Your Answer.: A. Choose The Word Whose Underlined Part Is Pronounced Differently From The Others in Each Group. Circle

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A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group. Circle
your answer.
1. A. how B. tow C. howl D. brown
2. A. soot B. foot C. cook D. tool
3. A. suitable B. biscuit C. building D. guilty
4. A. calls B. airplanes C. accidents D. newspapers
5. A. theft B. northern C. brother D. mother

B. Choose the word with the main stress placed differently from that of the others in each group. Circle
your answer.
6. A. rescue B. lifeboat C. second D. repair
7. A. engineer B. astronaut C. ancestor D. ultimate
8. A. rebelliousness B. predominance C. economist D. entertainer
9. A. complexity B. significant C. wonderfully D. intelligent
10. A. inexpressible B. contributory C. authenticity D. dermatology

For question 11-20, read the following sentences and then decide which word, (A, B, C or D), best fits
each space. Circle the correct answer.
11. They began constructing the bridge in 1960, but several years __________ before the project was
A. evolved B. elapsed C. proceeded D. progressed
12. Whatever happens, your father and I will always __________ you.
A. stand by B. stand for C. stand behind D. stand in for
13. Technology í advancing so quickly that machines becomes__________ almost overnight.
A. obsolete B. archaic C. old-fashioned D. dated
14. If we do not take steps to protect the world’s wildlife, many species of birds and animals are likely
to __________ completely.
A. die out B. die down C. die away D. die from
15. I really don’t know Frank all that well. He’s just a(n) __________ acquaintance.
A. random B. accidental C. informal D. casual
16. I thought she was being serious, but she was only having __________.
A. me up B. me on C. me over D. me round
17. When Jack didn’t come home from school, we were very worried about him. But fortunately he
came to no __________.
A. injury B. hurt C. harm D. damage
18. Paul is a very __________ character; he is never relaxed with strangers.
A. self-confident B. self-conscious C. self-satisfied D. selfish
19. Everything seemed the same as usual at the factory, but behind the __________ a major
reorganization was talking place.
A. surface B. scenery C. scenes D. stage
20. We had to put on three __________ of paint to turn the dark brown kitchen into the new living
A. levels B. coats C. skins D. covers
Choose the words that are CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words.
21. The emergence of supersonic travel opened new horizons for the military, tourism, and commerce.
A. appearance B. urgency C. profitability D. simplicity
22. In the US, elementary education is compulsory nationwide, with state government having no say in
the issue.
A. perfunctory B. desirable C. rational D. mandatory /obligatory
Choose the words that are OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words.
23. His career in the illicit drug trade ended with the police rate this morning.
A. Irregular B. legal C. elicited D. secret
24. The soldiers were told to commence firing in the mock battle.
A. stop B. begin C. evoke D. continue
25. We still find the incident inexplicable.
A. easy to explain C. impossible to explain
B. unexplained D. without clear explanation

For questions 26-35, read the sentences below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in
the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0. We had a heated __discussion__ about love and friendship. DISCUSS
26. restless
It was a __________ afternoon for all the representatives, who were busy preparing REST
the necessary documents.
27. denial
The competitor was disqualified even though his __________ of having used DENNY
steroids was so firm.
28. All newspapers write about the boy’s __________ courage. After all, he was the only PRAISE
one who hurried to the rescue.
29. I wouldn’t say these two statues were made by the same sculptor. In fact, there’s RESEMBLE
little __________ between them.
30 outstanding feature of his character is his great generosity.
The most __________ STAND
31. assertiveness
She is a woman of great determination and __________ that I’ve ever known. ASSERT
32. dependent
He has to work overtime to earn more money as he has so many __________. DEPEND
33. Everyone was surprised by __________ fortunes buried in the garden of the MEASURE
34. The centre does not provide accommodation for students. It only offers RESIDE
residential courses.
35. unestimatedlosses to the local economy.
The worse even flood caused almost __________ ESTIMATE

For questions 36-45, complete the sentences by a suitable form in column A with a preposition in column
B to make a phrasal verb. Some verb and prepositions are used more than once. There is an example at
the beginning (0).

carry come go look down down with down to
put take turn wear into off on up
0. After a short break, they __ carried on__ with their work.
36. go down with
Mum isn’t feeling too well. I think she might be starting to _____________ something.
37. take up
My doctor suggested that I _____________ a sport or join a gym to keep fit.
38. look down on
The Beatles used to be my favourite group, but I’m beginning to _____________ them.
39. comes off
We will make a great fortune if the new product _____________.
40. looking into
The Government inspectors are _____________ the business deals that the Minister has made
with big companies.
41. turned into
My brother _____________ a really quiet person when he went away to the army.
42. Is there somewhere private we can talk? I don’t want to _____________ it in front of all these
43. put
The police _____________ down to
the accident _____________ the fact that the driver fell asleep.
44. wore off
I started to feel ill in the night, once the medicine I had taken _____________.
45. I don’t think a teacher should ever _____________ a student in class.

