhere between
Q25 and Q30, and in the case of Figure is Q26.5.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Cumulative % Cumulative
Q(m3/s) Frequency frequency frequency
65-75 83 520 35.59
50-65 105 625 42.78
Flow duration curve

47-50 72 697 47.71

42-47 75 772 52.84
37-42 73 845 57.84
32-37 84 929 63.59
26-32 103 1032 70.64
21-26 152 1184 81.04
16-21 128 1312 89.80
11-16 141 1453 99.45
Below 11 8 1461 100.00

Total days 1461

Flow duration curve- Procedure

a. Group all data into class intervals (Column 1)

b. Count the number of occurrence (frequency) of
each class interval (column 2)
c. Class frequencies are accumulated beginning
with the largest discharge (column 3)
d. Each cumulated frequency is expressed as a
percentage (column 4)
e. Discharge is plotted against cumulated
percentage of frequency on normal graph paper
or normal-probability paper or log-normal-
probability paper
Flow duration curve

Normal-Normal Graph

Q(t) m3 /s

150 .
0 50 100
% time equalled or exceeded
Storage Capacity of Reservoirs
 Whatever may be the use of a reservoir, its most important
function is to store water during floods and to release it later.

 The storage capacity of a reservoir is, therefore, its most

important characteristics.

 The available storage capacity of a reservoir depends upon

the topography of the site and the height of dam.

 To determine the available storage capacity of a reservoir up

to a certain level of water, engineering surveys are usually

 The storage capacity and the water spread area at different

elevations can be determined from the contour map
Storage Capacity of Reservoirs
(a) Area-Elevation Curve: From the contour plan, the water
spread area of the reservoir at any elevation is
determined by measuring the area enclosed by the
corresponding contour. Generally, a planimeter is used for
measuring the area. An elevation-area curve is then
drawn between the surface area as abscissa and the
elevation as ordinate.

(b) Elevation-Capacity Curve: The storage capacity of the

reservoir at any elevation is determined from the water
spread area at various elevations. An elevation-storage
volume is plotted between the storage volume as
abscissa and the elevation as ordinate. Generally, the
volume is calculated in Mm3 or M ha-m. The following
formulae are commonly used to determine the storage
Storage Capacity of Reservoirs
Elevation-area-capacity curve
Storage Capacity of Reservoirs
The following formulae are commonly used to determine the
storage capacity

1. Trapezoidal formula: According to the trapezoidal formula, the

storage volume between two successive contours of areas A1 and A2 is
given by

where h is the contour interval. Therefore the total storage

volume V is

where n is the total number of areas.

Storage Capacity of Reservoirs
2. Cone formula: According to the cone formula, the storage volume
between two successive contours of areas A1 and A2 is given by

3. Prismoidal Formula: According to the prismoidal formula, the storage

volume between three successive contours is given by

The prismoidal formula is applicable only when there are odd numbers
of areas (i.e. n should be an odd number).
In the case of even number of areas, the volume up to the second last area is
determined by the prismoidal formula, and that of the last segment is
determined by the trapezoidal formula.
Available Storage Capacity of a Reservoir

Example 1

A reservoir has the following areas enclosed by contours at

various elevations. Determine the capacity of the reservoir
between elevations of 200.00 to 300.00.

Use (a) trapezoidal formula, (b) prismoidal formula

Available Storage Capacity of a Reservoir
(b) In this case, there are even number of areas. The
prismoidal formula is applied to first 5 areas.

Volume between the last two areas can be calculated as

In this case, the computed volumes from both the methods

are equal. In general, it is not always the case.
Capacity of Water Supply Tank


Determine the required storage of an

elevated reservoir if (a) the pump is
operated 24 hours and (b) the pump is
operated from 6am to 5pm. The water
demand rate for a premise is given in
below table.
Capacity of Water Supply Tank


(a) 24-Hour Pumping

Capacity of Water Supply Tank
Capacity of Water Supply Tank
Capacity of Water Supply Tank

(b) 12-Hour Pumping

Capacity of Water Supply Tank
Reservoir Sedimentation
 Reservoir sedimentation is filling of the reservoir behind a
dam with sediment carried into the reservoir by streams.

