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COURSE CATALOG Shaykh al-Hind Immersion Program darulqasim.


Course Core or Course

Department Course Name Course Description
Code Elective Hours
Students will learn all the categories of regular verb forms (mujarrad), derivative
PCS101 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Arabic Morphology I nounal forms (mushtaqāt) complex verb forms (mazīd fīhī) and verb forms with 4
'hamzah' (mahmūz).
Students will complete their study of all irregular verb forms (muʿtal and
muḍāʿaf). Upon the completion of the foundational knowledge of Arabic
morphology, a detailed discussion on the special meaings (khāṣiyāt) of the
commonly used complex ((mazīd fīhī)) and irregular (taʿlīl) verb forms will be
PCS102 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Arabic Morphology II 4
As a completion of the Ṣarf series, students will read Kitāb al-Maqṣūd (an
Arabic pimer text of Ṣarf) to review and further their understanding of Arabic
This course introduces students to the essentials of Arabic syntax (naḥw)
through the study of a primer grammar text. The course aids the students in
PCS111 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Beginners Arabic Syntax I understanding and applying all the core Arabic grammar rules through textual 4
study and supplementary exercise questions. By the end of the course, students
will be able identify/parse the different nouns, verbs, and particles.
This course introduces students to the essentials of Arabic syntax (naḥw)
through the study of a primer grammar text. The course aids the students in
understanding and applying all the core Arabic grammar rules through textual
PCS112 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Beginners Arabic Syntax II 4
study and supplementary exercise questions. By the end of the course, students
will be able to read and parse basic Arabic texts in any field of Arabic or Islamic
Written by Shaykh Sayyid Abu al-Ḥasan ʿAlī al-Nadwī (1377AH/1999CE)
sectioned in five volumes/parts detailing the stories of various Prophets and
concluding with the Sīrah (biography) of the Prophet Muḥammad (may Allah
bless him and grant him peace) in the final book. The author methodically and
systematically developed this series of books for students to apply the theories
PCS121 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Beginners Arabic Literature I of Arabic grammar while continuously building on vocabulary pertaining to 4
further studies within the Qurʾānic sciences. The goal for the students is to
complete the first three volumes/parts of the series throughout the year.
Through the reading and comprehension of the books, students will develop an
adab (etiquette) towards Arabic reading and understanding.

Written by Shaykh Sayyid Abu al-Ḥasan ʿAlī al-Nadwī (1377AH/1999CE)

sectioned in five volumes/parts detailing the stories of various Prophets and
concluding with the Sīrah (biography) of the Prophet Muḥammad (may Allah
bless him and grant him peace) in the final book. The author methodically and
systematically developed this series of books for students to apply the theories
PCS122 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Beginners Arabic Literature II of Arabic grammar while continuously building on vocabulary pertaining to 4
further studies within the Qurʾānic sciences. The goal for the students is to
complete the first three volumes/parts of the series throughout the year.
Through the reading and comprehension of the books, students will develop an
adab (etiquette) towards Arabic reading and understanding.

Copyright © Darul Qasim 2019 1

COURSE CATALOG Shaykh al-Hind Immersion Program

Course Core or Course

Department Course Name Course Description
Code Elective Hours
This course is designed to present students with an overview of the Qurʾānic
sciences which includes the preservation of the Qurʾān through generations,
PCS131 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Intro to Qur'ān and Theology abrogations, Qurʾānic readings, and interpretations. After completing an intro of 4
the Qurʾānic sciences, students will study Islamic Theology in English by
convering the text al-'Aqīdah al-Tahāwiyyah.
This course is designed to present students with knowledge about the
preservation of Hadith literature and devolopment of Islamic Law from the time
PCS132 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Intro to Hadīth and Jurisprudence of the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him). Also, students will study 4
Ithāf al-Tālib which is a comprehensive primer of Islamic Jurisprudence rulings
of the Five Pillars of Islam.
An overview course surveying the history of Western civilization and
philosophical trends. Notable civilizations and events will be studied, such as
the ancient Greeks and Romans, the rise of Christianity, and the Renaissance,
PCS141 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Introduction to Humanities 1
along with the major intellectual figures and movements of the time period, such
as the philosophy of Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, and the impact of Muslim
thought on Christian Europe.
A continuation of PCS141, studying the rise of modern European civilization and
thought. Focus will be on the Protestant Reformation and the Enlightenment and
PCS142 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Introduction to Humanities 1
their impact on the development of modern thought. Major philosophers and
their movements will be studied, such as Descartes, Locke, and Rousseau.
This class will immerse the student in an Arabic speaking environment.
Students will be required to implement the fundamental syntax and morphology
they are learning to carry on a conversation. Conversation topics will vary from
PCS151 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Arabic Lab 2
day to day occurrences to current events. Students will periodically be assigned
projects such as preparing speeches in Arabic or group projects such as
performing plays in Arabic.
This class will immerse the student in an Arabic speaking environment.
Students will be required to implement the fundamental syntax and morphology
they are learning to carry on a conversation. Conversation topics will vary from
PCS152 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Arabic Lab 2
day to day occurrences to current events. Students will periodically be assigned
projects such as preparing speeches in Arabic or group projects such as
performing plays in Arabic.
In this course, students will learn the development of the science of Tajwīd, the
codification of major and minor mistakes (al-Laḥn), articulation of the letters
Tajwid and Recitation Lab
PCS161 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind through an in-depth study of the famous text tuḥfah al-aṭfāl of Imam Jumzurī (d. 2
Tuḥfah al-Aṭfāl I
1198/1783). Students will also focus on practically applying the rules studied by
reciting to the teacher.
In this course, students will learn the development of the science of Tajwīd, the
codification of major and minor mistakes (al-Laḥn), articulation of the letters
Tajwid and Recitation Lab
PCS162 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind through an in-depth study of the famous text tuḥfah al-aṭfāl of Imam Jumzurī (d. 2
Tuḥfah al-Aṭfāl II
1198/1783). Students will also focus on practically applying the rules studied by
reciting to the teacher.
Students will learn all the categories of regular verb forms (mujarrad).
PCS201 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Arabic Morphology I 2

