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Guidelines in Structuring Categories for Review of Related Literature and Studies

 Research Categories are based on the RESEARCH TITLE structure.

 Variables are a strong basis of research categories, particularly the independent and dependent
 The research category is highly based on the Statement of the Problem.
 Concept of Major Research Question is also used as a main research category.
 Supporting Research Questions are also considered as patterns of research category.
 Research Parameters are also classified as a research category.
 Research Ideas reflected in the paraphrased article are also considered as a research category.
 Research Categories are also based on research keywords.
 Research Categories are structured in two to five word structures.
 Words such as "Effects","Advantages and Disdavantages", and "Factors" can also be used.
 Categories are arranged based on the order of the Statement of the Problem.
 Categories are arranged based on the order of importance in research ideas.
 Research scope is reflected in every research categories.
 Research Categories are simple to understand, relevant and academic.
 Research Categories are based on the ideas of the paraphrased article in relevance to the research
 Research Categories are specific points of the research study being conducted.
 Research Categories are also based on the subject matter of the research article.
 Research Categories are also ideas based on the research gaps.
 Research Categories are the outline of the overall structure of the research theories.
 Research Categories are appropriate as categories for the survey questionnaire.
 Research Categories must be a basis of a general theory.
 Research Categories must be a basis of logical analysis and review.
 The research category must be a basis of the central research statement.
 The main categories are placed in the first and last part of the RRL.
 Research Categories are direct, hypothesis – based and insightful.
Outline of the RRL and S


Citation and Analysis

- Categories
- Paraphrased Article with Citation
- Explanation and Analysis based on:
 Major Ideas of the Article
 Thorough Analysis of what had been read
 Relevance of the Article in the Research Study


- Generalization
- Similarities of the ideas from each article
- Differences of the ideas from each article
- Research Theory
- Central Thesis Statement – one sentence with the main idea of the study based on the theory of
the research

Reference List

- Based on APA 7th Edition

- Arranged in alphabetical order

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