Nursing Leadership and Management Question and Answer

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Nursing Leadership and Management

1. The 14 Principles of Management was first defined by

a. Elton Mayo

b. Henri Fayol

c. Adam Smith

d. James Watt 

2. Scientific Management Theory was developed by:

a. Max Weber

b. Frederick Taylor

c. Adam Smith

d. Rensis Likert 

3. Coordinating people and human resources to accomplish organizational goals is the

process of:

a. Planning

b. Directing

c. Management

d. Leadership

4. Which roles and competencies of the manager that values clarification; lifestyle

management; goal setting; alignment with organizational mission, goals, and


a. Client

b. Personal

c. Organizational
d. Communicator

5. The famous Hawthorne experiments were conducted by:

a. Elton Mayo

b. Max Weber

c. Henry Ford

d. Frederick Taylor 

6. These theories embodied the idea that the right thing to do depended on the

situation the leader was facing.

a. Great man theory

b. Situational theory

c. Transformational theory

d. Administrative theory

7. A nurse manager role that helps team arrive at decisions, gaining organizational

support for a new plan, gaining the cooperation of another department or


a. Team builder

b. Decision maker

c. Negotiator

d. Communicator

8. The individual recognized as the “father of scientific management” is:

a. Fayol

b. Weber

c. Taylor
d. Ouchi

9. Traditional management theory was designed to provide control and structure to

which types of organizations?

a. Hospitals

b. Scientific laboratories

c. Manufacturing industry

d. Institutions of higher education

10. Max Weber is known for the development of which management theory?

a. Bureaucratic management

b. Scientific management

c. Humanistic management

d. Transformational leadership

11. The components of a living system are capable of organizing themselves to create

change that moves the organization toward growth and accomplishment of the


a. Self-organization

b. Edge of chaos

c. Distributed Control

d. Fractals

12. These are the characteristics of Japanese management style, except.

a. Lifetime employment

b. Slow evaluation and promotion

c. Segmented concern
d. Nonhierarchical

13. Theory X and Theory Y are developed by which of these theorist?

a. Henri Fayol

b. Max Weber

c. Douglas McGregor

d. Frederick Taylor

14. Which principles of management states that “the more stable the personnel and the

managerial structures, the more successful the business”

a. Discipline

b. Initiative

c. Espirit de Corps

d. Centralization

15. These statements are true about the differences between leadership and

management except one.

a. The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.

b. The manager has a long-range view; the leader has a short-range perspective.

c. The manager has his eye on the bottom line; the leader has his eye on the


d. The manager imitates; the leader originates.

16. Which principle of management states that both employees and materials need to

be at the right place at the right time.

a. Order

b. Equity
c. Initiative

d. Authority

17. “Justice and understanding are important to developing a fair and equitable system”

a. Order

b. Equity

c. Initiative

d. Authority

18. The line of authority is drawn from highest management to lowest ranks, and

communication moves up and down this line.

a. Order

b. Equity

c. Initiative

d. Authority

19. Employees should be able to develop and implement plans on their own.

a. Order

b. Equity

c. Initiative

d. Authority

20. Fayol’s principle of esprit de corps refers to:

a. Subordination of individual interest to the common good.

b. Development of a high level of employee morale.

c. Encouragement of initiative and risk taking.

d. Emphasis on goal setting.

Answer Key

1. B (The 14 Principles of Management was first defined by Henri Fayol)

2. B (Scientific Management Theory was developed by Frederick Taylor)

3. D (Coordinating people and human resources to accomplish organizational goals is

the process of leadership)

4. B (Personal values clarification; lifestyle management; goal setting; alignment with

organizational mission, goals, and objectives)

5. A (The famous Hawthorne experiments were conducted by Elton Mayo)

6. B (Situational Theory embodied the idea that the right thing to do depended on the

situation the leader was facing)

7. C (Negotiator helps team arrive at decisions, gaining organizational support for a

new plan, gaining the cooperation of another department or organization)

8. C (Frederick Taylor the “father of scientific management”)

9. C (Traditional management theory was designed to provide control and structure to

manufactoring industry)

10. A (Bureaucratic Theory was developed by Max Weber)

11. A (Self-Organization – The components of a living system are capable of organizing

themselves to create change that moves the organization toward growth and

accomplishment of the mission)

12. C (Segmented concern is the characteristics of Western management style)

13. C (Theory X and Theory Y were developed by Douglas McGregor)

14. D (Centralization –The more stable the personnel and the managerial structures, the

more successful the business)

15. B (The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective)

16. A (Order – Both employees and materials need to be at the right place at the right


17. B (Equity – Justice and understanding are important to developing a fair and

equitable system)

18. D (Authority –The line of authority is drawn from highest management to lowest

ranks, and communication moves up and down this line)

19. C (Initiative –Employees should be able to develop and implement plans on their


20. B (Fayol’s principle of esprit de corps refers to development of a high level of

employee morale)

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