Semester Exam KLS X Lintas Big, Xi Big, Xii Big

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Mata pelajaran: BAHASA INGGRISHari,Tanggal : Kamis, 2 Desember 2021
Kelas : XI-IPSWaktu: 08.00 – 09.00 WIB

A. CROSS a, b, c, d or e for the correct answer!

Dialog for no 1-4
Situation : In the living room
Diana : Do you have any plan tomorrow?
Jennifer : No, What about you?
Diana : Neither do I.
Jennifer : Tomorrow is Sunday. Ehm …I think watching movie is fun to do tomorrow.
Diana : Yes, I agree. What movie are we going to watch?
Jennifer : What about horror movie? Al-most everyone watches horror movie on the weekend.
Diana : I’m afraid I have to disagree with you.
Jennifer : Why?
Diana : I strongly believe that horror movie just makes us scared and it doesn’t give us moral value.
Jennifer : So what will we watch?
Diana : What about movie which tells about history?
Jennifer : Why?
Diana : From my point of view, besides we get entertainment, we also get entertainment, we also get
knowledge by watching history movie.
Jennifer : I think so too. Well then, we borrow the movie in the DVD rental first now.
Diana : Ok. We can ask the rental keeper about the movie.
Jennifer : Let’s go!
1. What are Diana and Jennifer doing to do tomorrow?
a. Going to the DVD rental
b. Asking for information to the rental keeper
c. Watching horror movie
d. Watching history movie
e. Making horror movie
2. Why does Diana disagree to watch horror movie?
a. She is afraid of ghost
b. She is bored with horror movies
c. Horror movies doesn’t give any moral value
d. She doesn’t like watching a movie
e. Horror movie is boring to watch
3. What does Diana’s opinion about history movies?
a. They give both knowledge and entertainment
b. They just make her scared
c. They don’t give any moral value
d. They are prohibited to watch
e. They are boring movies
4. The underlined sentence is the expression of …
a. Giving opinion
b. Agreement on someone’s opinion
c. Disagreement on someone’s opinion
d. Asking for opinion
e. Refusing the opinion
5. A: Wow! Personally. I think this hat is great.
B: … the modal is out of fashioned
a. This is absolutely right
b. Are you sure
c. I’m sorry, I don’t agree with you
d. What do you think of this hat
e. I think this is the best hat in this shop.
6. Yuli : what kind of form should I fill to join the club?
Mina : You should fill the …
a. Registration form
b. Confirmation form
c. Request form
d. Bank form
e. Health form
7. Edo : Will you attend Friska’s birthday next week, Mawar?
Mawar : I don’t think I could, Edo … at that time
Edo : Oh, all right, then
a. I will go with Tiara
b. I am attending my cousin’s wedding
c. I am going to her house today
d. I am going to be busy next month
e. I will hold my birthday party soon.
8. Teacher : Make one example of expressing past obligation, please!
Student :…
a. We should study hard
b. We should be studying at school now
c. We should have arrived at school
d. We shouldn’t break the rule
e. Should we go now?
9. Joko : What is the meaning of block capital, Irene?
Irene : It means we should fill the form…
a. Using black-inked pad
b. By writing down the capital city first
c. In cursive letters
d. In capital letter
e. Correctly
10. Maya : …?
Yudhis : I will wash my motorcycle
a. What is your name
b. What do you usually do on weekends
c. Will you have finished doing it at ten
d. Will you wash it this Sunday
e. What will you do this Sunday





9.00 PM

11. What text is it?

a. Advertisement
b. Announcement
c. Invitation card
d. Application letter
e. Notice
12. Who held the event?
a. Company event did
b. The Schmidt and partner did
c. The Borchardt did
d. The Broadway did
e. 59TH Street and Broadway did
13. When was the event held?
a. June 30th 2018
b. Last year
c. June 30th 2017
d. Last two years
e. Next year
14. What time was the event held?
a. At 8 a.m.
b. At 9 a.m.
c. At 8 p.m.
d. At 9 p.m.
e. At 10 p.m.
15. What is the goal of the card above?
a. To invite the invitee to the event of the Schmidt and partner
b. To persuade the invitee to work together with the Schmidt and partner
c. To inform the invitee that there’s an event in the Schmidt and partner
d. To retell the readers that the Schmidt and partner held an event two years ago
e. To tell the invitee how to build a company such the Schmidt and partner

Text for number 16-23

Water is a source of life for humans. Humans’ body needs water to fulfill the need of mineral. Everyday
people drink water. However, there are still many people lack of drinking water. They just prefer drinking tea.
Coffee, juice, syrup or even soft drink to water. In fact, water has a lot of advantages.

