Pandit Deendayal Energy University School of Liberal Studies

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School of Liberal Studies

BABBA semester

Science In Everyday Life -Core [16A103]

1a- Newton's first law, or the principle of inertia, states that any body will maintain its
state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line in which it is located, unless a
force is applied to that body. ... Also, a ball at rest will not move until a force acts on

Example : Drift of a space probe

2-a. A semiconductor

A semiconductor is a material that has the electrical characteristics of an insulator,

but for which the probability that an electron can contribute to an electric current,
although small, is large enough.

b-A conductor

An electric conductor is a body capable of passing an electric current.

c- an électrical insulator

an electrical insulator is a part of a component or a member having the function of

preventing the passage of any electric current between two conductive parts
subjected to a difference in electric potential.

3- Explain Total Internal Reflectin with diagram and its conditions.

In the example below, the incident ray passes through the water and goes towards
the air. The first condition of total internal reflection is therefore met, since the
refractive index of the first medium, ie water, is higher than that of the second
medium, ie air. If the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, then the
incident ray will be reflected as if it were hitting the surface of a mirror.

4- Differentiate between Strong Acid-Base and Weak Acid-Base withsuitable examples.

a- Strong acid-Base

For a strong acid AH, the transformation is complete in an

aqueous solution.
the one-way arrow to remind you that the reaction is complete.

This means that its reaction with water is complete:

So if you dissolve n moles of a strong acid in water, then n moles will be formed
which will combine with the water to form n moles of oxonium ions

b-Weak acid-base

For a weak acid HA, the reaction with water is limited:

This means that the basic form A~is likely to react again with
to restore the original acid form, according to the reverse reaction
This is what we use notation for.
5-Elucidate different production methods of X-rays and its use inmedical science.

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation widely used in the fields of medical
imaging and crystallography. They are mainly produced in x-ray tubes.

6-Differentiate between inner and outer solar system and explainabout its one of the planet.

a-differentiate between inner and outer solar system

Inner Solar System "and" Outer Solar System "are two subdivisions of the Solar
System. The inner Solar System extends from the Sun, the center of the Solar
System, to the orbit of Jupiter, which is its outer limit. In contrast, the Outer Solar
System is made up of the rest of the Solar System, specifically the gas giants, icy
giants, the dwarf planet Pluto, the Kuiper belt, and the Oort cloud.

b-explain about its one if the planet

 The solar system is made up of a star, the Sun, around which eight planets, their
satellites, dwarf planets and billions of small bodies (asteroids, comets, dust etc.)

7- Explain four different types of lifting processes and cloudformation in the atmosphere.
a-mechanical or frictional turbulence

Mechanical or frictional turbulence, it occurs when the flow of air near the earth's
surface is dislocated by the frictional force in a series of vortices. This turbulence is
favored by the presence of obstacles (trees, buildings, hills, etc.).


Convection currents They develop when air is heated near the surface. Thermal
convection or turbulence combines with mechanical or frictional turbulence to cause
mixing of the lower layers of the atmosphere.

c-orographic ascent

In orographic ascent What happens is that when the air reaches a mountain or hill
range, it is forced to rise both in the lower layers and in altitude. The upward
movement affects a deep layer of the atmosphere and the vertical temperature
distribution there is altered. The air forced to rise is cooled by adiabatic expansion
and clouds can form.
d-Ascent of great horizontal extension

Ascent of great horizontal extension This is often initially triggered by a divergence in

the upper troposphere. The divergent flow at high altitude causes a decrease in
pressure in the lower layers near the earth's surface, forming a depression.
Convergence then occurs near sea level and a slow, wide horizontal rise occurs over
a large thickness of the troposphere, and then, provided there is sufficient humidity,
significant cloud development occurs.

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