Students will study all derivative nounal forms (mushtaqāt) and complex verb
PCS202 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Arabic Morphology II 2
forms (mazīd fīhī).

Copyright © Darul Qasim 2019 2

COURSE CATALOG Shaykh al-Hind Immersion Program

Course Core or Course

Department Course Name Course Description
Code Elective Hours
Students will complete their study of verb forms with 'hamzah' (mahmūz) and
PCS203 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Arabic Morphology III 2
begin their studies of irregular verb forms (muʿtal).
Students will complete their study of all irregular verb forms (muʿtal and
muḍāʿaf). Students will climax the Ṣarf series of courses with a detailed
PCS204 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Arabic Morphology IV 2
discussion on the special meaings (khāṣiyāt) of the commonly used complex
(mazīd fīhī) and irregular (taʿlīl) verb forms.
This course introduces students to the essentials of Arabic syntax (naḥw)
through the study of a primer grammar text. The course aids the students in
understanding and applying all the core Arabic grammar rules through textual
PCS211 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Beginners Arabic Syntax I study and supplementary exercise questions. By the end of the course, students 2
will have the introductory knowledge of the science of syntax and will be able to
identify declinable (muʿrab) and indeclinable (mabnī) words in the Arabic
This course introduces students to the essentials of Arabic syntax (naḥw)
through the study of a primer grammar text. The course aids the students in
understanding and applying all the core Arabic grammar rules through textual
PCS212 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Beginners Arabic Syntax II 2
study and supplementary exercise questions. By the end of the course, students
will be expected to be able to read and grammatically analyze basic Arabic texts
in any field of Arabic or Islamic studies.
Written by Shaykh Sayyid Abu al-Ḥasan ʿAlī al-Nadwī (1377AH/1999CE)
sectioned in five volumes/parts detailing the stories of various Prophets and
concluding with the Sīrah (biography) of the Prophet Muḥammad (may Allah
bless him and grant him peace) in the final book. The author methodically and
systematically developed this series of books for students to apply the theories
PCS213 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Beginners Arabic Literature I of Arabic grammar while continuously building on vocabulary pertaining to 2
further studies within the Qurʾānic sciences. The goal for the students is to
complete the first three volumes/parts of the series throughout the year.
Through the reading and comprehension of the books, students will develop an
adab (etiquette) towards Arabic reading and understanding.

Written by Shaykh Sayyid Abu al-Ḥasan ʿAlī al-Nadwī (1377AH/1999CE)

sectioned in five volumes/parts detailing the stories of various Prophets and
concluding with the Sīrah (biography) of the Prophet Muḥammad (may Allah
bless him and grant him peace) in the final book. The author methodically and
systematically developed this series of books for students to apply the theories
PCS214 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Beginners Arabic Literature II of Arabic grammar while continuously building on vocabulary pertaining to 2
further studies within the Qurʾānic sciences. The goal for the students is to
complete the first three volumes/parts of the series throughout the year.
Through the reading and comprehension of the books, students will develop an
adab (etiquette) towards Arabic reading and understanding.

This course is designed to present students with an overview of the Qurʾānic

PCS221 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Intro to Qurʾān sciences which includes the preservation of the Qurʾān through generations, 2
abrogations, Qurʾānic readings, and interpretations.
This course is designed to present students with the preservation of Hadith
PCS222 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Intro to Hadith & Islamic Law literature and devolopment of Islamic Law from the time of the Prophet (May 2
peace and blessings be upon him) until present day.

Copyright © Darul Qasim 2019 3

COURSE CATALOG Shaykh al-Hind Immersion Program

Course Core or Course

Department Course Name Course Description
Code Elective Hours
A study of a comprehensive primer in Islamic Theology detailing the articles and
PCS223 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind Introduction to Theology 2
declarations of Faith using al-'Aqīdah al-Tahāwiyyah.
Introduction to Islamic A study of a comprehensive primer in Islamic Jurisprudence detailing the rulings
PCS224 Core Immersion Shaykh al-Hind 2
Jurisprudence of the Five Pillars of Islam in Arabic using the text Ithāf al-Tālib

Copyright © Darul Qasim 2019 4

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