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I. Directions: Read the following statements carefully and choose the best answer from the given choices .

Write the letter of your answer on the space provided for.

__________1. A car travels 30 kph faster than a truck. The car covers 540 km in two hours less than the
It takes the truck to travel the same distance. How fast does the car travel?
a) 60 kph b) 90 kph c) 120 kph d) 150 kph
__________2. A 10 cm by 17 cm picture is mounted with border of uniform width on a rectangular frame. If
the total area of the border is 198cm², what is the length of the side of the frame?
a) 23 cm b) 20 cm c) 16 cm d) 13 cm
__________3. The length of a garden is 4 m more than twice its width and its area is 38 m². Which of the
following equations represents the given equation ?
a) 2x² + 4x = 19 b) x² + 2x = 19 c) x² + x = 19 d) x² + 2x = 38
__________ 4. Carl Allan hit the volleyball at 3 ft above the ground with an initial velocity of 2ft/sec. The
path of the ball is given by the function S ( t ) = –16t² + 32t + 3 , where t is the time in
seconds and S is the height. What is the maximum height reached by the ball ?
a) 4 ft b) 8 ft c) 16 ft d) 19 ft
__________5 . An object is fired straight up with a velocity of 64ft/s. Its altitude ( h ) after t seconds is
Given by h(t)= –16t² + 64 t . When will the projectile’s height be half of its maximum
height ?
a) – 4 ± √ 2 b) 4 ± √ 2 c) 2 ± √ 2 d) – 2 ± √ 2
__________ 6. Find the maximum rectangular area that can be enclosed by a fence that is 364 meters long
a) 8279 m² b) 8280 m² c) 8281 m² d) 8282 m²
___________7 . It is an inequality that contains a polynomial of degree 2.
a) linear inequality b) quadratic inequality c) cubic inequality d) quadratic equation
___________8 . Which of the following mathematical statements is a quadratic inequality ?
a) 2r² −¿ 3r – 5 = 0 b) 7h + 12 < 0 c) 3t² + 7t – 2 ≥ 0 d) s² + 8s + 15 = 0
___________9. The equation of the boundary curve of the inequality x ²– y > 2.
a) y = –x² + 2 b) y = x² – 2 c) y = – x² –2 d) y = x² + 2
___________10. The solution set of the inequality given in no.9 is located.
a) inside the boundary curve c) outside the boundary curve
b) on the boundary curve d) none of the above
___________11. The figure on the right shows the graph of y > 2x² - 3x + 4 .
Which of the following is true about the solution set of the
inequality ?
I. The coordinates of all points on the shaded
shaded region belong to the solution set of
the inequality.
II. The coordinates of all points along the parabola
as shown by the broken line belong to the solution
set of the inequality.
III. The coordinates of all points along the parabola as
shown by the broken line do not belong to the
solution set of the inequality.
a) I and II b) I and III c) II and III d) I, II, III
___________12. Solve the inequality: x² + 3x + 14 < 32 .
a) SS = { x < -6 or x > 3 } b) SS = { x > -6 or x<3 } c) SS = {3 > x > -6} d) SS = { 3 <
x < -6 }
___________13. The graph of the inequality in no. 12 is

a) c)

b) d)

___________14. Which of the following shows the graph of y ≥ x² + 7x + 6 ?

a) c)

b) d)

_________15. A car travels a distance of d km in t hours. The formula that relates d to t is d = kt. What
kind of variation is it ? a) direct b) inverse c) joint d)
__________16. An encoder can type n words in t hours. The formula that relates n to t is n = . What kind
of variation is it ? a) inverse b) direct c) joint d) combined
__________17. The cost c varies directly as the number n of pencils is written as
k k
a) c = kn b) k = cn c) n = d) c =
c n
__________18. The cost c of mango varies directly as its weight w. This relationship is written as
k k
a) c = kw b) k = cw c) w = d) c =
c w
__________19. The number of hours h required to finish a job varies inversely as the number of workers
W on the job. This relationship is written as
k h
a) h = kw b) h = c) w = kh d) w =
w k
__________20. Which is an example of a direct variation ?
2 2
a) xy = 10 b) y = c) y = 5x d) = x
x y
__________21. y varies directly as x and y = 32 when x = 4. Find the constant of variation.
a) 8 b) 28 c) 36 d) 128