For question 46-48, read and underline 8 mistakes the following passage. Write the corrections in the
spaces provided. There is an example at the beginning (0).
In many country in the world the transition from adulthood and old age is not seen, as is of ours,
as a less of activity, a retreat from social usefulness. For the old, there is still ‘much to be done’, much
that needs doing and much that it can do better than any others. Such societies do not see old age like
an end of life, but as a source of continuity, link the future with the past, death with life. This more
positive attitude to the aging does not necessarily demand a belief in after-life, or by God; it depends
simply upon the recognition of a vital role that old people have to play in the ongoing life of their society.

0. ____countries____
46. a
____________ 47. it
____________ 48. it
____________ 49. societies
50. an
____________ 51. link
____________ 52. the
____________ 53. ____________

For question 54-65, read the text below and then decide which word, (A, B, C or D), best fits each space.
Circle the correct answer. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Carefully conducted (0) __A__ that have followed the children of working mothers have not been
able to show any long-term problems, compared with children whose mothers stayed at home. My
personal (54)_________ is that mothers should be allowed to work if they wish. Whether we like it or
not, there are a (55)_________ of mothers who just have to work. There are those who have invested
such a big part of their lives in establishing a career that they can not (56)_________ to see it lost. Then
there are many who must work out of pure economic (57)_________. Many mothers are not
(58)_________ out to be full-time parents. After a few months at home with a much loved infant, they
feel trapped and isolated.
There are a number of options when it (59)_________ to choosing childcare. These range from
child minders and nannies through to Granny or the kind lady across the street. (60)_________,
however, many parents don’t have any choice; they have to accept anything they can get. Be prepared!
No (61)_________ how good the childcare may be, some children are going to protest wildly if they are
left. This is a (62)_________ normal stage of children development. Babies separate well in the first six
months, but soon after that they start to get a crush on Mum and close family members. Make sure that
in the first week you allow plenty of time to help your child settle in.
All children are different. Some are independent, while others are more (63)_________ to their
mothers. Remember that if you want to (64)_________ the best for your children, it’s not the quantity
of time you spend with them, it’s the (65)_________ that matters.

0 A studies B researches C interviews D questionnaires

54. A view B idea C thought D decision
55. A percentage B group C number D proportion
56. A afford B decide C hope D expect
57. A reason B duty C necessity D task
58. A made B cut C brought D born
59. A refers B concerns C turns D comes
60. A In addition B In fact C In reality D In contrast
61. A way B matter C surprise D exception
62. A perfectly B extremely C very D certainly
63. A used B attached C keen D fond
64. A make B give C have D do
65. A quality B attitude C behavior D manner

For questions 66-80, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one
word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

If you have the chance (0) __to__ take a walk through Central Park in New York, you will get a
quick tour of the (66)_________ range of cultures and people who live in the city. One man speeds
along on a racing bike singing (67)_________ one
the top of his voice, (68)_________ dances to the beat of
techno music coming from a tape recorder.
Central Park, the first public park built in America, allows for just about (69)_________ conceivable
leisure activity in a rectangle of just over one and a half square kilometres. But it may (70)_________
that its best use is for the most entertaining sport in New York - people watching. Visitors can have
(71)_________ better introduction to the diversity of New York than a stroll in this park.

Central Park did not always embrace (72)_________such a variety of human life. Having won a
competition for the park’s design in 1858, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux saw the place
(73)_________ is
an oasis of calm in a disorderly city. The idea (74)_________ to create a place where the
upper-class citizens of the city could take gentle exercise (75)_________ being disturbed. However, the
park authorities never managed to enforce a regime of order. Olmsted (76)_________ been determined
to create the illusion of the countryside (77)_________ the heart of New York. The fact that skyscrapers
are now visible over the tops of the park’s tallest trees (78)_________ certainly have horrified him. But
this contrast between country and city landscape is (79)_________ its
gives the park (80)_________ very
own special charm..

