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Analytical and Experimental Study the static behavior of conical springs with constant pitch have

been used to define an assistance tool dedicated to the optimal

of Conical Telescoping Springs design of conical springs [23] and are also included in industrial
software proposed by the Institute of Spring Technology [24] or
With Nonconstant Pitch by the Spring Manufacturers Institute [25].
Thus, conical springs with constant pitch are quite well known
but many other types of conical springs can be manufactured. For
Manuel Paredes a given conical shape and a given number of turns, the properties
INSA, UPS, Mines Albi, ISAE; ICA of the spring can evolve significantly depending on the way the
(Institut Clément Ader), coils are distributed along the conical profile. In fact, cylindrical
Université de Toulouse, springs can simultaneously possess a constant pitch, a constant
135, avenue de Rangueil, angle, a constant stress at solid and a linear behavior, whereasfor
a conical spring, only one property can be achieved at a time. As
Toulouse F-31077, France
far as we are aware, there is a lack of analytical description of the
e-mail: geometry or static behavior of conical springs with nonconstant
pitch and the work reported here is intended to fill that gap.
The previous analytical studies on conical springs used the fact
Most research papers that exploit conical springs focus only on that the solid length geometry was known. In order to be able to
conical springs with a constant pitch. In order to increase the develop the same approach, this paper focuses on the study of
range of possibilities for designers, this paper proposes a study of conical springs that fully telescope so that, however, the coils are
conical springs with other types of spirals projected on the conical distributed along the conical shape, the final geometry is known
shape. This study is related to three other types of conical springs: as the spring becomes completely flat. The paper first presents the
with a constant helix angle, with a constant stress at solid and parameters used to describe the spring helix and the reference for-
with a fully linear load-length relation. For each spring, we give mulae to define the spring behavior. These formulae are then used
the equation of the spiral, the formula of the initial stiffness, and to study a conical spring with a constant angle in Sec. 3. Section 4
formulae to calculate the nonlinear part of the load-length rela- is dedicated to the study of a conical spring that leads to a constant
tion for fully telescoping springs. We also report an experimental stress when fully telescoped. Section 5 treats a conical spring with
study performed to analyze the accuracy of the proposed study a fully linear load-length behavior. A case study is presented in
based on springs made by fused deposition modeling. Sec. 6. This section includes an experimental study to test the ac-
[DOI: 10.1115/1.4024721] curacy of the analytical formulae proposed. The conclusions are
drawn in Sec. 7.
Keywords: spring design, springs, design of machine elements
2 Description of Theoretical Models
1 Introduction
2.1 Parameters of a Conical Spring. A conical compression
Springs are often used in mechanical devices for their ability to
spring made of circular wire is studied. Its design can be defined
store and return energy. The range of applications is very wide.
by six parameters (see Fig. 1).
As recent examples, springs can be found in gravity equilibrators
Na represents the active coils of the spring. In order to make the
[1], laser light applications [2] or nonlinear joints of robots [3].
external load as close to an axial load as possible, two end coils
Designers have various data available to help them. A common
are added, one at the top and one at the bottom of the spring.
reference book related to spring design was written several years
When end coils are correctly defined, they do not influence the
ago by Wahl [4]. Since that time, many works have improved our
behavior of the active coils. For this reason, the present work
knowledge of springs. Recent works focus on testing new materi-
refers essentially to the active coils of the spring. At this stage, the
als, such as springs made of memory alloys [5,6], composite
way the active coils are distributed along the conical shape is not
springs [7] or nanoscale springs [8]. Other works are related to
finding new spring geometries, such as for Belleville springs
[9,10], wave springs [11] or nonlinear springs [12,13]. Some
works also try to improve knowledge of common springs. Dym 2.2 Helix Geometry. The geometry of the conical helix can
[14] proposes extended formulae to calculate the rate of cylindri- be defined as follows (Fig. 2):
cal helical springs. Finally, the dynamic aspect of springs has of- Those relations enable us to define the global equation of the
ten been studied for cylindrical [15,16] and noncylindrical springs spiral
[17–19]. ðR ðR ðR ðR
dl dz 2 La dr
In some applications, conical springs can be preferred to cylin- hðRÞ ¼ D dh ¼ D ¼ D ¼ D
1 1 r 1 r tan½aðrÞ 1 ðD  D Þr tan½aðrÞ
drical springs for their ability to have a smaller solid length. 2 2 2 2
2 1
Depending on their geometry, they may be able to fully telescope, (1)
inducing a solid length equal to the wire diameter. Moreover, they
can offer a nonlinear load/length curve and this property can be In this equation, the helix angle a is a function of the current ra-
exploited in some applications, such as vibration absorbers [20]. dius r and depends on the type of conical spring considered.
Wu et al [21] have proposed an approximate load-length relation If the spring can telescope fully, the next equation must be sat-
for conical springs. More recently, Rodriguez [22] proposed an isfied for any value of h
analytical law to fully describe the linear and nonlinear load-
length curve of conical springs with constant pitch. Analytical for- Rðh þ 2pÞ  RðhÞ  d (2)
mulae can be useful for designers, especially in preliminary
design when many possibilities have to be evaluated. Analytical With 0  h  2pðNa  1Þ.
formulae are also useful to build high-level assistance tools where
metamodels are exploited. For example, the formulae describing
2.3 Elementary Calculations. To determine the elementary
calculations, we exploit the common assumptions for spring
Contributed by the Design Automation Committee of ASME for publication in
the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received April 27, 2012; final
design. First, the external load is considered as a pure axial load
manuscript received May 2, 2013; published online July 2, 2013. Assoc. Editor: and, moreover, only the torque effect is considered in the calcula-
Matthew B. Parkinson. tions. The quality of this assumption depends directly on the

