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Mata Kuliah : Bhs Inggris II Dosen Pengampu : Andri Nugraha S.S., M.Pd

Jenjang : S1 Jurusan : Akuntansi

Semester / Tahun : I / 2021 - 2022 Tugas ke : 11

Kelas : A / Reg Sore

Nama : Dian Indriyani

NIM/NPM : C11190028

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Hari Rabu, 30 November 2021, Pukul 20.00 WIB
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Exercises 1 :
After you read “Investment 5-2 “, sub title : The Stock Market you will found “Reading 2”, Your task is to
complete the exercise based on the instruction.

A stock exchange is a marketplace where stocks, bonds and other securities are bought and sold. But stock
exchanges are more than just markets: They provide companies with a valuable way to raise capital, encourage
investors and companies to be open and transparent, and help the public as a whole understand the value of
their investments.
A stock index, or stock market index, is an index that measures a stock market, or a subset of the stock
market, that helps investors compare current price levels with past prices to calculate market performance. It is
computed from the prices of selected stocks (typically a weighted arithmetic mean)

Andri Nugraha, S.S.,M.Pd – English

Exercises 2 :
On the sub title : “Arrangements and Appointments”, you will found Reading 3. Your task is to complete the
exercise based on the instruction
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May
8 A.M Breakfast with some
9 A.M
10 A.M Interviewing a new
personal assistant

11 A.M Meeting Sasha Meeting with

Dubois at ING Saleh Aoun
12 A.M Lunch Barbara and
1 P.M Lunch Georg
2 P.M Flying to Brussels
3 P.M
4 P.M Meeting Tony
Price at Sony
5 P.M Coming Back Tennis Peter
6 P.M
7 P.M
8 P.M

Exercises 3 :
Fill the blank with a correct Prepositions
1. Jane is arriving on January 26 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
2. It snows here every year in December. We always go outside and play in the snow on Christmas day.
3. Michael is leaving on Friday at noon.
4. Frankie started working for her law firm in 1995.
5. Franklin began working on the project No Prep yesterday.
6. As Samantha was climbing out of the swimming pool, she slipped and fell back in
7. The post office is just down the street on the left near the hospital.
8. You can go in now; Dr. Wilson is ready to see you.
9. Our customer service center will help you solve that problem. Just walk down the hall and take the elevator
up to the second floor.
10. Just as Debbie was stepping out of the elevator, she realized she was on the wrong floor, so she quickly
jumped back in before the doors closed.


Andri Nugraha, S.S.,M.Pd – English

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