Read the passage and answer questions 81-90. Circle the correct answer.
The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made
enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat.
Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and
forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. People of different
cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the characteristic foods they consume.
That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that
nitrates and nitrites (commonly used to preserve color in meats) as well as other food additives caused
cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time
to know which ingredients on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful.
The additives that we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to cattle and poultry,
and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are
administered to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply
trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.
A healthy diet is directly related to good health. Often we are unaware of detrimental substances
we ingest. Sometimes well-meaning farmers or others who do not realize the consequences add these
substances to food without our knowledge.
81. What is the best title for this passage?
A. Harmful and Harmless Substances in Food
B. Improving Health Through a Natural Diet
C. The Food You Eat Can Affect Your Health
D. Avoiding Injurious Substances in Food
82. The word “fit” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. delicious B. suitable C. proper D. well-matched
83. The word “prone” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. suspicious B. unlikely C. healthy D. predisposed
84. What are nitrates used for?
A. They preserve flavor in packaged foods.
B. They preserve the color of meats.
C. They are the objects of research.
D. They cause the animals to become fatter.
85. The word “carcinogenic” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. trouble-making B. color-retaining C. money-making D. cancer-causing
86. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. It is recently discovered that drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons.
Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living
Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for more than forty-
five years.
D. Food may cause forty percent of the cancer in the world.
87. The word “detrimental” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. debated B. notorious C. fundamental D. damaging
88. The word “well-meaning” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. well-mannered B. well-intentioned C. well-informed D. well-read
89. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Farmers are not always fully conscious of the consequences of toxic chemicals.
B. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made certain effort to solve the problem.
C. Human well-being is entirely depends on a health diet.
D. We are often in the dark about the harm of processed food.
90. How has science done a disservice to people?
A. Because of science, disease caused by contaminated food has been virtually eradicated.
B. It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food.
As a result of scientific intervention, some potentially harmful substances have been added
to our food.
D. The scientists have preserved the color of meats, but not of vegetables.

For questions 91-93, finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the sentence printed before it. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.
It’s years ......since I enjoyed myself so much................
91. The protests only stopped when the President resigned.
when the president resigned did the protest stop
Not until ................................................................................................................ .
92. Her parents first let her go on a picnic with her friends when she was 15.
first allowed to go on a picnic with her friends when she was 15
She was ........................................................................................................... .
93. It’s a pity that you didn’t accept that demanding but well-paid job.
pity you for not accepting that demanding but well-paid job
I’d........................................................................................................................ .

For question 94-100, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between three to six words. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
0. The bag is not big enough for all my luggage.
The bag …. is too small for …… all my luggage.
94. Students talking in class irritates him.
gets on his nerves is
What ..................................................................... people talking in class.
95. He’s never afraid to say what he thinks.
speak his mind
He’s never afraid to …………………………………..….. ......................
96. I believed in history and lost all the money.
If only history and lost all the taken
97. Because he believed her lies, he gave her $100.
tricked him into giving her $100
98. As I didn’t want to disappoint my parents, I agreed to go to medical school.
wanting to let my parents down, i agreed to go to medical school
Not ...............................................................................................
99. Your chances of being affected by eye-strain and black injury increase with the
amount of time you spend in front of a screen.
The more time you spend in front of a screen,
more likely you are affected by
the ...................................................................... eye-strain and black injury.
100. When James heard that his father had left all his money to his brother he did not find it
didn't come to him as a surprise
It ………………………………………………........................... to hear that his father had left all his
money to his brother.
For questions 21-25, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. Here
is an example (0).
0. I was on the __point__ of leaving when I saw him.
He moved on to the final ____________ on the agenda.
Theo couldn’t see the ____________ of trying to persuade her, she is set in her way.
21. I wouldn’t __________ on Geoff for any kind of support.
As we approached the airport the plane began to __________ quite steeply.
I’d __________ the money as soon as possible - it’s not safe having it lying around the house.
22. I must have read a v of books on the subject but I still don’t understand it.
I’ll return the money next week so there’s nothing to worry about on what __________.
What was the final __________ in the rugby match?
23. I don’t think I can __________ this job a day longer.
Keep stirring the sauce or it’ll __________ to the pan.
As we can’t agree on where to go for our holiday, why don’t we just __________ a pin in the
24. stir
I try to do my shopping early in the morning to __________ the rush.
It won’t taste as good if you don’t __________ the eggs thoroughly before adding them to the
You can’t __________ a nice cup of hot tea when you’re feeling cold and miserable.
25. eye
Their house was in the __________ of the storm and was completely destroyed.
Could you cast an __________ over this report for me, please, and let me know if you notice any
Her __________ sight is so bad now that she needs help getting a thread through a needle.









































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