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Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology -Banaybanay Campus

BSED-Technology and Livelihood Education

 This is a total of 120 points.60 and beyond is the passing score.
 Cheaters of this major examination will automatically receive 5.0 as final grade.
 No erasures allowed.
 All answers must be in correct spelling.
I.Multiple Choice (1 point per best answer)
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the test booklet.

1.It is the prevention of food spoilage.

A.Food processing B.Food manufacturing C.Food fermentation D.Food preservation
2.It is a step of food preservation wherein the meat may no longer have the semblance to the original source
such as mango jam.
A.Primary processing B.Food processing C.Food preservation D.Food manufacturing
3.Food components will interact chemically with each other that will eventually always result in beneficial
effects on food quality.
A.Yes B.No C.Either yes or no D.None of the above
4.This one is also called the non-enzymatic browning chemical reactions in food.
A.Rancidity B.Maillard C.Enzymatic browning D.Chemical enzymes
5.This involves series reactions that lead to the production of brown color and loss of nutritional value of
B.Rancidity B.Maillard C.Enzymatic browning D.Chemical enzymes
6.Enzymatic reaction is best controlled by inactivating the enzymes by _____________ .
A.heating B.blanching C.peeling D.browning
7.Which of the following are factors of food spoilage that can be classified as physical agents?
A.Rough handling, Parasites, Enzymes B.Heat, Moisture, Rough Handling C.Enzymes, Moisture, Oxygen
D.Molds, Heat, Moisture
8.The presence of microorganisms in food is not always detrimental, but can in fact be beneficial.
B.Yes B.No C.Either yes or no D.None of the above
9.This is the phase of bacterial growth where the total number of the cells being formed equals the number
of cells dying off.
A.Death phase B.Logarithmic phase C.Lag phase D.Stationary phase
10.These are composed of populations or communities of microorganisms that are usually enclosed extra
cellular polysaccharide that they themselves synthesize.
A.Bacterial growth B.Aflatoxins C.Biofilms D.Microbial growth
11.Biological components that speed up reactions without themselves being permanently changed.
A.Acid B.Enzymes C.Chemical reaction D.Preservation agents
12.This one involves the loss of taste, texture, odor, color and aesthetic appeal as determinants of food
A. Loss of nutritional value B.Loss of organoleptic desirability C.Loss of food value D.Loss of functionality
13.Maximum fruit size is achieved by cell division and subsequently by enlargement of the cells.Which of
the following this statement pertains to?
A.Fruit maturation B.Fruit development C.Fruit characteristic D.Fruit growth
14.This group of fruits does not exhibit any change in respiration pattern and do not ripen after picking so
are harvested at the stage of ripeness desired.
A.Non-climactic fruit B.Climacteric fruit C.Non-climacteric fruit D.Climactic fruit
15. These are toxins produced by molds that can cause vomiting, fever and headache to human.
A.Aflatoxins B.Mycotoxins C.Yeasts C.Molds
16.The transfer of heat by water, water-based liquid or steam.
A.Dry heat cooking B.Moist heat cooking C.Steam heat cooking D.Moist cooking
17.The transfer of thermal energy from electricity, gas or solid fuel to the vapor molecules of the air, which
in turn heat the food or the utensil it comes in contact with.
A.Radiation B.Conduction C.Convection D.Induction
18.This is the direct transfer of heat via metals or any heat -conducting materials containing the food.The
heat penetrates the center of the food.Good conductor of heat are metals, copper, water and steam, and air.
A.Radiation B.Conduction C.Convection D.Induction
19.This is the transfer of heat from a red hot coil to the food.It immediately heats the food it strokes on.The
process can be blocked by an obstacle between the source and the object to be heated.
A.Radiation B.Conduction C.Convection D.Induction
20.It is the stage of fruit ripeness wherein the seeds are fully developed and ready to grow into a new plant.
A.Maturation B.Ripening C.Senescence D.Optimum Ripeness
21.Bacterial growth grow in numbers by means of ____________ .
A.Mutation B.Binary Fission C.Binary Fusion D.Meiosis
22.Enzymes have optimum level for activity usually within the range of pH ________.
A.4.7-8.0 B.4.8-8.1 C.4.8-4.9 D.4.8-8.0
23.It is a cooking medium wherein the temperature may be recognized by the presence of many bubbles of
steam rises to the top and breaks.
A.Poaching B.Boiling C.Steaming D.Simmering
24.It is a cooking method with steam formed from the water originally present in food.
A.Waterless cooking B.Steaming C.Pressure cooking D.Poaching
25.It is referred to as milk sugar that does not seem to occur in other sources and is used commercially.
A.Galactose B.Lactose C.Glucose D.Maltose
26.It is the property of sugar to absorb moisture from the atmosphere.
A.Caramelization B.Hydrolysis C.Evaporation D.Hygroscopicity
27.This type of dissacharide sugar is present in baking to provide nutritive substances which promote the
growth of yeast in the dough.
A.Galactose B.Maltose C.Sucrose D.Fructose
28.This stage of sugar cookery is reached at a temperature at about 177 degrees celcius or 350 degrees
A.Hard crack B.Hardball C.Softball D.Caramel
29.It is the main transport form of carbohydrates in the bloodstream of animals.
A.Sucrose B.Glucose C.Galactose D.Sugar
30.A method which do not eliminate the bacteria responsible for spoilage but merely inhibit further actions.
A.Freezing B.Bactericidal C. Sterilization D.Bacteriostatic