Water is your body’s principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight.
Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries
nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues. Lack of water can lead to
dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don’t have enough water in your body to carry out normal
functions. Even mild dehydration good to burn fats in the body. can drain your energy and make you tired. Water is

16. What does the text tell about?

a. Human’s body
b. Healthy life
c. The advantages of drinking water
d. Eight glasses of water a day
e. Water is a source of life
17. What is the main idea of paragraph?
a. The importance of water
b. The advantages of water
c. The rule of drinking water
d. How to keep health
e. The simple way to live healthy
18. What depends on water?
a. Health
b. Stamina
c. Brain
d. Toxin
e. Every system
19. What is washed out of vital organ?
a. Toxins
b. Ears
c. Nutrients
d. Nose
e. Throat tissues
20. What is dehydration according to the text?
a. A condition where body cannot do normal function because of much water
b. A condition where you drink a lot of water so that your body cannot do the normal
c. A condition where you feel tired because of drinking a lot of water
d. A condition where your body does not have enough water to do the normal function still
e. A condition where your body needs a lot of water but it can do the normal function still.
21. What is the second paragraph called?
a. Thesis
b. Argument
c. Orientation
d. Steps
e. Reiteration
22. What is the goal of the text?
a. To inform that water is very useful for humans’ body
b. To describe about water
c. To present water in detail
d. To persuade the readers drinking 8 glasses of water a day
e. To present the writer’s opinion telling the advantages of water
23. Which one is the generic structure of analytical exposition text?
a. Orientation-series of event-reorientation
b. Thesis-argumentation-reiteration
c. Thesis-argument-recommendation
d. Issue-argument
e. General statement-explanation
24. Agus painted the entire house.
a. The entire house was painted by Agus
b. The entire house were painted by Agus
c. The entire house were being painted by Agus
d. The entire house is painted by Agus
e. The entire house be painted by Agus
25. A novel…red by Wina when I greeted her
a. Was
b. Was being
c. Is
d. Is being
e. Has been

Change the sentences below into passive voice

1) I’m computerizing the computer right now

2) Sheila had been making some doughnut when I visited her
3) Mr. Brian helped father to paint the chicken cage
4) Mila has been waiting for you
5) Linda would buy the handbag but she lost her money


Mata pelajaran: LINTAS BAHASA INGGRISHari,Tanggal : Kamis, 2 Desember 2021
Kelas : X-IPSWaktu: 10.00 – 11.00 WIB

Miki : this is our language laboratory. We sometimes have the language lessons in this room

Akira : I see. Let’s come in!

Miki : Wait! You should take off your shoes before entering the room. It is carpeted room; shoes sales can
make it dirty.

Akira : I see. I’m sorry. I should’ve known about it and taken my shoes off earlier

Miki : That’s okay. Now, all students should be wearing the headsets during the lessons since the teacher will
speak on the microphone.

Akira : How if we want to ask something. Or the teacher wants us to speak?

Miki : We speak in turns. We should push this button first to get the teacher’s attention and permission to
speak. Then, we should be holding this button while we speak so that our voice can be herd by all people
in this room.

Akira : I see. Thanks for explaining it to me, Miki.

Miki : My pleasure.