Journal of Mechanical Design Copyright V

C 2013 by ASME SEPTEMBER 2013, Vol. 135 / 094502-1

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Fig. 1 Parameters of a conical spring

geometry of the end coils. Second, it is assumed that, upon deflec- 2La dr 2La 2R
tion, the generic point of the helix moves vertically (angle h is hðRÞ ¼ ¼ Ln (6)
ðD2  D1 Þ tan a D1 r ðD2  D1 Þ tan a D1
maintained). This implies that the length of the wire shortens 2

upon deformation, which is only acceptable for small helix angles.

Finally, the effect of curvature is neglected; the elementary deflec- Knowing that hðD2 =2Þ ¼ 2pNa , Eq. (6) enables tan a to be
tion is that of a straight bar in torsion. calculated
The stress in an elementary coil defined by its radius r and sub-  
La D2
jected to a load P can be calculated using the formula proposed by tan a ¼ Ln (7)
ðD2  D1 ÞpNa D1
Wahl [4] (uncorrected stress of a coil that is free to deflect)
16rP Now Eq. (4) can be reversed
s¼ (3)  
pd 3
h D2
D1 2pNa Ln
Similarly, the elementary flexibility is RðhÞ ¼ e D1 (8)
64r 3
Fe ¼ (4) The initial flexibility can also be determined
2   33
ð Na D2
3 ð 2pNa
and the elementary axial pitch is h
64 4D1 Ln
3 6 2pNa D1 7
pe ¼ 2pr tan a (5) F¼ R dn ¼ 4e 5
Gd 4 0 pGd4 0
3 Characteristics of a Conical Spring With a Constant 8Na D32  D31
dh ¼   (9)
Helix Angle D2
3Gd4 Ln
3.1 Initial Geometry and Initial Stiffness. Equation (1) D1
shows that a conical compression spring with a constant helix
angle leads to a logarithmic spiral It is important to note that, at this step, the fact that the conical
spring is expected to fully telescope has not yet been exploited.
This means that Eq. (9) represents the initial flexibility of any con-
ical spring with a constant helix angle. It can also be seen that the
flexibility of a conical spring with a constant angle is different
from the flexibility obtained for conical springs with a constant
pitch [22]
2Na D21 þ D22 ðD1 þ D2 Þ


When using a conical spring, it is thus very important for

researchers and designers to clearly explain not only the conical
shape but also the way the active coils are distributed.

