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Clin J Sport Med  Volume 23, Number 1, January 2013 Sport Medicine Journal Club

COMMENTARY of weeks. A more severe grade II or III were invited to participate. The exclu-
The review by van den Bekerom sprain (ligament tear) may require pro- sion criterion for teams was that they
et al investigated the clinical effects of longed care, but the overall prognosis is already used eccentric hamstring exer-
therapeutic US applied in the acute stage usually considered relatively favorable. cises, and for participants was that they
of an ankle sprain. The rationale for high- Some reports, however, indicate that joined the teams after the beginning of
frequency mechanical vibrations induced even minor sprains may lead to severe the season. Of 116 teams, 54 were eligi-
through US—for an ankle sprain usually and disabling long-term pain and insta- ble and willing to be randomized and 50
about 3 MHz—is to increase fluid move- bility, as well as the risk of recurrent were included in the analysis (942
ment in the damaged area, increase the sprains.2 players).
synthesis of proteins, and improve blood Intervention: Teams in both the interven-
flow.1 These effects are thought to reduce Evert A.L.M. Verhagen, PhD tion and control groups followed their
Department of Public and Occupational normal training programs. At the begin-
pain and swelling and to improve tissue
Health, EMGO+ Institute ning of the study period, the intervention
healing, which were precisely the out-
VU University Medical Center teams added 27 sessions of the Nordic
comes that van den Bekerom et al re-
Amsterdam, Netherlands hamstring exercise (after warm-up) during
ported on in their review. Overall, no
therapeutic effect of US was found for the 10-week period of the mid-season
any of the outcomes, and the use of US REFERENCES break. The exercise begins with the player
in the treatment of acute ankle sprains 1. Maxwell L. Therapeutic ultrasound: its effects kneeling with the torso upright and rigid,
on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of and the feet held down to the ground by
was therefore not supported by the accu- inflammation and repair. Physiotherapy. 1992;
mulated evidence. 78:421–426.
a partner. The player lowers his torso for-
This will not come as a surprise to 2. Braun BL. Effects of ankle sprain in a gen- wards toward the ground braking with his
many, as the rationale behind US and its eral clinic population 6 to 18 months after hamstring muscles until the chest reaches
effects is questionable. Reports of the medical evaluation. Arch Fam Med. 1999;8: the ground (eccentric phase). He returns
physiologic effects vary, and outcomes to the upright position, pushing with his
seem to be dependent on dosage (ie, the hands to minimize the concentric phase
frequency and rate of repetition) and Does Eccentric Training of load. Sessions per week and sets and rep-
anatomical location and anatomical struc- etitions per session increased to 3, 3, and
ture (ie, muscle or tendon). In the absence
Hamstring Muscles Reduce 12, respectively. Team coaches super-
of any clearly defined physiologic effects, Acute Injuries in Soccer? vised the sessions.
a clinical effect would be unexpected. Main Outcome Measures: A hamstring
Petersen J, Thorborg K, Nielsen MB,
Although van den Bekerom et al have injury was defined as an acute occurrence
Budtz-Jørgensen E, Hölmich P. Preven-
produced a robust and well-written review of a “physical complaint in the region of
tive effect of eccentric training on acute
and have reached reasonable conclusions, the posterior thigh sustained during a soc-
hamstring injuries in men’s soccer:
there are some important issues that cer match or training, irrespective of the
a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
should be considered. Am J Sports Med. 2011;39:2296–2303. need for medical attention or time loss
For example, they did point out from soccer activities.” Injuries were
Objective: To investigate the effectiveness recorded by the teams’ medical staff on
some of the weaknesses in their methods
of a 10-week hamstring exercise training standardized forms. Only first injuries
and in the included reports. Amongst
program in reducing the incidence and during the season were included and
these, the small number of relevant
severity of new and recurrent hamstring recorded as first-time injuries or recurren-
studies (n = 6) was mentioned as well injuries among male soccer players.
as the variation in the quality and report- ces of injuries sustained before the sea-
Design: Cluster-randomized (by team)
ing of the data. Because of these flaws, controlled trial, stratified by level of play
son. Severity of injury was defined by
we should be careful in interpreting the number of days lost from full participa-
and geographic location. Sample size
results. There was no strong indication tion in games and practices.
was calculated with 80% power to show
that US was clinically effective, yet the Main Results: Injury rates per 100 player
a relative risk reduction for injury of
opposite holds true as well. The evi- sessions were lower for the intervention
50% at P # 0.05.
dence does not rule out the absence of group (3.8) than for the control group
Setting: Soccer community study in
an effect. (13.1); thus, the rate ratio (RR) adjusted
Denmark during the period January to
More important, it should be noted for age, level of competition, and previous
December 2008.
that van den Bekerom et al were only Participants: Teams in the top 5 soccer injury was 0.293 (95% confidence interval
able to review the short-term clinical divisions (2 professional and 3 amateur) [CI], 0.150-0.572). Both rates of new and
effects in the acute and rehabilitation recurrent injuries were lower for the inter-
phases of ankle sprain. To my knowl- vention group than for the control group
edge, there are no studies looking at the The authors reported no conflicts of interest. (new injuries: RR, 0.410; 95% CI, 0.180-
long-term effects, but this may be where Correspondence about the original article: Jesper 0.933; recurrent injuries: RR, 0.137; 95%
Petersen, MD, PhD, Department of Orthopae-
US could be beneficial. Ankle sprains dic Surgery, Amager Hospital, Italiensvej 1,
CI, 0.037-0.509). The 15 injuries in the
are generally considered to be minor Copenhagen DK-2300, Denmark ( intervention group resulted in absence of
injuries that easily resolve within a matter 454 days from soccer (mean, 30.3; SD,