 The flow of water from the catchment upstream of a

reservoir is capable of eroding the catchment area and of
depositing material either upstream of the reservoir, or in the
still water of the reservoir.

 The nature of the material in the catchment area and the

slope of the catchment area and the inlet streams are a
factor, as is the nature of the ground cover.

 Heavy rainfall falling on erodible material on a steep

slope with little ground cover resulting from overgrazing or
wildfire is a recipe for substantial sediment transport and
significant reservoir sedimentation.
Reservoir Sedimentation

 The loss of storage is only one deleterious effect of

sedimentation in reservoirs; others are

Increased flood levels upstream of the reservoirs

Retrogression of river bed and water levels downstream of the
The elimination of nutrients carried by the fine sediment
Effect on reservoir water quality

 The reservoir capacity can be preserved by

Minimizing the sediment input into the reservoir
Maximizing the sediment through flow
The recovery of storage

For Preliminary studies, Trap Efficiency Curve is used

(Brune 1953)
Reservoir Sedimentation

Figure. Trap Efficiency Curve (Brune 1953)

The capacity and the volume of the annual inflow must be in the same
unit of measurement.
Factors Affecting Sedimentation
The following factors affect sedimentation

i. Extent of catchment area and the Unable nature of its different zones.
ii. Amount of sediment load in the rivers.
iii. Type of rainfall and snowfall in each zone.
iv. Mean monthly and annual temperature in each zone.
v. Monthly and annual run-off from catchment or sub-catchment.
vi. Slope of each zone of catchment.
vii.Vegetation in each zone of catchment.
viii.Geological formations of each zone and estimated relative weathering and
erosion with due regard to climatic conditions.
ix. Presence of upstream reservoir and extent of trapping of sediment therein.
x. Amount of sediment flushed out through sluices.
xi. Degree of consolidation of the accumulated sediment depending upon the
extent of exposure to air, sun and wind.
xii.Volume of water in the reservoir and its proportion to the mean annual flow
in the river i.e. capacity inflow ratio.
xiii.Operation schedule of the reservoir.
Investigation of important
factors for selection of a
suitable site for reservoir for
domestic water supply


The simplest and oldest way of storing surface water
is in reservoirs and this has been done for
thousands of years. Reservoirs are structures which
are constructed on rivers or natural streams to
conserve water, control floods and regulate stream
flow having variable quantities of water flowing
during the year.

The selection of a suitable site for a reservoir should

be based of topographical and geological conditions,
hydrological features, and availability of construction
material, safety, environmental issues and economic
A Reservoir
Problem Statement

Reservoirs are usually found in areas of water

scarcity or excess. Where water is scarce, for
example, reservoirs are mainly used to conserve
available water for use during those periods in which
it is most needed for irrigation or drinking water
supply. When excess water may be the problem,
then a reservoir can be used for flood control to
prevent downstream areas from being inundated
during periods of upstream rainfall.
Problem Statement
Selecting a suitable site to construct a reservoir is governed by a
number topographical, geological, hydrological, economical,
sociological, meteorological and environmental factor. All the
available data should be analyzed and if necessary, further
information should be gathered so that best decision is taken with
respect to location, size and type of structure and auxiliary facilities.

For the analysis and design of any hydrologic project, adequate

data and length of records are necessary. In order to collect the
suitable data and analyzing it, the availability of data and the
access to database are required. For this study, data such as mean
annual precipitation, mean annual runoff, main geological features,
etc, were will be collected from the website only. Therefore, lack of
related data and closed access database may lead to the limitation
of the data sources.
Problem Statement

 How to select best site for reservoir?

 What category and factors involved in selecting the


 Any availability and accessibility of data from each

department in Malaysia?

“For the analysis and design of any hydrologic project,

adequate data and length of records are necessary.”
(Raghunath, 2006)

 To identify the most important factors which need to

be considered to selecting a suitable reservoir site.

 To develop a priority ranking of as many as possible

available sites for the construction of a reservoir to store
water for domestic purposes

 To evaluate how qualitative and quantitative factors

could be put together in the decision making process for
choosing a very suitable site for the construction of a
Scope of the Study

The scopes of the study are:

1. The study focus on the state of Johor

2. The purpose of this study is to investigate the important

factors for selecting a suitable site for a reservoir

3. This study also includes the ranking method assigns

points based on a number of factors for each river

4. From the rank, the most suitable site to construct a

reservoir is identified

1. The methodologies used in carrying out this study are as

2. Identification of rivers in Johor state

3. Random listing of categories of factors that affect the

location of water reservoir

4. Identification and random listing of factors in each of the


5. Questionnaire administration

6. Using of D-Sight software for the selecting the best site for
a reservoir

 Identification of Rivers in Johor as possible choices.