1) Where does the dialogue take place?

a. In the library
b. In the classroom
c. In the science laboratory
d. In the language laboratory
e. In the independent learning center
2) Who explains about the place?
a. Miki
b. Akira
c. Miki’s friend
d. The teacher
e. The writer
3) Why should they take off their shoes before entering the room?
a. To tidy up the room
b. To beautify the room
c. To have the lesson
d. To keep the shoes safe
e. To keep the room clean
4) What does the underlined sentence express?
a. Past necessity
b. Present necessity
c. Present obligation
d. Future obligation
e. Future plan
5) What should we be doing while we speak during the language lesson in the laboratory?
a. We should be wearing the headset
b. We should be taking off our shoes
c. We should be holding the button
d. We should have asked for the teacher’s permission
e. We should have got the teacher’s permission.

For questions 6-10

6) People communicate with each other using both spoken… written English.
a. And
b. Both
c. But
d. Not
e. Or
7) Polonius said,” Neither a borrower … a lender be.”
a. And
b. Both
c. Or
d. Nor
e. Not
8) She led the team not only in statistics … by virtue of her enthusiasm
a. Or
b. And
c. Either
d. Neither
e. But also
9) I will … clean my house or take my motorcycle to the workshop this wee-end
a. And
b. Both
c. Either
d. Neither
e. Not only
10) We can see advertisement … in mass media but also in the public place.
a. Not only
b. But also
c. either
d. Both
e. Or
11) A : What should we do as a student?
B :…
a. We should obey the rules
b. We should get enough rest
c. We should go to school every day
d. We should practice well
e. We should study hard
12) Lisa : …?
Rose : Yes, you should. It is a carpeted room and we have to keep it clean
a. Shouldn’t we be practicing now
b. What should I do
c. Should I take off my shoes
d. Do you think it’s necessary for me to do that
e. Shouldn’t you take off your shoes too
13) Girl : What should I do if my laptop is broken?
Boy : You should …
a. Take it to the repair shop
b. Take care of it well
c. Not break it
d. Have bought the best quality laptop
e. Try to repair it by yourself
14) Riska : …?
Bian : Yes, I just take a rest for a moment. I’m so tired
a. Shouldn’t you call your dancing mentor
b. Shouldn’t you be having a rehearsal now
c. Should you be having a rehearsal now
d. Should we start the rehearsal now
e. Should I take you some water
My seatmate Angel is a great student. She does great both in classroom and in the court. Yes, Angel is a young
talented basketball player. While she is just in the first year in high school, she has been appointed as the leader of
our school’s female basketball team. Besides playing basketball, Angel also loves playing violin. She not only does
her hobbies pleasurably but also seriously. After graduating from high school, she will continue her study either to
a sport education department in a university or to an art institute.

15) What is the relation between the writer and Angel? They are …
a. Seatmates
b. Teammates
c. Schoolmates
d. Neighbors
e. Siblings
16) What club is Angel in?
a. Gymnastic club
b. Male football club
c. Female football club
d. Male basketball club
e. Female basketball club
17) “She is not only does her hobbies pleasurably but also seriously.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
a. Spitefully
b. Obnoxiously
c. Enjoyably
d. Unpleasantly
e. Nastily
18) “… She will continue her study either to a sport education department in a university or to an art
What is the meaning of the sentence above?
a. She will enroll herself to a sport education department in a university.
b. She will enroll herself to an art institute.
c. She will continue her study to two departments at once
d. She will choose one between the sport department and the art one
e. She will not continue her study.
19) The students will be … mid semester tests next week. the correct form of the verb to complete the
sentence above is …
a. Has
b. Have
c. Had
d. Have had
e. Having
20) During-navigating-will-the ship-Mr. Salman-the voyage-be
The best arrangement is …
a. The voyage will be navigating Mr. Salman during the ship
b. The ship will be navigating Mr. Salman during the voyage
c. Mr. Salman will be navigating the ship during the voyage
d. Mr. Salman will navigating the voyage during the ship
e. Mr. Salman will be the ship during navigating the voyage
21) Yul : What kind of form should I fill to join the club?
Mina : You should fill the …
a. Registration form
b. Confirmation form
c. Request form
d. Bank form
e. Health form
22) Edo : Will you attend Friska’s birthday next week, Mawar?
Mawar : I don’t think I could, Edo … at that time.
Edo : Oh, all ring, then.
a. I will go with Tiara
b. I am attending my cousin’s wedding
c. I am going to her house today
d. I am going to be busy next month
e. I will hold my birthday party soon.
23) Teacher : Make one example of expressing past obligation, please!
Student :…
a. We should study hard
b. We should be studying at school now
c. We should have arrived at school
d. We shouldn’t break the rule
e. Should we go now?
24) Joko : What is the meaning of block capital, Irene?
Irene : It means we should fill the form …
a. Using black-inked pen
b. By writing down the capital city first
c. In cursive letters
d. In capital letters
e. Correctly
25) Maya : …?
Yudhis : I will wash my motorcycle.
a. What is your name
b. What do you usually do on weekends
c. Will you have finished doing it at ten
d. Will you wash it this Sunday
e. What will you do this Sunday

