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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Region V-Bicol
Province of Albay
Municipality of Oas,
Calzada, Oas, Albay


Instructor: CHARLENE DOLAR-LOVERANES Score: __________________




1. Asia- Africa
2. True
3. True
4. Leonardo Senor- Leopold Sedar Senghor
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. Griots- Orature
9. True
10. True
11. Ashanti Tales- Folk Tales
12. True
13. Lao-tzen- Lao-tzu
14. True
15. True
16. Tu Fu- Li Po
17. Rigved- Vedas
18. True
19. True
20. True
TEST II. 20 points

Chinese Indian

Chinese Philosophy refers to any several schools Indian Philosophy refers to any of several
of philosophical thought in the Chinese tradition traditions of Philosophical thought that originated
including Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, in the Indian subcontinent, including Hindu
Buddhism and Mohism. Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy, and Jain

The main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Indian religions are connected through the
Catholicism and Protestantism. history of India. Indian religions which includes
Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism.

Chinese Culture is an amalgamation of old world Indian culture has been heavily influenced by
traditions and a westernized lifestyle. Dharmic religions. They have been credited with
shaping music of Indian Philosophy, literature,
architecture , art and music.

Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Sun Tzu are well-known Though the first well known Indian English
around the world. novelist was R K Narayan, there were many
writers who experimented with English Fiction
and became moderately successful.

Fiction, Philosophical and religious works, poetry, Many Indians have a passion for Persian poetry.
and scientific literature are all examples of Laila Majnu is a great Persian love story also
Chinese literary works, well known in India.

1. As a future teacher, how are you going to explain to your students the
importance of studying other countries’ culture, philosophies, beliefs, and
religions? 10 points

 I am going to explain to my future students about the importance of

studying other’s culture, philosophies, beliefs and religions that Embracing
different cultures through travel allows you to experience what it's like to
be a part of a community other than your own. It also gives you cultural
awareness and acceptance, which can help break down cultural barriers
while interacting with people of different backgrounds. Learning about
other cultures helps us understand different perspectives within the world
in which we live. It helps dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases
about different groups.
TEST IV. Literary Analysis
What is your own understanding of this literary work? 10 points. The Song of Creation

“The Song of Creation” from the Rig Veda. I think that this creation story is really different
from the rest in the sense that it addresses and ponders the existence of nothingness before
the existence of anything through the entire song. In my opinion, addressing this intrigues
us with the universal dilemma of why we exist and how exactly did we come to be;
something that has no definite answer. It raises questions and makes us wonder about our
origins and the beginning of life as a whole which, in comparison to the mythic/ fantastical
nature of the other stories, makes it feel much more real and historic. This, in conjunction
with the the ambiguous nature of the whole song, make “The Song of Creation” really
interesting. Particularly, it’s very interesting because there are no specific details or
explanation given for the creation. For example, there is no specific god or creator
mentioned, in contrast to some of the other stories, except for “The One”, who is only
mentioned vaguely in a few lines, and who I believe managed to coexist with the
nothingness (line 7) as probably the creator of the world and life—but it is never stated. It
is also really interesting to me that I directly correlated the line “arose at last born of the
power of heat” (line 12) to the Big Bang; possibly because of relating heat to an explosion.
Even though I don’t think the allusion was intentional, it is still interesting how a line like
this could be interpreted as a real event. All in all, I think it’s very interesting how peculiar
and different this song is in relation to other creation stories. There is a certain comfort in
the ambiguity but also a slight frustration that arises from not knowing the answers.
However, I think the vagueness of the text allows for more interpretation and helps the
song avoid falling into any type of specific religion or culture, since it isn’t that specific in
terms of beliefs or gods, making it very accessible.

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