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Ganda, Madison, "Social Media and Self: Influences on the Formation of Identity and

Understanding of Self through Social Networking Sites" (2014). University Honors Theses.
Paper 55.

Ganda observes that social networks have transformed ways of socializing. As a

result, Ganda embarks on a study to evaluate how social network interaction is
associated with the formation of personal identities. First, Ganda states that one's
identity and understanding are affected by social media through forming a
popularity image or adoption of certain aspects similar to the other users followed
by the person in question. Using a theoretical framework, Ganda brings insights
from Goffman, who observes that interaction between people acts as a guide to
others after one character forms a certain image admirable by followers. From this
positive image, the users/followers are likely to be influenced to change their
behaviors and identities. Indeed, Goffman is reported to perceive a group of
interactions in a dichotomous way whereby people influence others and guide
others through forming the desired impressions of self so that others can get
knowledge from them. Also, Ganda observes, that online interaction needs the user
to create a fake identity conforming with desired impressions and trending
lifestyles. However, the user will work hard to assume the online identity in real-
life hence forming their identities and personality. Perhaps, Ganda observes fake
online identities act as a motivating factor for the user to perform the online
identities that followers have come to know. Therefore, Ganda primarily from a
theoretical perspective brings insights from sociologists such as Goffman. This
article contains a theoretical framework connecting social media, self-image,
personality traits, and behaviors learned from online virtual images.

Gündüz, U. (2017). The effect of social media on identity construction.

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 8(5), 85-85. Retrieved from
Gunduz presents a theoretical and conceptual frame to understand how th social
networking influences identity and character formation. According to Gunduz,
social media platforms have a growing role in our lives because they are places
where people showcase living experiences admirable to others. This is because
they enable one to express their identity, explore other's people identities and
experiment in real-life situations. Basically, Gunduz argues theoretically that
through the ability to present one's identity to others, one may determine how
others perceive them or how they would like to be perceived. As a result, one
reconstructs their identity in a way that is admirable by their followers. A second
ideology employed by Gundz involves self-feeling as a part of a greater body.
Perhaps, here Gunduz presets social media as social interaction network for
security, a sense of belonging for emotional, political, and community bonds. In
this regard, Gunduz argues that social bonds play a key role in one's identity
formation. People try to adjust their personalities, identities, and behaviors in order
to be accepted in a particular group. Therefore, sharing in social media enables the
formation of supportive ad interactive groups that individual users can identify
with. Notwithstanding, individuals tend to identify with some celebrities hence
adjusting their identities and behaviors to conform with those of admired character.
Through virtues images and identities, individuals can express themselves freely
and make one identify their new identities while keeping privacy. Therefore, this
article Is useful in research since it uses a conceptual and theoretical framework to
connect social media usage, virtual image formation, identity formation, and social
networking bonds, and identity formation.

DOWNINGC, (2021). “The role of Social Media in the construction of identities.”

Retrieved from

The article defines identity as we see ourselves and how different groups perceive
us while in social media. In this regard, the article focuses on how the
representation of celebrity culture influenced individual identities. Although
celebrity culture was traditionally presented through tabloids such as The sun,
gossip magazines, and reality TV shows, social media has made audiences
obsessed with celebrity identity by copying and mimicking their behavior and
identities. Through following the celebrities on Twitter and Instagram, the social
media act as opinion leaders guiding audiences on how to behave concerning a
certain admired lifestyle. For instance, sharing information and images about a
public figure enables audiences to identify with aspects acceptable in society.
Secondly, the article argues that it reinforces existing identities and values. Indeed,
adolescents and young adults rely on social media to identify who they are. Due to
peer pressure and being desperate for social acceptance, young adult users of social
media are tempted to use fake identity constructs. As a result, one rejects trues
aspects that do not conform with the new virtual image. However, exposure to
violent content negatively influences individual behavior. Therefore, the article is
resourceful to my research since it connects celebrity identity and identity
formation in media and how the internet shapes how we view the environment and
our relation with others and ourselves.

Ganda, Madison, "Social Media and Self: Influences on the Formation of Identity and
Understanding of Self through Social Networking Sites" (2014). University Honors Theses.
Paper 55.

Gündüz, U. (2017). The effect of social media on identity construction.

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 8(5), 85-85. Retrieved from
DOWNINGC, (2021). “The role of Social Media in the construction of identities.”
Retrieved from

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