 Identification and random listing of categories &
factors in within each category.
 Questionnaire Administration:
4 respondents → for giving points (%) each category (4 Nos.).
5 respondents → for selecting the factors (99 Nos.).
 Data base from department involved (websites),
including journals, thesis, newspapers.
 Using of D-Sight software (Decision making
Factors for Site Selection

1. Hydrological Factors

These are the most important category of factors considered

in the water resources project. The central focus of hydrology
is the hydrologic cycle.

Chow, Maidment and Mays (1998) defined a hydrologic

system as a structure or volume in space, surrounded by a
boundary, which accepts water and other inputs, operates on
them internally and produces them as outputs. The global
hydrologic cycle can be represented as a system containing
three subsystems; the atmospheric water system, the surface
water system and the subsurface water system.
Factors for Site Selection
2. Meteorological Factors

For many years, it has been widely accepted that climate

change will have significant implications for management of
water resources. According to many experts, water and its
availability and quality will be the main pressure on, and issues
for, societies and the environment under climate change.

Increased runoff during the monsoon months as a result of a

shift in the run-off patterns over the next century would present a
challenge for flood control management. In stormwater
management, controlling water quantity and stormwater
generated pollution at the source needs to be practiced toward
achieving ecologically sustainable development in urban areas
in Malaysia.
Factors for Site Selection
3. Sociological Factors

Population growth around the world will constrain our ability to

provide safe and adequate water supplies in the future. The earth’s
population is expected to increase by approximately 3 billion
people between year 2000 and 2050, yet the world’s freshwater
supply will remain roughly constant.

In addition, the world’s water consumption will double between

1960 and 2020. The modern sources of drinking water depend
upon the geo-climatic context, but usually consist of abstraction
from aquifers, interception and storage within reservoirs and lakes.
Although, countries such as Norway, Canada and New Zealand
have excellent water resources, as a consequence of rising
demand in many areas of the world, groundwater is being
consumed at a much greater rate than it can be replenished.
Factors for Site Selection
4. Geological Factors

