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Street Walk

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Street Walk

Walking across the streets of a city can be a form of entertainment, especially after

having a long day or spending much of the time in an indoor setting. There are times that I walk

across the streets to seek entertainment mostly after long school days like after examinations or

class projects which confine one to a strict schedule. The busyness of San Francisco keeps me

entertained. Walking around aimlessly, seeking admiration from the noisy environment of

vehicles, trains, and humans moving from one point to another, or busy with their day-to-day

activities of making a living encompasses a form of entertainment from a street walk.

I do walk across the streets of San Francisco city at times alone and other times with my

best friend, Aliana. We share a lot in common including loving to walk across the city’s streets.

We at times go shopping at no definite street hence getting to explore the city. It is hard to admit

that we know all the streets in San Francisco city, however, close to half of the city streets are

familiar to us.

Since I started getting attached to street walk, I have experienced a lot of changes in me. I

found out that it helps in improving my moods and reducing stress especially after having long

and tiresome days. I have learned to appreciate the good things I get in life. After walking across

the streets, I have seen the real struggle people go through to make ends meet. I feel splendid

after walking across the streets. I get entertained and also get to learn new things every time I get

the chance of that walk. It keeps me motivated to aim higher in my life’s choices.

San Francisco city is like Paris described by Benjamin in some ways. For instance, there

exist a lot of homeless individuals in the streets who survive on begging. Also, the streets are

addictive as one walks through a given street, it gets more attractive to walk through another. I

have the same experience as Benjamin’s of finding entertainment from street walk especially

through getting attracted to them. however, I feel pity for the homeless, unlike Benjamin who felt

hatred towards them.

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