3.2 Deflection of a Fully Telescoping Conical Spring With

a Constant Angle. Such a spring must satisfy Eq. (2) near D1.
This leads it to satisfy
1 D2
D1 Na Ln
e D1  D1  d (10)
Fig. 2 Parameterization of the helix 2 2

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For a given load P, the limit between the coils that are free to But we know that hðD2 =2Þ ¼ 2pNa and thus the constant value
deflect and the coils that are at solid is obtained for pe ¼ Fe P. of si can be calculated
Thus, combining Eqs. (4) and (5), the associated diameter can be Gd La
defined si ¼ (16)
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pNa D2 D1
p tan aGd4
DL ¼ (11) Equations (15) and (16) can be combined
1 1
Now the transition load PT and the maximum load PM can be cal- 
D1 2R
culated. PT is the load from which the spring starts to come to hðRÞ ¼ 2pNa (17)
1 1
solid (when DL ¼ D2). PM is the load when all the coils come to 
D1 D2
solid (when DL ¼ D1)
p tan aGd 4 And Eq. (17) can be reversed
PT ¼
8D22 1
RðhÞ ¼ (18)
2 D2  D1
p tan aGd 4  h
PM ¼ D1 D2 D1 pNa
Equation (18) is used to calculate the initial flexibility
For a load lower than PT, the deflection curve is linear, thus Eq. ð
32 2pNa 3 4Na D1 D2 ðD1 þ D2 Þ
(23) gives F¼ R dh ¼ (19)
pGd4 0 Gd4
8Na ðD32  D31 ÞP
dðP  PT Þ ¼ FP ¼  
D2 4.2 Deflection of a Fully Telescoping Conical Spring With
3Gd4 Ln
D1 Constant Stress at Solid. Such a spring much satisfy Eqs. (2)
and (18). This means it must satisfy
For a load between PT and PM, the deflection of the spring can be D1 D2 N a
expressed as the addition of two deflections: the deflection of the  D1  2d (20)
D2 Na  D2  D1
part of the spring that is free to deflect (from D1 to DL) and the
deflection of the part that is at solid (from DL to D2) The spring is expected to have a constant stress at solid si. This
Thus means that it is designed so that an elementary coil comes to solid
dðPT  P  PM Þ ¼ d1 þ d2 with when its stress is equal to si. Thus, Eq. (3) can be used to calcu-
  late, for a given load P, the diameter that separates the part of the
Ln spring that is free to deflect from the part that is already at solid
8NL ðD3L  D31 ÞP D
d1 ¼   with NL ¼ Na  1  thus psi d3
DL D2 DL ¼ (21)
3Gd Ln Ln 8P
D1 D1
8Na ðD3L  D31 ÞP Now the transition load PT and the maximum load PM can be cal-
d1 ¼   culated using Eqs. (16) and (21). PT is still the load from which
3Gd4 Ln the spring starts to come to solid (when DL ¼ D2). PM is the load
when all the coils come to solid (when DL ¼ D1)
ðD2  DL Þ
d2 ¼ La psi d3 La Gd4
ðD2  D1 Þ PT ¼ ¼
8D2 8D1 D22 Na
DL is calculated using Eq. (11).
psi Gd3 La Gd4
PM ¼ ¼
4 Conical Spring With Constant Stress at Solid 8D1 8D2 D21 Na
4.1 Initial Geometry and Initial Flexibility. An elementary
For a load lower than PT, the deflection curve is linear. Thus, Eq.
coil situated at a radius r and subjected to a load P induces an ele-
(19) gives
mentary deflection (when it is free to deflect) of
4Na D1 D2 ðD1 þ D2 ÞP
64Pr 3 dðP  PT Þ ¼ FP ¼
dd ¼ PFe dn ¼ dn (12) Gd 4
For a load between PT and PM, the deflection of the spring can
When the elementary coil comes to solid, the following equation once again be expressed as the addition of two deflections: the
is obtained: deflection of the part of the spring that is free to deflect (from
dd D1 to DL) and the deflection of the part that is at solid (from DL
tan a ¼ (13)
p2rdn to D2).
Combining Eqs. (13), (12), and (3) enables us to calculate the
value of the helix angle dðPT  P  PM Þ ¼ d1 þ d2 with
2sr 1 1
tan a ¼ (14) 
Gd 4NL D1 DL ðD1 þ DL ÞP D1 DL
d1 ¼ with NL ¼ Na
Gd4 1 1
Thus, Eq. (1) becomes 
ðR   D1 D2
2La dr GdLa 2 1 ðD2  DL Þ
hðRÞ ¼ D ¼  (15) d2 ¼ La
1 ðD  D Þr tan a si ðD2  D1 Þ D1 R
2 1 ðD2  D1 Þ

where si represents the constant stress at solid. DL is calculated using Eq. (21).