Until recently, it was thought that only small earthquakes

could be associated with artificial lakes. These earthquakes
were explained as due to the sagging of the reservoir
basement caused by the load of the water and consequent
crustal adjustments. Until the early sixties, although an
increase in seismicity was noticed at a number of artificial
lakes (reservoirs) it did not cause much anxiety in the
absence of any damaging earthquakes. Investigations of the
characteristics features of reservoir-associated earthquake
sequences are useful in understanding the part played by
reservoirs in causing these earthquakes.
Initial list: Categories & Factors
1. Rainfall intensity 1. Characteristics of the soil 1. Population 1. Temperature
2. Surface Runoff 2. Rock types 2. Population Density 2. Humidity
3. Sub-surface Runoff 3. Ground water features 3. Educational Level 3. Wind Strength
4. Infiltration 4. Geological and structural factors (folds, faults 4. Working Days 4. Wind Direction
5. Evapotranspiration and etc) 5. Festive Season 5. Cloudiness
6. Sedimentation 5. Source of materials (cement etc) 6. Gender 6. Precipitation
7. Erosion 6. Communication (roads ,etc) 7. Living Standard 7. Monsoon
8. Flooding 7. Chemical properties in the site 8. Career Type 8. Thunderstorm
9. Sub-surface drainage 8. Water tightness of the reservoir basin 9. Health 9. Cyclones / Hurricanes / Typhoon / Low
10. Precipitation 9. Valuable mineral deposits 10. Time Pressure
11. Discharge rate 10. Slope of the site 11. Race 10. Air Pollution
12. Soil Moisture 11. Climate (temperature) 12. Weather 11. Snowfall
13. Evaporation 12. Area between reservoir and demand area 13. Age 12. Weather
14. Precipitation 13. Volcano or earthquake features (if there is any 14. Water Quality 13. Haze
15. Wind Effect eruption) 15. Cost 14. Fog
16. Atmospheric Water 14. Environmental features (forest, etc) 16. Water Pressure 15. Mist
17. Groundwater exploitation 15. Presence of solution channels 17. Sector Type 16. Season
18. Watershed Situation 16. Existing and potential slide areas (Commercial/Domestic/Industial/Agriculture/Pub 17. Atmospheric Pressure
19. Rainfall frequency 17. Seismic conditions of the region lic) 18. Flood
20. River and Stream flow 18. Area Type (Urban/Semi Urban/Rural) 19. Weather Front
21. Drought 19. Toilet Pump 20. Squall Line
22. River Discharge 20. Fire Hydrant 21. Hail
23. Flow Regime 22. Tornado
24. Water quality 23. Sunlight
25. Water Pollution 24. Sea / Land Breeze
25. Warm Fronts
26. Front
27. Heat Wave
28. Dust Storm
29. Frost
30. CO2 Toxicity
31. Visibility
32. Ozone Pollution
33. Soil Temperature
34. Infiltration
35. Evaporation
36. Dew point Temperature
37. Radiation
Deleting less important factors
1. Rainfall intensity 1. Characteristics of the soil 1. Population 1. Temperature
2. Surface Runoff 2. Rock types 2. Population Density 2. Humidity
3. Sub-surface Runoff 3. Ground water features 3. Educational Level 3. Wind Velocity
4. Infiltration 4. Geological and structural factors (folds, faults 4. Working Days 4. Wind Direction
5. Evapotranspiration and etc) 5. Festive Season 5. Cloudiness
6. Sedimentation 5. Source of materials (cement etc) 6. Gender 6. Precipitation
7. Erosion 6. Communication (roads ,etc) 7. Living Standard 7. Monsoon
8. Flooding 7. Chemical properties in the site 8. Career Type 8. Thunderstorm
9. Sub-surface drainage 8. Water tightness of the reservoir basin 9. Health 9. Cyclones / Hurricanes / Typhoon / Low
10. Precipitation 9. Valuable mineral deposits 10. Time Pressure
11. Discharge rate 10. Slope of the site 11. Race 10. Air Pollution
12. Soil Moisture 11. Climate (temperature) 12. Weather 11. Snowfall
13. Evaporation 12. Area between reservoir and demand area 13. Age 12. Weather
14. Precipitation 13. Volcano or earthquake features (if there is any 14. Water Quality 13. Haze
15. Wind Effect eruption) 15. Cost 14. Fog
16. Atmospheric Water 14. Environmental features (forest, etc) 16. Water Pressure 15. Mist
17. Groundwater exploitation 15. Presence of solution channels 17. Sector Type 16. Season
18. Watershed Situation 16. Existing and potential slide areas (Commercial/Domestic/Industial/Agriculture/Pub 17. Atmospheric Pressure
19. Rainfall frequency 17. Seismic conditions of the region lic) 18. Flood
20. River and Stream flow 18. Area Type (Urban/Semi Urban/Rural) 19. Weather Front
21. Drought 19. Toilet Pump 20. Squall Line
22. River Discharge 20. Fire Hydrant 21. Hail
23. Flow Regime 22. Tornado
24. Water quality 23. Sunlight
25. Water Pollution 24. Sea / Land Breeze
25. Warm Fronts
26. Front
27. Heat Wave
28. Dust Storm
29. Frost
30. CO2 Toxicity
31. Visibility
32. Ozone Pollution
33. Soil Temperature
34. Infiltration
35. Evaporation
36. Dew point Temperature
37. Radiation
Revised list: Categories & Factors



1. Rainfall intensity 1. Rock types 1. Population 1. Temperature

2. Surface Runoff 2. Ground water features 2. Educational Level 2. Humidity
3. Infiltration 3. Geological and structural 3. Gender 3. Wind Velocity
4. Evapotranspiration factors (folds, faults and 4. Living Standard 4. Monsoon
5. Sedimentation etc) 5. Career Type 5. Cyclones / Hurricanes
6. Erosion 4. Chemical properties in the 6. Race / Typhoon / Low
7. Flooding site 7. Age Pressure
8. Precipitation 5. Valuable mineral deposits 8. Sector Type 6. Snowfall
9. Discharge rate 6. Slope of the site (Commercial/Domestic 7. Atmospheric Pressure
10. Watershed 7. Volcano or earthquake /Industial/Agriculture/ 8. Sunlight
Situation features (if there is any Public) 9. Heat Wave
11. Rainfall frequency eruption) 9. Area Type 10. Radiation
12. River and Stream 8. Seismic conditions of the (Urban/Semi
flow region Urban/Rural)
Initial list: Rivers (Johor State)