Ó 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 85

Sport Medicine Journal Club Clin J Sport Med  Volume 23, Number 1, January 2013

18.3; range, 7-64 days per injury), whereas have introduced a bias toward the inter- 2. Majølsnes R, Arnason A, Østhagen T, et al. A
51 injuries in the control group resulted in vention group because European soccer 10-week randomized trial comparing eccentric
vs concentric hamstring strength training in
1344 days absent (mean, 26.4; SD, 19.5; players were already beginning to rec- well-trained soccer players. Scan J Med Sci
range, 4-89 days per injury). Mean sever- ognize the potential benefits of Nordic Sports. 2004;14:311–317.
ity of injuries (days absent) was not sig- hamstring exercises at the time of this 3. Brockett CL, Morgan DL, Proske U. Human
nificantly different (P = 0.16) between trial. The effects resulting from grouping hamstring muscles adapt to eccentric exercise
by changing optimum length. Med Sci Sports
groups. Delayed onset muscle soreness, together professional and amateur soccer Exerc. 2001;33:783–790.
but no other adverse effect, was reported players in the study are unknown. Fur-
by most members of the intervention thermore, the description of the study
group during the training period. methods does not elaborate on the extent Progressive Strengthening
Conclusions: An eccentric hamstring of coach education and their supervision Exercises for Subacromial
exercise program was associated with of proper exercise technique, including the
lower rates of new and recurrent hamstring optimal sequence of hip and hamstring Impingement Syndrome
injuries in Danish male soccer players. muscle activation and correct foot posi- Holmgren T, Hallgren HB, Öberg B,
tioning to work both medial and lateral Adolfsson L, Johansson K. Effect of
hamstrings. Finally, the subject numbers specific exercise strategy on need for
COMMENTARY are slightly below the pretrial 1000 sub- surgery in patients with subacromial
Sports medicine researchers regu- jects intended for inclusion in the study. impingement syndrome: randomised
larly seek to identify training techniques The study provides encouraging controlled study. BMJ. 2012;344:e787.
and exercise protocols that reduce the results and raises additional questions:
incidence of injuries during sports. The Should all players, only previously injured Objective: To compare the effectiveness
report by Petersen et al offers encourag- players, or only players at high risk for of specific exercises for the rotator cuff
ing evidence in a cluster-randomized con- hamstring injury be targeted for the eccen- and scapular stabilizers with unspecific
trolled trial that a simple eccentric tric hamstring protocol? Is the Nordic exercises in the treatment of subacromial
hamstring exercise (Nordic hamstring exer- hamstring program the most effective impingement syndrome.
cise1) protocol, which requires no special eccentric hamstring exercise protocol? Is Design: Randomized controlled trial
equipment, is associated with a substantial the more intensive “hamstring lowers3” with 3 months of follow-up. Participants
reduction in the incidence of hamstring eccentric exercise protocol preferable? and the single assessor were blinded to
strain injuries in professional and amateur Should eccentric hamstring exercise proto- group assignment. Sample size was cal-
Danish soccer players. Relative risks in the cols additionally incorporate alternative culated with 80% power to show
eccentric hamstring exercise group of over- forms of exercise such as isometrics, core a minimum clinically important differ-
all, new, and recurrent injuries were only strengthening, proprioception, and running ence of 10% on the Constant–Murley
29%, 41%, and 14% of those in the control instruction training? Is it possible to design score at P # 0.05.
group. exercise protocols that target specific ham- Setting: Tertiary study in Linköping,
Study strengths include cluster ran- string locations (eg, proximal/distal and Sweden, between January 2008 and
domization that was stratified by level of medial/lateral) for injury prevention? Is February 2010.
play and geography, large numbers of the Nordic hamstring program effective Participants: Patients on the waiting list
participants, assessment of injury severity for women, children, and adolescents? for arthroscopic subacromial decompres-
by days of absence from soccer, the Despite the questions left unanswered, sion were recruited from the Department
adequate 12-month study period, differ- the results of the authors’ commendable of Orthopaedics at University Hospital.
entiation between new and recurrent methods and rigorously collected data Inclusion criteria were 30-65 years of
injuries, diagnoses based on clinical rather clearly support the inclusion of some age; a 6-month duration of the current epi-
than diagnostic imaging findings, and the form of eccentric hamstring exercises to sode of pain in the proximal-lateral aspect
exclusion of recurrences of injuries help prevent hamstring strain injuries in of the upper arm; lack of response to con-
previously recorded in the season, adult soccer players. The benefits may be servative treatment; and positive results on
which could have resulted in an over- most pronounced in those at high risk for the Neer test and 2 of the following tests:
estimation of the effects of the inter- hamstring injuries. Hawkins-Kennedy, Jobes, and Patte.
vention. Previous studies of eccentric Exclusion criteria were other conditions
Andrew W. Nichols, MD such as malignancy, osteoarthritis, os
hamstring exercises and soccer-related
Department of Family Medicine acromiale, joint instability, frozen shoul-
hamstring injury prevention were limited
and Community Health der, and symptoms originating in the
by a lack of randomization, inadequate
John A. Burns School of Medicine
numbers of subjects, differences in base-
University of Hawai’i at Manoa
line characteristics between the interven-
Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA
tion and control groups, and differences Source of funding for the original study: No external
among studies in exercise protocols and funding.
control group interventions.1–3 REFERENCES Correspondence about the original article:
1. Arnason A, Andersen TE, Home I, et al. Pre- T. Holmgren, PT, MSc, Department of Med-
The authors correctly remark that vention of hamstring strains in elite soccer: an ical and Health Sciences, Division of Physio-
proper blinding of a nonpharmacologic intervention study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. therapy, Linköping University, Linköping,
study is difficult to achieve. This may 2008;18:40–48. Sweden (

86 | Ó 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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