Uts Pre Finals

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I would like to start this essay by being honest.

Actually this past few

months I notice something on my personality. I realize that there is
something wrong, and that wrong is a red flag for me. I become a short
tempered person, hot headed person. I do also have a anger issue.
This problems are leading me to become a bad person, which makes
me think that I need to do something to change this attitude.
First, when there is a problem and that problem me trigger me. The
first thing that I will do is to stay listen and I will think anything that
keeps me calm.
Second, when I finally calm down that is the right time that I will make a
decision. Because I realize that when you are angry then you are going
to make a decision, that decision is a bad decision because you can not
think properly
Third, when my anger issue strikes. The first thing that I do is to get a
soft thing and make it squish until my anger lose.
The last thing that I will do is to train my self to make my patience long.
I am reading a book that can teach a person to how to make your
patience become long. I guarantee to you that it is helpful because it is
effective on me. Now, so far. I can make a good decision. I became a
person who has long patience, and I finally execute my anger issue.

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