1. Batu Pahat River 9. Segamat River

2. Endau River 10. Skudai River
3. Johor River 11. Sungai Sarang Buaya
4. Kempas River 12. Sungai Sedili Besar
5. Mersing River 13. Tebrau River
6. Muar River 14. Kesang River
7. Pelentong River 15. Segget River
8. Pulai River 16. Mengkibol River
Deleting list: Rivers (Johor State)

1. Batu Pahat River 9. Segamat River

2. Endau River 10. Skudai River
3. Johor River 11. Sungai Sarang Buaya
4. Kempas River 12. Sungai Sedili Besar
5. Mersing River 13. Tebrau River
6. Muar River 14. Kesang River
7. Pelentong River 15. Segget River
8. Pulai River 16. Mengkibol River
Revised list: Rivers (Johor State)

1. Batu Pahat River 5. Skudai River

2. Johor River 6. Sungai Sarang Buaya
3. Mersing River 7. Tebrau River
4. Muar River 8. Segget River
Questionnaire: Determination of weight (Categories)

Please identify the MOST important category

for reservoir site selection from the list below and give it a rating of 100.
Next, rate each of the other categories in turn on a scale of 0 to 99,
to indicate how important they would be compared to
the MOST important category in YOUR decision.

Sr. No. Category Points

1 Hydrological
2 Geological
3 Sociological
4 Meteorological

-- “A high rating score means that the category would be

Results & Discussion

Table: Survey Responses and Calculated Weights for Each Category

Category Points Given By

R1 R2 R3 R4 Total Points Weights (%) Rank

Hydrological 95 100 100 100 395 32.8 1

Geological 80 70 70 60 280 23.2 2

Sociological 100 40 90 40 270 22.4 3

Meteorological 60 90 40 70 260 21.6 4

Results & Discussion
Table: Survey Responses and Calculated Weights for Hydrological Factors

HYDROLOGICAL Points given by Total Weights Rank

R1 R2 R3 R4 Points (%)
Rainfall intensity 95 100 100 100 395 12.5 1
Surface Runoff 75 75 90 60 300 9.5 5
Infiltration 65 50 72 35 222 7.0 8
Evapotranspiration 35 0 68 50 153 4.8 12
Sedimentation 40 55 70 40 205 6.5 9
Erosion 45 40 73 10 168 5.3 11
Flooding 50 20 75 45 190 6.0 10
Precipitation 90 95 80 65 330 10.5 4
Discharge rate 85 85 78 25 273 8.7 6
Watershed Situation 70 70 65 20 225 7.1 7
Rainfall frequency 100 90 95 75 360 11.4 2
River and Stream flow 80 80 85 90 335 10.6 3
Sum of Col. Points 3156
Results & Discussion
Table: Survey Responses and Calculated Weights for Geological Factors

GEOLOGICAL Points given by Total Weights

R1 R2 R3 R4 Points (%)
Rock types 90 95 75 90 350 14.8 1
Ground water features 80 90 90 80 340 14.3 2
Geological and structural
85 100 65 50 300 12.7 4
factors (folds, faults and etc)
Chemical properties in the
60 80 95 10 245 10.3 8
Valuable mineral deposits 55 85 100 20 260 11.0 6
Slope of the site 75 75 80 100 330 13.9 3
Volcano or earthquake
features (if there is any 95 30 96 70 291 12.3 5
Seismic conditions of the
100 10 70 75 255 10.8 7
Sum of Col. Points 2371
Results & Discussion
Table: Survey Responses and Calculated Weights for Sociological Factors