Express obligation answering each question below!

1. I lost my wallet. What should I do?

2. I have homework that I must submit to my teacher tomorrow. What should I be doing now?
3. My teacher asks me to write a paper analsying a social phenomenon. What should I do?
4. I am allergic to some ingredients. What should’ve I done before eating anything?
5. I forget the password of my ATM card. What should I do?


Mata pelajaran: BAHASA INGGRISHari,Tanggal : Kamis, 2 Desember 2021
Kelas : XII-IPA/XII-IPSWaktu: 08.00 – 09.00 WIB
The following text is for questions 1-3

Ervan Ferdian
Jl. Pelangi no. 110

November 2, 2018

Personal Manager
Cemerlang Tours and Travel

Dear Sir/Madam:
Reading an online job vacancy advertisement, stating that your tour and travel agency needs a tour guide, I am
interested to apply for such a position.
I am a fresh graduate from a reputable college, majoring tours and travel. During my studies, I had apprentice in
prominent travel agencies which gave me valuable experiences. I speak English fluently and French and
Japanese as well.
I am friendly and able to work individually and in teams. I also like traveling, adventuring to new places.
If you’d like to know more about me, you can read my enclosed resume. Please feel free to contact me on my
number or send me an e-mail, I am ready every time you call me for an interview.


Ervan Ferdian

1. Why did Ervan Ferdian write the letter?

a. To apply for a job
b. To inform of a job interview
c. To explain about his self-identity
d. To give information about a job vacancy
e. To ask for information about a job vacancy
2. How did Ervan know the job vacancy?
a. From his friend
b. By reading a magazine
c. By reading a newspaper
d. By browsing the internet
e. By reading an advertisement in the agency office
3. From the letter we know that Revan Ferdian……..
a. Can speak English only
b. Doesn’t have an e-mail account
c. Is on of new experiences
d. Is not willing to work in groups
e. Ever worked for a travel agency before
4. Dear Sir/Madam is …
a. Applicant’s address
b. Date
c. Employer’s address
d. Salutation
e. Opening paragraph
5. What is the caption about?
a. Life
b. Friendship
c. Motivation
d. Environment
e. The beauty of nature
6. What does the caption mean?
a. Life needs struggle
b. Nobody knows our luck
c. Dreams will lead us to success
d. Love will make a person strong
e. Willpower will defeat any difficulties

One evening, Mrs. Karen welcomed Donita, her loyal customer, warmly.

“Good evening, Donita. What can I do for you?” asked Mrs. Karen

“Good evening, Mrs. Karen. I am going to perform a drama wearing this costume. Please fix it,” said

“That’s easy. What should I do?” asked Mrs. Karen.

“Please change the shape of its collar like the one in this picture,” said Donita.

“That’s O.K. Anything else?” asked Mrs. Karen.

“Yes, please make this dress smaller, replied Donita.

7. What did Mrs. Karen do?

a. A dressmaker
b. A store owner
c. A business woman
d. A fashion designer
e. A fashion store assistant
8. What was Mrs. Karen going to do?
a. Fix a drama costume
b. Sew a drama costume
c. Enlarge a costume size
d. Design a drama costume
e. Prepare a drama costume
9. “One evening, Mrs. Karen welcomed Donita, her loyal customer, warmly.” (Paragraph 1).
What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?
a. Royal
b. Lucky
c. Common
d. Valuable
e. Faithful

One late afternoon, Mrs. Delia was cooking for dinner when the tap was broken.

