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1 The future
Forms of the future tense

Y, ¿cuándo te irás?
5.1 The future
• The future tense (el future) takes the same endings for all –__-ar__, ___-er____, and _____-
ir____ verbs. For regular verbs, the endings are ___added___ to the ___infinitive______.

hablaré deberé abriré

Hablarás Deberás Abrirás
hablará deberá abrirá
Hablaremos Deberemos Abriremos
Hablaréis Deberéis Abriréis
Hablarán Deberán Abrirán
Note that all of the future tense endings carry a written
accent except in the nosotros form.
• For verbs with irregular 5.1 The
future futurethe same endings are added to the irregular

Cabré, cabrás, cabrá, cabremos, cabréis, cabrán

Haré, habrás, habrá, habremos, habréis, habrán
Podré, podrás, podrá, podremos, podéis, podrán
Querré, querrás, querrá, querremos, Querréis, querrán
Sabré, sabrás, sabrá, sabremos, sabréis, sabrán

Saldré, saldrás, Sandra, saldremos, saldréis, saldrán
Tendré,tendrás, tendra, tendremos, tendréis, tendrán
Valdré, valdrás, valdra, valdremos, valdréis, valdrán
Vendré, vendrás, vendrá, vendremos, vendréis, vendrán

Diré, dirás, dirá, diremos, diréis, dirán

Haré, harás, hará, haremos, haréis, harán
5.1 The future
Uses of the future tense
• In Spanish, as in English, the future tense is one of many ways to express
______actions______ or _______conditions________ that will happen in the

The future tense is used

less frequently in Spanish
Llegan a Caracas mañana. than in English.
Prefiero que lleguen a Carcas
(Conveys a sense of
mańana. (Refers to an action that Te llamo mañana.
certainty that the action will
has yet to occur) I’ll call you tomorrow.
Espero que vengan.
I hope they will come.
Van a llegar a Caracas Llegarán a Caracas mańana.
mańana. (Expresses an action that will
(Expresses the near future, occur; often implies more
is commonly used in certainly than ir a + [infinitive]
everyday speech)
5.1 The future
• The English word ____will___can refer either to _________future time_________
or to someone’s _____willingess_______ to do _____something________. To
express willingness, Spanish uses the verb _____querer_______ + [infinitive], not
the future tense.

¿Quieres contribuir a la Quiero ayudar, pero no sé

protección del medio por dónde empezar.
WillWill you contribute
you contribute to the
to the protection I’ll
I’ll help, butI Idon’t
help, but don’t know
know where to
of the environment?
protection of the begin. to begin.
5.1 The future
• In Spanish, the ____future____ tense may be used to express conjecture or
________probability______, even about ____present______ events. English
expresses this in various ways, using _____words______ and
_______expressions_____ such as ____wonder____, ___bet___, must be,
____may____, might, and _____probably_______.

¿Qué hora será? Ya serán las dos de la mañana.

I wonder whatwhat
I wonder time time
it is. it is. It must be 2be
It must a.m. by now.
2 a.m. by now.

¿Estará lloviendo en Medellín? Hará un poco de sol y un poco de

think it’s raining
think in in
it’s raining It’s probably
It’s probablya abitbit
sunny andand
sunny windy.
5.1 The future
• When the present subjunctive follows a conjunction of time like cuando, después
(de) que, en cuanto, hasta que, and tan pronto como, the future tense is often
used in the main clause of the sentence.

Nos ________quedaremos________ lejos de la costa _______hasta que

pase______ el huracán.
____We’ll stay far from the coast until the hurricane passes._____
___En cuanto termine____ de llover, ____regresaremmos__ a casa.
___As soon as it stops raining, we’ll go back home.___
______Tan pronto como salga_____ el sol, ____ire_____ a la playa a tomar
____As soon as the sun comes up, I’ll go to the beach to take photos. ____.

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