Journal of Mechanical Design SEPTEMBER 2013, Vol. 135 / 094502-3

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Table 1 Details of the parameters used in the case study 5 Conical Spring With Linear Behavior
d 6 mm 5.1 Initial Geometry and Flexibility. To obtain fully linear
D1 45 mm behavior, any elementary coil situated at a radius r should come
D2 100.00 mm to solid for the same load PM. The elementary deflection thus has
La 50 mm to be equal to the elementary axial pitch. Thus, Eqs. (4) and (5)
Na 2 give
32PM r 2
tan a ¼ (22)
pGd 4

Equation (1) then becomes

2La dr Gd4 Lap 4 1
hðRÞ ¼ D ¼ 
1 ðD  D Þr tan a
2 1 32ðD2  D1 ÞPM D21 R2

But we still know that hðD2 =2Þ ¼ 2pNa . Thus, the constant value
of PM can be calculated
Gd4 La 1 1
PM ¼  (24)
16Na ðD2  D1 Þ D21 D22

There is no transition load for this kind of conical spring.

Equation (23) can be simplified by exploiting Eq. (24)
1 1

D21 4R2
hðRÞ ¼ 2pNa (25)
1 1

D21 D22
Fig. 3 Detail of the helix of each conical spring
and Eq. (25) can be reversed
RðhÞ ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (26)
D21  D2
2 D21  h

Equation (26) is used to calculate the flexibility

32 2pNa 3 16Na D21 D22
F¼ R dh ¼ (27)
pGd4 0 Gd 4 ðD1 þ D2 Þ

Being fully linear, this kind of spring is the only one to offer a
conical shape at any compression state. The other kinds of springs
have a conical shape only when uncompressed and their shape is
nonconical when they are compressed, even for conical springs
with constant pitch.

6 Case study
6.1 Initial Geometry. The following case study illustrates
the work presented above. Various conical springs, all having the
Fig. 4 Load-length relations obtained same design parameters are considered (see details in Table 1).

Fig. 5 CAD model and geometry obtained

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6.3 Experimental Study. In order to test the accuracy of the
analytical approach, an experimental study was performed. Mak-
ing conical springs out of steel with various helix shapes is not an
easy matter. We could expect that numerically controlled coiling
machines would be able to make such springs. However, adjusting
the production process for each spring would require a long time
and we need just one spring of each type for the study. For that
reason, we decided to use a rapid prototyping technique.
Each spring was modeled using the CATIA Computer Aided
Design software. Then, the springs were manufactured in ABS
plastic by means of Fused Deposition Modeling (on a Stratsys
Fig. 6 Detail of end coil design related to D2
FDM 2000) as shown in Fig. 5.
In order to enable the springs to fully telescope to a length equal
to the wire diameter, closed ground ends were used. They had an
Table 2 Details of the cylindrical springs axial pitch of 0.5d and a radial pitch of 1.5d as shown in Fig. 6.
In order to be able to compare experimental data and theoretical
Spring 1 Spring 2
values, the torsional modulus of the wire formed by Fused Depo-
d 6 6 mm sition Modeling needed to be evaluated. To do that, two cylindri-
D 45 65.4 mm cal compression springs with the same wire diameter were built
L0 60 56 mm (see Table 2). They had common closed ground ends.
Na 2 2 The experimental tests on the two cylindrical springs deter-
mined the value of G.
G ¼ 500 MPa. The comparison between theory and experiments
is shown in Fig. 7.
Equations (8), (18), (26) give the details of the relation between As expected, the linear part of the experimental curves fits the
R and h. They enable us to compare the spirals obtained to the one theoretical ones perfectly.
for a conical spring with constant pitch. They all have the same Note that a gap appears for cylindrical springs when the length
number of turns (coils) and the same values of D1 and D2. is near the solid length (see Fig. 7). For a given length, experimen-
It can be seen in Fig. 3 that, for the conical springs studied, the tal data show a greater load than theory would predict. This is a
radial pitch is no longer constant but increases with radius. The well known issue for cylindrical springs and explains why such
fully linear conical spring is the one that has the smallest radial springs are never expected to be used near their solid length when
pitch. It will thus be the one for which the full telescoping prop- linear behavior is required. This gap is mainly due to the fact that,
erty will induce the most design constraints. as the axial load is not exactly in the spring axis, the contact of the
active coils with the end coils does not occur at the same time
6.2 Deflection of Fully Telescoping Conical Springs. All everywhere.
the conical springs comply with the data of Table 1. They have Now, the analytical formulae can be used and compared to the
the same free length and solid length. The equations detailing the experimental results for the conical springs proposed. Four springs
deflection of conical springs are used to present the load/length were tested. The results are presented in Fig. 8.
curves for each one. The equations related to conical springs with For each kind of conical spring, the first part of the experimen-
constant pitch are presented by Rodriguez [22]. Figure 4 was con- tal Load/Length curve fits the theoretical curve perfectly. This
structed by considering springs made of steel with proves that the bases of the theoretical approach are relevant and
G ¼ 81,500 MPa. that the formulae for determining the initial rates are correct.
We note that the proposed conical springs all have an initial When each spring starts telescoping, a gap appears between the
flexibility that is lower than that of a conical spring with a con- theoretical curve and the experimental one. This phenomenon is
stant pitch and, also, all have a lower maximum load (when com- similar to the one that occurs for cylindrical springs. The experi-
pressed at solid). From a designer’s point of view, it is very ments are driven by an axial displacement of the end coils. The
interesting to note the diversity of behaviors that are obtained by load is transmitted to the spring mainly at two points, resulting in
changing only the way the active coils are distributed along a a nonaxial load. This induces bending in the spring which is not
same conical shape. yet considered. Nevertheless, it would be of great interest to be