__________22. Which of the following describes an inverse variation ?

a) c)
x 2 3 4 5 x 40 30 20 10
y 5 10 5 2 y 8 6 4 2
3 2

b) d)
x 1 2 3 4 x 4 8 10 12
y 5 10 15 20 y 2 4 5 6
__________23. If y varies directly as x and y = 6 when x = 4, find y when x = 10
a) 3 b) 4 c) 15 d) 24
________24. w varies directly as the square of x and inversely as p and q. If w= 12 when x= 4 , p =2 and
q = 20, find w when x = 3, p = 8 and q = 5
a) 10 b) 9 c) d) 5
_________25. If 2 men can do a portion of a job in 8 days, how many men can do the same job in 4 days ?
a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 d) 4
__________26. Jaimee’s income varies directly as the number of days that she works. If she earns Ρ 12000
in 20 days, how much will she earn if she worked twice as long ?
a)P 26, 000 b) P 24, 000 c) P 20, 000 d) P 16, 000
__________27. What happens to y when x is tripled in the relation y = ?
a) y is tripled b) y is doubled c) y is halved d) y is divided by 3
_________28. If s varies directly as t and inversely v , then which of the following equations describes
the relation among the three vartiables s, t and v ?
k kv 1 kt kt
a) s = b) s = c) = d) s =
tv t s v v
_________29. w varies directly as the square of x and inversely as y and z. If w= 12 when x= 4 , y =2 and
z = 20, find w when x = 3, y = 8 and z = 5
a) 10 b) 9 c) d) 5
_________30. If y varies directly as the square of x, how is y changed if x is increased by 20 % ?
a) 44 % decrease in y b) 44% increase in y c) 0.44% decrease in y d) 0.44% increase in y
__________31. If h varies jointly as j² and i and inversely as g and h = 50, when j = 2 , i = 5 and g = ,
find h when j = 4, i = 10 and g = . a) 25 b) 100 c) 800 d) 805
__________32. What happens to y when x is doubled in the relation y = ?
a)y is tripled b) y is doubled c) y is divided by 3 d) y is halved
__________33. If p varies directly as q and inversely r , then which of the following equations describes
the relation among the three vartiables p,t and r ?
qr kr 1 kr k
a) p = b) p = c) = d) p =
t q p q qr
___________34. The amount of gasoline used by a car varies jointly as the distance travelled and the
square root of the speed. Suppose a car used 25 liters on a 100 km trip at 100 kph,
about how many liters will it use on a 1000 km- trip at 64 kph ?
a) 100 L b) 200 L c) 300 L d) 400 L
___________35. The volume V of a gas varies directly as its temperature t and inversely as its pressure p.
If the V = 80ml when t = 30° and the p = 10kg/cm², what will be the volume when t = 20°
and p = 20kg/cm².
1 2
a) 20 ml b) 20 ml c) 26 ml d) 32 ml
3 3
0 −2 −1 0 1
___________36. What is the simplified form of 4 5 6 100 −1 ?
1 1 1
a) 1 b) c) d)
75 150 6000
___________37. Which of the following is true ?
21/ 2 1
a) 51 /2 + 51 /3 = 5⁵ b) 1/ 3 = 2⁹ c)( 31 /3 ) ²=22/ 3 d) 4 −2 /3 = 2/ 3
2 4

___________38. What is the equivalent of √3 4 + √5 2 using exponential notation ?

a) 4 1 /3 + 21 /5 b) 4 3 + 25 c) 6 8 d) 61 /8
___________39. What is the exponential form of 2√ a + 3√ b?
a) 2 a1 /2 + 31 /2b b)2 a1 /2 + 3b 1/2 c)(2 a)1/ 2 + ( 3b ¿ ¿1 /2 d) ( 2 a+3 b )1 /2
___________40. Which of the following is an incorrect characteristics of a radical in simplest form?
a) No fraction as radicands. c) No radical appears in the denominator of a fraction.
b) No radicands with variable. d) No radicands have perfect square factor other than 1.


a. Direction: Rewrite the each question below without the exponents and simplify.
41-42. 22 * 23 = 51-52. 32 * 33 =
43.44. 22 * 24 = 53-54. x2 * x3 =
2 5
45.46. 2 * 2 = 55-56. x4 * x3 =
47-48. 22 * 26 = 57-58. X12 * x3=
49-50. 23 * 25= 59-60. X6 * x20=
b. Fill in the blank (61-90)
61-62. (x)2 =__*__ 71-72. (x2)3=
63-64. (22)2= 73-74. (X5)2=
2 3
65-66. (2 ) = 75-76. (X3)4=
67-68. (32)3= 77-78. (X5)4=
69-70. (x2)3= 79-80. (X10)4=
III. Problem Solving
Solve the following problems. Show your solution.
81-85. The shadow of an object varies directly as its height h . A man 1.8 m tall casts a shadow 4.32 m
If at the same time a flagpole casts a shadow 12.8 m long, how high is the flagpole ?
86-90. The number of days needed in repairing a house varies inversely as the number of men
working. It
takes 15 days for 2 men to repair the house. How many men are needed to complete the job in 6
days ?
91-95. The area of a triangle varies jointly as the base and the height. A triangle with a base 8 cm and a
height of 9 cm has an area of 36 cm². Find the area when the base is 10 cm and the height is 7
96-100. The area A of a triangle varies jointly as the base b and the altitude h of the triangle. If A = 65
when b = 10 cm and h = 13 cm, find the area of a triangle whose base is 8 cm and whose
altitude is 11 cm.
100-105. The force of attraction F of a body varies directly as its mass m and inversely as the square of
distance d from the body. When m =8 kg and d = 5 m , F = 100N. Find F when m = 2 kg and d =
15 m.

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