Tle 118 - Needs Assessment

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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Guang-guang Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental – 8200
First Semester 2018-2019


major in

TLE – Environmental Education and Livelihood Extension Services

Assessment Task No. 2– Comprehensive Report (10 pages) on COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT

I. Course Learning Outcome

2. Conduct a Community Needs Assessment for the identified target population.

II. Task Description

At the first week of October 2018, you need to present a Comprehensive Report about the Community
Needs Assessment of the identified target population. This is worth 100 points. To complete the task, you need
a) Create a Literature review on the Concepts, Principles, Theories and Legal Bases in conducting
Community Needs Assessment.

b) Conduct Interview from the appropriate focal persons of a particular community to gain insights on
the actual Gaps and Needs of the community which can possibly be determinants on the Extension Services
that a 4th year student shall be conducting during finals.

c) Prepare a Comprehensive Report that covers the information gathered from the task which shall
include the following parts:

c.1. Introduction (this part shall include a brief overview of the task and the content of the
paper; 3-5 paragraphs in 1 page)

c. 2 Literature Review (this part shall present a summary through identified themes of the
gathered resources that shall explain concepts, principles, theories and legal bases of Community
Needs Assessment (1 whole page).

c.3 Presentation-Narrative and Tabular (this part shall present the information that emerged
from the interview conducted. ( 2 pages)

c.4 Conclusions (this part shall present the gap/needs identified from the Community Needs
Assessment that you’ve conducted (1 whole page)

c.5Recommendation (this part shall present your personal recommendation anchored on the
potential solutions which will be implemented to address the gap/needs of the community. (1
whole page)

c.6 References (this part should be written in APA format 6th Edition)(1 page)

c.7 Appendices (this part shall include the photo documentation, and the interview guide)(3
III. Student Assessment

This activity is a total of 100 points gained from the paper (comprehensive report) .This is an individual
task. Deadline of the paper is on October 4, 2018.

Output shall be assessed using the Criteria below:

A. Comprehensive Report

100 75 50 25

The Report contains an The Report contains The Report contains The Report contains
Excellent statement of Very Satisfactory Satisfactory statement of unsatisfactory statement
concepts, principles, statement of concepts, concepts, principles, of concepts, principles,
theories, legal bases and principles, theories, legal theories, legal bases and theories, legal bases and
information gathered bases and information information gathered information gathered
from Conducting gathered from from Conducting from Conducting
Community Needs Conducting Community Community Needs Community Needs
Assessment Needs Assessment Assessment Assessment


With Cover Page

A4 Coupon bond
Times New Roman
Font size – 12
Spacing – 1.5
Margin- Normal
Titles- 14 font size/bold
A4 White Sliding Folder

Sample Cover Page: (all texts centered)

DOSCST and Banaybanay Extension Campus Logo

Title: A Comprehensive Report on the Community Needs Assessment conducted in _________________

(complete address) on ____________________ (complete date).

Submitted to:

Ms. Lovelyn M.Ramos

TLE 118 Instructor

Submitted by:
Mary Ann Garcia
TLE 118 4th year Student

SY: 2018-2019

Cellphone Number

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