SOCIOLOGICAL Points given by Total Weights

R1 R2 R3 R4 Points (%)
Population 100 100 100 100 400 18.1 1
Educational Level 70 70 85 10 235 10.7 5
Gender 40 0 30 1 71 3.2 9
Living Standard 80 90 90 60 320 14.5 4
Career Type 85 40 80 5 210 9.5 6
Race 50 5 60 4 119 5.4 8
Age 60 30 65 20 175 7.9 7
Sector Type
(Commercial/Domestic/Indu 90 95 75 80 340 15.4 2
Area Type (Urban/Semi
95 80 70 90 335 15.2 3
Sum of Col. Points 2205
Results & Discussion
Table: Survey Responses and Calculated Weights for Meteorological Factors

METEOROLOGICAL Points given by Total Weights

R1 R2 R3 R4 Points (%)
Temperature 100 100 95 100 395 15.4 1
Humidity 95 85 92 60 332 13.0 3
Wind Strength 85 90 80 50 305 11.9 4
Monsoon 90 98 100 70 358 14.0 2
Cyclones / Hurricanes /
65 0 70 20 155 6.1 8
Typhoon / Low Pressure
Snowfall 30 15 60 30 135 5.3 10
Atmospheric Pressure 80 60 78 40 258 10.1 5
Sunlight 70 75 85 10 240 9.4 6
Heat Wave 75 95 50 8 228 8.9 7
Radiation 50 10 90 3 153 6.0 9
Questionnaire: Determination of weight (Factors)
No Hydrological, H Geological, G Sociological, S Meteorological, M
1 Rainfall intensity Rock types Population Temperature

2 Surface Runoff Ground water features Educational Level Humidity

3 Infiltration Geological factors Gender Wind Strength

4 Evapotranspiration Chemical properties Living Standard Monsoon

Cyclones /
5 Sedimentation Valuable mineral deposits Career Type
6 Erosion Slope of the site Race Snowfall
Volcano or earthquake Atmospheric
7 Flooding Age
features Pressure
8 Precipitation Seismic conditions Sector Type Sunlight

9 Discharge rate Area Type Heat Wave

10 Watershed Situation Frost

11 Rainfall frequency Visibility

12 River flow Radiation

Ranking: Determination of weight (Factors)
No Hydrological, H Geological, G Sociological, S Meteorological, M
1 Rainfall intensity Rock types Population Temperature 1 1 1 1
2 Surface Runoff Ground water features Educational Level Humidity 5 2 5 3
3 Infiltration Geological factors Gender Wind Strength 8 4 9 4
4 Evapotranspiration Chemical properties Living Standard Monsoon
12 8 4 2
Cyclones /
5 Sedimentation Valuable mineral deposits Career Type
Hurricanes 9 6 6 8
6 Erosion Slope of the site Race Snowfall 11 3 8 10
Volcano or earthquake Atmospheric
7 Flooding Age
features Pressure 10 5 7 5
8 Precipitation Seismic conditions Sector Type Sunlight 4 7 2 6
9 Discharge rate Area Type Heat Wave 6 3 7
10 Watershed Situation Radiation
7 9
11 Rainfall frequency
12 River flow 3
Matrix Table: Range of Data
Matrix Table: Leveling constraints
Matrix Table: Actual & Imaginary Data
D-Sight Inputs: Criteria & Parameters
D-Sight Inputs: Databases

Green → Good Data

Red → Worst Data
D-Sight Outputs: Rivers Ranking


D-Sight Outputs: Tebrau & Skudai Rivers
D-Sight Outputs: GVA Plot Rivers Position


D-Sight Outputs: GVA Plot Factors Position


D-Sight Outputs: Spider Diagram for Factors
 We have developed a framework which can be used for
selecting a suitable site for the construction of reservoir to
store water for domestic water supply.

 The proposed methodology could be used for solving a

real world problem where all required data were available.

 Considering all the categories of factors identified, the

most important is hydrological factor while the least
important is the meteorological factor.

 A systematic procedure for extracting weights of

categories and factors has been presented in this study.

 Based on measurability and relevance, population of the

sociological factor is of the highest priority while snowfall has
the least priority.

 The overall analysis of the relevant data give a pointer to

River Tebrau as the most suitable site while River Skudai is
the least suitable site.

 The findings of the study show how qualitative and

quantitative factors can be put together in the decision making
process for choosing a very suitable site of a reservoir for
domestic water supply.
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