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People who suggest that Mrs. Baroda has a sense of rebellious self-indulgence think that Mrs.

Baroda is not respectable. They believe in the end; she allows Gouvernail to return to visit
because she has given in to the temptation she was fighting off on his first visit. Therefore, she
cannot be trusted by men. The assumption that she gave into temptation is false. The rebellious
aspect comes to show her husband the consequences of forcing her to be comfortable with
something she is not.

Men and women do indeed have different views on life. The couple had spent all winter
entertaining other people and being very social (Chopin, 2017). Mrs. Baroda wanted to spend
quality time with her husband alone and was annoyed that he invited his friend without asking
her first. It shows that women expect to be included in decision-making these days (Clayton et
al., 2019). In the Victorian era, women's opinions did not matter. However, things have changed
and women do have a say. The fact that Gaston invited his friend for two weeks offended Mrs.
Baroda. Both men have different ideas on how time should be spent from Mrs. Baroda. Mrs.
Baroda does not conform to the boundaries of males' complete dominance. She expects to be
heard and her opinions considered before any decision is made. She shows this by opposing the
idea of Gouvernail visiting again after his first visit. In modern society, communication is
important to sustain a relationship. It is important for Mrs. Baroda to voice her opinion on
Gouvernail to her husband so he can know that he needs to be more open with his wife when
making decisions.

Women are unpredictable and adaptive. Her response to finding out that Gouvernail would be
visiting was negative hence one would expect that she would be very negative towards him.
However, Gouvernail's personality managed to change Mrs. Baroda's attitude towards him. She
tries to form conversations with him and accompany him on his walks. She was interested in
discovering his personality underneath the reserved persona she believed was a mask. Her
husband, Gaston, expressed his wife's unpredictable nature when she complains of the trouble
of having to plan for Gouvernail's comfort unlike other guests. He expected that she would like
Gouvernail since he did not expect much and gave no trouble.

Resisting temptation is not easy. The fact that Mrs. Baroda consciously chose to leave
Gouvernail instead of touching him as she wanted shows great self-control. To avoid that
scenario from repeating itself, she even left and went to stay in the city for the remainder of
Gouvernail's visit. Studies show that in order to gain self-control, one needs to distance
themselves from the temptation first (Milyavskaya et al., 2021).These actions show her respect
for her marriage since she identifies the weakness her attraction to Gouvernail would bring into
her marriage. Her respect is also seen when she accepts her husband's plan to accommodate
Gouvernail even though she had not planned for it.

Mrs. Baroda is a good wife. She respects her husband and his decisions while voicing her
opinion on matters. She also resists the temptation to carry out her inappropriate thoughts
when with Gouvernail and takes the initiative to stay away from him. In the end, she suggests
that Gouvernail could visit again after overcoming everything. The only challenges she needed
to overcome in the story were her urges to touch Gouvernail inappropriately, her incessant
need to uncover his real personality and the urge to tell her husband of her thoughts on
Gouvernail. The product of giving in to these temptations would be a broken marriage. Her
efforts to overcome them show that she is not willing to jeopardize her marriage. Therefore,
she has come to terms with her feelings and is confident that Gouvernail's presence will not
sway her any longer. That makes her a respectable woman.

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