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Board of Directors Minutes, December 1, 2009, Meeting No.

4 (Special Meeting)
Michael Day, President and Co-Founder Anton Jungherr, Executive Director and Co-Founder
121 Ash Court, Hercules, CA 94547
510.799.1141 phone, 510.799.2124 fax, 510.697.7212 cell,

Board of Directors
Meeting No. 4 (Special Meeting)
California League of Bond Oversight Committees
Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 12 PM Noon
Via Telephone Conference Call

Call to Order – Michael Day at 12:06 PM

Roll Call – Michael Day

 Bob Blymyer, absent
 Leon Brauning, present via telephone
 Michael Day, present via telephone
 David Ginsborg, present via telephone
 Anton Jungherr, present via telephone
 Michael Turnipseed, absent
 David Wolfe, present via telephone

Approval of Agenda – Michael Day, approved by consensus. This was a special

meeting called by President Day to discuss the concerns of Leon Brauning in his
email to Board Members dated November 27, 2009 in regards to the letter to the
California Board of Accountancy dated November 13, 2009. The Board at their
regular quarterly meeting held on November 12, 2009 approved this letter.

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Board of Directors Minutes, December 1, 2009, Meeting No. 4 (Special Meeting)
Michael Day, President and Co-Founder Anton Jungherr, Executive Director and Co-Founder
121 Ash Court, Hercules, CA 94547
510.799.1141 phone, 510.799.2124 fax, 510.697.7212 cell,
California Board of Accountancy Letter dated November 13, 2009 – Mr. Brauning,
in his November 27, 2009 email to Board Members, stated “This topic and this
letter were not researched by a CALBOC subcommittee and it was not presented
at any previous meeting. I want an explanation as to why the verbage is so
accusative and strident. I am concerned that there may be legal liability to
CALBOC and the members of the board of directors by the parties mentioned in
the letter”.

The Board members discussed this matter in detail.

It was agreed by consensus that Leon Brauning and David Ginsborg would draft a
follow up letter to the California Board of Accountancy to be presented to the
Board at a subsequent meeting within ten (10) day for consideration.

Note: On December 2, 2009, Leon Brauning submitted a letter of resignation

from his position as Vice President and member of the CALBOC Board of

Adjournment – Michael Day adjourned the meeting at 1:00 PM.

Prepared By

Anton Jungherr, Secretary

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Board of Directors Minutes, December 1, 2009, Meeting No. 4 (Special Meeting)
Michael Day, President and Co-Founder Anton Jungherr, Executive Director and Co-Founder
121 Ash Court, Hercules, CA 94547
510.799.1141 phone, 510.799.2124 fax, 510.697.7212 cell,

Note: Agenda backup documents are available in the files of the Executive

Date Approved By Board of Directors _____________________________

 Board Members
 Official Minute Book (CALBOC file 5-10)
 Agenda Package
 Executive Director’s Notebook (work copy), Tab 5, Volume 2)

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