“You look annoyed. What happened, Mom?” asked Randy

“The tap is broken and I have not finished my cooking yet. I think there is a problem with the water pipe,” replied
Mrs. Delia.

“Do you remember the plumber’s mobile number, Mom?” asked Randy. ”I am going to call him.”
“I don’t, but I’ve saved it in my cell phone,” told Mrs. Delia.

“Where is your cell phone, Mom?” asked Randy.

“O gosh … I forget where I put it,” said Mrs. Delia.

“I’ll look for your cell phone and call the plumber,” offered Randy.

“O.K. Thanks, dear,” Replied Mrs. Delia

10. Where did the story take place?

a. In a kitchen
b. In a garden
c. In a living room
d. In a cell phone kiosk
e. In a plumber’s house
11. What was Randy going to do immediately?
a. Repair the tap
b. Call the plumber
c. Help his mother cook
d. Save the plumber’s number
e. Search for his mother’s cell phone
12. What is Randy like?
a. Polite
b. Smart
c. Honest
d. Helpful
e. Friendly
13. The plumber’s mobile number … in Mrs. Delia’s cell phone.
a. Saves
b. Is saving
c. Has saved
d. Is being saved
e. Has been saved

14. … people are greedy, nature will be harmful.

a. It
b. After
c. Before
d. Though
e. Unless
15. According to the caption, people should not …
a. Plant trees
b. Keep nature
c. Exploit nature
d. Think about nature
e. Use nature for our daily lives
16. “Nature will deserve people’s needs, not people’s greed.”
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Keep
b. Check
c. Create
d. Suffice
e. Destroy

Evans : We have to submit the report of our visit to Bali tomorrow, but I think there are still a lot of problem
with the grammar, spelling and so on.

Hilda : You’re right

Evans : What do you think we should do?

Hilda : What if I take half of it and I’ll edit the rest after I finish this one?

Evans : That’s very thoughtful of you. Thanks a lot.

17. Who do you think the speakers are?

a. Old friends
b. Classmates
c. Teacher and student
d. Cousins
e. Brother and sister
18. Where did Evans and Hilda go to recently?
a. Bali
b. Evan’s hometown
c. Overseas
d. Hilda’s hometown
e. Palembang
19. What will they be doing tomorrow? They will be …
a. Going to Bali
b. Typing their report
c. Editing their report
d. Presenting their report
e. Handing in their report
20. Why does Evans thank Hilda?
a. She will edit their report
b. She will rewrite their report
c. She will type the report soon
d. She will submit their report to the teacher
e. She will look for reference for their report
21. Shinta writes a letter to her friend.
a. A letter is written by Shinta to her friend
b. A letter is being written by Shinta to her friend
c. A letter was written by Shinta to her friend
d. A letter was being written by Shinta to her friend
e. A letter has been written by Shinta to her friend
22. Aldo is sending a message now
a. A message is sent by Aldo now
b. A message is being sent by Aldo now
c. A message was sent by Aldo now
d. A message was being sent by Aldo now
e. A message has been sent by Aldo now
23. The Personal Manager interviewed the applicants
a. The applicants is interviewed by the Personal Manager
b. The applicants is being interviewed by the Personal Manager
c. The applicants were interviewed by the Personal Manager
d. The applicants were being interviewed by the Personal Manager
e. The applicants have been interviewed by the Personal Manager
24. Mother was giving apples to me
a. Apples is given by mother to me
b. Apples is being given by mother to me
c. Apples were given by mother to me
d. Apples were being given by mother to me
e. Apples have been given by mother to me
25. A tailor has sewn my father’s pants
a. My father’s pants is sewn by a tailor
b. My father’s pants is being sewn by a tailor
c. My father’s pants were sewn by a tailor
d. My father’s pants were being sewn by a tailor
e. My father’s pants have been sewn by a tailor

Change the following active sentences into passive ones

i. Student will attend the carnival.

ii. Dafa can design a robot
iii. Firda reads a novel
iv. My mother is cooking soto
v. My father repaired the bike.

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