Fig. 7 Experimental tests of cylindrical springs

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Fig. 8 Experimental tests of conical springs

able to predict the Load/Length curve of telescoping springs more pected to be the main cause of the gap. To reach the required ac-
precisely near their solid length. curacy, the studies would have to manage large displacements,
contact between coils and contact between coils and the ground.
Such finite element studies would be able to test several options
7 Conclusions for the end coil geometry and may help to find the most suitable
Most research papers that exploit conical springs focus only on ones.
conical springs with a constant pitch. In order to increase the Another source of improvement could be to precisely identify
range of possibilities, this paper has studied conical springs with the loads (forces and moments) induced by the end coils as they
other types of spirals projected on the conical shape. are, and toperform another analytical study to determine the asso-
The analytical study enabled us to define the theoretical geome- ciated load-length relations.
try of the spiral in order to obtain a conical spring with a constant
angle, with a constant maximum stress and with a fully linear
load-length relation for fully telescoping springs. Nomenclature
Based on the spirals proposed, the corresponding initial flexibil- a¼ current helix angle
ities have been calculated using the common assumptions for h¼ angle that defines the position on the conical helix
springs. The formulae can be used for any kind of conical shape d¼ deflection
(whether the spring is able to telescope or not). The load-length d1 ¼ deflection of the part of the spring that is free to deflect
relations have also been described in their nonlinear range but (from D1 to DL)
only for fully telescoping springs. d2 ¼ deflection of the part that is at solid (from DL to D2)
Note that all the initial flexibility formulae (9), (19), (27) for s¼ uncorrected stress
conical springs lead to the standard equation for a cylindrical si ¼ constant uncorrected stress at solid.
compression spring [4,14] when D1 tends to D2. d¼ wire diameter
Tests on conical springs made using Fused Deposition Model- dn ¼ elementary coil
ing showed that all the analytical formulae proposed enable the dr ¼ elementary radial displacement on the conical shape
initial rates to be determined with accuracy. dl ¼ elementary orthoradial displacement on the conical shape
On the other hand, the theoretical formulae related to the non- dz ¼ elementary axial displacement on the conical shape
linear behaviors tend to under- estimate the load required to reach D1 ¼ minimum mean diameter
a given length. It would be of great interest to increase the accu- D2 ¼ maximum mean diameter
racy of the predictions. Thus, advanced finite element studies DL ¼ diameter that defines the limit between coils that are free to
could be used to evaluate the effect of end coils, which is sus- deflect and coils at solid for a given load P

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