II.Identification. (1 point per correct answer)

Direction: Fill in the missing word/words in every sentence.
31.Syrups are ________ containing large amount of sugar that are added as flavor to other food. (liquids)
32.Fermentation is a biochemical process that involves the action of _________________.(microorganisms)
33.Sugar consists of sweet, __________, soluble organic compounds that belongs to carbohydrates.
34.________ preservation includes controlling the temperatures as in heating, chilling and drying. (Physical)
35.Heat sterilization is commonly called _____________. (Canning)
36.Confectioner’s sugar is obtained from granulated sugar by _______________. (pulverization)
37.Sugar is important because it is readily digested and absorbed for quick ___________. (energy)
38.Our ancestors developed ways to make food last longer for ____________. (consumption)
39.__________ processing is an immediate procedure that refers to the first step taken to change a food
source to food. (Primary)
40.The major components of food are water, carbohydrates, _________ and fats as well as vitamins and
other trace elements. (protein)
41. The most obvious role of sugar is being a sweetening agent but it is universally used to _________ to
foods.(add flavors)
42.The ripened fruit if not consumed will further undergo senescence and finally, _________ . (spoilage)
43.________is the general terms of enzymes that breakdown proteins. (protease)
44.The _________ spoilage agent involves molds, yeasts, insects and rodents. (biological)
45.Many microorganisms prefer water activity of 0.99 and most need water activity higher than ____ to
grow. (0.91)
46.Enzymes are complex molecules present in all ________ matters. (living)
47.A ___________ scale in a thermometer has 32 degrees for freezing point and 212 degrees for boiling
48.Most food must be cooked in order to improve its palatability and to make its ________ value available
in a palatable form. (nutritive)
49.Roasting is a cooking method on a spit before an open fire by covering with hot coals that is
synonymously with ____________ in meat cookery.(baking)
50.Simmering is cooking in a bath of water somewhat below the ___________ . (boiling point)
51-52.In the principles of food preservation, spoilage of perishable food can be averted only by
____________ and by____________. ( immediate consumption, prompt and effective preservation)
53-54.pH as expression of acidity ,the __________ is the pH of pure water and the range of __________
with pH 7.0 is the neutral point. (7.0, 0-14)
55-56.Effective preservation prevents spoilage by using ______________ such as acids, salt and ______.
(preservation agents, sugar)
57-58.____________method of food preservation are those that destroy or kill spoilage agents and are
exemplified by __________ processes such as canning. (bactericidal, thermal)
59-60. The ________ type of preservation which involves addition to food of substance such as sugar, salt
and acids whereas __________ type of preservation involves controlling the temperature as in heating and
(chemical, physical)
61-62.Mostly by principle, cooking is a preservation method because _______food generally has longer
shelf life compared to _________food. (cooked food, raw food)
63-64.In the Philippines, granulated sugar is known as _____________ processed from ____________.
(table sugar, sugar cane)
65-66.The main purpose of blanching is to inactivate _________ and to kill spoilage__________. (enzymes,
67-69._________ is a _______ gas produced within the cells of the plant that triggers and speeds up the
________ of the fruit.(ethylene, natural, ripening)
70-72.The _______________, _______________, and ___________, are three types of heat sterilization.
(water bath, steam pressure, aseptic method)
73-75.Maltose is a sugar found mainly in _______ while _______ is the sugar that gives flavor to many
fruits that is also called _______ or fruit sugar. (malt extract, fructose, levulose)
76-78. By principle of fruit ripening, some non-climacteric fruits may exhibit color change but this is not
associated with changes in ___________ and/or _________.One best example of non-climacteric fruit is
________ .
(sweetness, texture, any climacteric fruit such as pineapple, citrus, strawberry, grapes, cucumber)
79-81.By principles of sugar cookery, sugar is used for sweetening in making preserves such as _______,
_______, and _______. (jams, jellies and candies)
82-84.______ is a fruit preserved product that are soft fruit jellies containing small pieces of peel while
______ are thick, sweet spreads made by cooking crushed or chopped fruits.And lastly, ________ are
usually made by cooking fruit juice with sugar. (marmalade, jams, jellies)
85-87.The three categories of food processing are _____________, ___________, and _________. (Primary
food processing, Food preservation, food manufacturing)
88-90.There are 9 Fahrenheit degrees for every 5 centigrade degrees.Thus, when a temperature reading is to
be changed into centigrade(Celsius), subtract ______ from Fahrenheit degrees, multiply it by ____and
divide by ______. (32, 5, 9)

III.ESSAY (10 points each)

General Direction: In no more than 3 sentences, discuss legibly, comprehensively, substantively each item

1. “Moisture” as a physical food spoilage agent

2. The compositions of food based on ‘The Nature of Food’

3. The functions of sugar in Food Production

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